
Wembley And The Fs Lord Mayor Day.
Wembley Up to date Jewelry Langup to It was but a few minute to fode or it your stocking with RIT are like new LAN Red Mustand Tas cuonot be measureda dode Fuller Jewelry Store Fero Pink Light Grey Flesh Yellow OUR Danielle Grey Henna Navy Blue RH a Be Prepared for that Pain Tons gery Bruises, Sunshine.
THE BEER picturesque effect to drive bome the lesson of th SOSSDXS84S SOW8186330303 SS S035850386 Imperial leader, and silently admonished the bousewife ont to buy foreiga goods. The Daly Chronicle.
At the banquet in the GuildWEST INDIES AND GUIANA ball in the evening, Mr. Stanley IN EMPIRE PAGEANT.
Baldwin, the Prime Minister, referred to the success of ia the following For the first time in history terms: both the Brisb West Indies and The cooperation of the British Guiana were represented Rinse thoroughly.
Mother Conntry and the Dominthis year by decorated cars in the Lord Mayor Sbow on Nodeur rekla ons and Colonies oversea is. In every form can be seen subject very near to the hearts here at its best See our vember 9th. The cars, which of every member of the present were included in part of the proGovet ment. We are watching Wrist Watches, cession called the Pageant of Keep the Dainty Garments Empire, were described in the with Eat sympatby the way of Intimate Wear Always in which the various Dominions oficial catalogue as follows:Bracelets Bright and Fresh!
are to day struggling with dira.
colt internal conditions, just as Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
Car emblematical of the British Diamond Rings Have RIT always at hand to keep they, am sure, regard with West Iddles, our oldest group of sympathy vur efforis here at Colonies, pretty stockings and other articles displaying various home. This year bas seen the and a hundred other adornof lingerie looking their best kinds of West Indian produce, by tinting or dyeing them with second, and am sorry to say ments and you ll recognize such as sugar, rum, cocoa, babaRIT. There are thirty one the final season of that nas, citrus fruit, arrowroot. etc. beautiful shades and colours ful Exhibition at Wembley which why this is the LEADING etc. and drawing attention to all equally good for treatbilled so great a part la the JEWELRY HOUSE in town tbose Colonies as the ideal winter ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens. There are 31 colours lite of London and the provin ask prices and you ll find still resort When garments or hangings are Canary Yellow Larrader ces during the last two years.
another reason. Dark Blue Light Brown The resul:s of such an enterprise spotted, sun streaked, stained or Purple Decorated car, showing in faded, take out all the old colour with Dark Brown. But it an front corners two fine specimens WHITE RIT. Then the material Dark Green Light Blue immense work, not only in of Colony palms, in rear corners is ready for the desired light or dark Rose Salmon Phone 629 two stands of growing sugar shade of colour.
Orange bringing home to these from the 122 Central Ave.
Golden Yellow Erald Green minions wbo bave visited Us canes. Beneath the palms are Sold Everywhere Scarlet Cartner toe potentialities of this country; two life size tigures, one of Sir.
Thngerie Light Green it har Walter Raleigh and the other of familaris: our own an aboriginal Carib Indian. In Taupe the centre is a pyramid, surcould bave ne, with the poterSUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO. mounted by the flag of the Col.
Chicago, tialities of our Imperial beritage.
ony, representing diamonds, gold WAS AN have no dov that the results MONTEZUMA of the Exhibition will be to aluminium derived from bauxite, You can stop excruDRUG, STORE qo cken and stimulate the rice, and engar, with coco buts RIT ciating pain instantly at the base. On either side of the devel pment of trade between PANAMA WASHES if you will only apply pyramid are casks of rum and AS IT DYES the Dominions and this country, molasses, the wbole draped in ard, what is not less important, SLOAN LINIMENT blue and gold, the colour scheme to stimulate tbe passage of our people from this densely topu Sloan Liniment is of the British Guiana Court at fo SSWOSS the British Empire Exbibition, Ex Sex Sexsssesses lated island into tbe, as yet, pain greatest enemy, sparsley populated territories and is backed by 40 years Wembley.
across the sea which await of success the world over.
The day, for November, was developa. ent at their hands; briliantly tine, and the supersti It is an invaluable rem The measures taken by the ody for tious might have attributed this to the West Indies car, wbicho so Soxo Governm nt for the expansion of Rheem Schatica British trade include the BriWas surmounted by the inscripSore Throat ish Industries Fal. which Bedactie tion in bold letters, The Islands Sprins will be held Dext epring, simulOn either side of a tanc ously it Birmingham and Chest Paine Stilf Neck large puncheon of rum were London. It is the intention of the It penetrates right to pyramids of Jamaica oranges Government to do everything the seat of trouble, and a plentiful supply of bananas SUPPLIED BY to sbow the potentialites of those poesibe to make that Fair warms and soothes the Colonies in respect of the prosuccess and to attract oversea nerves and tissues, banduct of fruit. Black men in ishing pain.
buyers in larger cumbers than heretofore. wish to urge on the Try it now.
large straw hats added to the magufacturers of this country At all druggists and the importance of considering dealers.
The cars were very favourably carefully the facilities that Fair commented upon. Lot only by the offers, because am convinced publle on the route of the proces.
myself that through the medium SLOAN sion, must bave numbered of such Fairs we may do a great LINIMENT many thousands, but also by the deal to carry on that kind of inPress, as the following extracts struction which Wembley gave from the newspaper of Novemfrom both the Dominion and the ber 9th and 10 will show:domestic side. It is only by the 7000 OGOOO000000000000000 The opportunity for the spread of knowledge of that wits was the appearance of the kind that we shall lay the foundTRY West Indies show of bacanas with atin upon which we shall be the other fruits. Dont you risk able to build a better and taking them down the Strand KRONEN BRAU increased trade in future years.
was the advice to the driver. Toe. West India Committee Circular.
sunshine made the white linen ON DRAUGHT suits of the British Guiana planters look quite suitable for OR BOTTLES the day. Evening News O0000 3000 10000000000000000 find myself tbipking of Hygeia. Goodess of Health The following appeared in ought never to have a cold, but Answers of July 18th 1925. M, WILKINSON as draw my overcoat round me TRY OUR NEW BEER prisoner on trial at some and walk on numbed feet feel ass zes recently was not profes Contractor that she would do well to broach sionally represented.
one of those casks of rum which Before proceeding with the and Builder figured so proudly on the car of case the judge spoke to him British Guiana. The Eveniny seriously: Standard. You know this is a very House No. 20 Five vehicles represented the Berlous offence you are charged 28th NOV. STREET, with.
products of Australia, New If you are convicted it will mean a long term of impriSAN MIGUEL Zealand, India, the Wesi Indies, and Britisb Gulana. The typical sonment as well as a heavy fine. Box 411, Panama, P.
ngures of settlers and the Have you no counsel or solicitor merchandise and food stuffs on to look after your defence? Plans and Specifications Free these were in themselves a The accused did not appear to striking trade message, empbabo put out in any way by this First Class Workmanship sised by the banners which information. With a happy smile he leaned over the rails of the Guaranteed tloated from the cars with invitations to buy British and con dock, and in a confidential tone Empire goods. Morning Post, replied: No, my lord, have neither Notice to Correspondents.
The motto of British Guiana.
consel nor solicitor, but am Contributors and correspondents emblazoned on her car, Domus, Petimusque Vicissim. We give pleased to be able to inform your are asked to seod their contribu.
worsbip that have some real tions not later than Thursdays to and ask by turns. concentrated palls on the jury.
insure publication. This is imperaof what Empire trade meant. Daily Mail tive and must be adhered to Another telling display was the British Consulate Notice.
British West lodian car, heaped full of bananas, oranges, and lemons (bells of St. Clement The Acting British Consul at Cococo outs, sugar, and rum. Unlon would be glad to learn of the Why pay donble price derneath the spreadiog palms of whereabouts of Clement Nathaniel for inferior imported the British Guiana car, Sir Wal Braithwaite, a native of Barbados, Boer when you can ter Raleigh, gentleman that he who arrived on the Isthmus about was, sat in friendly converse with fifteen years ago. He is about 40 buy a superior Beer an aboriginal Carib Indian: The years of age and was employed at such as BALBOA for Times.
Gatun as a joiner, half the price.
New Zealand, with a car rich with produce lodia, with a canopied pavilion, complete with minarets, the West Indies and British Guiana, with their palms and bacanas aud black boys and TAKE NOTICE coxeoXSOS HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA white planters, gave us fleeting CANAL ZONE.
zlimpses of lite in the Dominions Office Hours: a. to p. The WORKMAN Newsand Colonies, and pointed the pratical lesson o cioser Imperial to pm paper cản be had at the foltrade relationship. The Daily DAILY lowing places: Telegraph.
PHONE 1288 BALBOA Lindsay Place, No. 2, So with the cars of New Zeastreet. San Miguel.
and British Guiana all com biota Specializes in all the branches March, Barber, 55, Caliof Dentistry.
Aunis Roed. PAINS ENEMO The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.


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