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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 19 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE CONFESSIONS OF QUEEN STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History parties man Battling Siki SSSSSSSos (54C stoog ITEMS OF INTEREST British Consul. Translated from a local daily) EXCELSIOR THEATRE Local And Foreign. Continued from page 1)
One day in September 1923 the Isthmus. In the Republic of Pancables flashed a message which TO NIGHT caused grest astonishment in For the further encourama and in the Cacal Zone, there agement and protection of Indians, and we have among them are some forty thousand West pugilistie circles that the scientific Georges Carpentier had fallen unthe Republic sugar cane people from all the West Indian der the blows of a dark, unpolished industry, the lowering of the islands and Colonies, who arrive African who had assumed the price of gasoline and the bere, strangers to each other but peculiar fighting name of Battling With Alice Terry Lewis Stone providing of a bigger outlet linked by be common bond of Siki. Parisian ladies vied with for the surplus alcohol which desirable that, forgetting any British nationality It is highly each other for the honor of being Here is a story of a woman soul stripped bare for the world to see the is now being used principally jealousies that may exist between at hie side, while fanatics carried this mordero Sengalese on their beauty and tragedy of Royal Existence. It tears the veil of secrecy from behind in the liquor industry. Presi the Islands and other colonies.
shoulders, Siki suddenly raised to a Throne.
dent Chiari has issued a they should live in unity and the rank of a demi god believed Stupendous Metro Goldwyn Production.
decree Providing for the use gaining the esteem of the inhabitconcord oa the Isthmus, thue himself a spoilt child who could do of alochol and 95 gas ants of this country as a solid anything he pleased. He entered Two Shows 20 and 45 Prices; 15, 20, and 25, cts.
cabarets and attacked the bartenoline where gasoline is now self speeting entity, joined by ders, then assailed decent Americonsumed in the republic to the boods of frieodship and comcans who had gone to MontTO MORROW NIGHT generate force or as a com mon citizenship. Your Committee, martre or the Moulin Rouge to bustible. This mixture, in general, can work towards this acting on behalf of West Indians have a little wet time, and eveo MILTON SILLS IN according to the decree may end far better than any outside flogged a policeman, all this for be increased in alcoholic con individual.
mere pleasure. Later he made a THE MAKING OF MALLY mascot of a lion which he took tents gradually, as determined am deeply gratified at your around with him on all the princi pal boulevards, the animal getting PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION by the Ececutive Power by expression of opinion of the excelsubsequent decrees to be lent relations which have been tired, be was compelled to carry it Beautiful Story of a self made man, one who climb from the remotest issued as the necessity of fostered by Captain de Comeau in his arms and was bitten by its with the British West Indian depthsof life to fortune and success. See it for yourself. You will enjoy the sharp teeth.
the country demands.
Then followed his startling evening spent at the Excelsior.
Colon. Kaowing him as do, career. He went to Iraland and According to cable advices ion of him, aud should have been can hertily endorse your opin on St. Patrick doy, the day oa which no good Irishman is sup Evening. 20 and 45, Prices: 15, 20 and 25 cts. reaching here yesterday, greatly surprised bad he failed posed to lose, and was beaten by Colonel William Mitchell of gain your respect and esteetn.
Mike MeTigue, thereby losing the the United Army Air Service, take this opportunity of assurtitle he had gained in France. sexsesso sc 01Sessos cox 3:50:00 03sob who has been for weeks ing yeu that both Captain de Around the ring was a double cordon of soldiers with bayonets under trial by a court martial Comvau and myself bave always at heart the best interesis of his for criticising the air policy Majesty subjects here, and that fixed.
of the United States Gov it is our earnest desire to do all in Naturally eccentric, Siki next NEW THEORY OF wished to ach the land where he erment was found guilty of our power to further those interests thought he would find a fruitful Continued from page 1)
charges of breaking discipline In conclusion, wish to tender field for his innocent sorties, and. by his attacks against the my best wishes for the continued went to New York where he met ready means of getting themKid Norfolk in a 20 round match selves dry. Even morning brought Government air policies. Toe British West Indian Welfare success in its varied activities of and received a good mauling no help from any quarter to this He was sentenced to five mmittee, and to thank you most Later he took part in three other part of the coast.
years suspension from the heartily for this visit welcoming bouts with various results, and on Had the Kirk wall authorities Army.
me back.
one oceesion entered the ring in a taken the trouble to send cut an Mr. Ford was looking quite well complete state of intoxication. Af airplane, as could have been done AND in spite of a recent operation which ter a while he went to Cuba where with out any difficulty, or had a This year cail for con he had undergone in England. He pneumonia nearly wiped him out, boat been allowed to put out from Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 tribution to the Canal Zone spoke of the wonderful exhibition but on recovering he returned to Stromness or anything like the United States.
Chapter of the American Red at Wembley, and of the extra rdiadequate rad been Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Cross is announced by Mr. had the goed fortune to meet wbile narily good weather which ho had The Americans getting tired, organised, Kitchener landing however, of his many tricks and place could not but have been disPaul Vecker, head of the away.
scandals decidad to deport him, co vered.
Panama section. The amount but Siki mind was made up to Summary of Contents: As the 14th also marked the remain and he arranged to take but England With the dawn, the gale relaxed, to be raised by Panama is five departure of Mr. Keith Jopson, greatest History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years hundred dollars. The drive B. Vice Consulat Colon, who out citizenship papers, application remained prostrate and, save for Full. Particulars of 1900 Tour, for which was made on the same those two chance comrades, alone closes on January 15, 1926 goes on a well earned vacation the and indications are that this sent to that Officer a letter of gooi made it its preday that the Italian movie star, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Rodolfo Valentino, filed bis.
Here Mr, Power breaks off the Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, figure will be easily over wishes. Mr. Jopson has always Siki is said to have sa ved story of the fate of the Field Mar 100, 000 but little by little it was reveal it next week, and proceeds shal with the remark that he will Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual subscribed, as the Red Cross been courteous and considerate is the greatest humanitarian with all those who have bod getting away from him on account to state that while the Hampshire Players organization in the world Consulate, and his return to this occasion, to approach him at the many fines he paid in the was sinking, those ashore who saw of the courts and because of the it differ her plight were sending telegraphie Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and administering aid without post will be most welcome.
ent manner in which he was band, call for help, none of which was Interesting regard to class, creed or ing it out by handfuls to bis many answered, and that when offers colour. fine selection of Christmas and women.
This week the cables again bring were made by volunteers to man a Price 50cts.
fifeboat apparatus at Stromness, uy news of Siki, announcing his five miles away they were snubNew Year Greeting Cards (all the general weekly English) at the British Drug Store, assassination on one of the greets bed.
meeting of the La Boca Bolivar Street, Colon, of New York where the ebonied Athenaeum to be held at the fighter was found one morning ly.
Mr. Power adds that in a former Secure yours now there will be a great rush La Boca Clubhouse on Tuesin article he Onitted to say that at Miss Linda Smart ing in blood with a deep wound for them, his neck. And even the tews of one time it was planned that Lloyd day evening next, the 22nd, Visit.
this tragedy has not failed to cause George should accompany Kitchen there will be nomination and Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN some bilarity among a certain ele er but that the plan fell through at election of officers for that ment.
the very last moment.
Panama Miss Linda Smart of Colon organization for the term spent a delightful time on her visit January June 1926.
here on Saturday evening last, Have you seen the five selection arriving from Colon by way of LA Have you seen the fine selection of Christmas and New Year of Christmas and New Year Greet ng Cards on sale at the In a suit recently filed in Boer where she was a guest of the Woman Life Problem Club. In the Canal Zone Greeting Cards on sale at the WOKRMAN Stationery Store! All District the afternoon of the same day she WORKMAN Stationery Store? All English beauties, and going fast Court, the Panama Canal is delivered a masterful address English beauties, and going fast only a few remaining.
seeking to recover 10, 500 before the Club at a special meeting only a few remaining.
from the United Fruit Com called for the occasion and later THE TOUR.
pany for salvage work done came to the city wiere she took CANAL ZONE NOTES part in a program at the Wesleyan Why throw away your old, but no in connection with the Com social ball for the benefit of pany ship San Gil when children. Continued from page 5)
doubt interesting, books when you she ran on a reef near Provi Miss Smart returned to Colon (Continued from page 5)
quota especially if Dewhurst dence, Colombia, Women Life Problem Club wao found it impossible to make the have them neatly bound at during the 10 train on Sunday evening.
can October last. The Panama at Palo Seco where she again took after visiting the Leper Colony at favoured with a vivit, as, was pre trip. He is, undoubtedly, the viously announred, by Miss Linda second best wicket keeper in the Canal Claims the service was part in a program arranged for the Smart, well known scholar and West Indies and with more done by their Tug Favorite occasion by the Woman Life public worker of the Windy City, steadiness would develop into a Miss Smart had crussed the Isth fine batsman. Though there were 93 CENTRAL AVENUE under contract and that the Problem Club of La Boca, service was for seven days at Miss Smart was accompanied by mus to take part in a program at one or two who disagreed with the Wesleyan social ball in Panama us we are pleased to note that her mother Mrs. Fred Smart.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre the rate of 1, 500 per day.
and so was able to attend to both Barbados and no doubt Major duties on the same trip. The sub Austin has seen through similar The following gentlemen SPARKLETS ject of Miss Smart address was spectacles and taking no chance have been (Continued from nage Modern Woman It need hardly wisely decided appointed have Nasci be said that the young lady fully mento whether or not Dewburst ADVERTISE committee for the 1926 Car with people on the Atlantic end; have met Miss Smart. Mr.
maintained her scholastic and makes the trip.
nival: Juan Parades, Ernes. Ferreira, Mr. Parker, Mr. Cherry elocutionary reputation by the This now makes nine players to Arosemena. Paul Vecker. bave not met Mr. Gaskin.
manner in which she handled her already mentioned as being the subject, and although all her hear number to be supplied from IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS Felix Maduro, Carlos de Mr. Gaskin seems to know much ers could not be expected to see outside of Barbados. If Dewburs la Osa, Melendez, Lee of the psychology of the West Yin, David de Castro and me right, he some time ago wrote.
Indian exactly with her in the Feminist goes, and there seems no reason as, if my memory serves ideas ofw hich she admitted to be why he may not it is expected London Berlin Dance XMAS CARDS Esteban Rodriguez. The average West Indian feels an ardent adherent, yet her mas that Nascimento will stand down terful talk must have at least so it seems clear that Barbados toU. Music.
that one does not like him or that one is bis enemy if he expresses an stirred up and suggested construe. will find the requisity form of Have you seen the fine selection opinion contrary to his. There is tive, collateral ideng of the toany the players on arrival at of Christmas and New Year Why pay donble price some amout of truth in this It is reported here by cable that defects of the Modern Women there, or more as we dare say thousands of people in Earlaod Greeting Cards on sale at the statement and this peculiar idioand the problems intellectual, that Barbados will count great WORKMAN Stationery Store? All for inferior imported syncracy of my fellow islander social and mors which are so deal. We have little doubt that and Germany danced on Tuesday English beauties, and going fast Beer when you can affects, adversely, much of our prominent in our day.
one of Major Austin experience best to music broadcasted from only a few remaining.
buy a superior Beer progress. You disagree with him and knowledge will take no was heard with the greatest dis.
and he challenges vour very fine selection of Christmas and chances in playing any possible! tinctness in Eogland and said to be existence.
such as BALBOA for Rent Raceipt Books in Span On this score, in rare New Year Greetiog Cards (al representative it his showing at half the price.
instances do the other fellows take English) at the British Drug Store, practice is not wbat it ought to unprecedented in the history of sh and English for sale at the us seriously and they beat tis Bolivar Street, Colon.
broe deasting Workman Printery every time at our own game!
Book Binding. THE WORKMAN a be.


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