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PRICE Cts. Cy.
SPARKLETS Rector of St Peter Church Colon, December, 1925 His Britannic Majesty Minister to Panama. Rector of St. Paul Church.
La Boca, Canal Zone. To the Editor THE WORKMAN RE ELECTED Dear Sir: Your kind This is a week, if at no other The Word was made tlesh, and request for a Christmas Message time in the year, to say and think WEST INDIANS. GREETINGS. Today in our services we are dwelt among us. St. John 1:14 compels me to return so delicate pleasant things of oneself as well mazing religious obsesvanee of Christmas again! And again we courtesy by a prompt compliance, as of those who love you and those Another year has slipped away and another milestone the inspiring Christmas Festivalurite in celebrating the greatest, and therefore begio express the who would raise your scalp; a week passed on the road of life, and now we have Christmas once in loyal adoration of Christ, our the most important event iu the thoughts which fill my mind at from now will come time in again with us and the New Year approaching! wish you all King. It is a time of joyous senti historv of the world! From every this Season which a very happy one, and a most prosperous and progressive ments which express by our Warter of the civilized world The more meditate on the family the best and then shower New Year greetings and gifts to friends whom there goes up to the throne of the significance of Cristmas the more the balance of good wishes we dearly esteem. The air is vib Most High to day the everlasting fully realize the great wisdom others. It may be out of place to Now, pause for a moment and have a look at your raot with music set to the message Gloria in Excelsis. St. John tells and goodness of God in planning so express this apparent Darrowselves. What have you done with your lives during the past of the angels: Glory to God is us to day to think of the Incar the first Christmas scene, The Saviour was born for all to the other fellows, but that ness in banding the good things year, and what are you going to do with them during the the highest, and earth peace to nation not as an evanesant thiog, for the Word was tabernacled mankind, and what better way of the way with the world, agh coming one? That is an important and searching question for men of god pleasure.
In hymns, carols and anthetns amongst us. Christ took up His emphasizing it than by appearing some make it a little plausible for you. Here is, once again, your opportunity for some new the one great theme je repeated abiding place here. am with as one of the lowest of these smooth working. And so whether resolutions. Here is your chance for many of you to make a over and over again. We repeated you always are the words of His Picture Him in that helpless state my Campaign Speech of last fresh start and resolve this time to make good. You can do it because after almost two thous: God teha nad man, kthe saviour ana invalid. Remember Him lying in a my way or not, was re elected to mouth, He who came between it if you will. You can keep to the straight and narrow and years, men have found it path and become prosperous, happy and contented. But impossible to add its sublimity and Friend of the world, came to stay. humble manger. Not the artistic in make no mistake about it. You must continue to work hard, sweetness. But it is the old mes. The secret of our Christmas joy cradle which our faney erects, but cabinet to serve the people and new thoughts ever cannot be expressed in fewer or in a rough crib in a dilapidated stable during the year 1926. Probably keep fit and well disciplined. You must also be honest, springing Jirom its fathomlegg better words chosen for our base. istered with the food and the my contemporary collaborator of stick to your jobs, be loyal to yours employers and do your depth.
The Incarnation is the central bidding of cattle, and scented with the from Red Tank duty. And this reminds me of nething. Who are the men lo this season we are wont to be truth, the one grand event which bay and grass See Him clad in did justice to me at the bulls, and and women going to win in the race of life? It will not be magnanimous philanthropic and makes Christmas Day so precious simple coverings. Recall the snow if so thank him as well as my the dishonest ones: nor the sneaks, thieves or hypocrites. charitable. In these ways we try to every believer heart. And you on the ground and the air frosty other supporters They rarely prosper and are never happy. Victory goes to to show an application of the will have no difficulty in seeing with biting cold, As the memory Christ naturally out of this main paints once more these details of WRONG CAPTION.
the strong, honest, hard working thrifty and healthy peoples all the glories of these wirtues les of social bliss. come trickling however weat or poor or suffering stream of joy all the other lesser the first Christras, who is it, Speaking further of Brother You remember that Ruskin said: If you want knowledge, Coming to the world Incar last you must toil for it, and if pleasure, you must toil for it. nate, the Babe of Bethlebem erorgh the wilderness of life can fail to dirive comfort from the first beheld him sincere miros debut that, brought all graces and virtues with Why are we so kind to children at Toil is the law. Pleasure comes through toil and not by which the problem of humanity this time especially but because misfortunes there lies the Babe of a paragraph captioned Garvey self indulgence and indolence. When one gets to love work, Errs Brother Myers said he was relation to God and itself might Christ was made a little child for Bethlehem?
his life is a happy one.
much wrought up over my forever be solved.
us, and has consecrated the age, the the beautiful girl mother effrontery that if the incident had Mary, am glad to see what good progress the West Indians habits, fall the rightful little ways sends us also a word of comfort taken place over in our fatherland The buman been of Infwney and early ebildbood, by She, though especially called to a he would have a very heavy vancement. It is education that is advancing your race, far as it has songht to operate un Perer but memorials of the com No aching heart at this is one that, conscientiously, the paragraph are making in education, in civilization and in general ad trying for being to selve this exhibiting them all in Hie Divine great privilege, Fenrosents a creat penaltiga indicted one mine better kindred probiems; but only in Sol Person? What are our gift to each are chosen to be a great sorrow calming down, however, he said and you are rapidly becoming an enlightened and progres: der the influence of Christ has iting of the Magi with their three but feel that Marynamportant proper was not really peppery but sive people. But remember that for the good of the world: euceeded to any marked degree, fold offerings of gold and frapkin factor of the first great Christmas, it was the caption Garvey Errs for the good of mankind; for the good of civilization; for Family affections, communal cense and myrrh? Do we not consi. brings with her the consolation or which provoked anger; he probably the good of progress: for the destruction of ignorance and intercourse international der the poor at this senson especial oor who has also sufferal much.
prejudice, the white and coloured races must work. play the softeaing touch of Christianity which were on Pouch low estate? formity to the will of God. Orphook frankly criticize. If that was what ineant that if in one opinion the ly because Joseph and the Joseph, the silent, teaches con great leader errs he and advance together in friendship, harmony and under: Forgiveness, compassion, equity and all our festivity, what is it but throughout the world the posterk be meant, disagree with him.
standing. It is through misunderstandings that much of the truth and all the virtues that the natural expression of our joy, upon him, not only as the foster. When we trouble in the world arises. The white and coloured make life purposeful and helpful even though we may have half for father of the Infant, but also as should be make mistakes we criticized peoples need each other for mutual assistance, trade, co were enfolded in the breast of the gotten the Fountain from which it their own true guardian, venerable the reason served for nearly two operation, and a thousand other things, and those who are iufaut around whose mangers Aow?
of endeavouring to teach you otherwise, wno are trying to kielt in devotion and to whom mas message is to as ist you, dear years in President Whyte cabinet cradly the Easteen travellers The purpose of this short Chriet and pity, And the three thuman, the jectives and verbs be catches me up on my adfoster racial antagonism and hatred, are leading you along a dangerous and deadly road, the end of which is misery Wey offered of their richest ireas friends and readers of The Wor, beautiful picture of the harmony minutes taken eight weeks before woman, and the Child. present a frequently slip when writing my MAN, to enter into the sprit and and even, perhaps, destruction.
May You all desire the prosperity and happiness of your own bate of our best, which is our heart God; that he might be com little the household, nukung cach home them, whether or not we like to do devoutly and meaning of Christmas, God became which should exist, especially at the meeting at which they are adoringly worship him and giving men that man might become as this time, between the members of wanted, at the eve of reading country and people; but do not forget that Luther said vie the prosperity of a country depends not on the abundance of tokeas of ratitude for the gift of little lower than the brutes. And adore the New Born, bid us pre placed before the public eye in visitors in loving higher than the angels, instead of a a faithful copy of the Holy Family criticized, we should be prepared The Shepherds on their way to to stand criticism when we are its revenues, nor on the strength of its fortifications, our Saviour and King?
in light. we wish nor on the beauty of its public buildings: but it consists in you. one and all, a most joyous serve the beautiful custom of visit: positions affecting the public.
the numbers of its cultivated citizens, in its men of educaChristmas!
at tion, enlightenment and character. Here are to be found its glod Season Christmas is a time SLUMP IN CRIVA BUSINESS true interest, its chief strength and its real power.
BY KING of good cheer, and the remem. few words more. Most of you whom am addressIf the owners and operators of wenty five years ago, when Jesus brance of friendship broken can ing are living in Panama or in the Canal Zone, and many ot Chriet came to earth ar a savior only bring a sense of sadness and Chivas had taken my tip off of Another year is today added to Of mankind; heoce on this day of regret. How pleasant it would be a few months ago, many of them you are employed there. By being employed, and by living the lives of those who are and were each year work and referencedy Miere could find us still faitıful to the probably suffer or be inconven if each succeeding Christmas Day who are now worrying and will in this country, you are benefitting yourselves, and you alive on Christmas Day of 1924: nd more by His exenuplary should be grateful. both to the people of Panama and of and twday brings another plesant His devotion to His parents and friends of years ago. The beauti ieneed from he effects of the rethe Zone for such benefits. Therefore respect their laws, be dvestof where the corres en wat els toridaeis during toyhood dabe. es reguiarly, each year at this regulations of the zone would, as duty of ours to commemorate the working of knowledge of noble ful Christmas Rose, which flou ish cent amendment to the traffic courteous and polite to everyone, and teach your children, Peace the holested good wifi honegen bour forh livelihood perird, should be to us a lesson of are the shareholders of the com by your own example, to be the same. Tell your boys to to ward men reverberate the during manhood and His preaching pany, which owoed and operated join the Scouts, where they will, while young, learn the eartti, duties, and responsililities of good citizens, and grow up to and carrying out the ethics of the And the King, with their pre the bus. Line under tha name of relixion which he introduced and sents, leave the lesson for the for be in normal mood and to what be useful men and a pride to their parents and their country. the formal passing around of the it for our adoption True Chris tunate and highly favoured people coilety pursuing some dependable is not enough for vocation. That company sold out Finally, do not forget that the British West Indians, in good will to one another which There is very little to be added Christmas tree listering to the them to be merry round their own before the slump was announced new regulations will create so many spheres of life, have a good name and a fine record characterized last Christmas affecto our sentiments on each succeed carols echoed from the street. Ibis sume hardships and also send things to live up to. Keep this record clean and see to it that you past year, but it is a fact that soine ing Christmas, otherwise than to Season should prompt them to be back to the time when it was nearly ted the hand it on, untarnished, to your children.
good have been accomplished again affirm our determination to coooooooo Walters Re victed. Lombardo is Coming. ation of the commodo hereby, and that each commemor apply to the best of our ability generous with their tenporggoods impossible for one to ride in the birthday of our with the hulp of Him whose birth. and induce them to take a ray of tram car clothed in anything exS. Walters was re clecto strengthen more dap we after ted Chairman of the La Boca light weight champion boxer tion of the Fatherhood of God and came to us and left with us this hearts that dare not hope for Santa tone korter whether you were from olose Lombardo, Panama and more our belief in andere in teachinas of the Son of God who where perhaps are many innocent alighting that people do not want boiler shop or Panarna District of the Pana. is expected here next week, the Brotherhood of Wan; in that annual wave of pleasant feelings Chauss everyone ma Canal West Indian Em having sailed from New York however relations of various groups and friendliness and good will.
Muy everyone at this signficant buorne Chiva Chiva trail. Be and individuals time draw ihe appropriate lesson that as it may, there are two vital all that we outwardly exmay be strained, ployees Association for the on the steamship Santa Ana this season of good will comes as press toward one another on this from tha first Chrismas scene. And and uaderlying facts at the bottom year 1926, at a special meet yesterday.
of the impending slump: the one is an uncompromising but disinter day of days shall have emamated may the world at large strive for that there are really too many Ching of the District held at La ested arbiter whose annual decie from true hearts, that comradeship which alone can Boca on the 23. Bayne bring into reality the blessed peace vas and the other is that their ow.
Christmas Gifts ions are looked forward to most which tee Angels proclaimed with ners or operators are unorganized was elected Vice Chairman.
enthusiastically, and when given Club Help. untiriog voices on Holy Night.
and without proper representation The following were elected distributing Buns, apples and And so we cannot, except with Pastor Mrs Witt are busy accepted with the best of faith.
to put up a guarantee for a respectAlthough their last effort to LINDA SMART blestabalized dependable service, to represent the District on candies to the eight hundred and chronic disposition almost incapable collect funds to belp gladden the ete, ete. Present day activities that the Board for 1926: Edgar bfty Sunday School Scholars in of reform, cross the neutral line, homes of less fortunate ones Have you seen the fine selection affect the common interests of a McCarthy, Williams, their Sunday Schools on the Pa Christmas with old animosities during the Season, the Woman of Christmas and New Year community or any section of it Frank Reed, Rey cific side. Pastor Witt also ex. and bad feelings toward one Life Problem Club of La Boca fell Gruet ng Cards on sale at the bave very little or no chaoce of nolds, Harris and hundred baskets of food to poor pects to distribute about one another, in line and did their bit by con WOXRMAN Stationery Store? All surviving as long as their owners Today we celebrate as the day, tributing of their small collections Buglish beauties, and going fast remain discrganized, for the actiona Hunter.
amilies this Christmas season, one thousand cine hundred and to the most deserving cases.
only a few remaining. Continued on page 8)
on wbieb we not with the more GOOOOoooocena yoo


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