
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1925 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA TRINIDAD GRENADA West Indian Fruit House Struck by LightGrowers Association.
Xmas Cards. Tragic Death of Dr. Sutherland.
Succumbs to Eztensive Burns, Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England when Call Early at The Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush December 3rd. An accidents explosion of benzine which took place in the Laboratory of the Colonial Hospital last Tuesday u had a tragic sequel this morning, Dr. Sutherland, HChief Medical and Health Otficer succumbed to the extensive LO burns he received at 10 a.
He bad been preparing some bacteriological slides for research purposes when a sudden explo 12 sion of the berzine ignited bis clothing. The funeral takes place at 40 this afternoon. He leaves widow and two children.
PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY ST. LUCIA To Form a Tourist Association READ THIS Grand Xmas Cantata Che Nativity of elmist 302 THE DEMERARA ARGOSY COM. 29 ulto, says:The Weekly Guardian of the MENTS ON THE SCHEME THAT Heavy rain commencing short.
HAS BEEN LAUNCHED ly after 10 o clock on Wednesday morning prevailed thro ghou AGENCY SUGGESTED. the day resulting in de page of the residence of Mr. Alston No. 7, Mary Street, St. Clair, To Be Called The British West and the flooding of streets in the Ir dian Fruit Growers Cosouthern portion of the City Th rain was accompanied by several Operative Association flashes of lightning which were particularly severe in the St.
Clair district.
The Demerara Argosy of the The flash which struck Mr.
1810 November says: Alston residence occurred Same time ago in calling atten about 10. 45 a. and was ob tion to the necessity for the es. served by residents in the vici tablishment in this Colony of a nity as a large sheet ct fire. It Farmer Produce Agency or struck the north western and som such organisation that the south western ende of the should control and look after the roof and ripped away several slates marketing of farmers crops we from each end. fuse attached mentioned a movement for a to the transfo: mer of an electric La similar organisation that was on bell syst in the house was also foo: in Jamaica and which appar. blowo out and the lightingar ently bad secured, at least in rangements were affected. The pricple, the endorsement and house telephone was also put support of the most influential out of order. The damage was GAGSISIE 525 SPIESE SECESIGSEGG elements in that colony. Aceord. repaired later in the day. Other ing to recent advices, it would residents in the district suffered nów appear that an andeavour is from temporary derangenment being made to extend the move of their telephone system.
ment to embrace the principal The rain rushed to torrents West lodian Islands so that the along the gutters and drains new Association would then be while the Dry River, which becalled The British West Indian came greatly swollen, overflowed Pruit Growers Co operative its banks to the southera porAsociatiou. The idea is to start tion of the town, Aloding Town an organisation with a capital of Cuncil, Duncan and Piccadilly 1, 000, 000 to be subscribed prin Streets ad swamping the adjlo.
cipally by the growers and prooing houses. The course on the cucers, and also by the general river was impeded by high tide puolic. It is also proposed that and the water flowed backward on the society being formed there and sovered the land.
will immediately come into operation an independent British Shipping Commpany which will 88 99 undertake the operation of a of the profits that are to be made weekly service of refrigerated and the division of those protits.
steamers for conveying the fruit But who are to bear the losses.
and produce of the various is and from what fund must they ands to British. Canadian and be taken? Surely it is not to WITH ORGAN AND ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT European markets. The Associ. anticipated that those wealthy ation will also utilise the services American firms who have been o the Cauadian steamers taat making such a good thing out are expected to be put in opera the West Indian trade, tion within the next eigateen would be prepared to give up inonth, as the those hoge profits without presumably the new Canada West Indies fight, and everyone acquainted Trade Part. Brietly put the ob with the tacties of those gentle jects of the Association will be men know full well that such a to form a centralising agency struggle would result in tremen ihrough which the fruit and pro dous cuts in market prices which COMMENCING AT P. SHARP Guce growers of the several col nust react to the detriment of both the the producer and onies concerned will be able to tell tbeir crops. The Association organization that handles his vill pay the current market price or whatever fruit or produce. It would therefore be more in 50c.
that is growa in the islands out keeplog with the nature of Cy.
of the funds that will be sub things that als should be budADMISSION: cribed. On such shipment being geted for during the first couple 25c.
sold in the foreign markets, all of seasons that provision should xpenses, freight and distribu be made for the distribution of Lion, will be taken out, and 50 per imaginary profits. Another point cent of the net proti on each also that will have to be reckoned shipment of fruit and produce with is the itinerary of the steam.
will be paid to the uroducer in ship line that is to be run, appar.
addition to the market prica that ntly under the aegis of the Orga xocs Boss be bas rlready received whereby nisation. It is suggested that Ja.
the prouucer. will bave an inter maica should be made the last st in his truit until it actually port of call, but we venture the uisappears down the throat of suggestion that if this were done the consumers abroad. There it would be placing a tremendous remaining 50 per cent protit on handicap on the fruit growers in each shipment will be distri: those Island far removed from bated annually or semi annually the Pearl of the Antilles and among the original subscribers whose corps would in all probablof the 1, 000, 000 lity suffer considerable deteriora.
ment bope to achive through have drawn attention to these obThe organisers of the move tion as a result of the length of in voyage. We such an agency the very po Lesirable object of bringing vious shortcomings of the prothe huge profits that are now ation established, it is best to back to the British West Indies posed scheme cause much as we like to see some such organis.
being made by the American Companies presently operating face the fact boldly rather than Recommended for Removing the Humors of the fruit and other produe: indulge in airy assumptions that business of the islands. The can only result in unpleasantScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, cheme, it materialised, will also pess when disillusionment comes.
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic bring about the There is much scope and opporLINKING UP OF THE BRITISH tunity for such a body, but if it Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disis to successfully supersede the WEST INDIAN ISLANDS American. it will have to be eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
with England by the establish establiebed on sound business went of a weekly passenger principles, and every proposal An Alterative recommended for purify.
refrigerated stamsbip will have to be carefully scruservice with an ail: British tiaised and enquired into ing and enriching the BLOOD.
terest. Priocipal offices will ue established in the capital of each island and distributing offices at various point in For Sale at all Drug Stores Canada England and Europe.
On paper, we have no hesitation Why pay donble price ia saying that the scheme seems And in Large Quantities by very alluring one, but when for inferior imported we come to examine the propo Beer when you can JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy sals in detail we find that they are not so attractive as at first buy a superior Beer appears. What strikes us at the such as BALBOA for AGENT utset is that apparently no provision is made for cover.
half the price.
iag losses.
All the talk is The Voics of the litb inst.
says. We learn that public meeting of all interested in the aim of formiog Tourist Aseo ciation in St. Lucia ts being arranged to take place at 80 m. at a Roman Catholic Boys Schoolroom on Wednesday 18th instant.
Th! is a most laudable under: taking and we sincerely hope there will be a large kathering af all interested, especially those in the mercantile line.
At this time it is only those who make a strong and deter.
mined effort to help themselves wbo succeed. We should avail ourselves of the opportunity which offers. In this matter there must be unity and eclaboration to ensure success in a tourist trade when rivalry is so keen as it is today we must work undividedly and with a will.
The West Indies are among the prettiest places on the face of the globe and St. Lucia is one of the prettiest among them. 10 quote Charles Kingsley in bis At Last Among those beautiful islands St. Lucia is the most beautiful This was written over fifty years ago and is as true today as it was then. Our natural beauty is not surpassed. It only requires an effort on our part to bring before the notice of the world the beauties of our littie Island home to draw visitors to our shores. This will be the object of the meeting to be held next Wednesday. We wish the more all the success it deserves ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA Sunday, December 27, 1925 crops.
Reserved Seats General Sitting Paris Woman Attempts FOUR TIMES TO END HER LIFE.
SKS SEKSS Sssessos Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Paris In four bours yesterday a widow Mme. Lelior made four attempts to commit suicide and was taken four times to the same hospital.
First she slashed herself with a razor. Her wounds were dress ed in the Hospital St Antoine and she was taken home. few mioutes later she threw herself in front of a a subway train. The motorman stopped in time to save her life but her head was andaged and she was advised not to Then she went and jumped off the high bridge into the River Seine. fisherman dragged her out. She was taken back to the same bospital and the same doctor renewed her bandages. He scolded her.
an hour later she was brought back unconscious but relatively unbaamed after swallowing tinture of idine. The doc.
tor administrated an entidote and turned her over to the police.
try again.
cargo Half Rent Receipt Books In Spanish and English for Sale at The Workman Printery,


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