
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 192, THE WORKMAN We wish our Patrons one and all a mark or beving MERRY XMAS Contra Crespo Williams, TRY KRONEN BRAU ON DRAUGHT Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applicaWALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes OR BOTTLES Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited OOOOO0000000000OOOOOO D0000 PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 18 Months for InvolunOne Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica tary Manslaughter.
Six Months 20 tion but as a of Rood faith.
Three Ble.
We do not undertake to return reJ. Blacker, a United States Ose 25 jected correspondence.
sailor attached to the Submarine Base at Cristobal, who was found The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS guilty of involuntary mansl ughter caused the death of FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1925.
William Turner some time ago in ao automobile accident and who on December was found guilty HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
by a jury in the Cristobal Division of the District Court, was sentenced to serve eithteen month The revolving wheels of time have move rapidly on in the Gambea penientiary.
and here we are again in the whirl and excitement of another Motion by his attorney for a new Christmas Holiday. Stores and shop windows are ablaze trial was denied by District Judge with the fashionable and dainty things which are inseparMartin, able from the Christmas season. For several weeks past AMERICAN BAZAAR STORES everyone everywhere has been thinking and talking of Some Gold Employees Christmas; old and young, high and low, rich and poor.
May Get Raise of Pay.
Now comes the day! Christmas always brings cheer and joy. It is a time of merriment and happiness, Relatives According to recent information come together around the family board for an intimate received by the Panama Canal, re union. Friends exchange greetings and gifts in token of new wage ratas of the Navy Yerde affection and high esteem, while enemies cease their of the United States are to become effective as of January 1, 1926.
antipathies and extend the hands of reconciliation to each This wage scale will increase the other.
wages of Navy Yard workers in The dominant note of the season is good will. Upon the nited Stat s; and as certain this depend all the harmonies and sweetness of life simple of the rates of the Panama Canal song. The angels sang that note almost two thousand years American employees fluctuate in SOLDIER GET YEARSacerdance with the Navy Yard ago, and earth has been trying to re echo it from that time.
rates, increases are expected by But the effort has been faint. The nations of the earth have the latter employees in certain all been out of tune for centuries, and when ever there has For 1st Degree Burglary crafts. Pipefiture, Machinists, appeared the hope of changing jarring tones into rich and Coppersmiths Sheet metal Workers lasting tuning something has happene to throw the music and Shipwrights are among those STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Convicted of first degree burglary who are likely to be affected by back into painful discord.
when he stole about forty dollars the new rates.
worth of goods belonging to But there does seem now to be some glittering hope of Clotilda Markham, amit in the a permanent change. Out of the havoc born of a war that em loy of Captain Meyers at has shaken the whole earth there begins to come a real Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off Gatun, while the occupants of the. Peter by the Sea, La voca bargaining for peace. The establishment of good will is the house were taking their meals and the maid waiting on tyem Leo American Episopal (Anglican ComNON INJURIOUS universal aim of the great empires and nations. They are Soldier, kas munion)
beginning to see that war and its cognate evils bring no sentencei by Judge Guy Martin Sunday After Christmas Day good to the human race. Jealousies and hatreds breed the United States Distrist Cour (St John, Era nelist)
carnage and destruction and deafeat the real purposes of life.
No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required at Cristobal on Mandaylist 10 Holy Communion 6, 30 a. Celebrant Locarno is the latest word in the international roundserve five years in the Gambow The Rector.
table policy of the world leading statesmen. The possibilipenitentiary Holy Baptism 30 a.
MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, The articles alleged to have been Mate 1045 am. Holy Eucharist ty of success of the Locarno decisions is the hope of all who stolen include a ringa gold and sermon 11 am. the Rector long for true and enduring peace. The leading powers, for SMOUTH AND SILKY bracelet, three yards of dress Special Music Program, 3p.
the most part, have agreed to accept the conclusions of material and a ready to west Holy Confirmation, pm. The Locarno, and those that remain uncommitted will likely dress.
Bishop will deliver a speetal Christmas make a hopeful move in the very near future.
SOLD EVERYWHERE Williams was defended by Merasge.
The World Court or League of Nations is the avenue Attorney M. Wright To all the vides a special invitation through which is destined to flow the stream of peace is hereby extended to all our menbera Experienced Canvassers Investigate Notice to Correspondents.
and friends.
which will make glad the cities of earth. But the United T. MULCARE, Rector, States, the greatest power in the Western Hemisphere, Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu bleats and trembles at its call like a powerless lamb before LOOK FOR a rapacious wolf. Yet there are not a few people who are DISPLAY CARD tions not later than Tarsilays to St. Barnabas Church, Empire insure publication. This is impera Mitins, address 11 a. The Lay hopeful that the rich nation of North America will line up tive and must be adhered to Reader with the powers of Europe for cementation of interChure School, and Confirmation clase.
national friendships and good will.
Dentist Howell at p. Christmas imparts sentiments of inspiration to individChoral Evneong addrer uals such as are felt at no other time in the year. People feel drawn together more closely than ever in the bonds of Wishes you Merry Christ The Lay Reader. MULCARE Pret in Charge sympathy and charity. And why should they not be? The mas and a bright and event commemorated on this day was the happiest that Prosperous New Year. St. Bartholomew s, Church humanity has ever recorded, or will ever record, it was the LAS CASCADAS manifestation of sympathy and love given by the Creator to Morning Prayer and addres 11 a.
his erring creatures. And this spirit of gracious favour Church Services.
Chureb Bebool und Cottimating Class permeates the whole being of every thinking individual 30 among Christian lands. AND AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Evening Prayer and address p.
The fond and usual wish, MERRY CHRISTMAS (Anglo Catholio)
The Lay Reauer is going the rounds with ceaseless toil. We join in sending Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 CHRISTMAS SERVICES the good old wish around to you, and trust that you will, St. Paul Church, Panama St Jude Missior, Summit.
indeed, spend and enjoy a happy time. We would all take Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages (Rev, Nightengsle, ctor) Evenine Prayer and Address 30 in.
inspiration at the thought that as a race the joys of the The Christmas Service of Holy (The Lay Resder will Officiate)
manger of Bethlehem are given to us as well as to all others.
Eucharst will begin at 12 midnight. The MULCARE, Prin charse.
There we do not see segregation nor discrimination. That Summary of Contents: rector will be the Celebrant and Canon Babe, the Christ, said publicly to the world in his ministry: Melcher will be the preacher.
His ory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years st. Simon Mission, Gamboa COME UNTO ME, ALL. Sunday Dec, 27th, Feast of St John Matius, and address st Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, One of the things that impedes the progress of good. a. Holy Communion The Rector Church School 30 in.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, 10, 15 a Matiue.
will in the world, worse than war or crime, is the religious Choral Evensong and addres 30 10 30. co. Holy Euchs ist sermo a. The Lay Rooder.
hypocrisy of the time. Men of thought and genuine selfMagnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, The Bishop MULCARE, Pries in Charge respect fail to see in the practices of some who profess to Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual 12 Holy Baptism, be heralds of the Evangel of the Son of God and Saviour of Players p. Christmas Cantata Men the faintest reflection of the humble and true charac.
The Nativity of Christ.
Baptist Cnu ches ter which he showed and which he calls upon all to imitate.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon They talk one kind of religion to colored people and another Interesting Preacher The Rector (Under the auspices of the Suthern kind to whites. Their perversion of the truth as applied Baptist Convention. to people of the Negro race is dumbfounding and nauseating Price 50cts.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso Colon 11 a. Descon Ruby; p.
Men of the Negro race who possess intelligence and selfCANAL ZONE.
Sunday School Programu 15 pm respect will have none of their religion, and because in many (Rev. NIGH TENGALE, Pastor Thrift.
Chorrillo. 11 Am. Deacon Crooks instances it is the only brand they can get they go without Secure yours now there will be a great rush Priest Charge. 15 Pastor Witt, any at all.
for them, The Christmas Service of Holy Com Calidonia 11 am. Deacon McIntosh But we must look far beyond this impediment and see munion will mmence at m The 15 Supplied.
standing out in all his brilliance and glory the Redeemer of Rev. F, Fightegale will be. be Cele Red Tank 11 a. Supplied 15 Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN brant and preacher.
the human race claiming our worship, reverence and devop. Bargeant Brinkley.
Panama tion; and with this noble vision before us let us enter into Sundaw Dec. 27th, Feast of St John Empire 11 a. 7. 15 Deacon the joys of this day on which we commemorate his birth 45 a. Holy Communion Sermon Yearwood. p. ph, Musical Service.
Gatun 11 a. Pastor Thrift; 15 into the world as the King of kings and Lord of lords. 30 Choral Evensong address, Deacon Ea Warda Again, we wish you a Happy Christmas!
New Providence. 1) a Deneun XMAS CARDS Broom.
St, Matthias Mission Puebo Nuevo 11 Pastor Witt Have you tried the Have you seen the fine selection LAS SABANAS 15 Supplied.
of Christmas and New Year ADVERTISE new Beer (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Continued on page 7)
Greeting Cards on sale at the Priest in Charge.
WORKMAN Stationery Store? All Kronen Brau p. Church School.
Rent Receipt Books in Span IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS English beauties, and going fast 15 m. Evensong end address Ish and English for sale at the only a few remaining.
Mr. Richards, Catechist. Workman Printery STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History (6


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