
PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres to WAS necessary The Orpheus Musical Club The Season Greetings Merry Xmas CANAL ZONE NOTES Christmas and New Year Greetings CRICKET 1925 1926 La Boca Pars.
As was previously andouneed, FROM THE PANAMA CANAL The Presentation Match.
the Board of Directors of the Pae WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEE CECILIA AMERICA Dama Canal West Indian Employ ASSOCIATION Will the presentation match be ees Association met here on Satur.
played tomorrow Up to be (PANAMA. COLON)
day evening last. Among other im.
present there is no diboite word to this effect, although it was so portant business transacted were Dear Fellow West Indians: TODAY Friday, December 25th TODAY. Friday December 25th election of officers of the Associa Within a few days we shall be BDDOUDced eome time ago. Colleen Moore in Betty Bronson in tion for the year 1926, and grant. entering upon a new year it is meeting of the council was sum ARE PARENTS PEOPLE. ing of THE DESERT FLOWER quota of Representatives to Dow Christmasčide. It is one of the moned to take place on Friday thedifferent Districts of the Asso conventions of our civilization to nigbt, tbe 18th inst, but though TO MORROW Saturday, Dec. 26th and TOMORROW. Saturday Dec 26th ciation for the same period. For express to one other at this time tbe evening was quite fair and Charles Jones in President Wbyty was re words of goodwill and friendship promising, and in every way conSUNDAY, December 27th CUPID FIREMAN elected by a substantial majority This is a true to individuals as it ducive euccessful meeting as Lillisa Gisb in uver Walters and is to organizations. As an orgaui.
far as numbers are concerned. ROMOLA SUNDAY Dec. 27th Williams. Walters was re zation that is taking a greater even the officers with but one Aony Nillson in elected as First Vice President, The bold on the community day by exception failed to tarn up. WINDS OF CHANCE office of Second Vice President was kay.
MONDAY, December 28th The Panama Canal West This was indeed a strange act won by Cherry of Cristobal, Indian Employees Association Estelle Taylor in Hon on their part and as a result MONDAY, December 28th while King was re elected has apprently grown to such they have been subjected to the MY LADY DRESS Betty Compson in Recording Secretary winning importance as to impose upon Bepere sod perhaps jost criti ÉVE SECRET Hunter by a majority of one vote. itself an obligation to observe this clam of the public.
TUESDAY December 29th The Officers for the text term are coo ventionality, and ia ubedience TUESDAY December 29th as follows; Whyte, President; to this conviction we have set ourShould the match take place Raymond Griffith in Herbert Rawlinson in K, Walters, 1st Vice President; selves to the task of sending you however, it will be played on the THE NIGHT CULB THE MAN IN BLUE LE Cherry, 2nd Vice President: the season greetings. We bavn Sussex Oval, between Sussex Ellis, Corresponding Secre called it a task advisedly. We conand a combination from the WEDNESDAY, December 30th WEDNESDAY December 30th tary; King, Recording sider it so because we do not desire olber clubs.
Kenneth McDopold in Lillian Gish in Secretary: Harrison, Treas. to juggle words in order to jodolgo WHAT LOVE WILL DO ROMOLA urer: Perkins, Alexander in more pleasant ries; yet, while wa All Creole vs All Barbadlan and V. Dalby, Trustees. District are keen ou speaking the truth as THURSDAY December 31st THURSDAY December 31st quotas have been fixed as follows: we see it, and giving full value to Estelle Taylor in Aona Nillson in MY LADY DRESS La Boca. Panama District 6; Cris: our wordt, are nevertheless anxious tobal. Colon 3; Gatun 1; Red Dot to give offense, lo other words, The SODOU cement of an all WINDS OF CHANCE FRIDAY Jan, 1st, 1926.
Tank 1; Gambos cresleve, all Barbadiad cricket we desire to stricke the happy moan.
match to ba played early in the FRIDAY Jan. 1st 1926 Raymond Griffiths in coming year is creating do small Betty Compson in THE NIGHT UB An Interesting game of cricket We should bave liked to say to stir in cricket circles. This match EVE SECRET the feature event bere on you, a bapoy Christmas and a understood, is being SATURDAY Jan, 2nd, 1926 Sunday last, en Ellis eleven, a proep New Year. but we arranged by Myers of the SATURDAY Jan. 2nd 1926 Kenneth McDonald in local team, met Walker Eleven dubt that you would think us West End and Atberly of TO BE SELECTED WHAT LOVE WILL DO (Panama) 00 the La Boca dorious if we did. Indeed, we would Sussex and will occupy Diamond. It was a one inning Dot be serious, as there not many two days. wben the leading game in which the visitors lost by entitled to such greeting. Than Barbadino players will be pitted 24 runs, the home team having we could say, merry Christmas against the best Creole players offset their 53 runs all told with 27. and New Years, and be nearer of the Isthmus. It is hardly Principal bowlers for the home what is reasbbable; but we know to say that such a team were; Beckles, Nedrick, thot merrimet done foot alwayo game will be o usually interPorter, Reed; for the visitors: mean bappyines, and although esting and popular and will be Baseball.
Blackwao, Walker, Alleyne and there are many who live in a conj.
well contested. Both sides bave Jordan.
tion of parpetual merriment, there are yet others who are ntver merry.
pride which they will stremously The 1926 season of the Silver We therefore prefer not to say it defend, and tbe public will be Extends to its many Friends and well wishers clubbouse baseball league will the Clubhouse, cooducted by derived from a sense of satisfaction The evening commercial lass at In our conception, happiness treated to two days of enjoy ment that will stand out promi.
open on Sunday the Brd. prox. Ellis closed after its Tuesday over duty doe, and that properi with a game betwen the Cristo evening session for the Christmas nently in the history of cricket ty on the Atlantic Side.
bal Red Sox and the Washington and New Year holidays. The 19 the suecessful result of duty team on done, On this theory we should the Mount Hopa dia scores of pupils will resume their be bappy at this Christmastide, FOR mond. The, tormer, will be tudies when the class re opens if we have been doing our duty I, A, 8th Street coptained by Jarrett, with Grosso early in January next. Teacher during the year, and we may be 152 manager. while Washinxton Ellis has recently received a dupliDivision.
will be led by Cobos. under the cate Teacher Certificate fron tbe prosperous il we continue to do it management of DaCosta.
or sot nut to do it. For instance, if Pitman Phonetic lostitute, Bath, one as an employee of the Panama Cristobal Red Sox ere expect England, The 8th Street Division of the AND BRIGHT AND A. Announced in its reIDR 80 easy time, remembering Railroad or The Panama Canal, has not joined this Association, be bow easily they ioflicted that port the mon of November, disgraceful defent of 12 OD growing membersbip with reThe main topic of conversation himself, bis fellow workers wife bas not been doing his duty to celpts and expenditures 119. 58 Washington on the 22nd ulto, during the week is the recent rule children or other dependent and and 444 32. This is so rely rood 1925 1926 but the latter has been re orga ing of the Governor of the Panama intact to society. We are strining work and the management should nized, and at present is regardea Canal with regard to limiting the to advanced the ioterret tha ot as the strongest team on this operations of the motor busses childrea by education and character be congratulated.
OLGA KING ETHELYN THOMAS side, it not in the intire lngue. which renders it unlikely that after to raise the standard of valuation Representatives bave been apMusical Director, Secretary If this is really so, then the game the end of the year any of these of the West Indian worker, on that pointed it is understood, for a will be well contested, and spec business will be allowed to con: he may enjoy some of the grod convertion to be held in connecwators and fans will have a good bect with La Boca from Panama tion with this organization during the things of life enjoyment.
while working, and tbe months of January and FebCity. The facilities allowed by the ruary for the purpose of formu Chivas. as the motor busses are provide for old age or any continlating laws for its government called, afford a great belp to the bave beer helping us in those gency of pby ical unfitness. If you and regulation of its various News Notes residents here who are employees efforts, you should nndoubtedly business departments, and the NATURAL HAIR WIGS on the Silver roll of the Canal and feel happy because you have breas entire membership is doing every.
can ill afford to employ the regular working for the common wea! W: SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURLS. The Fraternal thing possible to make the con.
organ a jitneys on account of the very bigb profer therofore to send you this vention success.
moothly magazine pablished in tariff which with its added com brief message of DUTY, HAPENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN the interest of lodge, friendls plications as to zones and cro PINESS. and PROSPERITY. HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR societies and other orgnaizations 200es they are most of the times Celebration of Druld. Day.
ORDER. Free Catalog rest on request.
of the kind, is the latest arrival cheated by the drivers. It Deeds Yours for co operation, ALEX. MARKS of note in Colon. Apparently it hardly to say that the tramcard THE PANAMA CANAL WEBT Is lieing well received, and their take the residents as far as the INDIAN EMPLOYEES AsDruids of Colon will celebrate 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. 18 every indication of good sup. tramcar line aod when it ratus BOCIATION.
NEW YORK, their day on Friday tbe 1st of port on the part of all concerned they must find their bomes as best per WHYTE January with a procession to the they can; the tramcars will not President.
Cristobal Colon Baptist church where a sermon will be preached The Cristobal Colon Baptist carry their bags and bundles and Dec.
chure will bolt its appeal June baskets from tb market; while the La Baca.
by the Rev. Thrift, pastor of 1925.
nile the church: entertainment tomorrow ket or Sunday best and with their Cbivus take tbem in their mar evenine at o clock, when pris: The lodges to be represented will be given and musical pro bagages and all to their doors Secretary Morales Returno sre Royal Victoria, Royal Enter gram rendered The residents are hoping that some prise, and Pride of tbe Atlantio, Dr. Eusebio Morales, Secre.
way may be fouud whereby the wbile there will be many visitors from Hearte of Dak. Íby will Madamo Ronoe will interpret Zodiacal Signs Governor will cousider the hard tary of Finance and Treasury.
Work on ite paving of ships attendent upou bis ruliug arrrived on the ss Ulua from the all meet at the Gabriel Union Street is progressing rapidly connection with the ebivas and United States, after spending Hall Copper of 6th street and oaoh wook for Roadors of this paper This street promises to be the modiiy sume so as to render a several months in Wasbington, Budson Lane and the procession best theroughfare in Colon when maximum of belp to the suver in connection with the new will leave at 80, by way of WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE completed. Both side will be used employees and their families of treaty between the United States Broadway, beaded by a band of by vebicles, while the center is this section.
and Panama to take the place of moeic and officers of the lodges being raserved for the purpose of the Taft Agreement, Dooomber 17 23 In an interview with the Presa op bobseback. After the service are reached without much slow properly regulating the trafic.
they will march back to 800 Children Troated at La Dr. Morales expressed himself as Gabriel Union Ball, the The Sign of Sagittarius, the pondering of ways on means, fully confident of the success nf Archer.
Intuition also helps you who are Excavations are be loing made by refreshments will be enjoyed.
the treaty and that the bopes for born during this week to be tracful the Colon Gas Comony prior to No less than eight bundred an agreement in the best interest British Consulate Notice Intuition, sagacity, and executive and sympathetic and the result is the laying of ptp 28 to convey this children gathered at the La Boca of Panama is almost assured.
ability are the qualities which the that you make many frieeds, You Coco solo. Rumor has it that noon France Field and Clubhouse on Wednseday atler governing planet Jupiter bestows will probably give more to those last to make themselves Boy Scouts Holp Poor.
The British Consult Colon siga of Sagittarius. You are return to you, but you will find Silver city, but it is not hown They did not voluntarily upon you who are born under the you like than they can or will lines are to be extended into merry in anticipation of Christmas The Boy Scouts of the Canal would be glad if Elisabeth Mark, energetic and persistent willing to your reward in the pleasure you how much truth is in this. At their way to that place however; Zone bave ide ben te help om te deles who believed to be a native of undertake a hard tasks and to receive from belping someone else, the same time such a move was their annual treat.
year to do their bit to gladden Trinidad, would call at the Cow carry it through. In business you would be welcomed by many sulate and hear something to ber will be succeseful as a promoter union with a person born homes in tuis vicinity.
Witb a substaatial contribution the lives of the poor. During the of advantage.
to the Clubhouse from the Palais early part of the week they were business ventures, as the manager under the sign of Gemini, during of an industrial concern or as a the early part of Jude would Canal West India Employees busy collecting gifts of various which Association funds the winds which will be distributed military officer.
insure permanent happiness, The Colon Electric Co. will District put forth great efforts to during the Season.
provided that the restless nature soon be establisbed in their new What everyone is The women born under tbiqinigen, of each finds an outlet in active quarters on Front street, oppo guardi dos responded nobly this Balboa Quarantines Omicor collect and to parents enjoymanaging a occupation station.
saying home and are good bousekeepers, trea easily ecliped most of those The mystical gem for this week are nevertheless of past years, Reireshments were Doctor John D, Odom, the business world. They like is the thiamond and the flower. The classical entertainment by cerved consisting of truits, cakes, quarantine Officer for the ports o KRONEN BRAU work, and become nervous and which brings you luck is the myrrh The Jasmine school of Cristo candies and ice cream. Panama and Balboa returned dav irritable if they are forced to be Your soul color is the steadfast and bal which took place on the 21st!
before yesterday from a six weeka superior to all idle. That attaiment comes to them reliable indigo, inst at Liberty Hall, 11th street, Vacation spent in the United States quickly is due to the fact that reflected much credit on Mrs. fine selection of Christmas and Dr. Odom plays a big band in help imported beers (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. Ella Johnson, the tearcher ofthe New Year Greeting Cards (all ing to keep out undesirables from instinct tells them the correct Adams Syndicate. olution to a problem, and rrsults!
school who prepared the children English)
at the British Drug Store, entering the Canal Zone and the for the occasion.
Bolivar Street, Colop Republic of Panama, Prosperous New Year What Is Your Fortune?
wbere weod


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