
What The Derby Worth.
There More Than Glory at Stake; The Winner is Usually Valued at About 50, 000 Ruin, says: It take but a few minute fam. dye of it your Kocking with RIT from May RI ATADO DE ws aut WAS AS WE THE BEER Vs.
When a Derby winner passes the post bis proud owoer general Rinse thoroughly ly bastens to Increase the insurIn to dry ance on bis borse to about 50, during are likes 000, that being the average value of a colt or filly that has carried off tbe Blue Riband of the Turf.
Keep the Dainty Garments Some are worth a great deal of Intimate Wear Always more, and some a great deal less Bright and Fresh!
as events turn out, but this tigure may be taken as a fair Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
estimate of the earning capacity Have RIT always at hand to keep of the three year old that pretty stockings and other articles proves to be the best of its of lingerie looking their best generation at the great festivil by tinting or dyeing them with on Epsom Downs RIT. There are thirty one The stakes themselves are not beautiful shades and colours to be dispised. Last year Lord all equally good for treatDerby Sansovino won the ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens. There are 31 colours biggest sum ever run for. It When garments or hangings are Canary Yellow Larder Dark Blue Light Brown amounted to 11, 755. The prespotted, sun streaked, stained or Red Purple Mustard faded, take out all the old colour with vious best was in 1822, when the En Tas Dark Brown WHITE RIT. Then the material Dark stakes were 10, 625. Curiously Pink Light Grey enough we bave to go back to is ready for the desired light or dark Rare Salmon 1866, when Lord Lson credited shade of colour.
Orange Golden Yele Emerald Green Flesb bis own with 7, 350, to find the Sold Everywhere Scarlet Chartreuse Yellow Tangerine richest Derby prior to 1922.
Bunlesbip Grey Henna BARGAIN IN HORSEFLESH, Navy Blue Thupe It a Derby winner were to SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
carry off all the prizes of the Chicago, Turf open to him during bis racing career, he might easily MONTEZUMA am 50, 000 in stakes alone.
DRUG STORE The Two Thousand for ex.
RIT WASHES PANAMA ample has been worth as much When AS IT DYES as 10, 625, the Jockey Club Stakes have reached as bigba figure as 11, 302, and the St.
Leger first past the post has Dosts on one occasion added 10, 310 guineas to his own banking account.
But it is only once in a genera tion at most that we see such a somos SXXSCXSS:60 OSXODKO horse as Ormonde, who was never defeated on a racecourse. The mighty Ormonde. one of the greatest horses of all time, won the Derby and St. Leger in 1886, the last year of the life of the famous jockey Fred SUPPLIED BY Archer, who rode him to victory.
Ormonde story is one of the great romances of racing, in the year 1844 old John Osborne bought mare with a tilly toal at foot for 14. The foal received the name of Agnes, and in due course became the mother of Polly Agnes, who was so small and delicate that Bir Tatton Sykes gave her to bis stud groom. That is where the luck came in, for she was the mother ot Lily Agnes, the dam both of materials obtainable Ormonde and Ornament, wbo, later brought another famous borse, Sceptre into the field.
NEVER BEATEN But few Derby winners per form so brilliantly.
It is on record that some of them bave never won another race, yet their career bas only just begun when they retire foto private lite.
to become parents of many colts and fillies. Some of these may also become Derby or Oaks or TRY OUR NEW BEER St. Leger winners. At any rate they also command high prices at the yearling sales, for there is no saying truer on the Turf than that blood will tell.
Probably the most valuably borse that was ever foaled did not win the Derby, for the simply reason that this nominator, Count Batthyany, died when It was still a yearling. St. Simon, koosoo however, won all the races open to him, and, like Ormonde was never beaten. He was bought for 1, 600 in 1882, for the Duke of Porland certainly thy cheapest race borse that was ever sold, for he laid the foundation of the great Welbeck stud and the wonderful succes of his owner on the Turf.
There is no doubt about the leaat valuable winner of the Derby. This was the notorious Running Rein, who was placed first in toe Derby of 1844. The borse was really a four year old and the sequel to the abiair was one of the most sensational Turf triale in bistory.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best Important Decision to America on Our Negro Convict Labour.
Land System WASHINGTON. An important ENGLAND THE SPOILT decision has been recently CHILD OF HER TRIUMPH.
handled down by the Supreme Court of Arkansas with regard to certain illegal practices hereNew York Discussing Mr.
Lofore ind eldged in by the Board Lloyd George land proposals: of Penitentiary Comunissioners the New York Times under the by hiring out convicts to private heading: The English Road from individuals, firms, partnerships, and corporations for the purpose There is no material reason of clearing lands, constructing why Eaglaad should not produce bouses, levees, and dams in most or all of the foodstuffs violation of statute and for pris and timber whic sbe DOW vate profit. Buch employment, Imports to the amount of two the court found, was in contra. billion dollars a year. The crisis vention of law and public policy, is undeniably grave and the The court said: Is is urged remedy is a self evident; the that the convicts have not been only question being its feasibi.
leased within the meaning of the lity. In sober fact, Englaod is statute because their phpsical the spoiled child of her own control is under the supervision industrial triumph of the nine.
and direction of guards and teenth century. Lands that in wardens appoin:ed by the peni France, Belgium, Holland or tentary commission does not and Denmark would yield rich recannot prevent the contract turns are oc za pied sparsely and being one of hiring out or tilled by tenants caught in the leasing the convicts.
toils of an aristocratic tradition Mo statute would in effect renderit George plads as Such a constructive of the elsewhere absolete. To works out Mr. Lloyd unless and ineffectual for these outlined purpose for which it was enacted, would require amenability to The public policy of the State, as and patience to subunit which as system, detailed administration, shown by the legislative will, was to prevent letting of the is not familar in the natural convicts to persons or corpora muddling as to its immediate character. Yet with all its tions to be worked by the them concerns, British steams hip has for private game. To allow the contracts to stand would be con held a preeminence in intellinot trary to to the policy of the law gent foresight which is as tending obviously to result in always recognized the violation of the purpose and spirit of our statute prescribing LEGAL NOTICE the rules and regulations which are to govern the penitentiary board in the control and working bi tbe State convicts. Accord Notice of Penuency of Suit ingly, the State Penitentiary Commission was restrained from UNITED STATES DISTRIC biring out and leasing the State COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE convicts.
The above quoted decision is of utmost significance to the Balboa Division Dundreds of Negro convicts to CIVIL No: 740 in prisons, whose state boards of EDGAR GUILLETTE. Plaintif control have been granting labor concessions to private in AMY GUILLETTE. Defzadaat.
terests which have exploited prisɔn labor for seldisb purposes To AMY GUILLETTE: Divorce and personal gain.
You are hereby notified that on December 8, 1925. Edgar Guillette filed in the above entitled court petition wherein he prays for an abso Post Office And lute divorce from you on the statu tory grounds Adultery.
And you are further hereby notified Christmas Day, that you are required to enter your appearance in writing in the office of the Clerk of said court at Ancon.
The following information re on or before January 15, 1928.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, ceived from the Postal DepartIf you fail to do so within the time ment at Washington is published aforesaid the said petition will be taken for general information feeling as confessed, and the petitioner will sure that the same conditions take judgement against you by default affect the local Post offices on and demand from said court the the Canal Zone: relief in the F, SHEIBLEY It Postmaster General New has bis way about it, Christmas CARRINGTON, Day this year is going to be the Attorney for plaintiff.
biggest and the best for all the employees of the postal services Dec. 12 19 28.
and especially for the everfaithful letter carriers.
He has issued orders to postmasters throughout the country that their offices will be closed all day Christmas except for the dis.
pach of special delyvery letters and parcels and special bandling letters and parcels.
In order that the vast army of carriers and clerks may enjoy Christmas Day to the fullest extent with their families and man, child in the United States will be necessary.
Under the leadersbip of the DR does more to drive away Postmaster pains and aches than any is now oneral, campaigo other known remedy; that is way throughout why thousands of people the o the country to instill into the world over call it pain minds of everybody the necessiuy for shopping and mailing Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff neck, sore and tired muscles, early in order that there will be lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, ttle congestion at the post Sprains and bruises are inoffices as possible during Ohries. stantly relieved by was week and in order that both SLOAN LINIMENT the sender and receiver of gifts None legitimate without portal and remembrancos may reap the bappiness that is contemplated by such an exchange of presents Once more the Post Office De At all drudiate and dealers.
parment urges the American public to do its Christmas shop SLOAN ping and mailing early. It the LINIMENT shopping is done now the buyer Rets just what he or she wants and if the gift is mailed before December 15 it is sure to reach WILKINSON its destination in plenty of time before Christmas Day.
Contractor and Builder TAKE NOTICE House No. 20 28th NOV, STREET, The WORKMAN News SAN MIGUEL paper can be had at the fol. Box 411, Panama, howing places: Lindsay Place, No. 2, Plans and Specifications Free Street, San Miguel.
First class Workmanship dupie Reed.
Guaranteed Clerk.
It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL iriende, the cooperation of ever Well Doer enemy.
as little and signature of HAND IRONERS Wanted Dobarlllloon (PAIN ENEMY)
APPLY AT British Consulate Notice.
The Acting British Cousul at CoJon would be glad to learn of the whereabouts of Clement Nathaniel Braithwaite, a native of Barbados, who arrived on the Isthmus about fifteen years ago. He is about 40 years of age and was employed at Gatun as a joiner.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Ooo Have you tried the now Boer Kronen Brau ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays de paradeta, Barber, 5, Cali


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