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SSSSSSSSSSSSS SEXOS To Day Races Everything is in l shape EXCELSIOR THEATRE the turf and grandstand are all polished up. the horses have spent a joyous weeks EXTEND ITS XMAS GREETINGS vacationand have returned to their paddocks and everybody And Presents the Stupendous Metro Production is again ready for the big time.
card of nine races is JUAN FRANCO TRACK REVELATION arranged for this afternoon, this will include a feature events of one mile to which a TODAY FRIDAY DEC. 25 In Massive Reels purse of 500 is attached. ANDTO NIGHT and a five furlong event for two year olds.
SUNDAY DECEMBER 27th With an all star cast including Viola Dana, Monte Blue, Marjorie Daw, Following are the entries Lew Cody, Edward Connelly and Kathleen Key.
and weights.
One Mile Purse 500: No better picture fits into place like this one at this season of the year.
Manua 126, Burlesco. 123, Bumper Program for Both Days dancer of the streets of Paris, a model for an Artist, in her madness playing Frou Frou 122, Risa loca 120, the part of the Holy Madonna, she is touched by the Divine hand. What Jolly Fellow 115.
happened will live forever in your soul.
Five Furlong Purse 350: RACES FOR TODAY Kentucky 126, Dad 126, Pereque 120, Blandina 117, Two Shows 20 and 45. Prices: 15, 20 and 25 cts.
AND ON SUNDAY Poncho Roto 90.
Six Furlong. Purse 300: Bolt, 126; Blandina 123, TO MORROW NIGHT Chomba Loca 114. Super DAYS OF GOOD SPORT The 3rd and 4th Chapters of THE FORTIFIED DOOR Gloria 109, Pipiolo 106, Mar.
cela 104, Poncho Roto 90.
SUNDAY :Blanche Sweet in TESS OF THE UBERVILLES Five Furlongs Purse 275: SMEsx00190 Stop Olla 122, Altanera 122, Argen Gallineta 126, Abel 125, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
50 S8XCX Sexos AS First Race Starts p. Sharp tino 116. Araucana 106.
Five Furlorgs. Purse 225 Capitana 132, Neptuno 124, Meelah 112, Garzona, TI, ADMISSION: Tango, 109, Bomba 106, Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Kernan 101, Sunny Girl 96.
Five Furlongs. Purse 400 Capitana 122, Silver King 112 Fachendo 122, Victoria Ocurencia. Reina Mora, Bella Christmas Message more facts arout this infant we Sauvage, Justice and Tacna asked the prophet something of ili and Arica 119 each.
parent and he said virgio shall Four Furlongs Purse 150 (BY E: Dixon) conceive ete (Iss 7:4. Renown 126, Caribe 126, The Xmas Star is shining Satisfied with facts like these, Hero 123, Fenomeno 119, which remove every shadow of It lights our path to Bethlehem donbt from our miods we leave Chiqui 117 Rialto 117 Candle Here to ste the babe incarnate And adore this King of kings.
Bethlehem praising and glorifying wood 114 Xmas is a season of joy and that He re with us ard yet throne Five Furlongs. Purse 150 blessing Wrapped up in it we find above ter breathing His benediction Top Sergeant 126, Peter Pan Life and Light. At the celebration on the trusting and aspiring soul.
126, Dictador 126, Ruso 116, of Xmas Anniversary we see the Barba Roja 90.
ma cifestation of the God head in Christmas Message.
It demonstrate to us Three 125: Zipi Zape 126, Linda shows the fulfilment of God the verity and love of God, 126, Tigrille 106, Fire Fiy 100 romise to fallen race through the blessing of peoce to men of Nearly two thousand years ago Wormwood 90, Mentirosa 80. centuries of generation. slance good will was brought to earth by at chronology reveals the fact, SUNDAY RACES that from the creation to the birth the advent of tre lowly Nazareno whose life was enacterised by of Christ are four epochs, covering Another good program of a period of four thousand and four puritv, humili y, devetion to Jutys eight races has been arranged years, Xmas is the greatest of the sacrifice and love for sunday the 27th inst. The epochs as Redemption is wrapped was able to diseminate amonge tanto of virtues He In order that our finite kind peace the ture road to happifeature event will be six furmay see the blessing of ness.
longs, in which Manua, Pere Christmas let us break away from With toe foregoing in view, Loyal que and Bolsheviki are book the noises and distractions which Excelsior Lodge No 93 160.
bewilder us and let us look closely Es becs thrown this to ed to compete.
at the first Xmas The expec. dinm to convey the sensons greet Another six furlong race tant eyes of the world were waiting ings to West Indians in general and which will attract unusual at. for a Saviour.
the tention will be staged by angels appeared to the lonely to fraternal organizations in parti the sincere hope that que and Dad: this race will luminous splendour brought fear these virtues whereby the father.
carry a purse of four hundred on these shepherds, but the great hond of God and the bretherhood dollars assurance of Fear not, behold of man may be finally established bring you glad tidings of great joy and crowned with universal peace.
In all there will five which shall be unto all people, for races for imported horses and unto you is born this day in the three for native ponies.
city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord, of the angel SPARKLETS Of course, as this will be chased away that fear, and left (Continued from page 1)
Societies the second meet for the them in a listening attitude.
Christmas season hundreds After the delivery of this great will be at the popular hippo message, the celestial host sang the of harmony with present day progDivine Anthem of Glory to God ress. The Chivas are owned, drome in the highest and on earth peace, operated and patronized by the goodwill towarde men, and return poor people; those who are being Jed to their celestial home. When served are really in need of the CAN BE HAD AT In Treatment of West they were gone the shepherds service; thuse who are serving are decided for Bethlehem, they went equally in need of whatever they Indians at San Andres. there and found according to the are able to get from their service; angel sign the babe wrapped in but what argament must be put swaddling clothes lying a forward in a petition for help!
British Vice Consul of Colon manger with Joseph and Mary MODERN WOMAN Despatched to Same.
We can but faintly imagine the few of my friends asked an somage and adoration rendered why did not comment on Miss Owing to the alleged harsh treat shepherdis. They hogy by these Linda Smurts masterful and sel olar.
to the King of then returned to ly address ment by the Colombian Govern their daily caling, glorifying and Well, thought it unnecessary; the ment of several British West In praising God for what was heard ladies have been always given what dians, and their arrest, together and seen, telling the glad tidings to them with their schooners, on a charge of all who came within their radius. they have been our pleasant helo. it be. unlawtul fishing. at So Andres. But let us linger a little longer nates, giving us a little trouble the Minister, upon direc with the boly babe, some thirteen every now and then, and it will tions received from his Government for fourteen days.
always be so; they are in second in London, has sent Mr. de On the eighth day we saw the position to us, and they will always Comeau, one of the British Vice circumcision and we asked why be in that position. As one man Consul at Colon, to San Andres to was He named Jesus. The evange said We love the ladies and their FULLER XMAS CARDS investigate the matter, and to do list tells us, that was the name little holler about equality is alleverything he can to assist the Bri prepared for bim before He was right; they see some fancy jobs now tish West Indians.
conceived the Have you tried the Wishes one and all Merry. Have you seen the fine selection womb, Matt. 12 and thco whieh they are able to fill, The British Minister states that Thirteen days later Christmas and New Year the of Christmas.
new Beer the interests of the West Indians from toe far East came Wise men let us not bother them io so vrying.
wor Personally, however would 12 Greeting Cards on sale at the will be looked after and their pro shipped Him again; we question the term Perfect Woraan to WORKMAN Stationery Store? All Advertise in the Workman English beauties, and going fast Kronen Brautati ovi is assured, de conexpected the prophet of his nativity and be of Modern Woman, that Vica. Consul de Comeau will said Aud Bethlehem Ephratab would prefer something return some time next month, IT PAYS only a few remaining.
etc. Micah 5: 2) Demanding still Thinking Negro, New House Rent Receipt Books Furlongs Purse the flesh.
minds Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly The Workman Stationery Store and 66


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