
ist 20 GCC.
business hands.
tbe Contra Crespo and Church NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Church Services.
The Christmas holidays passed St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs off very quietly here this season: American Episcopal (Anglican Com one and all seem to enjoy themmunion)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaeach week for Readers of this paper selves very nicely; the absence Second Sunday After Christmas WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes of drunkenness and bad lan Holy Communion 30 a.
Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Ruage by those who iodulge Sung Litany 10. 45 a. Holy Euchar.
All copy for publication must be themselves in those babits was PO Box 74, Panama and remon 11. 30 written on one side of paper only, and particularly noticeable, vuen bon Church School p.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the came of a fois ici.
have confidence in your ability and Choral Evensong sermon 30 December 24 31 One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicawill undertake any enterprise that Wednesday is the Feast of the EpiSix Months.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
The Sign of Sagittarius, the promises significant returns no Mr. Ricbard contribution to play. The Holy Communion will be Three We do not undertake to return reArcher.
matter what the odds are against the people enjoyment was a celebrared 8.
jected correspondence. T. MULCARE, Rector.
The French explorer, Cartier, the its accomplishment. The important primitive merry go round The Liberty of the Press is the palladiun of our rights. JONUIS statesman Woodrow Wilson, the thing about your horoscope is that able of seating persons at. scientist, Sir Isaae Newton, and the stars have not only given you time, and the young folks enjoyed St. Barnabas Church, Empire the famous Murillo, were all success not to ventuto this confidence but they have de themselves enthusiastically on it; Matins, Litany and addreu 11 am, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1926.
barro during this week and their rebussen finne rewarder for your perhaps improvement may be Church School, and Confirmation clave.
various life show at p.
vast versatility of of this cusp. There superb courage.
able to operata it the next Choral Eveprong addrere 30 PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ibarely a or a profession Mated with an Aries born, one season.
The Lay Reader that you cannot enter into with whose birth comes during the latter ALL.
certsinty of success. You have a part of March and the first o! MULOARE Priest in Charge wonderful combination of mental April. you will add harmonious Horse head Jobpson with brillaney and ability to work domesticity to succes in business, bis model borse, and his drum Just a few hours ago we stood with bated breath and accurately and efficiently with your St. Bartholomew s, Church and life band, and his many folDeep red is the color of your sign, lowers, perambulated the entire viewed the last sunset that tinged the hills with gold, that LAS CASCADAS.
denoting power and brilliance. The village by day, and night in the touched the trees with fire, that fringed the spires and The stars have smiled on your holly is your flower and the rich brilliant moonlight, Matias, Litany and addrene 11 a.
and add (Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
steeples that sent the birds to roost and the foxes to their birth and have endowed you with pearl is your lucky stone. Imuch to the liveliness of the holes, that bade all nature be still, that softened the should keep you from or reaching Adams syndicate. great genius.
No circumstances (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. village, and the enjoyment of Church School and Confirmation Class 30 atmosphere and ushered in King Night. This was the last your high place in the world. You every body.
Evening Prayer and address p.
sunset that the world had seen in the year 1925 and The Lay Resger yesterday as we awoke we suddenly found ourselves Miss Doris Russell deserves MULCARE, Priest in charce.
very much credit for the way in plunged into the mysteries of another year. New Year, wbich she was able to prepare which in course of succession the Chronicler of time has Wesleyan Sunday School St. Simon Mission, Gamboa arbitrarily christened 1926.
children for the concert which Matius, Litany and address 11 am.
As we welcome the New Year which father time has took place at the church on (The Lay Reader will Officiate)
so graciously forced upon us, it is but fitting that we pav ed his or her part splendidly. Church School p.
our last tribute to the old year the old familiar 1925, as she It is regrettable however, that. The Lay Render.
ave STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Choral Evensong and address fades out into the eternal past.
the people did not appreciate the 1925 was one of the most eventful years in recent times, MULCARE, Priest in Charge efforts of Miss Russell and the Share both for governments and the people. The various occurchildren, as the concert was Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off very poorly attended. Our rences of the year have either placed a fringe of lead on the Lord prophecy is now being Baptist Churches portals of nations and homes or worked an embroidery of fulfilled, the people are lovers of gold on others.
NON INJURIOUS pleasure more than lovers of (Under the auspices of the Southern God. Mr. Geo. Laynis from Commerce has either felt a stroke of suppression or has Baptist Convention. Colon way the Chairman, and bis acquired new life and success.
comment on the several items Colon 11 am, and 15 Pastor Men and things have sped on their course sw. yed and No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required as they were rendered was Thritt. Lord Supper after botb services ruled by the indomitable hand of circumstances.
wuch appreciable.
Chorrillo. 11 am, and 17. 15 Pastor Witt, Lord Supper after both Developments in the various arts and crafts have been MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, services.
Dr. Edward Peart, Jamaican, Calidonis 11 Deacon Smith: advanced with a rapidity that surpassed the most profound SMOUTH AND SILKY Negro physician, resident in 15 Supplied.
Nicaragua, spent the Christmas Red Tank 11 a. Descon Yearwood New inventions in aircraft construction for mastering bere; he was the guest of bis 15 Desern Smith.
the air, although fraught with numerous fatalities, have cousins, Mr.
SOLD EVERYWHERE Empire 11 a. 15 Descon Mrs Robert nevertheless achieved many successes.
Peart, prominent residents of Crooks.
this colony. Dr. Peart attended Gatun 11 Mr. Wiggins; 15 The signing of the Locarno Pact by the nations of the Experienced Canvassers Investigate the concert at a Wesleyan.
Me, George Bowman.
world which affects to greatly minimize the possibilities on Christmas eve night; Now Providence. 11 am. Teacher of war if not eliminating it altogether.
he gave an interesting address on Ellis.
the habits and customs of the The activities of the League of Nations, especially in Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Leader Galliprotecting the sovereignty of small nations and the prompt LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD primitive ledians of Nicaragua, more. 15 Supplied.
especially the way in which those Matta Redonds 11 a. Daacoa action in bringing the recent Greece Bulgaria fracas to a among them who are Christians McIntosb.
quick termination and amicabie adjustment Christmas. He inter alia, That it is a hard task The suppression with a stern hand of revolutionary to get Salvation Army Hall.
the Indians become movements that threatened the foundation of constituted Christians, but when they are LA BOCA CORPS authority, especially in Great Britain where the seed of converted they are true bearted radical communism was being sown with surprising and whole hearted Christians 5, 30. Knee Drill.
and no hypocrites at all; You solidity.
adu 11 a. Holiness Meeting.
can depend on them.
These are but few of the numerous events that have went to labour among them 15 p. Sunday School.
gone down on the pages of history with 1925 in large years ago, out of a community 30 Open Air.
figures above them, and now the year itself has gone into of about 5, 000 only three (3) 30 tn. Salvation meeting.
could read and write.
We extends cordil invitaton to all, history as a thing of the past, and will linger long in the Dr. Peart was a passenger in memories of nations and individuals according to the transit from Nicaragua to Jamal (Continued on page 7)
gravity of the bereavement, pain and loss sustained during AND ca; he left bere on Dec. 26 to eventful 1925, resume his yoyage; we wish him, Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Baptist And now to come right home to ourselves.
bon voyage, and a pleasant vaca Cristobal Colon One of tion in Jamaica Church Activities, the greatest events that has been accomplished in the life Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages of this young Republic during 1925 is the establishment of Mr. Dixon Christmas diplomatic relations between Panama and the Republic of Message is much appreciated by The Cristobal. Colon Baptist Colombia, an act that has met with popular favour for the executive of the beloved President Chiari.
Summary of Contents: the peoplo of New Providence, Church has been baying a busy its appearance on page of the time during the Christmas holiThese are all remarkable events to which 1925 gave History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years WORKMAN o! December 25th is days and all departments of the like the last wine at the wedding Church show sigas of real probirth and which have been handed over to 1926 to be Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, feast in Canal of Galilee. Mr. gress.
fostered for the bringing forth of much good to mankind Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Dixon lives on his farm in New Under the Leadership of Mrs.
the girls sewing class Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, and Girls reserves have been do So we wish one and all Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual splendid work and at the Miss Leona Markham is recent Harvest Festival, the HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
Players home again from the Santo work done by the girls was dis.
Tomas Hospital, and it is expect played and admired by Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and ed that she will soon be well Socials have been beld. Pastor Interesting again, she is still under medical Thrift has been busy distributThe Locarno Agreement.
treatment, but she is on the ing food to the poor. The Christ.
road to complete recovery. Her Price 50cts.
parents beg to thank all those was programme given by the Sunday school children was a who bave visited her in the bos The signing of the Locarno agreement was essentially pital and since she has returned The Junior are to home.
an event of European importance. That is to say it was of recite before the Waten night Secure yours now there will be a great rush importance to all Eurype, and of much less importance, service.
for them, Fined For Illicit Sale Of New Year Sunday will be a though no doubt still of considerable interest, to countries Liquor.
great day. The Pastor will preaca in other parts of the world. Of its place in the history Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN both morning and evening.
of postwar diplomacy there can be no question. It comes The usualweek of Evangelistic Panama next in importance to the signing of the Treaty of VerssailCertain employees of the Revenun meetings will be held from Jan Department les, and for that reason if for no other the Locarno signarecently made nuary 4th. to 8th the programme tures were invested with a special interest for anyone surprise visit to the commercial is as follows.
establishn ent owned by Mrs Monday evening 4th. will be whose fortune it had been to be at Versailles in June 1919.
Luciada Gonzalez in the village taken by the Pastor There was singularly little resemblance between the two the scene was a reception room of the Foreign Office, res intoxicating liquors were being Goewey San Francisco and found that Tuesday evenibg 5th. the Rev.
ceremonies. At Versailles there were no speeches at all pectable without being impressive, which had been used clandestinely sold, no license for Wednesday evening 6th. the What German delegates that the treaty they were being asked only hastily prepared at the last moment for the ceremony As a of the investigations, it Thursday evening 7th. the Rev.
to sign was exactly what had already been submitted to of signature. As to the delegates themselves, only two of was proved by confessions of the C, F: Austin.
In London a member of each delegation spoke those who signed in London had signed at Versailles six could be attached to the owner of Austin, Friday evening 8th. the Rav.
twice, once before and once after signature of the agree and a half years before. These two were Dr. Benes of ments. At Versailles the twenty seven delegations rose Czechoslovakia aad Vandervelde of Belgium, but among accordingly exonerated. and a fine to spend the first week of the establisment was Everybody is cordially invited from their places and walked in order to the small table the spectators in London was one distinguished actor in the of 250 imposed no Zoila Maria New year in Gods house.
where the treaty was laid In London the various docu Versailies ceremony, Lord Balfour, who was one of the Gonzalez as the principal delinquent officials of the British Foreign Office. At Versailles the cere Benes, it may be added, signed on both occasions with the the fines will be changed to ish and English for sale at the ments were all handed to delegates where they sat by British delegation at the original peace conference. Dr. and 100 on Mrs Maria Rios as accomplice. In default of payment.
Rent Receipt Books in Span mony took place in a historic and orate hall, In London same pen, corresponding imprisonment.
Workman Printery spend their He said to When he STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Thrift, Rreat success. purpose here to do near the who


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