
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres to Gentlemanly logues In the texti adregry eco the Brot been ed praiseil may fault in He was reformer the of cross.
Servetus, real ATLANTIC SIDE Great English ReforS New Year Message.
mer. George Jacob (By MOULTON. Colon Christian Mis Holyoake.
As a Negro writer, may not be permitted to pen a New year Mession Entertains. BY Gaskin)
sage that may convey the sincerity of my Wish for a Bright and prosIt is said that when the New Year perous On Monday night the 28tbult philosophers of Germany are ia CECILIA AMERICA the Colon branch of the Christian doubt, some one says, Bacirio On entering the New Year, Mission 4th Street and Broad. Kont. Whenever hear about (PANAMA. COLON)
new series of taoks, struggles, and way, beld their anniversary ser social reform or welfare work, TODAY. Saturday, January 2nd and TODAY. Saturday January 2nd responeibilities fall on us as a vice when an exceptionally good my mind goes back to Owen or people. These demand clear foretime was spent by all. Among Holyoake. The great Dr. John TO MORRUW Sunday, January 3rd Charles Jones in sight, balanced meditation that those wbo performed special son once said, bewbo bas seen Constance Talmadge in THE VAGABOND TRAIL leads to reasonable resolutic as, and determiatation successfully mention must be made of mas. one green field has seen all green LEARNING TO LOVE ter Clyde Richards in The Belds. Personally, think, that pursue and carry out the program TOMORROW. Sunday January 3rd Bible Darnly Broonis in be who bas read the life of one of our lives, individually and colo Richard Barthlmess in MONDAY, January 4th Mrs. reformer bas read the life of lectively, Boy Corbin in The Key to the Bible ever every reformer. You may have Glenn Hunter in SOUL FIRE But in order that the Negro at to change an incident here and GRIT tain the mark and bigh cailing of drop and the flower, Miss there, but the main facts remain MONDAY, January 4th his position on the foregoing lines, Scantebury, in Line for some substantially the same. With the TUESDAY Jauuary 5th Adolphe Menjou in it is obvious that a picture be thing Una Henry in risk of being charged for tam LUST WIFE Alice Joyce in drawn entailing reminiscences of Saviour auide me. The dia pering with the Shakespearean the past and comtemplation of the and The say. There is a divinity THE LITTLE FRENCH GIRL TUESDAY January 5th present with an idea wbose applicaCross eximination vere heart that shapes the reformer end Laura La Plante in tion might best benefit him in the ly applauded. The chair under rough, bew it bow be may.
WEDNESDAY, January 6th material and spiritual possibilities the able leadership of Mr. THE TEASER Ron the gauut and you will John Gilbert in of the future, Boyce, assistant Superintendent see that it is the same old story SHAME WEDNESDAY, January 6th POTENTIAL UNDERSTRATUM: rendered suitable songs for the Open tba book of universal bis.
occasion, and the duet That tory at any page and you will Constance Talmadge in There is no gainsaying but that first Xmas night by Misses And that disappointment ad THURSDAY January 7th LEARNIG TO LOVE so far, the development of the Boyce and Nichelis was the centumely are the lot of the re Richard Barthlmess in Negro people on the Isthmus of Pacrowning piece on the program former. Look at Moses, after SOUL FIRE THURSDAY, January 7th pama forming a potential under The songs by the Girls and Boys travelling up and down a Glepo Hunter in stratum iu the economic rod social conglomerate of Republic of department of the young People at last be stod in FRIDAY January 8th seeing a Progressive class were well GRIT distance of his promised re Panama and the Center and the Canal Zone, is 05 ceived dream. But did he realize il. Adolphe Menjou in ratifying to themselves, and it has tory answers and emphatic Nu The chair was ably occupled Poor man, he died in obscurt FRIDAY, January 8th LOST WIFE unbeneficial to the gradual by Mr. Brewster, the General tv on Pisgab Jonely beigbts. No Alice Joyce in and stable rise of the whole Istb main mass. Moreso is that statesuperintendent of Bunday SATURDAY January 9th and THE LITTLE FRENCH GIRL one can say, bow, wbere, or if be Schools.
iment true, and a fact without fear were ever buried. was just SUNDAY, Janu ry 10th SATURDAY, January 9th of contradictioa worthy of unstiot reading the trial of Socrates by Charlie Chaplin in if the pressing circumJohn Gilbert in professor Bury, England greatstances, face to face with which News Notes est historian. This THE GOLD RUSH SHAME not sound their redoubled efforts have always goud to the Wellsians It is the been required to live up to the social standard of civil life, were same tale of woe. At the ride Fowl rearers of Silver City age of seventy, Sourates wis take ninto ratiogal account.
were much surprised on Monday polsioned to death by the pbile GREAT SIGNIFICANCE: the 28th ulto. when the Acting lines of Greece, Corrupting the With the satisfaction of survivDistrict Quarter Master entered youths, they said. Jusus, the the city with a gang and started porest of the sons of men, the West Indian Romance Borrows of yesteryears, the Negro ing in a fitting mode, the joys and to demolish the ben coops, Bet nob lest martyr that ever did. number ting the birds free. PAY VISIT TO Did naught but good, All the Aired in English Courts of can feel pleased today in the celeof coops were destroyed. false witnesses against Am roke do xu. Eyen Pila e could BRATH LUNCH COUNTER he the simulace of this Feast is not And and no Bien things materially or Says the News of ihe World of avainly dieplayed on the surfuce 6016 9th Street and Hudson Lane The musical program by th and must pay the net recent issue: While students at Rather, it should be defined and Sunday School children of the penalty. Acco ding to to the botal THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET SATISFACTION colleges, a West Indian couple be made clear to all who form this Cristobal Colon Baptist Choreh laws of a Jewisb pri pristhood He came acquainted, fell in love and Negro Group of the whole Istb on Sunday the 27th, was suc suffered the ignominious deain Sandwiches of all sorts, Regular meals were married, only to part the mian mass, cueafully rendered, and the It was so with function was attended by many. Bruno, it was so with Michal from 10. 30 a. 25 cents same day. There was an echo of the romance at Croydon, The par moon shone great splendeur, he It was a week ago. The Tropic and it will be so with reformer ties were Kathleen McIntosh, of every CHICKEN SOUP FROM P.
until we The Cristobal Colored school that the question the great Pawan Sydenham road, Croydon, and her stars of Orion as well as other imORDERS FILLED AND EXECUTED husband, Percival Egerton Me porant astral bodies which make up Bilver City will be re opened on asked at the Grand Trial stil Intosh, of Brixton road. Brixton, ed and displayed a picture of Celesthe heavenly end Monday, the 4th after having stands open. No man knows Prompt Day and Night Service The wife, audamer person, det beror diy Beauty against a clear blue been closed for two weeks for what is troth. Holyonke Was not the Christmas bolidsys. put to death, the age did not allow herself as a of it. But wide was the sea and Trinidad, nod TRIAL WILL CONVINCE her husband as belonging to St. With us, our brothers the waves that angry had to BRATHWAITE, Vincent, West Indies. They both sons daughters and friends strolled It lo understood that the sall. He was born in 1817. Started came to. Los backward and forward; vehicles of presentation mateb in connec life as an ordinary foundry bard; Proprietor Idon to England ta They to study at Inversion to another in the weird got acq. Ham description drove from one tion witb the Surprise Crickt was not able to write upull he und marred each other at Cup competition is fixed to take was Adopting the bupstead Register Ofce on Feb. 13th, hus hush of the night. We intermittent.
place on Sunday the 10tb. mantarian philosophy of Roberi this year. After the ceremony de y stopped to view the things that Owen, be became Chartist.
fendant took her to her mother the Angels song to the shepherds man, as did Lone and wayaring te traven. CANAL ZONE Clubhouse on Thursday evening house at Hampastead. He left her of Bethlebem 1925 years ago. It Tomorrow baseball game ed up and down Eogland. At one NOTES 14th iost. This will be the first Dis there and had not lived with her 45 the eve of Christmas, oro between the Red Sox and time be bad to abridge his name.
trict meeting for the year and all since. Three mouths after a child Great Day to those who live and the Wasbington team on the He dropped Gorge and ly La Boca Pars.
members whether in standing was Mount Hope diamond promises (Continued on page 7)
or not are asked to attend as the with defendant, who promised to worship like us.
to be very popular and interest importance of the Association send her a quarter. He had only But the Spirit of Christmas is Ing.
Secretary Ellis of the Panama grows the need for the presence at sent her one amount lo his debetter revealed in the purchasing Grass and Brush Fires. Canal West Indian Employees meetings and the cooperation of all fence the husband asserted that he gifts that sladden the hearts of Radical Magazine.
Association aunounced during the members with the District Officers married applicant on ta condition those dear and dear to us. And week that the January or Annual grow. The District of the Association will be tation on the Board represeq. laid down. by ber mother that they when the great volume of business The Governor of the Panamad on Satury night the 23rd of ing the Chairman who also has a he and she had completed their purchasers has been figured irresis six, exclusl must not live together until botll done by the vendors Canal calls be attention to th According to a foreign contempo Ferious menace to property of this month. This promises to be an place by virtue of his office It is of studies. At present he was stu: Ilhe WILL to live up to the social pective of pressure of circumstances rary, Time, a new radical magazine The Panama Canal and Panama interesting and important meeting vital importance that the Represen dent of King College and his the to be ralled the MEW MASSES: Railroad from grass and brush as all members of thu Associati a tatives attend this meeting so as to allowance wis 225 per annum and civic standard of Christian is to be published in the United fires during the dry season. in good in the discu sion of the ble and be in a po ition to intelli had wou. The wife, answering the in favor oftbe Negro, bever to be standing may attend and clean as much information as posi the proceeds of a scholarship he life will stand out prominently States.
In flambayant bulletin the Growing crops in cultivated it is stated, editors and backert of the neures are als areas and valuable cattle pus. Associatiou Report covering is gently take part in the Board meet Bench, declared she had now giv. igorred.
the frequently damaged principal activities during the year ing THE WILL 28 followe. This is a by such tires, which are often 1925: this report will be presented 23rd ich 13 800 unced for the eo up her studiez sud was now inst. An Web important item which living on money allowed her by her cultivators dy a great age. This started It is this will on in lh which clearning land olj by the secretary. At tsis meeting, members should not miss will be the sister, jungle growth. 103 civilization code should like to emphasize and to CODFires within 1, 000 feet of the ciation for 1926 will be installed by Lives on the Board meeting hell in mother to the West Indies.
the too, the officers elect of the Asso rport of the District ResrresentaThe baby had beas taken by her which should call to the attentina taios greater materials than any of the previour ages of history. Canal are a particular menace to the President, nad tais ceremony is December, the report will be preof the Negro on tie Isthmus: THE And the NEW MASSES writer: ships carrying explosives or worth govog miles to hear.
sented by Mr. Hunter, Defendant explained that bis WILL to think, meditate, resolve and artists are not going to run cargoes of an inflamable nature.
parents in St Vincent had promised and get together with a positive Heads of Divisions may be to take full responsibility for the determination and creative imagination of burning within 1, 000 feet of th two of authorized to do necessary The La Boca Athenaeum, after After spending a few months in his wife mother that he would child. He always understood from carry out to completion some recess, not economic program Not middle class culture, It eees and feels a new America An with the Marine Superintendent. the 4th inst. Among other import ou account of serious illosss in her had finished his studies three years oleficence of the Isthmus, but of America factor the of steel and stone, of dy Departments ard ant matters to be taken up and family, Mrs. Edith Cole returned hac itself to discover the new Ameries thanare directed to see that kne of the society for tue text few her father died while she was on which will nomos and blast furnaces will occupy much of the last week. Unfortunately for her, time The chairman, to ecmplain tit ant: When you married, did you grass is cut back not less time expect he was going to live with should also become a policy to that crot einde cereales corporations borraine went on ble from any we de will be the elocution contest ber way over.
you at your mother house as a insure the ethical, stable and which or combustible material building or is be husband uomolested progression of bis and trade in their charge.
20. 1926. President e.
Mixing business with some plea.
and a Wife: Well, understood be greater credit to is desirous or seeing all Persons entering pasture and those round and about him.
land rushes. West Virginis strikes «rass areas are cautioned to ex mbers at next Tuesday meeting sure, Mrs. Laurencia Phipp. of would remain at his college until AN ECONOMIC PLAN.
Herrin massacres. Ku Klux Kluns, ercise the greatest possible cate oo account of the holidays the Paraiso spent the week end bere he had completed his studies, but in the meantime he could come Legions and Leagues, labor to prevent the occurrence of unnual nomination and election as the guest of the Springer When remark Economie Plan around and see me when be liked, it does not only mean the expedientableidmorgaged 22, lyopies Bres, attention being called to which as a rule takes place in but he never came.
the following provision of Sectiou December was not held, This item Mrs. Betsy Alkios of Panama of су thrift in expending wbat sports, The magistrates madə an order trusts, romantic fiction magazines, 261 of tbe Penal Code of the will be prominent on the Agenda was a plesant Visitor here during for defendant to contribute 158 earns, nor the mere accumulation for next Tuesday.
the Christmas week; while here weekly to the wife.
money; but what it is especially movies, bunk morality, buok reli Canal Zone. Every person who wilfully or gion, bunk politics, imperialistic desire to imply is organized and she helped in the Musical held in incorporated trades, Industrial aoadventures the new America that negligently sets on fire, causes or The members of the Catholic the interest of Charity by the all the rest of the world watches praceres to be rubbe og fire, any Sunday School held a special pro Womaus Lile Poble Club. FULLER Agricultural Developments, as well as the benefits that can be derivert mingled horror and admira grasses or shrubbery on any lands, is guilts of a misdesmorgr. gram of vocal and instrumeutal out of real estate dealings; and tione are through forever with numbers at the Catholic Com.
munity Hall on Sunday evening Wishes one and all Bright these oo an economic syster of Miss Lydia Holder of Panama the pickled chicken bones and last, and on Tuesday evening was was among others to help in the and Prosperous New Year. control in order to bring the Negro squeezed lemons of art; with the Have you tried the up from his disparity with other their annual Sunday School treat e, Club program at the NEW YEAR CARDS moonlight and roses and the tire.
progressive peoples.
wbich was also held in their Hall. Clubhouse during Christinas week.
some Dudes that make up the now Boor Have you seen the fine selection Thus, through the spirit that manifested world of the unorigioal esthetes Rent Receipt Booise In Span of New Year Greeting Cards on Christmas was celebrated and the We turn to the dynamo of the of Kronen Brau The La Boca District of the sale at the WORKMAN Statiorery the engineers and workers of Ame.
Employees Association will hold its ish and English or Sale at The Store? All English beauties, and New Year is now hailed, may we regular moatby meeting at the Workman Printery, going fast only a few remaining. Continued on page 8)
described native nod eky sisters, fifteen good born to Dew loud vast, and vast machine away with it.
tenacity to today should the storying out of such distinguish in material unions, New society sayserapers, Chicago stock er he farms, farm with rice,


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