
British Finance and passes Sexs seres Commerce.
allied toys and Kames, have two sections Retourly.
lang up to dryyourstockings are ke new SSS 50 50So Pain Enemy banquet outstandi 22. సనక మనమ expected famou.
Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Light Brown Red Purple Marta Dark Brown Dark Green Pink List Light Grey Rose Golden Yellow Fatal Green Scarlet Cause Yellow Tangerine Light Green Pushi Grey Old Rose We Black Тамаре Sale the Ri CUSANTAORMS 6S:s SXSEX90 RYTAS WASWES AS ONS AWAV RI WASHES and glass ware, stationery are paper goods. toys and games and the great, and growing, section of sports goods (including sports clothing. As far as toeso latter commodities are concerned manufacturers of them, and the al eady taken space for next year Fair in excess of the large amoult devoted to these in 1924. Further applications for space in this important division are still being received. Indeed, so keen is the desire of British tirns to participate in the Fair that at the time of writing the number of firme applying for space at the claimed the world over as. White City is already more than being Pain greatest enemy.
double that for the corresponding Multitudes of people use and period in 1924. The Birmingham recommend it.
section of the Fair, it should be Rheumatic aches and paine instantly obey its command added, is mainly devoted to and disappear.
bardware and ironmongery goods It penetrates right to the for which that city is worlu sore spot. No need of rubbing.
It does its work thoroughly. final paragraphes to the Give it a trial.
method of business. The Fair is a One bottle will convince you.
show room, but not a shop. That At all druggists and dealers.
is to say that no money will pass there, but orders will be booked.
eus There will be no amusement sec. SLOAN ion, the Fair bing contigd strictly to business, and admis LINIMENT (PAIN ENEMY)
sion will be by inviation Over 50, 000 savitatio save been sent to overseas bu es in all parts. world. Everything is being done for their com os, and noel RM. WILKINSON for will be spared to make their visit interesting and er joyable. buyers club has been provided Contractor and arrangement made for acand Builder and entertainment.
centerpretors and specially qualiHouse No. 20 Orersens Trade will attend to 28th NOV, STREET, render buyers every assistance.
SAN MIGUEL The Fair, then, is essentially a trade Fair. But as the request of Box 411, Panama, R, the of the exhibitors next year an innova Plans and Specifications Free tion will be made. After p.
each day, and and from one to eight First class Workmanship on Saturday, 20th February general public is to be Guaranteed a imitted. This year also the Prince of Wales will attend the dioner to be given by the Government to celebrate the opening TAKE NOTICE of tha Pair, to which both repre.
sentative exbibitors and buyers The WORKMAN News.
will be invited.
paper can be had at the fol.
lowing places: Gold Employees Entertain Street, San Miguel.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, Si ver Co Workers. March, Barber, 55, Calidunie. Road.
Gold employees of the Panama Canal Storehouse at Balboa entertained their Silver helps at a party given at the Main Storehouse on Christmas eve. Sanwiches, punch and other delicious and toothsome things were on the lunch menu. This is the second year American employees of this division have shown such tangible appreciation of the help given them in every form can bs seen during the year by the Silver here at its best See oui men. The first treat was given on New Year Eve, Wrist Watches, 1924.
Bracelets Diamond Rings and a hundred other adorn.
Why pay double price ments and you ll recognize for inferior imported why this is the LEADING Beer when you can JEWELRY HOUSE in town buy a superior Beer ask prices and you ll fiad still such as BALBOA for another reasonhalf the price.
alluded theo (BY ROBERT MACKAY)
The annual procession through the streets of London of the newly elected Lord Mayor is an event which has entrapped the interest of dwellers in many lands. The e antiquity of this tune tion; its semi regal pomp: Its touch of brave colour in the most It takes but a few minute to de of time nt you dismal month of the year; all stocking with RIT these have attracted attention But to the foreigner the Keep the Dainty Garments given by the Lord Mayor on the of Intimate Wear Always evening of the processional day Bright and Fresh!
is perhaps not so well known Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
woer anding Have RIT always at hand to keep representatives in any walks of aitional and civic life. There, pretty stockings and other articles of lingerie looking their best to, come His Majesty minis. ters, headed by the Prime Minisby tinting or dyeing them with RIT. There are thirty one ter. By a venerable custom it is that beautiful shades and colours these gentlemen shall give to the assembled di all equally good for treatguitaries (and through the Press ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
There are 31 colours to a wider eudience) some acWhen garments or hangings are count of their stewardship. Toe spotted, sun streaked. stained or Prime Minister speech is faded, take out allthe old colour with WHITE RIT. Then the material traditionally devoted in the main to foreign and Imperial affairs.
is ready for the desired light or dark When, therefore, we find that shade of colour.
Mr. Balwin devoted no small Sold Everywhere portion of his speech at the recent banquet to the state of British trade, the inference is that this is a matter very much SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
Chicago, engaging the attention of the Government. Not only did Mr.
MONTEZUMA Baldwin enumerate certain facDRUG, STORE tors making for improving trade, RIT PANAMA but he almost, as it were, went AS IT DYES out of his way to make a reference to next year British In dustries Fair. This lends that project a special significance, ex sess. 03 a25.
justifying an extended consider allon bere, but before doing so it is apposite to recall the facts to by the Prime Minister as given ground for a more hope.
ful feeling about British trade sexocosy S82553 Yes 50 COSS Ses 30 prospects.
This feeling, said Mr. Baldwin is based partly on an increase of orders already placed, partly on enquiries which are going forward, and also, he thought, SUPPLIED BY on certain Economic facts Among these facts are the continuous and steady decline in the nemployment figures. These we may remark, are less by some sands than they were this time last year. Olber economic facts adduced were the large supply of raw cotton, which will give an impetus to the Lancashire trade; the sbort throughout the world; the prospect of a materials obtainable settlement of the ditficulties in Western Europe ope springing from tbe It is specially suited for this climate Agreement.
komen To this brief and sober estimation of the position might be added many other is superior to all imported beers sold indications, but we will pass to survey the special stimulus to trade which it is hoped will be administered by next year HALF the price.
British Industries Fair.
Next year Fair will be the eleventh Fair since it was estab lisbed in the dark days of the late war. Year by year the Fair has grown in importance. At tirst it was held only in London, and under one roof, but in recent years there has been both a metropolitan and a provincial section. This year, owing to continuance of tha the British SUPERIOR TO ALL Empire Exhibition, at Wembley, the London section of the Fair was not held, but 1926 will see see the resumption on a yet larger scale of the predominent division of the show. The British Indussries Fair will, therefore, be held from 15th to 26. February next at the White City, London, and at Castle Bromwich, Birmingham.
the Birmingham section belug organized, as bitherto, by the Birmingham Chamber of ComAs to the class of goods shown Of every description at the Fair, first, only British goods will be exbibited. These will be so arranged that all goods of the same class will be displayed at the Fair side by side.
By this means the buyer can DESPATCH see the articles in which he is interested at a minimum trouble and time. Next, as will be readily understood, British AT THE enterprise covering so vast a field, only special categories of goods are shown. Having its origin in the war days, the Fair has special zd in sertain classes of goode which had to a large extent in pre war years been imported from the former enemy countries. The war naturally cut off this.
source of supply, and, equally sought to meet the naturally, British manudeficit and to surpass the quality. Thus we find that prominent among the exbibitors are British manufacturers of fancy and leather goods, silver THE BEER The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best stocks thro and lastly, the peaceful Locarno on here and it sells to the public at Up to date Jewelry TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAU to the Fuller Jewelry Store 122 Cetnral Ave.
Phone 629 JOB. PRINTING The Silver Club School merce.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND ol What everyone is Offers the best advantage for the saying training of Coloured children on the Atlantic end.
KRONEN BRAU ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC COURSES superior to all imported beers Some of the leading subjects are: Shorthand Typewriting Book keeping Commercial Law Algebra Geometry British Consulate Notice.
Chemistry Physics Music Spanish The British Consul at Colon would be glad if Elizabeth Mark, Social Ethics Domestic Arts who is believed to be a native of Debating and Elocutionary Exercises Trinidad, would call at the ConLogic and Parliamentary Procedure. advantage.
sulate and hear something to her Terms Reasonable CHARLES BURKE.
Notice to Correspondents.
SO Principal. Contributors and correspondente MRs, DANIEL are asked to send in their contribu: tions not later than Thursdays to insure publication. This is impera WORKMAN PRINTERY ADVERTISE in The WORKMAN it Pays Cristobal Silver Clubhouse over de vele bele hered to


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