
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 2, 19:6 PLE SEVEN Great English El Excelsior notable departure from the commonplace If you have never smoked this unusual further We Buy and Sell Pearls relations VIGOR TONIC Chesterfield JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
CGARETTES ор oprators Hone raised In 1807 he was appoint: THE ATTENTION (Continued from page 5)
oake, he had to be satisfied with merely Mr. Jacobs. Parents refused to send their children to be JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP taught by such a Godless man Yet the people of England ver Corner 12 Street East Avenue had a better, a stouter friend, am with a certain amount ont of cau.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also tion making the statement that, Holyoake was the greatest social watches. Our prices are the lowest and our force of the 19th century in EnWorkmanship is guaranteed.
gland. He stood for every social reform of the period. He attack Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you ed child labour. Spoke for better Tobacco quality the one sold living conditions for the workers.
foundation for cigaretle popmay keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Raised his voice against the inclarity, and the starting point of Chesterfield good tiste.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of justice of long hours and low interest are duly met.
wages. He defended the equal rights of women. Hloed to bury Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Negre slavery. Advocated manbe pleased.
hool suffage, and went a step than his compears, and substituted intelligence suffrage cigarette, there is a delightful pleasure in the place of property suffrage Clamoured for free and compulin store for you.
sory education. With tood the For with every trace of harshness and government on the Education Tax. Refused to pay tax on his over richness eliminated, the blending has newspapar. Wroto across his nevertheless preserved both the aroma of door in large types, Diplomatic The best Tonic in the World bat een Turkish tobacco and the fullness of North Dwning Street and Fleet Street suspend American tobaccos.
ed As great as his rame is in And it is for this suave and satisfying This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recoma end. other fields, in that of Co opera.
flavor, so distinctive among cigarettes, that tion it is somewhat greater This ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, so many discriminating smokers are turnis Holvoake subject. The coImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ing to Chesterfield.
operative Movement of the a run down constitution world is due to two Englishmen; Rodert Owen and Georse Jacob It promotes digestion, impi uves the appeHolyoake The latter works on tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system co operallon have been trans lated into nearly every Earopean DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or language In 1869 he repre4 times a day.
sented England at the Anster dam Exhibition, Baroo Mackay, who was then the British Am.
CIGARETTES bassador to the Hague, attribut ed all of Englands success to e is as the Grand Old Man of Cooperation.
The whole European CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God contient cognize him as the Holiness.
Patriarch of Co operation. In Manufactured by LIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Manchester, one of the early (Continued from page 4)
CALIDONIA DISTRICT hones of co operation, the Seventh Day Adventist Church a Hlyo ke Suidoo Sunday 3o clock, Prayer Meetin costing 25, 000 pound STREET CALIDONIA ROAD 11. Divius Service Preacher. sterling. In (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA Supplied ed one of the three Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab p. Sunday School Superintendent officers at he Annual Core p. EU Programme which was buid in gland. To bath School: 11 15. Geners! Worship 730 Gospel Service, Preacher other two officers were, Lda 30 pm. Spanish Class; Supplied Roseburr and the Archbishop of OF4. 30 M. Society, meeting Tuesday 230 pm. Gel Service or York. Forty years before he 30 Junior and Senior Standard Elder ODLE had served imprisonment for of attainment Class pm. Vespere Pater in charge blasphemy. No, it was not a case Sunday evet ing 730 Preachof volte face. The spirit of the ime Service The general public is age bad changed. He apostacy cordially invited to turn out in larg was known all over the country numbers.
Bethlehem Church of God la his early days be openly Holiness IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF called himself an Atheist, but as Seventh Day Adventist Church he grew older and may be wiser he adopted Huxley word, ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON No, MARIANO AROSEMENA Agnostic. He was in and out Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. ta Sabbath SAN MIGUEL with the best brains of Eagland.
school; 11. 15 a. General Worship Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting On the one band, tuere were 30. Young people meeting 11 Divide Service Preacher. such nted divines as Dr. 30 pm Veepers Tupplied the Rov.
Joseph Parker and Note Other notices for the week wil Hogn Price Hughes, not to Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching be given from the pupit.
Service. You are cordially invited to mention the proud and unbending p. Sunday School, Superinten. Gladstone, a man who uever attend these services and bring your dent missed his church of a sunday.
friends, 30 Programme.
On the other, such critical minds 15 Gospel Service, Preacher as Matthew Arnold and Francis a Supplied.
The Church of God Newan. Fire brands like Swin burne and Savage Lindor. Men Panams, Arosemeos Street, House 25, BEULAI. 30 a. Prayer meetine world over, Mill, Tyndal whose names are known all the San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer AT THE moeting and Gospel merines at 11 am. Supplied.
11 am. Devine Service Preacher who shook the whole British and 30 m; Sunday School at p. 80 m. Sunday School, Superinten. Spencer who is the greatest Isles with his Belfast address, Modny st 30 Toatimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 m. Young People del, 30 cu. Gosp: Service, Preacher English philosopher since Bacon Meetin. Wednesday at 30 mn Supplied.
and all the others. When he visited Cel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm the United States his name was en uit meeting. Friday at 30 to.
blaz ned in every paper of the page to na TAD ARAD TAD AIATO Angra dan ga glede prepare an an Tage angrango mare gogograma Prayer Meeling GAMBO MISSIO 1, 30 Sun He met President Hayes Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge day School; 4, 30 pm. Gospel Sermon and many other men of State.
Red Tank, Coral Zo. ie Sunday Schoal Suppli Wendell Phillips introduced him fosed Scott Nearing. By the side Note Ober Se viees for the week But the P. Gospel meeting on Thursday most of Orsini, Nearing is a Tory Holy: will be given from the pulpit. enthusiastic was Ingersoll. me at 30 me oak was a member of many Elder PRANCIS, where Ingersoll wrote, There ere is Boards and Committees The EL GAITERO Bis, GRAY Pastor in charge.
no man living for whom have a Home Office consulted with him New Providence. Goepel Meetings at greater regard than THE ONLY ELABORATED 11. 30a. and 30 to. Bungay Sabool Jacob Holyoake. may ado that on social questions. The Parliament knew him. In his closing At pm. Wednesday at 30 Gos The Salvation Army these were the words read years was made an Honourary pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer sotne twenty years ago, that Member of the Liberal Club. To Meeting PANAMA CITY CORPS.
Spanish Cider with its inspired me to read every tb ng the last he was in harness, when Bro. McDONALD Services are as follows:that could lay my hands upon he died, a social oak fell, and the Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting a. Early Prayer Meeting.
coocerning Holyoake. Although own Carbonic Acid at 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday School at p. Wednesday 30 m. and Brigade United Open Air Meeting on the waves of the political sea. One of the truly great glish10 sm. Children Directory Meeting not an official politician. he was press of the world pay him triwas bute. But hear George Meredith.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Il a. Halinees Meeting to be con been able to take his seat in the he are the backbone of the land.
would of oor time. Such men as Pra. ducted by Commandant Martin House. Like Bradlaugh, he never Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH 3p. Compaty meeting and took and Oath. But unlike Brada They are rot eulog. zod in monuColon and Streets. Gospel meer. Brigades Open air.
ments, they have a stogter me p. Junior Open Air.
laugh, he ხის fitted ings at 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 45 w. separate Brigade Open Air for such a Struggle. Toe Parlia morial in the bearts of all who mentars Str Strugles of Bradlaugh venerate a simple devotion to URETIC AND REFRESHING pm. Gospel Meeting Friday at 30Meeting, p. Salvation Meeting in the Hall Palmerston wanted to strength: material rewards, and uoflinchugba the opores ted, the langurs of a When Lord clear intelligence, Contemot of Trade Mark Prayer Meeting.
to be conducted by Commandant and Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Mrs. Martin bis cabinet with Jon Bright, it VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Other notices for the week will be was to Holyoake he went. Glad. iog courage.
given from the pulpit stone triumphant success in S, was greatly due to Holy. cordial invitation is extended to all. 100 Bethel Church of God oake. rebel himself, he mix W. MARTIN. Commandant. freely with the refugees from Why pay double price VILLAVICIOSA Holiness SPAIN for inferior imported Europe. Such men as Garibaldi RIO BAJU, LAS SABANAS Mazzini, Victor Schoecher, Louis Beer when you can Suoday a. Prayer Mieti. Have you seen the fine selection Blanc, Felice Orsini and others ESTEBAN DURAN 11 Divine Service. Preacher of Christmas and New Year could have been seen dails in the buy a superior Beer 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent Greeting Cards on sale at the Fleet Street of the fifties and such as BALBOA for SOLE AGENT 30pm. Gospel Service, Preacher WORKMAN Stationery Store? Al! sixies. wonder if England half the price.
Ba vplied.
English beauties, and going fast would entertain such a bunch to For the Republic of Panama Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge only a few remaining.
day? think pot, she has just reFriendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store Voi Union to Enerson.
George no have men Cider Champagne was 1862, was


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