p. 8


E EIGHT TRE WORKAIAN SATURDAY JANUARY 2, 1926, OUR SPORTING PAGE Two Day Races New Year Message tt led normele locurelying pumpor Negroindividuals and the Frou, third, respectively und in 1926. and olla the Races! Races!
whatever para of Capitana 132, Fachendo 113.
The racing season opened at (Continued from page 5)
Joan Franco Park on Christmas not view the picture of our respoa Day with eight races and a monsibilities for the year 1926 ster crowd in attendance. That is the question that The big event of the day, a race glaringly stares, in faer class 3500, was won by Jolly Pello especially the churches and lodwes the favorite to the tung: Frou supported by them. And leuders connot ridden by Macz, came afford to escape the resposibilities second and Burl sco ridden by thereof Jmenox came third Riss Loca also ran. Manua was scratched.
Nineteen twenty six is bound to Carrillo rillo rode the winner become a testing year, wherein the Capitana, wib Arsoda up won animate mankind to al nost a de Survival of the Fittest Theory will the two year old race of furlongs purse 8400; Justice and gree of deep concern.
Reina Mora came in second and CNNDITION OF THE WORLD The Spirit of Loc1o on one hurl: The class All event of four hat; Ishevik Russia o te other farlongs for dative horses was Then, as a for the Asiaties; todia nown ard Candiewood me in Expptians and Africs for the Airifor the for the in the order named, neb Roto in the fourth racuns are the outstanding problem th world in of six furlongs ca pe un bead of new democracies tis bild ad paid 10. bd 80, cannot deny the spirit of their now existent, the biggert poul for we day, constitutional exis existence in vierwhile on qui pad the second ing be efforts to be made forte biggel, 38 40 and 70. solution of these pro lems to the satisfaction of mankind. The prce SUNDAY PROGRAM blems nevertheless, are simple: the equitable adjustm at of the economic claims of all peoples After a delay of 22 minutes in ba ed on historicul evidence. That the tir race, for whicb Jockey is all. Aside from tuis, we will pos.
Carrillo, Munoz and Jimenez sibly have an eternal struggle tu were tined 22 each for having wage.
bien responsible for the delay, THE NEGRO POSITION, races were run the feature, a The Negro pot, conscious of his six fa. lock, being won bs collosal importaues in the makeup Bolsbesiki, ridden by Munoz.
la of the problems of earth, occupies this race Jolly scratehed; Per que and Manus And it is only his unrestricted was so inferior position is the world came in second and third, res. leco pectiv. The pool id on that will elevate him to a univeral economic and social improvement wiuter. ense of Aracuana with Jockey Jarrell, appreciation. The means of a new arrival, up, sprang a sur wheels of this putting into operation to priz: in the 64 furlong, race in which there were seven other on his own should rs, individualy entries, and paid the tidy gom of the world he night be; becaus. and collectively, io 29. 40 and 40 splendid program is armies do not permit other peoples the Hedonic Prisciples of econoranged for tomorrow; entries to atteod to those arcessities that and weights will be found else come under the prerrogut ves where on this page.
That is the cruix of the questi in DEATH OF. that confronts the Negro every(Continued from page 1)
com orts and requirenents of Negro SocietieS IN PANAMA; Campbell during his stekness, both Du ute pestui une, it is noi at his home and in the Hospital, to my knowledge that any pro shouldering all the expenses in co Assoziation or Society of the nection with his sickness and thmus bas constitutionly givin to the interested public, a program: Personally, Mr. Richardson the that would would exped ently insure the Acting General Manager of the Negto commuany, against 000 Brewery must be thanked uy the mic stringency Still, we have family and friends for his devuesa Asthmian League of British st attentio. to Campbello. bis sick Indians; a West India a bed, whea he made it a specialduly, West Indian Welfare ce: despite his ouerous office work, to too Coo; a Women Lie Problem visit the sak bed two and three Club of La Boca; a Panama Catrai titres daily Silver Employer Association; a Campbell leaves a wife and six ches all over the Isthmus: an. azt Division of the and bran children in Panama to mourn their che loss to whom the sympathy of the to speak other wise of the diversi y entire community goes He is of denominational churches, misalso survived by a mother and sions and schools, as well as lodges aisters in the United States and in great numbers near relatives in the islaod of Will 1926 roll by and no conclave Jamaics.
effected of these diverse usein His mortal remains were ja terred blies?
Monday evening last at the Do we not need a capital neclius Herrera Cemetery alter the bunal of Negro Society at teis time?
absequies at the Santa Ana Catholic Will we now make the resolut ou Chure, followed by almost the of undertaking aud determing the staff of the Brewery a large number Pulmeut of some gr. at of frieds well wishers and acquaintances.
With the vote and determination to go forward, but is hope and Independent United Or proclaim to the Eterual Realms of strive that the end of 1926 shall der of Apostolic Fisher Spirit, that this was a rea letter men Inc.
year for the Negro people on the Isthmus; fur, they have Members of the 0: F contributed to not only the social, Inc. will he pleased to learn of the but more particularly to the arrival of the Encampment and economic grandeur in which they District Grand Lodge charters are intell yeutly identified, of that which are now in the hands of the place International State Grand Deputy be permited to extend to my With that end in view, beg to Brother Rawlins, Organizer of the Order on the Isthmus, people on the Isthmus.
together with the necessary books, bright and prosperous New Year.
Panama Dec. 31, 1925.
This nebievement ought to be especially gratifying the meinbers of the Order in this Re public, as it is only a few months ago when they seceded from the Wishes one and all Bright Gallilean Fishermen and affiliated with tae Apostolic Fishermen, and and Prosperous New Year.
is largely due to the indefatigabie efforts of the Organizer and his Arrrxogements are being made What everyone is for the opening of the Degree Ternple within a shurt time, after saying the establishment of the District Grand Lodge will follow.
Any information regarding the KRONEN BRAU can be obtained by municating with the Executive superior to all Secretary, Prescott, or the Organizer, Rawlins, through imported beers O, Box 788, Ancon, EXCITING RACES. ISS33563SEX BOSS To Morrow Races EXCELSIOR THEATRE The Panama Jocke yClub program for tomorrow afternoon is comprised of eight TO NIGHT races, three of which will be for native horses and the THE GREAT SERIAL MYSTERY others for imported horses. THE FORTIFIED DOOR This the first program for 1926 offers unusual attraction both FEATURING: ALLENE RAY AND BRUCE GORDON in the aggregation of racers and purses. The day classic The most delightful Oriental story ever staged. Also a Two Reel Comedy and will be a furlong race for a Pathe News. Program that you cannot afford to miss.
th best imported horses, the purse of which will the 500.
TO MORROW NIGHT Also, 200 is offered as the THE BEAUTIFUL POLA NEGRI IN purse for a furlong dash for class native ponies. THE CHARMER The curtain raiser will be a three furlong race in which five native horses are booked story of New York high life depicting a woman with unusual beauty who to take part.
captivates the hearts of the oppisite sex by the scores.
The program follows: It a delightful story, one that you will enjoy, with one of the most First race: Three furlonggraceful Actresses of the stage.
purse 125. Barba Roja 126, Repulse 1121, Mentiroso 102, Two Shows 20 and 45. Prices: 15, 25 and 30 cts. Tigrillo 101, Bunuelito 95.
Second race: Six furlongsSPECIAL MUSIC purse 300. Meelah 126, Carcajada (124. Reina Mora nas, NOTE. This year will be a delightful one for the Patrons of the Excelsior Sunny Girl 113, Theatre. We are doing our best to organize our methods that will come up to Third race Six furlongsyour approval. We are soliciting your patronage.
purse 300: Buck Dancer 125 Argentino 125, Olla 125, Jailer 53493503 Stecks se istoso 115, Araucana 98.
Fourth race, Six furlongpurse 150: Rialto 126, DicSPARKLETS.
tador 120, Ruso 114, Roamer (Continued froin page 5) 108, Linda 102, Barba Roja 90 be thrifty during the year; we are Zipi zape 90.
not looked upon as John Brown or Fifth race furlongs. Tom Smith, but as a distinct com purse 500: Bolsheviki 126, munity West Indians, Frou 124, Jolly Fellow 118, LOST AT JUAN. RANCO!
Pereque go For the benefit of my friends published more than once the net Sixth race four furlongs JUAN FRANCO TRACK iesult of my experience on the local purse 300: turf Juan Franco. Since, have Pierrot 132, been reliably informed that Vittoria 98, Belle Sauve go.
Brother Smith and other TO MORROW reputable La Brenns made their longs pu se 200: Renown Seventh race seven furdebut at that popular pleasure Fenomeno Sunday, January 3rd, 1926 esort on Thanksgiving Day last, 126, Caribe 126, and that on the 25th ultmo 119, Chiqui 123, Candlewood was again attracted there. It must 108, Dictador 96.
be frankly admitted that there are various formes of attractions et Eighth race seven furlongs Joan Franco ore dors not purse 300: Cicero 10, necessarily bave to go there to Bult 124, Super Gloria 100, play the races. has recently Kentucky 100, Poncho Roto acquired a genuine pair of bigh 98. Races For Imported horses powered lens to aid his sense of seeing, and he uses these not only and for Native bred Ponies for reading purposes but on occasions als tie visits to Juan Franco. It would be a pity if, after Why pay double price WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE using these lens to place winners, he misplaced them. Ten to one he for interior imported did; as m sure be did not play Beer when you can the races but he returned home on the evening of the 25th is very low buy a superior Beer spirits.
half the price.
This year has been a splendid Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Christmas; the Workman, our indispensable weekly, was published on that Day with First Race Starts p. Sharp Message on the frout page with Advertise in the Workman that of His Majesty Minister s, Miss Smart und hoa IT PAYS ADMISSION: Friend Grorge Narboni had his handed in Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. Heralul 21 hours before Christmas ITEMS OF INTEREST Day. Liscussing the by the common people and placing thein in order of merit with (Continued from page 1)
regard to their bet cootents of been established in connection erated bunk, a sp eial com with their tramways service.
mittee awarded first place George Nathaniel s, second place As in previous years New to High Commissioner Bryant Year was ushered in with and the Committee ringing of bells, tooting of had intended to bar from the hundreds of automobils horris contest for breach of its gover blowing of sirens and the rules but finally decided to give it Regular Assortment of special mention holding of religious service in HACKNEYED IMPOSSIBILITIES all the city churches. AS Mr Moulton the Bar of announced yesterday most of La Boes, and my incorrigible the daily papers will not be friend, both of the NI. published this morning their SUCH AS visited me on evening last employees having been given ant vaturally they engaged me in New Year holiday.
argument the usual hackneyed impossibilities to do big things without knowing row. It is reported here from Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine suggested that enough proos. London and other European ganda has been spread in connectTablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, icn with the race consciousuess cities that incessant storms.
proram of the Associatio) and in violent gales and torrential etc. etc. etc.
point of faer the net result is rains played havoc gratifying, Western sow arrived when the poor people Atlantic Ocean. London is and the moneyhoud be used to lay some foundation upon which they may said.
to be storm swept, be respected weather experts estimating by oth other peoples. They have that eleven million tons of requested the renewal of my mein rain tell in the metropolitan 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tership. The ca e is taken under area within an hour; the rivers advisement as to whether I will Panama City.
cast my lot with friend Couror of western and northern over at Coloa or with Brother Germany were rising in Lindo at Divi ion 17.
catastrophic floods.
byrial. ANOTHER BIG DAY my Christmas on others. Friend the lexicopuolished in the Stare writen by Uustul to nobly Take Notice toine Ho Ro Co Famous Products a nast Monday to an on Dentist Howell Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, executive staff which The Workman Printery by able to stand and order com


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