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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Valuable Diamond Finds In British Guiana enquire ietn lo bere it wou wbo 407 99 in It is learnt Llist Ladien werxious to go to whether the of any be way of a CAYMANIAN AN UNFAIR Cambridge Local Exams.
FISHERMEN KICK AT To be Conducted Here Roloased on Bail Follow West Indian Employoos ing British Intervention. of Panama Canal.
Under Auspices of British West. We are in a position to announce According to that the local Grvernment have there is press reports Discovery Should Speed Up Indian Welfare Committee. recrired cablegram from the Bei gaestion of the status of Wat: possiblity that the tish Minister Bogo stating lodian employees or the Pana aa Colony Development.
The British West Indian Wolfare advised to use caution and combie Colon, who was deputed by the supy positions above the that the British Vice Consul Canal, principally those who who oc Committeeto much (FROM THE CANADA WEST INDIA MAGAZINE. announce to the British public in to the first two, ant principally to en torbice to proceed to Sur of messenger an common laborer it the these examinations.
Andreas the believe that British Guiana will surprise the world, recent will be taken getting the Local Examinations. There are age limits for each of fishermen for alleged fishing in of the United States and Colonel Legislative Assembly of British Guiana, in an interview at arrest of the thirty One Caymanian between Secretary of War Davis said Clement Cascin, Montreal, former member of the Syndicate of Cambridge University thesr examination beyond which prohibited wne, has concluded his Walker, Governor of the Regina. Of late they have made valuable finds of diamonds to soccíon the holding of oly past will enquiries, and following represent. Canal, who is staminations in the hooded will de recordedinations or acione te the Colombianabria Washington Dulo primcipality which are quite equal to the South African and Brazilian present Republic of honours be pointed out to The subjects. com sihich the car and before the court a few days ago, the appropriation committee. ment. British Guiana is larger than England, Ireland, Syudicace chladiah there are many didates are to be examined are and related contball.
the defendants were brought understood. to appear before diamonds. This discovery ought to speed up her develop thousands of British subjecte de University Press has issued a list shortly, and it is understood that States have been putting forth railway line in the whole The will come op for hearing local labor organizations with Scotland and Wales combined, and yet have very little the. Kl. public of Pagams who are representation in the United railway transportation. There are only sixty miles of ambitious the examinatious were permitted do well to purchase as a guide in arrangements have been trade for much etorts with a view to replac diamonds in valuable quantities ought to do much toward of the books which candidates may of education and that if country. The discovery of a lawyer to defend the bshermen. West Indian it would meas considerable studies.
The Caymahinna assert thai Gopal dan employees of There is fee for each rxamins, they were never fishing within the aiready referred to with Ameri wll also help.
encouraging grades convenience to those who were more railroad building and the new treaty bother to compelled to travel to a tion, namely 600, 67 50 and 10, prolitited zone; and that the British Coluoy when it was 00, respectively.
charge is false. JAMAICA HERALD) te indapuose bloed trenderle through the recent reciprocal, trade treaty which has been Dell 206, apparently forgetting Mr. Gascin believes that Canada stands to profit greatly to take the Cambridge Examin The examination riapers are rent tions. It is to be hoped thefore that by the Syndicate and a Presiding Services West Indians the public at large will seize thie Examiner (preferably graduate The Chiva to the United States during the arranged with British Guiara and the West Indian Islanda.
construction valuable opportunity presented to from a British University) will be of the Panama He was one of the commissioners for British Guiana Canal. It is cliqm by the British West Indian aprointed to see that orderete.
inconceivable why when a similar treaty was drawn up more than a quarter Welfwe Committee is maintained while the candidates The recent ruling of the Canal there should be such peralatency of a century ago. Since that time business between Canada Mise Lioda Smart; the Secretary are answering their papere The Zone Authorities preventing the ad immoral tasue by any or of the Committee, has been examination papers are sent the chives or motor busses frota sa zation of liberty loving Deo and, the two tropical countries has increased to such an appointed by the Local ExamioSyadicate, who will report its passengers on lioes parallel pes Shoped that the Passo establish a line of fast boats, to carry on commerce between extent that the British Government has found it wise to tions Syndicate as the Local Seere deci ions and forward certificites with the tramway cars of the fa It is tary for the Cambridge Examina nama Electric Conspany has not, Canal West Indian Employees them. SPECIAL INVITATION as was first thought, worked very Association which has succeeded tious, and all thyee who are in Miss Lioda Smart (elo British mucb bardships on the chivas. in feciing a most cordial rela remember when there wasn a sack of Canadian with teierted should get into tqucb Consulate, Colon. will be glad they are still getting passengers Loship vetween the Canal Zone flour sold in British Guiana, he said, But now there is a her The Examin»tione will be held all persons who heve previously and it is saderstood that and the Association great trade between Canada and that country.
December 1926, but the Syndicate any of the Cambridge addition the are saving as Week alt the residen Yure of graduates of on the Zone will not door! Mr. Gascin was member of the British Gurma answer within West Juliah high La Boca have pètitioned the liov be back ward to pointing out the Legislature for. 17 years, representing the town of New a lew weeks to. ernor to allow the attempt to Amsterdam, of which he was also mayor in 1897 aud 1898.
a reply to this effect can only be degree, would commuricate with Beau Colomissary and Restaurace years in the service of the those who have obtained into La Boca bys bussen to cross anfallness of the La aistreat these employees most of Republic of pams should had whom bave given their best her with view to forming a At present it the response on the part of Cambridge Exainination. Com inust cross the tramear liges at Government.
patrons of this service AN OPEN LETTER TO SPARKLETS.
given the public justifies it, and for this mittee to consist of ladies and the Restaurant and walk down reason all intereyted persons are the Edployees Asocia gentlemen.
Box 32 Colon rasked to communicate promptly paas the silver Commissary to get tion, to its policy of intelligen: cance. perfeet woman, with the Local Secretary.
Neither the Local Secretary nor the chivas. imperfect environment is a perfect and this is being reprerentation ha, without doubt Exatniner the Presiding Dec 29th 1925.
will done by in an appa to be of great value to impossibility. There is ont, and The Examinations to be held are receive any fee from the Cambridge rently contented mood probably West Indian emplosetolo TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: there was never such an individual the following: Preliminary, Junior University.
bent on continuing to support the needs ibe. dojivided Hnancial and Dear Sparklets: By the kind Miss Smart, or no one else is and School Certificate (formerly Those the Pacific side who are service wh. cb bad taken care of moral support of all the emp permission of the Editor, am this world, can apenk for one koowo 88 Senior. intirested may call at the office of their best interests for years.
ytes, Launching a small punitive expedi minute oa sach a woman, Agrin.
As this is the first time that the Dr Carrington there they will against you, promise that you went to say the ladies are in Local Examinations are to be beld receive all information in conneowill SPARKLETS wih in this Republic, the publicis tion there with not use any beavy artillery, the second position, and they neither will i, for can you always be so. look upon tbio on the flank. will adopt all as an ovil statement: cannot formovements ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN OUR EXPENDITURE.
with small field or asking you in the words of mothers of at least two marriagable pieces. For the time being you may Tennyson. What pleasure aap girls. After describing briefly and consider that is state of war exiets have to was with evil. This is the There is no question but that disgustingly over the environment between u: Now for the fireworko, kind of argument that the white Association West Indians be e spend plenty of wbtaining in certain locations which have been constant reader of raceuros against the coloured race meeting of stenographers Employees is announced to be held at No announced that the general money oot plenty of it individu they admit is extremely godesirable your column for some time. And. knew as much bistory, se his ally, we don eara plenty, but cur for girls, one of them switched over must admit tbat at times you know that civilization did not orig 12 21 West 20th Street this monthly meeting of number and evening, for the purpose of District will be held on Thuris to which discussing the possibility of sday evening of next week. spendisse et a compulsory But we they are betolering problema mbadala sure pleasure it goes with leste din Europe Indications on the us to expect con out saying that at others you don two continents lead us forming an organization of Thishwin be the first meeting speeding with one hould gives the love and admiration they are likely could not soe the Sparkave to soutien tournoi tha odmans wele houted awa domur fronted with what percentage of There have been occasions who Shengen. Ik now an ancha of ancient II. for the year Satreution to this and the to. have for their probable conrin your column of Dec. 25th.
the lets five stenographers have been members specially quicker the better ca Tuband motor some Worthamore miere very be heading Modern Worban, ito always secondary Even if for trumcar said of fair libe invited and the meeting will requested to attend.
of a Westermark; and be open to all other prominent just ended may bus transportation for the year whether she is going to love one that me you were moet disappointing thout the idea of equility: Aod that be Matriarchate, you cannot admire. That the. stenographers. Gregg and In connection with placed in the region of teniser might not the ment all the Modern woman other confidentie on Miss Smart Address Isaac Pitman are the two forthcoming Panama Carnival his philosophy is bad who findskes he situation Awfully, you went on for abont twenty be patient and hear yourself against sometimes systems most generally used Panaman West fault to remedy lines, as a kind of apology, or or 1h here, This is Carnival Club was organized conditions herumble bem the barasing for the youngesteld, more dication for your To Win item while they were their virls Home to the and subsequently recognized to suggest a remedy. That true; embarassing for us. The argument, you were as wrong as twenty, the argumeat the employer uses to You get what The La Boca Woman Life by the Junta del Carnival, building. yet is Problem Club elected the plumb but he away, and their next was that of your history was may not be able to direct the following officers for the The news of the defeat of users of iscks to reset it. Be the the latest beaded decorations for sophy was still your powder of civilization, to the last case is ensuing term; Mrs. Mande the you tried to polish you simple lawyer, that wo aao kad mot het in wors, and Free with Munroe, President: Miss first test mach at Barbados great contributors to the upkeep of Public Dance Vicious Novel yu in the Bibial fashion, that is hers by righi divine. And let me Cs. team in their as it may; we are without doubt abbr viated dresses laroished. Suppose were to take and take by conquest what was Dora Evans Vice President: by a team of Barbadians was ones too. If many local industries, and fore deprecate to take your last point first, would says it is bere, your Miss Ethelyn Thomas, received here and produced 16 000 we take it that there are Io preparing the way to aid me that be alright? Thank you am patr nising, tone. Given what Secretary (re elected. Mrs. great satisfaction among West 25 cents a day we spent for tre pastor 1926. Fecame across the cold copy Title of the address wus ill chosen equity can one give that, to which us who are e ch spending for inding out one of my resolutions off. You seemed to think that the they werit. Neither at law or is Ellis, Asst Secretary: Mrs. Indians in general, and Bar year, 1, 460, 000, 00; if the 16, 000 of of Perfect Womanhoorl with vitul Florence Smith, Chaplain.
not as well chofen. ne, he has no titie. Man may have us bad contributed 50 cents each a vit badians in particular.
young could have chosen much to res ore, but very little to mouth to a scheme other than a women by Professor Thomas Sparklets batitute, Perfeet give. The whole trouble is founded wrong understanding.
Lester James, Jamaican The Orpheus Musical Club 96, 000 our bumbers contributed contributions by a is not a lesser man. don see where you have im. Woman laborer, was drowned in the meets at 30 m. at the Lal half of or the year, and if only muy interesting and beneficial in the place of the word Modero. upon Canal lock chamber at Pedro Boca Clubhouse on Wednes we would be in the clear with centered on the sections dealnomads quite a koown person. distinrt being. She is the other proved matters, modern wo Scientifically speaking, she is a Miguel on Tuesday evening. day evening next, the 13th, business 48. 00 an equivalent to two gcod Toublie diece which the pericou This is a woman who takes advan a He fell into over 20 feet of least one iu Colon and the employ. seriously upon the part they play Lace of our odern advance half that makes up the human in the lives of not only the considers herself race. And he who thinks that she water from a scaffold in the Dry Weather.
ment of a couple dozens of our but the men who xdmired them in her own rights. perfect will be satisfied with any secondary Jock chamber.
The annual the 17th pre summer dry mand our pending, She is also dakoowable, mean in century. Adieu my dear Sparklets.
was fifteen years younger loved the Spencerias sense. It is evident season has commenced and as Secretary Ignatius Graham Gepal the northern winds are Her Husband MOTHER IN LAW both dan ing nod to dance; but the Sparklets that you are carried pubjic dance had very little if any away by the glamour of the adjee of the Gatun District of the fanning the city and contiguous Yours truly Not many days ago overheard Panama Canal West Indian towns.
an interesting gossip between two (Continued on page 8) tive, and not by its true signifiW. GASKIN th tion take sooo frontal yous.
is larre our 10 well to in was Take an intia. ceder was DO are ven if you adopt the un necesar to com thousands is asking they do, ande and thi, Yet, you ad tor most ka or at versatile pen people. We can and must com when they were young When woman is not on unknown but rnsition, is living in


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