
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 9, 1926, Interesting News from The West Indian Islands So stesso SKOS TRINIDAD The Game of WheWhe.
Rurpose of wbu si Bres. At Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. night the play. та For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT before been JAMAICA Public Ballot Arranged Direct Line Service St. Catherine Board Propose to Rebuild Old King House From Funds Raised in his Way, Select Committee of Legislative Council Preparing Re Whilst discussion bas been port: Colonel Amery proceeding about the advisability Statement in the House of of having a public lottery in con nection with the municipal imCommons.
provements in Kingston, the St Catherine Parochial Board bave decided to run a ballot for the The HERALD states the Select UFO nt rebutlding the Old Committee of the Legislative King House at Spanish Town Council appointed to consider Those the question of a Direct Line of will participate in a ballot, the subscribe to the tard steamers between Jamaica and Arst prizes of which b; the mother considering its report, and it wow the second priz 100 and 10 of 10 It will not be ready la time for presentation lottery in the true sense of the at the coming session of the term. It means that every person Legislative Council who subscribe to the fuud for QUESTION ASKED IN PARLIA. rebuilding the old landmark will MENT, participate in the proceeds of a In the meantime newspaper ballot run on the same lines as readers will be interested to in Edgland.
know that the Secretary of State for the Colo: ios bas promised to give favourable consideration of BARBADOS the matter.
Col. Amery (Secretary of State New Collector of for the Colonel Wook cock in the House of Commons on the 23 rd alto, Customs.
tbst bis attention had called to the work which was being carried out by a committee MR. BRIERLEY of the legislature of Jamale to APPOINTED increase shipping communication with England and the better Mr. George Alexander Brierley marketing of its fruits and other Senior Check Clerk of the products, and he would always Customs Department has been preared to give very careful offered by the Secretary of State consideration to any recom for the Colonies and has accepted mendations on the subject. the promotion to Barbados as Colonel Woodcock: Is the right Collector of Customs and RegisHon Gentleman aware that the trar of Shipping of that Colony.
greater part of the shipping at He will apply for short leave of Jamaica is now in the hands of absence before taking up the the Americans, and that the trade appointment.
of Jamalc is also talling toto Mr. Brierley was born an 24 their hands and is being financed December 1883 and joined the by them?
Civil Service on 7th March 1904 Mr. Maclean: May we take as Assistant Clerk in the Harbour it tbat the reason why this trade Master Office. He acted 4: has fallen into the hands af Ame: clerk in the givings Bank rican shipping lines is because Department for two in the British shipping lines have 1904, from 4th June and on 10th shown a lack of faitiative and February, 1906 went to the.
private enterprise. Custows as d Junior Clerk Mr. Amery: The sbipping is in L283 than two months after be the hands of Messrs. Elders and was promoted 2nd Junior Check Fyees, who are a registered Clerk. On 1st September, 1907 British shipping line.
he was inted 3rd class Mr. Ormsbs Gore (Under post of 2nd class Landing Waiter Landing Waiter and rose to the Secretary of Sac for the Cold six years later. Oa 1st October, onies) state in reply to Colonel 1920, he was made Senior Che Woodstook on November 26th, CI that malls were conveyed to this office is 432. The post of Collect rk. Toe salary a tached to the cuntry from Jamaica as oppor of Customs. at Barbados tunity occurrer. bath by direct carries a saliry of 600 with 30 steamers and via the United ates fees as Registrar of Shipping of America, but there was no Aneh ther regular contract service. In 1924 the cost to the cara mails of the ST. KITTS conveyance of its had been 618, but he was unable to say what proportion of this sum was in respect of malle Fire Tragedy in St.
to this country Kitts.
93 The Weekly Guardian of the 12th alto states that for the past two years the Chinese game of chance known as whe whe bag been maddening the populace of La 00 one period but there it bad no long duration because the bankers were not Orientals One came across dence crowds in secluded spots at of men numbering over two different bours of tbe day day awaiting the exposure of the wioping number. From early mord, to late at asked women their neighbours Wbs!
you dream Wha! De game populace that for a short time a den. Stalwart men who the advent of the game to the village were regular and bonest workere left their employment to become markers, realising that bere was an easy method of getting money by commission on wins and very often by taking all that was won.
They were kept on the move by the Police and frequently had to break up their their meetings. concentrated effort was made to round up this gang of gamblers and the result was that a mon the Chinese banker look was fined for playing the game. The Police followed up the conviction and Constable charged rged ploete en men and one woman assembling on the Point Or beach on October for the purpose of whewha. Tbese persons were seen by the Constable banding in wbe whe marks. There was a crowd of ver Over one bundred men and women assembled.
The twenty were summoned and at a special sitting of the La Brea Police Court on Thursday, December 3, Mr. W.
beard. Nine were dismissed and. 11 were ordered to pay each or be imprisoned for one month a.
His Worship in convicting them said that it was a shame that able bodied men as they were instead of trying to gain an honest livelihood had persisted in thie dishonest way of living, RO ATTENTION!
Holder with months House Rent Receipt Books app inte SPANISH ENGLISH regular aca, Duel on Cocoa Estate Order Books FIGHT WITH CUTLASS AND PONIARD.
To Enlarge Company.
Both Contestants in Hospital Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Grant pas completely CAN BE HAD AT Jockey Club Directors Now Con Residence Completely sidering Proposal to Racon.
struct the Concern with Larger Capital.
Says the Trinidad Guardian of the 11th ulto: St. Kitts, December 5tb. Spen It is learnt that a meeting of the cer House, the residence of Mrs.
directors of the Jamaica Jockey Wigley, the widow of the late Club, Ltd. was held yesterday Francis Spencer Wigley, afternoon when a proposal was destroyed by White, the well knowo turfite, Wigley for the reconstruction of the 18 dead body very much company.
burnt was taken from the burn fire As newspaper readers are a is supposed to bave been an ware, Dr. White recently made overturned kerosene oil lamp.
an oder to purchase Knutsford The fire brigade assisted by genPark. This proposal was consider tlemen in the town did magnifed last Saturday but the offer cent work in saving the surroundnot entertained by the sharehol ing bộus from the flames.
ders. Dr. White bow proposes to Note: incorporate a big company and to get the present shareholders of Mr. Wil red Murray Wigley, Mrs. Wigley was the mother of the Jockey Club, Ltd. to take who acted as Administrator of sbares ther. io. In other words, St. Kitts, and Paisne Judge and his idea is to raise suficient money to put up a big hotel at Islands on various occasions He torney General of the Leeward Knutsford Park and to run races was Crown Attorney of St. Kitts.
there on a more exteusive scale. Ne vis la 1918. He was relieved of The directors went into the the Administration of St. Kitts proposal, and it was discussed by Col. St. Johnstone, from various angles; but no final decision was roached, another meeting of the directors Have you tried the will be held to consider the scbeme.
new Beer From what can be gathered, several of the directore are Kronen Brau favourable to the reconstruction of the Jockey Club as a company. fierce fight with poniard and cutlaes occurred on Tuesday between two labourers employed on Rocks cocoa estate in Nestor Village, Sangre Grande, the property of Messrs. Cordon. Co. Ltd. named Gookee Dauan, and Indian aud Commis siong Henry, a man of Spanish extraetion The two men bad an altercation yesterday on the field, and it is alleged that the Indian amied a ble a blow with a cutlass at Henry, which cut btm on the leg Henry returned the blow with a on the shoulder and the left hand, ponard which cut Nanan everely severing three fingers. They con tinued to until they became exhausted and were cnnveyed to the Sangre Grande hospital side by side on a cart.
They admitted by loss, M: 0; and treated, and expected that they will be to the be transferred Colonial Hospital, Port of Spain, The Police, who were notified of the innident took charge of the men and are guardian them in hospital. Captain Patrick Fraser is manager of the estate.
The Workman Dr.
were It is Stationery Store and Amalgamation of Colonies ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays Circumstances seem to be conspiring to bring about that union of the Colonies of Trinidad and Tobago with the Windward (Continued on page 7)


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