
PAGE FCUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1926 a One Year Six Months Three One 20 Be one are are message to not one Isthmian League of PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION B, THE WORKMAN The Isthmian League of BWI FELLOW WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEES. January 1926 will hold its regular meeting in On the 13th of the present month at these reasons and pass upon the ing and obtaining better pay, silver inst. at which time the instalatina Paraiso on Wednesday the 10th Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaVALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte this Association will be entering value of each. If you cannot see employees must suffer a further of officers will take place. Il memAvenue, Pansms, de of public interest invited upon its third year existence that they are all wrong then take reductioo (Annual Report of Thebers are expected to attend.
PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be During this period it has recruited then to the Chinaman, Hindoo, Panama Canal, 1924, page 48. In On Saturday the 16th inst, the written on one side of paper only, and but 522 members out of the approx. Japanese, American, Britisher, and addition to this saving we have got League will hold its regular meetRates of Subscription must be accompanied by the same of ing in imately 7, 000 West Iudians in the the rest of them, and let them ad increased compensation in 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Members are reminded that this tion but as mark of good faith. service, not taking into account vise you. This suggestion is not siekness, additional quarters at is the first meeting for the year, We do not undertake to return re those employed by the Army and intended as an insult. It is made some ections, improvement in the and it is desired that eyer 25.
jected correspon tence.
Navy of whom we are unable to because by our own preaching we community toilets and baths in all should be present.
form an estimate. Only 522 in two have failed to convince you, you settlements where they The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS years out of 7, 000! How does this have failed to be impressed by the maintained, installation of conerete Church Services.
information strike you, oon mem results of our cooperative efforts as walks in La Boca, extended SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1926.
bers? Does it strike you as a per. well as those of the various groups visiting facilities at Ancon Hospital formance worthy of a people with to whom you have been referred; and best of all, we have established AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Anglo Catholio)
HOW DO YOU READ AND WHAT, the intellectual ability and educar so we think that though you are what may be regarded as modelo: First Sunday After the Epiphany West blind aod us, and blind to the GovSt. Paul Church, Panama DO YOU READ?
Indians a people who are now them, you may not be deaf to them, erament. To be able to confer proclaiming from the housetop you may be able to hear them, and with the Governor, the Executive Rev. Nightingale, Rector)
hearing, you may perceive, Reading is the most pleasurable excitement that can be that they are meo?
Secretary, or some other official, on sm Holy Communion 10. 15 ro, Mstios exercised on the human mind. We use this phrase ad It is an accepted principle The aforemeationed reasons for behalf of the silver force from 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon visedly. The mind can be compared to the science of throughout the world today that not joining this Association are not time to time, is a privilege the 12 Holy Baptism, pm Church bool.
photography: it has its negative and positive attributes co operation is the mainspring of on the side of good sense. To those importance of which cannot be which can either be used for construction or destruction. bumen progress. Do you believe in who say we cannot compel the over estimated. That is what we 30 Cboral Evensong, sercon Some men read for pleasure; some for news; some for this principle? and do you wish to Government to do, WA say now enjoy.
excitement and still another class for education. To which progress? By your attitude and emphatically we can. The officials But space forbids our going on. St. Alban Church, Paraiso class you belong is the most important question with which action there are but two intelligent are men, and more so educated We shall deal with the other groups CANAL ZONE we are concerned in the present article. very, profound conclusions that can be made: men. Then they have had Christian of delinquents at some other time. Rov. NIGHTENGALE, philosopher classify readers into three distinct classes. either that you accept the principle training. They therefore we are now appealing to all to Priest in Charge.
The first oft hem can be compared to the bubble in the hour but do not desire progress, or that amenable to reason, perhaps more begin the year 1926 in the right 45 Holy Communion Sermon glass which constantly rise and fall as impefled by some you, desire progress but deny the so than we ourselves may be. This way. Please remember the Associa 45 Holy Baptism kind of force backward and forward without any stability of principle. We think the latter is Association policy of repre tion Christmas 3p. Church School, motion or resistance. The second is very much likened to the case. We have good grounds sentation is of mere you DUTY, HAPPINESS, and 30 Choral Evensong addres Mr. Osborne. Catechis.
a toad in a well, who is constantly croaking without any for thinking so, and here are some begging, but rather one of cognet PROSPERITY. Remember also initiative to free itself from its imprisonment. The third is of them: Everyone with whom we reasoning, aided by our personal, that of Major Brathwaite Wallis, St, Matthias Mission like the pot where government coins are minted; the dross bave talked says he desires better sober and enlightened conduct at B. s Minister to Panama de: LAS SABANAS is removed and pure gold remains, alloyed with other day, working and living conditions all times. To those who say if the EDUCATION, COOPERATION, chemicals so as to ensure the hardening process (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, some, however, say we need no Government desire to help they DISCIPLINE, However small Priest in Oberge.
It is conceded generally, that a large number of our organization for bringing these will of their own free will, we wih your pay might be, take out 50 p. ro. Church School people cannot or will not spare the time to digest or make about, for (a) if the Government to say that is contrary to our this month and with that join the 15 Eventong and address useful some of the very important matters that are published do not desire to do anything for us experience of human nature. Man Association. To those members who Mr. Richards, Catechist.
in newspapers and other periodicals which, while they have we cannot compel them, and (b) seldom gives his fellow justice have not yet paid their subscription the well laid principles of business for their promoters and they desire they will do of their voluntarily. It must be shown him for 1925, we also suggest that they owner, were organized for the purpose of creating a healthy own free will. Some say they will and sometimes fought for whether pay the dollar this month, even if St. Puter by the Sea, La Boca useful public opinion as they affect the rise and fall; our come in when the Association bas physically or mentally. Then he they have to wait until March to American Episoopal (Anglican Com munion)
growth and progress, embracing also the teachings of man got them a general incrense; some must be watehed, for, as said the pay for 1926. And lastly to all we First Sunday After the Epiphany responsibilities to his brother man; the civic discharge of that they are Christians and can late President Woodrow Wilson, are appealing again; now that they Matins and address 11 a. Mr.
our national duties; and the education of the rising genera not join in worldly affairs; some Eternal vigilance is the price of attend the meetings of the Associa McCarty, tion.
will not join with anyone on the liberty. To those who will join tion in the several districts, so as to Church School p.
Reading should primarily be indulged in for the purpose isthmus to do anything, for all are after general increase, we must become better known to each other Choral Evensong sermon 30 o.
of educating ourselves on the most important, current mat thieves and liars; to some the Asso advise that we have got them that and better acquainted with the Preacher. The Rector ters affecting the community in which we live. Secondly crition is for Jamaicans only, and more. During the first six business of the Association, and to T. MULCARE, Rector, for the purpose of being constantly conversant with the and no one else should have any months of our existence the foster the true spirit of co opera St. Barnabas Church, Empire growth and progress of other communities. Their commer thing to do with it: others have Government discussing a tion.
Morning Prayer, 11 The Lay cial and intellectual standing, among the nations of the personal objections to come one as further decrease of our wages, Render world, their method of education, and the political conditions the President, or possibly someore based on the same old formula of Vaacement, Yours for Co operation and AdChurch School, and Confirmation clase.
under which they exist. Thirdly, that the science of realelse even as a member, and there the price of rice and codfish in the son and accurate thinking may be formed when attempting are yet others who say they know cominissaries Choral Svensong addrere p.
THE PANAMA CANAL WEST Representations to make comparison or unjustly draw conclusions of sub they ought to co operate for their from this Association saved us INDIAN EMPLOYEES The Lay Reader.
jects on which we are insufficiently informed. MULCARE Priest in Charge SOCIATION advancement, and charge there has been no cut. In addition We desire to see our community acting on right lines. their failure to do so to a mere to other reasons the Government Per ELLIS, It is our fundamental wish that peace and harmony friend. indifference which they are unable thought it would be difficult to Corresponding Secretary, St. Bartholomew s, Church ship and mutual understanding should characterize the well to explain.
convince the West Indians that WHYTE, being of all West Indians resident in this country. Let us Morning Prayer and addres 11 a.
assiduously study the things we read and apply them to Now, we would like you to look while gold employees were demandLay Reader Church School and Confirmation Clas our every day conduct in our social and business life. Let us endeavour to give the square deal to all irrespective of class creed or color, no man is responsible for the hue of NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES The Lay Renuer Evening Prayer and address p. o.
his skin nor the texture of his hair; but he is truly responJ. MULCARE, Priest in cbarke.
sible for his conduct and intellectual development. There are bad and good in all classes and conditions of the human Re. Launching St. Jude Mission, Summit, Church School nm.
family. The recent world war has demonstrate that colored STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Ceremony Evening Prayer and Address 30 in.
men can also have sympathy for the sufferings of their JT MULCARE Priest in Cbargo white brothers and the ravishing of white children and that their feelings of inflicting punishment can be excited in At 30 on Tuesday the proportion to all other men; as well they know also that Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off 29th instant, the time honored St. Simon Mission, Gamboa there are individual white men in all nations who will and Custom of bottle bursting having been performed by little year The Litany, Holy Eucharist and ser who have given their life in defence of black men at the NON INJURIOUS old Rosa Stephenson who gives mon 10. 45. The Proest in ebarzo.
excercise of injustice or inhumanity.
Church School 30 promise of being a chip of the In this new year let us endeavour to build up and foster old block. kbe trim little launch MULCARE, Priest in Charge Success without far fare or an intelligent community, keeping ourselves informed with other No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required Heraldie preliminaries all that is taking place around us. Let us so conduct ourWesleyan Methodist Church was released from her cradle, selves that the more advanced people will regard us as assisted by a (BRITISH CONFERENCE. small but loya!
weaker brethern who stand in need of their protetion and MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, group of friends who bad asPanama 11 a. Mr. Daniel Kennedy sembled for the occasion. 30 Memorial Servica.
sympathy. And to accomplish this Let us READ, think SMOUTH AND SILKY Rev. Wade. Soloist: Mr. Olga when we READ and of what we READ.
The relauuching is the out King. Organist: Mr. Dottin.
come of the installation of a new three cylinder eighteen horse Rev. C, Surgeon.
Colon ll a. Mt Airall. 30 SOLD EVERYWHERE power Palmer Motor Engine which is imperatively necessary La Bocs 11 a. Covenant Servica, Freedom of Speech.
Experienced Canvassers Investigate to meet the demands of increa Communion. Rev do.
sing business. 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller.
There is no better safety valve for tempers that are in The success is owned by Mr. Surgeon.
New Providence 11 a. Rev.
danger of running high than a debate in the British House Nathaniel Wyckham of this place Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walters.
whose unobtrusive deportment of Commons. That has been shown in the last few days. LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD and keen as it had been shown often in the past, when the Labour foresight need no 30 Mr, Waiters.
recount. The work of installation Empire 11 a. Mr. Payne.
party introduced a resolution censuring the Government for has been performed by bis a prosecution lately instituted against twelve Communist general Superintendent Mr. Salvation Army Hall.
leaders, as the result of which five of the twelve were ought to disappear; and that that can never come about Cliford Stephenson and George sentenced to twelve months imprisonment and the other except through a revolution. All that is a matter of opinion Gordon, both wood workmen of LA BOCA CORPS Seven to five months. There is no criticism anywhere as to and a man has a perfect right to express opinions he honest more than average ability. 30. Knee Drill.
the tairness of the trial, but practically the whole of the ly holds. But if he goes further and takes steps calculated Mr. Stephenson who is quite a 11 a. Holiness Meeting.
Labour Party regarded the prosecution as an attack on to bring a revolution about then he is endangering the pub young man, has displayed a rare p. Sunday School.
legitimate freedom of speech, and the debate in the House lic peace; and the Government has not only the right but the ability and skill seldom encount red in one of his 30 Open Air.
of Commons served a very useful purpose in enabling duty to take action against him. To get that doctrine laid stamped with that quiet self 30 Salvation meeting.
pretty general agreement to be reached as to what may and down and approved is of considerable value, particularly possession, born of genious, be We extends cordial invitaton to all, what may not be permitted in a democratic country which since some words used. by the judge in the course of the daily performs the duties of prides itself on allowing the utmost liberty consistent with Communist trial suggested that the advocacy of Communist operator as being ordinary matEngineer, machinist, pilot and (Continued on page 7)
the public safety. The thesis advanced by the Leader of must under all circumstances be illegal. The debate in ters in the daily course of life.
the Opposition, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, and accepted by Parliament has made it clear that any man is free to work result of patience, courtesy, and the chief legal member of the Government, was that a man for the establishment of a Communist government by con wishing Messrs Wyckham and understanding of the underlying This entiae community join in honesty together with a keen is entitled, if he chooses to say that the existing order of stitutional means. What he is not free to do is to work for Stephenson that greater success principles so necessary society ought to be changed; that the capitalist system it by civil war.
whiah is indubitably theirs, as a successful business career.
were at p.
OWO 30 Contra Crespo Set DOD to

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