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No. 23 PRICE CTS. Cy.
PANAMA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926. SLASHING RACIAL Dean of Chicago University Urges Interracial Gooperatio. INCIDENT IMPROVAMENT Outstanding Legal Cases Involving Negroes in no if press to to 9 could equ Victim Lies In Critical By The Higher EducaCondition In Hospital. tion of Colored Youth.
Tells Ministers They are Dealing What aimost turned out to be a Louisville, ky. Dec. 30. Eguu Prominent Colored Doctor, His fatal tragedy took place during the tity in school sesessments and ex.
With New Negro who knows small hours of the morning husa penditures, enlarged Wife and Seven Others Held opportunity Saturday when Arthur Lashleye for the higher educatiou of colored He is Not Inferior.
Berbadian employ yed with the youth and for the proper trainie 68 on Murder Charge.
Dredging Division, and residing in of colored teachers, equitable ad House Carlos Jeaza Street (San ministration of school fonds, the Chicago, III. Dec. 30. Dr. Shailer Mathews, dean of Miguel District) was slashed, consolidation and improvement of There have been two out home by a white mob, the divinity School of the University of Chicago, has an Pcborillo District. Lasbley, it would dist: icts, with peeded, the open recently, the Rhinelander The most publicity given to with a razor, while in the colored schools in chiuly populated standing legal cases involving received practically nounced a movement for and interchange of pulpits transporta. Negroes in the United States attention in the white press.
in among white and colored protestant congregations thru out pour blonde beste the ortion of pupils his attention come Indying of to pital practice and train case in which the scion of the latter case was, it is stated Chicago residing in the latter which doctors and norses, In an address to the monthly union ministers meeting must have aroused the plasealousy of public provision for the proper wealthy and old white family due principally to the conat the Central Dean Mathews urged the inter feeble trinded colored sought to cast off a girl he nection of Clarence Darrow as a concrete proof of mutual respect between was sprung upon somewhat sudden tant and on the OCCASIOD mentioned he childrebis set change were among the impor, had legally married when his of Leopold, Loeb and Dayton black and white Christians.
and before he act in his de forces of Keducky, the interracial parents objected to her Negro fame, who was chief councel fence annual blood, and the case of for Dr. Sweet and his co deThe commission on interracial relations of the Chicago of which nearly made him a cunuch 11 12. It was decided to under Doctor H Sweet, his wife fendants.
received two deep gashes one meeting in Louisville Church Federation is sponsoring the movement and Dean for the remainder of bis days leuke a constitutional test of the his two brothers and seven on December Mathews is chairman of the commission. Similar interchan was rushed to the Ancon Hospital Up to the latter part of school law which permits others who were charged December last the famous an experimental scale, but the interracial Sunday next Ward 11, thanks to the skill of the enforse the provisions of the state degree when they defended Sweet, his wife and seven February should have much wider adoption said Dr. doctors of that Institution.
Mathews ty in the expenditure of tax morley their home against a mob of others have been charged Urging the proposition of interracial equality the dean Harvest Thanksgiving.
The matter of opening hospitals whites in Detroit, Mich. the with murder in the first said: Ebenezer (burcu of God Holi will be taken up also.
whites recenting the pur degree, cost 21, 938, accorDEALING WITH NEW NEGRO ness, Calidonia rond. building 46, The efforts of the Executive chasing and occupancy of a ding to press reports. The will be celebrating its anual Har Committee and of Dr. James Bond home in the neighborhood expenditure of the National We are dealing with a new Negro, no longer content vest Festival Thanksgiving on the state director, were highly hitherto occupied only by office of the National Assowith hearing nice platitudes about gentle southern mam. Sunday the 17th of the present corpunended and the belief was white people. According to ciation for the Advancement mies. The Negro doesn want to be patted condescendingly be various speakers on the plit ts been made in cooperation. will expressed that district progress the Negro press in America of Colored People which is on the back. He knows he is not inferiut. And he is not. form besides recitations, dratogues.
tween the two races. Dr. Bord accounts of the former case handling the case on behalf Look for instance, at Negroes in the ministry. Two, and other pices performed by the and the committa were congratu held the front page of news of Dr Sweet and the other or perhaps even three, of the five greatest protestant minis young people of the Church lung lated especially on the generous papers from cuast to coast co fendants, totaled 11.
ters in Chicago greatest from the standpoints of ability to with the musical part of the propreach and ability to organize are Negroes.
gramme, all blending to muke the share secured fur colored institu while the latter case which 377, including attorney fees evening an enjoyable one; a cordial tions ia recent school bond issues involved the much more of 4, 000 to Clarence Barrow. But we Christians, even ministers, are acting welcotde isextended to one and all in Louisville fundamental question as to 3, 000 to. Arthur Garfield narrowly, without much. intelligent purpose, toward whether an educated intelli Hays and 1, 000 to Walter Negroes. When churchmen are asked what they will do for gent Negro physician could Nelson. The transcript of the Negroes they say with great gusto, We will love them. SPARKLETS occupy a home which he had record of the case costs 80 Pooh, Pooh purchased with his earnings cent. a page and with 2, 602 That is sentimentality. And sentimentality may be DRAWING Cards.
equality in its brood sense with the could be deprived of that pages the total was 2, 087. 60.
defined as an emotion you enjoy, but won do anything The only drawing eard which, man, that simply can come about about. great sentiment or emotion gives.
ac. ording to indications, is expected on the whole, man and woman are The interracial Sunday will be an accomplishment, not to rival of celipse luna Franco termed ma, but we muy without ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN a sentimentality, for it will be a visible proof to the world tomorrow afternoon is the Con maintain that man bas his that we Christians, black and white, respect each other Church have no knowledge as to surely not aneroiening on womnu to be held at the Colon Wesley and woman hers.
Two Peruvian battleships, General John Pershing as Another practical method white Christians should adopt is the accoustical fixtures in that world. Unquestionally, nature has the Almirante Grau and the head of the plebiscite work to reform the vocabulary Rule out forever humiliating nick church am interesud in that as given man more latitude and per Coronel Bolognesi, arrived at in Arica, Chile, sailed from names for nations and races.
pur prima donua, Mrs. Olga King, spective in this world to enable boa Balboa yesterday. It is under. Balboa on Wednesday after is expected to draw all Colon to to effectively care for and protect stood they will remain in noon last aboard the LAUHHS AT NORDIC MYTH.
that sacred edifice to listen to woman.
Dean Mathews laughed at the Nordic myth.
more than one number from hér teCanal waters for a few days. Cleveland. don know what a Nordic is, he said. Maybe he wo pieces understand. woman, on what anture has awarded him.
pertoire. She is on the rrogram for It goes without saying that at times man plactos much elasticky an individual who by some mistake, instead falling with when she wills, is a greater drawing It is also clear that woman in her Panama Special Envoy in new Governor of Barbados Dr. Eusebio Morales, Mr. Robertson the the devil, rose with the angels. But m as much Nordic card than a man; and she knows te world which is naturally binged the discussion in the who succeeds Sir Charles as the next man, probably more so, for came from Friend Gaskin may safely subscribe Maine, and the proudest Nordics of all are folks that came to that.
from Maine but don live there any more.
THE MODERN Woman Again. retrograding he will always be at Panama and the United States dinner of the West Indian Before Dr Mathews address the Armour Jubilee Singer. is impossible to touch upon the retrograding womaa also is pro York. Dr. Morales is of the ulto.
the head of of womso; and if he is sailed yesterday for New Club in London on the 2nd.
a group of seven Negroes sang Negro spirituals to the All Medalist Elocution Contest in ministers.
Loday issue. Accurding to a portionately natural force opinion that the treaty will minkter humour, God made our progressive mare always everything and it was good. but respective share.
gives woman as well as man their be ready by the end of next month.
Meeting in Connection Cricket In The Wes Policeman Dangerfrom day It is said that the Hand that rself nor wan has any rest; hence am dragked into that how one writer puts socks the cradle rules the world. In the Ancon District Court With Cambridgo Local Indies.
ously Wounded.
words with a former fiend This is it Examinations.
what. The of that the so VS BARBADOS RE graph call for asistance, the appear, abd when it comes to many of us. But there is a was indicted and charged The meeting in connection with raph camo to isto burried eletop Atlantiossiders in one, teretulnd the Bible appoor the contritings of diam Wednesday last, a Barba: TURN MATCH.
ladies murder of one the Cambridge Local Examinations the men are greater chance of woman ruling with the er box Hospital plane weshed not to be found behind their the world if she continues to to David few days ago to bring James Belino. Both men beld at Mr. Kerr schoolroom Owing to continuous dowapours in Mr. Luis Brugeras, Panama Pacific eide brothers; und so Friend nature. rocking the leaving this and ProCradle were members of the crew of Broadway and 8th Streets, Colon on Saturday night last was well of rain the wicket helyrehot whase and she a challenged my emarks on moderating in something else. The mo. the steamship Leborefi and attended by tenchers, the majority who in matchWest Indians the nad made oluydimpossible the best party robust Dangerous condition, trangerasa a woman by kis Linda Smare, les dernizing business and its resultaat Belino, it is alleged, intention will be remembered that in this lover, and according to her state. bin is Phack at some time but vances to betterade his world Lindsay during a fight. Team bad to be abandoned 10 is said, bad some trouble with made of attack was however, ils are now robottering the ladies, the Colon Hospital from stab to send pupils for the preliminary. had As man improves his therefore militch item e Marly borde berichte ople is a long does to the front and admit that el perficio mies has belpuute, wonosa, folt is 151) 1912 team batted first compiled couple her mortally wounded, he at ber. Then must admitted to for handsome score of 597 runs to this examfuation. The a expedition with lemall io field fee is 500 pieces was proportion wickets and declared; Hammond turned the sun cabinself with the tically wholesome and had dearly By uhie it should not be inferred. manifested in the Much interest is being should be made soon. Another and 11 applications eompiling 248 not out.
above statedAnother that a fight with plans; coming meeting will be called the second apparently he has that woman is a lusser man. February when batung at about o clock on the gle accidentally shot himself. The historical event which initiated specimen of mamalia than a white the West Indian community definite arrangements as to the The Westhobadies team began his father in law and in the struge learnt a rouud lesson from the neither is a black mao a lesser Carnival by some sections of Saturday in Bih inst, aith Challeoor and is now occupying bed Britain Tarilton at the wickets, and at the Santo Tomas Hospital and his conin Stristres citbe sempre and is exumber ton punil to take the for if te had a grenter world and pro tem, first running high in quarters examination must be made.
cal of time these two tatemen. dition is still considered serio.
ured his grand fleet. a contemp place is really bible miss mamice but where West Indian Queeas hear from the people of Panama so Miss Liada Smart would like to bad put up a score of 76 runs in tible sea ow visibility him in the cluding extra. Challenor 38 and are for the fiesta are being voted as his intellectual to know whether there is might have set him Tarilon 37, both not out.
Carnival Notes. back hors de combat.
unlimited there you are! But sufficient interest on that side to why for.
jus ify her holding a meeting at On Monday morning the 11th But in point of fact his attack is continue, friend Gaski. This is inst it rained heavily and play also justifiable; that the ladies o ed an argument whảch, if continued At a recent meeting of the Pana help from the men in their fight for would cover all the pages could not be reeumed until after Major General William Las.
the luocbeon hour.
ma Carnival Committee the bids what men have seems natural, but indispensable weekly and some siter of Quarry Heights, who Play was started at about 46 received for the decoration of the even with the help of the men the consideration must be given to the was recently appointed by THE POPULAR HIPODROME ON (Continued on page Continued on page 8) modern woman can not bat (Continued on page 8) President Coolidge to succed JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW, fend Man world. Unless man is a The ittier Hirdenere made wolnut than a sado to there December 180 child born princess will not be of shots with foiled my the aad Eure lits resources are that end.


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