
PAGE TO THE WORKMIN SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands sessers JAMAICA Coming Show In St, Thomas.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD (From Gleaner. with View to Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Mojor Caws Associated the at cricket companies itsen that mention note bill but For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by. JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Landewey, December 28 What promises to be an important paris event in the coming year (1926) is the Agricultural Show to be beid at 8eig Island Feiste. Monodes Bath April next.
toshow more iban ifteen ago since the last sbow of any magnitude was staged in St.
Tbomas. Arrangements for the coming sbow were initiated by the Trinity Ville Branch with Chairman, and with him, Hoo. Cha.
Hope Levy, Mr. Holgate of Sergo leland, Dr. Bartlet, dessrs. Lightbourne, Ehrenstein, Dr. Norton and other gentlemea from Moraat Bay, on the Committee.
The public is assured of a Show well worth looking forward 10.
The experience of the local Agricultural Instructor, Mr. McLaren, with Agriculturi Soowe bas proved usel ui in arranging the event, prize list totalling over 100 has available for distribution. 81.
been got up, and will ng Thomas will bave chance of demonstration the Agricultural capabilities of the parishad some results of the Agricultural Selets efforts in increasing production ana preparing prova dac for market.
Intending exhibitors should Rot busy and help to stage such a 30ow that will give the new Governor, sir Reginald Blubne Lis first favourable local Impres sion of the Agricultural ettorte of the Island, promise bag been will attend and open the show.
Breelledey Besides Serge Island is a place worth a tendiox the Visitit The up to date factory the buge dam and wer house where the electricidy drives the Toe Island most modern and equipped furniture sbop, and largest tig factory will pive of no little laterest to visitors.
the Show while lor med pre that TRINIDAD BRITISH GUIANA Interesting Point Income Tax At British Raised As To Cricket Guiana.
Georgetown, G, Dec, 24Question Submitted To The In the Ways and Means Come Secretary of the mittee of the Combined Court From Trinidad Mr. Widder moved relief on 150. 000 on Sugar Industry taxation and a similar amount on SLIP TO FINE LEG. indirect taxation asking the Goverom int to iutroduce an Income Tax to provide consequeat loss Car Flelder Shift Before The of Revenue. After an all day de Ball Is Delivered? bate the original motion was withdrawo dod another substiBelow we publish crorespontated by the mover affirming th donoe between Sala principle of an income tax and Lieay Secretory of the reporting to the Court the prothon, of Tr nilai, and Mr. De charging bike Government to institute inquiries on the question as to whether 61 ble Mr. Or gall, tb right in admonishing was cost of collection and Geldsman o proximate yield: The Governo indicat an inchoation Hill, for sbifting from first to adopt a schedule slip to Gne log fore 300 at 6d in kisiz to 6 00 com menciog delivery of the ball during the incomes over 10. 000 and all recent Intercolonial with usual rebates tournament in Demarara. says and allowances. This scale was eh Porto Spain Gazette.
Mr. Licy reply speaks for 000 and 300 000 per annum.
le. exo cted to yield twea 200.
compent is. 02 thers except to attendant ctreo mstances in the attendant circumstances which having been Laurea ve 81. Hil incident, which would would make such actioa ulair.
make such actioo unfair, Mr. Please see Luw 43 Cro all will yet have to justify It is a question of fact for the bis admonition of Su Bill: unpire wbo sees the incident to Town Hall Port of Spain. decide. Yours, et.
20 October, 1925 LACEY, Bir Duty stage in Sec.
the match betweea Criatuad ad Dsm rara iu o facercalonial Touraient played this Denetara, a na was made and Parliamentary Delegaumpira Cressal! warbed St.
H, Trinidad (who was tield tion.
bag at first slip for shiftlog from bls position at first slip to ta lex immediately before the delivery The visit of a Parliamentarr delegation to Trinidad, which of the ball by the bowler, has been looked forward to with Pascul Trinidad. to desist. much interest for a considerable sball deem it a favour to get period, is now to be an accom roling on the point as to whe plished fact. To delegates are ther the umpire was within his on tb ir way to Trinidad and rights In so acting. If your ruling parations for their reception rolei red to the rule or practice completion. Rsponsible opinio in the wbieb justili his action? in the Colony bas always been ot!
It may be mettond ibat there to viee that such visit duet Putaande 2, Damerara aho nung because of the archana no appeal from batsmaa, of 18 unaware of the beld man Information that these members movements.
of Parliament will obtain ducing for your information their stay here. bwe clipping from the published re through the published provisiona port of the the that Saaday bas Chronicle. Demerara, with relact ramme, ference to the incident, also a been left the copy of a passage which appears arrangements are splendid.
at page 170 ot ar. Noblu Koowing Trinidad hospitality as book Gilgau Men, relating well as do. au qutis sure to a similar incident.
what the Committee will not allo. Thanking you in anticipation.
the visitors, Sunday to be Bank and dreary as it appears remain, etc va paper. was particularly glad (8gd. SALOMON to abserve that a trip to Tobago COPY OF CLIPPINGS. is locluded in the Fernandez then received from My friends of the Island Pascall and a balt was made as have nothing to grumble abou.
the result of St. Anl, who was and think that they cud sately Helding at first sli, moving to be left to make the most of their ine as Jeka the bowler approaching the pupping creaction is not a larga as was 80rema golden opporoning. Tas a los to deliver.
Umpire Cressall essall ticipated, but it is nevertheless warned the fieldsman to desist. Umpire Oressall admonished 31. sariylactory to all sections of field at tiret slip to tine leg in me St. Hill for shifting from his the community.
diately before the delivery of toe Steamship Line To Susball by by Pascall in. effort stop the career of Mau ise Far pand Operations, tandee who frequently gets away the loft bandet in that directio The crowd cheers and 8t. 26th ulto says:The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the la made to choose a definite field.
The announcement that the Canadian Pacific Line will aus Following is the passage which peod operations to the West appears at page 170 of Mr. Iodies for the time being is much Noble e book, Gulligan Men. o ba regretted. This Line with At this stage of the games the subsidised steamers and the most interesting duel took place Oanadian Govern wneut Marchanu between batsmen (Hendren and Marine has served these Colo ales Wassall) and the bowler (Mailey) well, the three co bining to offer up by Gregory, in to a reguler and eftecian pausenfield, and old old geld, we ver and cargo srvice btwa. Bumpe. Time and again Gregory the principal parts of Canada was seen to change bis position and the West Indies which has to fine leg, withou: the been of great benefit to marbatsman knowledge. Malley chants and shippers.
would bowl the wrong un on the Jeg stump going away with a view to catch going to Gregory British Consulat Culoa has. DoThe same paper states that the 0: the stumper from a lek titled the Colonial Sucretary here, glance.
for tbe information of the public, NR. LACEY REPLY of the formation at Colon of a Lord Cricket Ground, Committee the British London, West ladian Welfare Committee 9th November, 1925 the object of studying the loditions of Britisb West Dear sir, min reply to your diads there and seeking to dotter of the 20th October there ameliorate those conditions. The is nothing illegal in itself in Committee is also willing to gival to fine leg before the delivery of visiting the Isthmus of Panama milie is general de House Rent Receipt Books enclose looks Cheap And Easy Divorce In South Africa as blank, SPANISH ENGLISH ONLY 13 SHILLINGS ame Ward.
Order Books without Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies if that three Capetowy: There is no coun try in the Empire wbere divora.
can be so easily and cheaply obtained as in the Union of South Atrica, Provided both parties desire to have the matrimonial tie severed deerees of divorce are granted by the Provincial Divisions of the Supreme Cars ару washing of dirty Itaen.
Misconduct need not be proved or even allsged; all that is necessary being for one of the parties to refuse to live with the other.
Then an order is made for the restitution of conjugal rigbts and order 18 not obeyed within months a decree of divorce automatically follows, Although divorce can hardly be described as necessary of Nife beneficent Governments have brought it within the reach of the very poor, Provided one shuw tbai beyond one personal effects one estate is not worth more than 10 tue ejurt grants leave to sue in formal pauperis, the allegation of poverty mans be supported by the affidavits of two householders. Having obtained permission to sue in forma pauperies the Applicant. pay the following modest feeniCourt stamps on application 89.
Service of petition 59.
Service of order 5t.
Car CAN BE HAD AT bacited betid velger Si The Workman from all Stationery Store ore called Total 139.
Pablic attention is now being directed to the very easy way in wbieb divorces can be obtained often aste result of collasion and more than one judge has commented strongly upon the matter. Exchange)
ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays Advertise in the Workman IT PAYS.


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