
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926 GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATS ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply Contra Crespo las: There year, telephone, to it SSSSSSSSSSSSS SONSSSSSS Church Services.
Second Sunday After the Epiphany Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applicaSt. Paul Church, Panama WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. Rev. Nightegale, Reeter)
PO Box 74, Papas All copy for publication must be 6am Holy Communitn.
written on one side of paper only, and 10, 15 a Matice Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10. 30 a. Holy Kuchs ist sermcnOne Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
12 Holy Baption, Bix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. pm Church School, Three 6o.
We do not undertake to return re7. 30 Choral Ererong, termos Ose 25 jected correspondence.
Announcements: Wedared synd Friday, Celebration of the Holy Com The Laberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS mution at SundayJanuary, 24th (Evo of tha SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926.
Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul)
The Patre Festival of the parish wüs be obeerved as Errong NEGRO ADVANCEMENT AND LEADERSHIP.
St, Alban Church, Paraisa CANAL ZONE. Rev. NIGH PENGALE, Under various captions, we have repeatedly belaPriest is Charge.
bored the subject that forms the headline of this article and 11 a. Marias and addrore, it does appear that as history repeats itself so are we Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
compelled to approve or denounce conditions as they pre3p. Church School, sent themselves to us from time to time. 30 Choral Evensong address All over the world wherever the Negro has been taken oss SENSE ASC XXXOOX SE The Catechist from his native home, his descendants are bidding for self determination, racial advancement and racial rights. The St, Matthias Mission general bustling is the outcome of self consciousness LAS SABANAS NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES awakened by the varied experiences of the races which (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, em rg frow the world war that convulsed the social order Priest in Chare.
Since December 7th p. Church bool.
everywhere no rain bas talleo bere, and tha 15 pm Evening Pod address It was inevitable and as natural as it was justifiable.
plants are begining to feel the Mr. Riebards, Catechist.
An impartial concession leads to the acknowledgement that STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR dry weather, if the drought coa man is man wherever he is found, that human rights and tinues until the end of April as privileges are the same, or ought to be the same, the world it usually does, foodscuffs will be st. Peter by the Sea, La Boca very scarce next over. and despite the prejudicial aspersious hurled on the American Episcopal (Anglican Cou no direct telephone race by those wh) are adverse to its progress and advan Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off munion)
communicatious between New Second Sunday After the Epiphany cement, it will eventually emerge out of the struggle with Providence and Colon or els head erect, breast serene and conscience unseared.
NON INJURIOUS where, at present a person has Holy Communion 6, 30.
to C103S the lake by boat to Holy Baptie 30 a.
It is generally believed that the real antagonism and Limon 50 as to get a wessag The Litany, Hot Eucharist and seropposition az cinst the race are to be found within its sent by it mou 10 45 a. to.
ranks. The greatest setback is the failure of most of its hoped that direer communi Church Fehool p.
No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required notorious leaders and prominent characters to grasp the cations will be given Choral Evensong sermon 30 salient interests and needs of the people they affect to lead this colony during the preseat Preacher The Rector For the most part there is too evident a manifestation of MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, dry season; the telephone lia MULCARE, Rector, boss craft ism and executive bullying Amongst the passes througb the village to SMOUTH AND SILKY Limon, and the work was done it. Barnabas Church, Empiro majority of the so called leaders can be discerned an im mostly by West Indians, petuous craving for would be regal honours and distinction Matins and adrese 11.
Church School, and Confirmation clase.
and so long as these indications of executive imbecility conSOLD EVERYWHERE The trail from New Providence at p.
tinue in obnoxious prominence there can be no hope for the to Cativa is covered profuse Choral Eventong addreee p.
elevation and advancement of the masses of the people. Experienced Canvassers Investigate with toll grass and berbs, and the Lay Reader, it would be a rood thing the Even the masses of the people themselves do not know MULCARE Priest in Chitos authorities would how to shape their aspirations and ambitions. Easily clear away gulled, readily fooled and quickly excited, the substratum Leavy loge (before the dry se the of the race gets stirred, into a kind of misdirected and itres. LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD St. Bartholomew s, Church eon is over. as grass and herbs ponsible agitation and move along fore the huge are wise for travellers than LAS CASCADAS, trees overhead; the former is the Matius and address am.
avalanche of racial bigotry that dubs itself Leadership.
babltation of sales and other Church School and Catfirmation Clase The opportunities of the Negro race are multiplex, great ustigeus reptiles, and he latter and impelling. The wisest among all other thinking peoples gives abcker from he beatci Ev Prayer and address d. o.
the world over see in the darkskinned type of man a posthe burning sun.
The Lay Result sible and coming power. But the great questions among Miss Doris Russett. organist MULCARE, Priest in charge.
all races are how will the Negro best advance and how of the Wesleyan Church, is a quickly will his prominence be effected. This is the Negro patient in the Santo Tomas Hos St Jude Mission, Sumn it.
own problem and it is to be solved by none other but pital trom Friuay last, tte h; himself.
Why throw away your old, but no Bu has Church School nm.
in attack of If the question is discussed with local color it will be doubt interesting, books when you Jaria. We all wish ber a peeo y Evening Prayer and address 30 recovery and return to her ma y JT MULCARE Priest Chap seen that the essential needs of colored people here are activities in the church work.
greatly neglected. For the most part there seems to be an can have them neatly bound at st. Simon Mission, Gamboa anti white propaganda greatly spread among the ordinary THE classes of peop e and much imbided and propagated with WORKMAN Sunday last the 10th inst, was Matias and add ess 11 am, Cosebani Sunday or the Wesle Church School 30 Lay Reader an inflammatory virility that hampers the best interests of 93 CENTRAL AVENUE yans bere, Rev. Surgeon the people themselves.
went torough all the ceremonia, MULCARE, Priest in Charge and administered the Sacrament The Negro race needs the amity and friendship of th Opposite Cecilia Theatre of the Lord Sopper; two little Baptist Cnurches white race. It is not necessary for the Negro to cringe to maidens, MS LEONA his white brother for this friendship, he can stand with Markbam ard Viola Philpotts. Under the auspices of the Southern shoulders erect and facing the white man outright can talk both junior members of the to him and discuss in an amicable way the problems that Baptist Convention. and members of the Sueday School, we Crived affect them and the barriers that now estrange them.
Coloo 11 a. and 15. Pastor Let the self appointed leaders realise that the race has northern and southern Ireland, which seemed to have clos into full member stip. Miss Phil Thrift.
potts received the Sacramento!
Chorrilo. 11 a. Desca Crooks; not yet approached the status where it can be self depen ed definitely a controversy that has kept tempers, at a. dent. Let these pseudo leeders divest themselves of all the perilously high pitch for the past five years and more. The are Baptists, and she was not by Bro. Auistin p. Hrvest Tbsoksgiving, Perman Rev. Jordon pompous vainglory, that has hitherto made them notorious, curious feature of the whole affair is that the settlement baptiz in te latey; she has 7, 15 reached and kept the masses in baneful ignorance for these many which every one is unanimous in censuring. When in 1920 a preference, and ter parents nav 716: Dean Smitb.
a newspaper indiscretion chosen the Wesleyan Oburch uy Calidonia 11 nro. Diacon Melotout years, and start something along constructive lines that may in the course of time, be fraught with manifold bene treaty between Great Britain and Southern Ireland (known maideos are 13 years old; they liea the priyliege to do so. Both Red Tank 11 Deacon Yearwond pm, Harvest Tirskegiving fits for the progress and advancement of the negro people. dary between the two was left to be settled failing direct Sacrem, nt of the Lord today as the Irish Free State) was made, the exact boun received for the atst time, the 715 pm: Pastor Witt. New Providence 11 am. Mr. George Some of the greatest deficiences of the race as seen agreement by a special boundary commission. That com. Mrs. Philots was present, and someone apper. 15 pm. Descen Broome.
here are the palpable lack of self confidence in ourselves mission has been sitting for about a year and was expected of the Lord Supper, thus show 16 Descon Brown she also received the Sacrament Empire 11 am. Diacon Cummings: and the deplorable mistrust we engender for each other. to issue its report this month. It was generally understood ing her true Christian Spirit.
These are two of the greatest sores in the race, and until that the one question it had to decide was whether any Gatun 118. sad 16 o.
the so called leaders apply the proper salve for eliminating territory should be taken from Northern Ireland and given Pueblo Nueron 11 a. Deason Johothese sore spots, the race will remain thus long in national to Southern. Just before its report waa expected, howIsthmian League of SOD; 15 Supplied.
backwardness and commercial strength.
ever, a London paper published a statement to the effect Matta Redonda 11 Descon If the colored people on the Isthmus of Panama believe that what the commission had decided was actually to take Szewart.
that they can advance without getting together and pool territory from the South and give it to the north. The an. The Isthmian League of British their resources and place confidence in each other. they nouncement created tremendous indignation in the South, West Indies will hold its regular Salvation Army Hall.
are fighting a losing game and will contine in the abominable so much so that it was certain that the publication of the Geddes Hill East 16th Street, Lonight, Saturday 16to at state of being ever dependent on others.
recommendations themselves would produce an explosion. Members are reminded that this LA BOCA 007P3 But if the leaders of the race are sincere to their vocation Under those circumstances hasty eonsultations took is the first meeting for the year, 30. Knee Drill.
they have various problems to meet, for no true and ambitious place between the representatives of the British Govern and it is desired that eyery one 11 am Holinee Meeting.
Negro can feel advancement under the shadow of blatantment in London and the two Irish Governments, with the should be present. p. Bunday School 30 Open Air.
ignorance, rowdyism, race hatred, disrespect of authority, result that the issue of the commission report was post7. 30 Sulai metinn.
profligacy of religion and such like evidences of racial poned, and that after most anxious discussions ail parties We extends cordial invitator to all, depravity reached an agreement which promises to end the con. Why pay double price (Continued on page 7)
troversy forever. The details of it matters little. The for inferior imported Good Out Of Evil.
main feature is that the boundary is to remain as it is, Beer when you can neither side surrendering territory to the other, except by Notice to Correspondents.
voluntary agreement, while the disappointment of Southern buy a superior Beer Contributors and correspondents dangerous political situation was hardly ever turned Ireland finds compensation in the remission of extensive such as BALBOA for are asked to send in their contribu.
more unexpectedly into a satisfactory one than has been debts owed by it to the British Government. strange half the price.
tions not later thar Thursdays to the case in regard to the recent agreement between ending to a most dangerous situation.
iasure publicatipn. This is imperative and must be adhered to.
burn some, and cry to cut anu 30 Book Binding!
church, a Res Supplied.

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