
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres behind the home ibat appreciated. rence.
publie the clad live?
as to enable both contestant and nec Comaittee also ppoint What Is Your Fortune?
ATLANTIC SIDE Colon Wesley Church CANAL ZONE NOTES Concert To morrow, An Appeal to The La Boca Pars.
Following 1s the attractive Public programme which is to be rendered at the Colon Wesley church tomorrow, at pm. InThe new concrete walks leading It is now bigb ume that iodi dications are that it will be en into residences and community viduals, races and pations re joyed by CECILIA houses, which replace the old and solve to throw off the lethargyl Crowd.
unusually large AMERICA badly worn asphalt ones, ar that have ensbrouded them, and (PANAMA)
welcome additions both to the mske nosessary endeavours for PROGRAMME (COLON)
TODAY. Saturday, January 16th and general secuery and comfort of the realization of their goals. We Mareb Before the Mast TO MORROW Sunday, January 17ch residents here. This improvement TODAY. Saturd y January 16th must arise il we must live.
has been brought about through (Laurendeau) Atlantic Orchestra Corinne Griffith in Patsy Ruth Miller in The Colon Boys Boye Institute, re represente tion made by the West Opening remarks. Chairman, THE MARRIAGE WHIRL THE WISE VIRGIN alizing that to remain contented lodian Exaployees Association.
with their present existence will Rev. ER Wede.
TOMORROW. Sunday January 17th Additional improvements to the mean their defeat, bas taken the Antbem Lord God, we MONDAY, January 18th Raymond Griffith in buildings so that the will present initiative, but sincal the power worship Thee. Stultz) Colon Adolphe Menjou in PATH TO PARADISE the once genuine Pacific Silver movement is not Wesley Choir.
City appearance is looked forward strong enough to make the fuc Overture. William Tell. SINNERS IN SILK to.
cess possible, MONDAY, January 18th is now appealing (Rossioi) Atlantic Orcbestra.
to the benevoleat and philan Viola Dana in Vocal Solc Rejoice Greatly TUESDAY Jauuary 19th The Management Committee of thropic public. daughter of Zion. Hardel. Normi Talmadge in THE NECESSARY EVIL It is the La Boes Athenaeum meet at is our great desire to have Mrs. Olga King.
the Clubhouse at half past seven of our own. But friends. THE ONLY WOMAN although the need is prossing. Thos. Williams Organ Solo Selected. Mr.
TUESDAY January 19th o clock this evening to continue William Desmond in for the All Medalist yet we cannot attaia it unless Cello Solo Told at Twin WEDNESDAY, January 20th you give your support. The little light (Huerter) Mr. Lax THE MEDDLER Llocution Contest to come off oa Eleanor Boardman in the 20th of next month. At fuesevery individual can WIFE OF THE CENTAUR give will be greatly ap!
WEDNESDAY, January 20th day meeting of the Society developed Although we are all that the Christinss and all euffering Piano Solo. Valse MauresCorinne Griffith in New Year season and set back from economic pressures, we quo (Coleridge Taylor. THURSDAY January 21st THE MARRIAGE WHIRL things furthe than had beea should make sacrifices for the Cornet Sol On Guard Raymond Griffith in fulfillinent of any grand idea. Dierig) Mr. Lambert, OrTHURSDAY, January 21st articipated, which may necessitate PATHS 10 PARADISE a speeding up both on the part of The establishment of an Insti chestra Accom.
Adolphe Menjon in the contestants and the Athecaeum.
tution will eflect great credit to Violin Solu. Gipsy Aires FRIDAY January 22nd SINNERS IN SILK As the Athenaeum those who make the urd rtaking (83iasate. Mr. Prado, bent ou cone Viola Dana in ducting all its public meetings for possible, and you are the one Organ Solc Le Marcha FRIDAY, January 22nd npon whom we intend to refl e Procesional (Clarke. the satisfaction of the THE NECESSARY EVIL rma Talmadge in the Credit Will management Costa 10: Address. Art Riv. THE ONLY WOMAM not help? Will you not tee at its sitting this evening may you donate on amount so that we can Wadt.
oven decide to extend the date of SATURDAY, January 23rd and he the Contest further in the year jo Will you not pledge to 1p 11. Serenade Orpheus Gluck SUNDAY, January 24th SATURDAY, January 23rd el yate a movement tha is.
Atlantic Orchestia.
Constanta Talmadge in Eleanor Boardman in the essary for your wives and 12. Vocal Sulo Oh Lamb of Attenaeum maxina HER SISTER FROM PARIS WIFE OF THE CENTAUR of satisfacto OL. The daughters protection, and for the God still keep me. Stultz. improvement of the country Miss Archibald.
expect, at sotne future date to cod.
etatu, and morals.
13. Tro Memories of Home!
sader ways and meats to add at least fifty more members to their We know that you wont dissa. Gutzam) Messrs Prado. Violin)
roils and also to hold the weekly us. know your largeldello and Piano. meetings earlier in the evening beartedness will inspire you to 14. Vocal Scl Witb Verdure COMING SOON than is being done at present.
dig deep into your pocket, and Clad (Hayded) Mrs. Olga King.
contribute to the building of our home.
15, Orgia Solo Slected. Mr.
DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN President Whyte of the Panams Any amount will be greatly Thomas Williams.
DON Canal West ludiua employees appreciated, 80 send it along 16 Grand Selection. Cavallie.
Association was present at a meet Seud contributions to fra Rusticana (Mascago. lan ing of the La Boca District of the Watson, Coloo, P, Box 153. Oltic Orchestra (Son of Zorro)
Association held at the Clubuouse Dr. Harry Eno 17. Cboru. Hallelujab Chorus on thursday (dundel) Culon Wesley Cnoir.
stalled Di Veblog last audioCristobal Reds officers elected Trim Cosi remarks, Rav.
to serve for the ensuiux term. FolWade.
Special Meeting of Cricket lowing are the officers for the term Paraiso Aviators. March The Right of Way Council Walters, Ceairman, M, Los) Ailantic Orchestra.
Bayne, ce Chairman, WC King, Before a fairly good sized crowd At a special meeting of the man appointed several Committee Secretary Treasurer. The Charof the Knights oj Balldom, The walked, Campbell doubled Jear. Madame Renoe will literpret Zodiacal Signs cricket council convened by Mr. lipcluding a Rorairing Comigittee Walentt, vice President on Turs with the Vice Chairman us Char: Cristobal Reds took the Paraiso ware being a out at the plate each week for Readers of this paper Avlators foto camp to the tune ol on a perfect from Gardel ini in day night the 12th inst, it was man and a Publicity Committee. It decided to to 4; it was a very good came the center karden, Martin was WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE was given out the Consul that due to lack of in Aroual Meeting of that although featured with plenty of sale ou a fielders choice when January or bitting and a few miscue on the second base por too slow to this terest on the part of certain offi Directors of the Assountion will be of th: chiefly those Campbell, both men cers connection the of the Cristobal Reds.
coed whac Emmanuel douJanuary 14 scor: The Sign of Capricorn the bealthy with cedustry please usines pending for some time, such ofti. the Assoat tion for 1925 will be voll always he strong and son talion match which has been used on Saturday night next the 23ru It seems to be ibat not only in bled, Jarrett doubled you a physique to cers the Goat but also on the 1stb ng Emmanuel and Mitchell the the older they get the walked, Manager Grosso came carry on your enterprises, there is following elected presented by the Corresponding mus, the better they play. Stanley Wallace up to the bat and with molimit to the heighs which youle.
Waestt president: Secretary All members of the Asso.
You who were born during this may climb. You would probably Hawkine, sacratary, FG. in good better known to the as a singled to right field scoring week are endowed with compre. win honers as an instructor, a di Vice president: in Report.
attend this meeting and dise1188 The Smokey Joe. twirled as good a Jarret, at this stage manager hensive understanding of your plomat, a satistician or a merchant. treasurer; would Budd shifted Jaen to the right pillowman. Besides possessing a Atherly, custodian years ago, although he was not garden, Ara uz to second and frank, energetic and progressive to for those born under this sign presentation match UNDERSSANDING is the mot It was also decided that the quite at home in Lyons to the tiring line. The you have faith in the good be played The steamship Manchuria passed innings, and in it had not been change seemed to have been a peformed by others and give them and it also siginties patience and tomorrow, when Sussex o. bore on Wednesday morning last his arm arm went back on it for the old liable Horse Raforeredit for their efforte, your tolerance for those with whom you who are the wioners for the with 05 first class and over 90 inhim he would danned Dixon and Wallace with chief fault lies in overlooking de of spring when new life and energy of members of all the other the United States. She made Caual bave finished up come in contact. Green, the color season will meet a pick com posed termediate passengers bound for the As a matter of fact. the score reading to agalast fects in others to your own de come forth, is the color most clubs.
he won his game and stayed in triment.
transit in the afternoon.
until the end of the seventb. Second Inninge: Jeanmarie out apporpriate to this sign. The deKind hearted and constant, you licate wbite poppy is your flower.
Gardellini een third to first, Campbell singled are always a true friend and remain At last Tuesday meetitg of the ball since 1910, handled stoled second and going to third Marriage will be happiest for The Redoubtable Athletic Athenaeum President Win. Defre chances in the center garden on a fumble by the second base ready to help your friends out of Club.
souza who has been re elected to without ulscue, and tallied man; this break gave the Reds difficulties. You are a natural les you if you chose some one whose serve for the ensuing term delivered three out of another Oue as Martin came der and are a good suide for those birthday is in the first half of the through with single scorin, your sound judgment a very inspiring message before the persons who grow to depend on month of February.
Atlantic flat men have just members He said, in part: Allow (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense organized themselves into a club me, as president of this hoporable The Aviators scored in first, Campbell. Jarret went out Uules through some accident, Adams Syndicate. innings as second to first, and Mitchell tiled fourth and eighth under the name of the Redoubt. body of workers, striving forward follows: out to center.
able Athletic Club with the with but one aim in view. the proFourth inologs: Martin colloc It is First innings: Gardellini singl understood to moting of literature and pleasant invade Panama on the 22nd of ted his Beleno bit by pitched ball, both ted his second single for the day, PAY VISIT TO February in order to reclaim (Continued on pse 8)
advancing one base while Alva going all the way round to third lost honours. Among the mem rex got thrown out at first on Emanuel single. Martin BRATH LUNCH COUNTER he bers of the ground to short stop, Lyons scored when second base was club are pion and will do their best to spr was forced out slow in throwing out Jarret at walked and rioters: Wallace, Jaen, Gordon, justify their claim.
6016 9th Street and Hudson Lane middlers: Stepbens, short to second on Hamitoas first for the second out. Mitchell THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET SATISFACTION Clarke Thoms, grounder, whila Gardellini and closed the innings by stan cers: Williams, Scot: Markland, little baby girl was added to Beleno crossed the pla, e for two flying out to center.
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sixth Innings: Martin singled Sandwiches of all sorts, Regular meals The officers of the Saunders of Silver City House club are: No. 6039 on Tuesday morning, Fourth innings: Perez out on Emanuel trippled scoring Martin, Watermar, trainer; y foul to the Catcher, Araoz re Jarret singled scoring Emanuel, from 10. 30 a. 25 cents Witangbam. coach; Jack Jami doing well.
the 12th inst. Mother and child gistered a single to left and Jaen Mitchell singled but dle with CHICKEN SOUP FROM P.
son, Maneger.
decided to look them over was Jarret on base when Dixonard rewarded with a walk, Gardel Grosso wided at Lyons fast lini Miss Maisie Grant, who since was ORDERS FILLED safe on a fielders choice ones.
AND EXECUTED News Notes ber sad accident at the Colon when Shurt played his grounder Eighth innings: Jarret singled Wesleyaa Prompt Day and Night Service to third getting Arauz, Jaen and stole second, Mitchell douMission House in October last, bad been patient attempted to steal third and the bled, only to get out at thira The Rev. Wade of of Aucon Hospital, was removed throw to catch him went to left to stretch it into a triple. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Pajama will be the preacher at to the Samaritan Hospital Calon allowing him to scamper Jarret romping bome with the BRATHWAITE, the Calon Wesley Church tomor on Tuesday the 12th inst.
bome with the lone tally for that final tally for the Reds, Grosso row at Ila. m, and 30 At inning and the last one to be singled and stole second, Dixon Proprietor. o clock the R:v. gentleman will scored on Wallace.
out to first and give a special address in comee IN MEMORIAM Eight innings: Gardellini Roland relieved Wallace breezed tijn with the monster concert for looked them over cireally and closing the innings.
wbich preparations are being took a tree trip to ialtial sack, Martin was the batting hero Paraiso bass, while the LA In fond memory of my wife made, DR. HOFFMANN Belego but got out try Marie Maxwell who departed this for the Reds, registering four Bocans will be at Cristobal to try life one year ago ing to stretch it into a double, singles out of five trips to the conclusions with the Reds at Mt. has transferred his clinie to 37 Central Ave. upper floor of La Gardellini going to third only to plate, and scoring three of their Hope. Today recalls the memory large crowd is expected at come home on Alvarez siogle to bine runs Gardellini one of the Mascota in front of the Alcalde the Christ Church school rom of our dear One laid to rost; oldest ball players on the right garden.
the Entrance between La Mascota corner of d and Cash St, to wit And those wh) miss her most Are thoss who loved her best; The Cristobal Reds took theirs Isthmus, was next to Martin Havo you tried the and Preciado Book Store. ness the championship contest TELEPHONE 991.
between the Red Black Green We did not know the pain she bore, in the first, second, fourtb, sixth connecting for three bingles and Choir of Panama and the Colon. We caly knew she passed away did no see and eighth. Jaen started for the scoring half of the runs gathered new Beer Fraternal Company. This will be flyere but had to be yanked in by his team And did not say good bye, favour of Lyons (Joe Reir) the Washington team will Kronen Brau Advertise in the Workman one of the best contest ever pull We pray to God the time will come ed off on the sthmus 83 these two When we will meet again old reliable.
again journay to Li Boca toIT PAYS. companies calm to be the cbam HER LOVING HUSBAND, First innlogs: Jeanmarle morrow, there to encounter the of the Board of players; the States, places; two fans as oa as case that game.
who playing the plate.
intention, on new Chlari; Rample; again trying Bela went pitcher singled The


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