
generation with blend of the world most famous tobaccos CHE enemy.
As the rat it, eleotricity Dbarlllloon abundanc water necessary to generating eleciri Chesterfield COM RETTES before Com THE BEER British Finance And Chairman of the Electricity Commission aon Lord Weir (as Commerce.
sbown by a recent peech his report is not yet public) are lo agreement is that tbe (BY ROBERT MACKAY. leflet icity by water power development of the is not likely to go far in Great One of the most complex subBritain. The reason for this is a jects under consideration by the simple one that water power is Biulsh Government is that of pot available to any considerable the development of electrical extent. The total output to be energy. The problem in Great derived from projected water Britan is largely bound up power schemes would be. Well Doer the future of the coal industry.
only about per Ladeed, so intimate is the connecTobacca prowing districts of cent of the country requireSLOAN LINIMENT tion, the solution of the one prothe whole world are drawn ments. As Lord Weir puts it, DP.
blem will probably carry with it speo to supply the chrice leaf the great energy 18set of this paine and aches than any the solving of the other. Both recalled for Chesterfield.
other known remedy, that is country la embodied in its coal why thousands of people the questiors are beset with aldigulmeasures. The problem there world over call it ain lies, not the least being that of fore is now best to conserve and the inevitable disturbance of convert these coal measures into Rheumatiem, sciatica, stik o neck, sore and tired mulda, vested interests, both of capetal HESTERFIELD calls for the best in electrical energy, economic and lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, and labour. Yet the problem of tobaccos: the choicest of smooth and efficient.
sprains and bruises are in electricity supply must be reStantly relieved by tackled. for, as mellow North American varieties, enriched There are many schemes and linia ver of SLOAN LINIMENT Sir John and Lord Weir have Taaraport recently Nene leghe imate without is the bandmaid by the rare delicacy of costly Turkish.
toucbed on a few. Both appear to and olgnature of Indostry. Other countries are But fine tobaccos alone are not enough, be agreed that the potentialities Botstanding still in this respect, of pithead production bave been from For in large measure Chesterfield owes rather asso Arall deler aidianity is that near collierles Japan to the United States. its satisfying smoothness of flavor to the 30 exceptional skül with which these tobacco worla o disposed place. The SLOAN of citlichen to the LINIMENT wo klog of team torbides cannot look upon electrical development are blended. as one of the chief lactors in CANG RENT the be got. Nevertheless the majori ty of the laree Change the tobaccosor change the blend POS. war renaissance, and onsto tions doubtedly that country which. either way you lose that suave richness to coal. The most important im.
are in very close proximity Erst secures cheap and eftiwhich belongs to Chesterfield, and to mediate development would seem cient power supply will get a to be the generation of electricity seem WILKINSON loog start in the race for indusChesterfield alone.
trial supremancy.
from waste heat. Electricity can frequently be prozuced very Contractor All political parties in Great cheaply as a by product. Already Britain are committed to assist the proportion of and Builder this development and in fact the city Reperated by waste sobj ct is no longer, if ever it beat on the North East Coast House No. 20 were, party matter. To obtain is ope fifth: quite a substantial a the very best advice on tbe sub28th NOV. STREET, ject, the Gvernment appointed roportion. And inted as progress is small committee, presided over called the pre treatment of coal SAN MIGUEL by Lord Weir. a great indastris: CIGARETTES (extracting colls, dyes, etc from Box 411, Panama, R, well This committee enore report has been receiv and is sina converted electric now the profit of all concerns Plans and Specifications Fras ed. This is a development of grert First class Workmanship and the Prime Master basani prom.
Bounced the bope decision Guaranteed this on this vital matter Christmas. It is proposed three Wordlaetared by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
fortebing 10 set torib bere Kaplan Victory Ends ot the present position of the elec rical supply Lengthy Feud.
industry in Great Britain ana 10 ladicate a few of the posible lines of advance open to Sexos CHAMPION DEFINITELY PROVED electrical engineerito lo that HE IS BETTER MAN THAN country.
In tbe enthusiasm of ecot structiu ia mediately after the SHOWING NOT IMPRESSIVE war Parliament set up an Electricity Commission and charged SUPPLIED BY She Commissioners to take TITLEHOLDER STYLE AGGRESsteps sborto!
of compulsion to eiBIVES, BUT UNINTERESTING feci ibe needed MAY JOIN LIGHWEIGAT In every form can be seen mana mation of electricity CLA88 e uceros. Five years of thea bere at its best See ow your have revealed the benefits agd detects of this The ring feud between Louis Wrist Watches attempt to kecure voluntary amalgamation. Kid) Kaplan, world featherand Babe Certain most ayantageous con Bracelets Berman, bis persistent cho achieved.
but not unforturat ly, of tte lenger, bas passed into riog biDiamond Rings tory to take its place with ib: comprehensive kind that might vendettus of Beney Leonard en land a hundred other adornbave been brought abovi. Io Jack Britton and Ted (Kid)
their last (the fourth) report the Lewis. That was the opinion ul ments and you ll recognize made pointed boxing followers generally yes why this is the LEADING or their lack of compower. It would appear terday.
It is specially suited for this climate JEWELRY HOUSE in town that legislation on tbe lines of On all sides the feeling was that which brought but the malgoatlon one of satisfaction that Kapia ask prices and you ll find still is superior to all imported beers sold unguestionably is the master another reason. railways into four large groups most eventually come if industry here and it sells to the public at demonto resp the foll benefits of ring of scientific and economic electrical HALF the price.
Garden, without exactly im prer 122 Cetnral Ave.
development Phone (2)
BIDK any body in the crowd that be. great tigbter. plan is In his evidetce tefore the Coal Commission, Sir Joho Soeil, the TRY OUR NEW BEER a plodder. methodically aggres figbter who never ceases chairman of the Blectricity Com carrying the fight mission, gave certaio fivres best. But be mauler What everyone is obo wing the present position of and is not of the type to Aid saying the electricity supply industry kr al favoar wtb those who like dad posible developments. The ibe clean bitting, strong punchCommissioners have under their en ing and clever types of riormeo.
or saperitendence 584 venerating statios Of tbese SUPERIOR TO ALL The champion now plads to 42 produce more thai half the rest for a short period and tbeu superior to all sotalout pat of electricity, seek farther worlds to cocquer. imported beers mmels, titty als per cent; the Reports that he would soon tor.
og 642 satirol account bojowe sake the featherweight ranke for remy. four per cent. Last could not be verified yesterday, year the amount of electrical althougb there is no denging the anits generated was 7, 000 million Out of this total no fewer than to at w clock 256 stations generated lesa on the afternoon of the tigbt.
one million units each, wbile 484, Herman plaas to engage in HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA per cent of the tougi produced less than ten million ring campaign against feather CANAL ZONE, units each. The average con weights leading to another meet.
somptio of electricits per bead ing with Kaplan. Ibe coast lao Dffice Hours: a. to poo, In 1924. excluding private gine did not show up to his standard to p.
rating stations, was 117 units.
nits. It DAILY Of every description against the champion and is confident be can make a bette: sbow these pr. vale plants be added it og after series of Waim uj PHONE 1288 BALBOA is estimated that the consumpwatches. Whether another ton per bead was probably in tbe Kap las Herman matcb will materia specializes in all the branche neighbourhod of 290 units.
izə this season is problematical of Dentistry, So mucb for tbe present certainly there was no rusb yubposition. As for the future Sir terday to rematch the pair.
John estimated that in titeen years the optput will have grown The champion, in victors to over 21, 000 million paits. But received 19. 200 for his services, Scotty Montieth, part manawhile the coal consumed by the TA THE one of the largest sums plarer oi Kopian, that the electricity industry an over collected for a slogle fight ion a handlers lost money on some eight million tons per year if, ind ed, not the largest. Her be betting, despite Kaplan man end was announcea, ar it is estimate. that lo ctors. Montieth and Diony 400, sizeable tosocial years time, with an output three 4cMahon, the cther manager of tion for him. The receipts wei times as large, the coal CODSUDD Laplao, bet 300 on Kaplan to 354, 705 contributed by 13, 299 tjon would be only a little more cores knockout, getting to people wbo paid to see the law uhlori their idol. Jimmy Shar Sachts tbe Kely, Having of large scale production.
An interesting sidelight was anager of Herman, was said to One polnton which the the announcement after the bodi ave lust 400 on tbe resalt.
Up to date Jewelry auch amalga supply The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable solidations hay have been ach Commissioners of the British strated this last Friday niggt to Fuller Jewelry Store wbeo at bis is also KRONEN BRAU KRONEN BRAU jurisdictions fact that Kaplan Ando it didicul Dentist Howell tban of 743 JOB. PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH cham onts to difteen WORKMAN PRINTERY


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