
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 1926 PAGE SEVEN ww El Excelsior New Year Health Discover Chats.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS VIGOR TONIC Workman Stationery Store er fast wak With STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History commission JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy, all goue feelings in 18th Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 11. move enne tog Service (BY TERENCE DR BOURG. JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Good merring folks. How are you today? Feeling peppy and OFCorner 12 Street East Avenue If you re to the mood, dear say we can have, a little health cbat just you and We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also After readisg the various New tches. Our prices are the lowest and our Year Health Messages and Resolutions, it strikes me that Workmanship is guaranteed.
there should be something added IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you to our Yeur program tha question of WHOLE HEALTH may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may will endeavor to econerate drsire, provided the monthly payments of some facts as tbey ate and as interest are duly met.
they shald be. It is true that life at its best WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED from a financial Standpoint JEWELS AF VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
without bealth is nothing more thao worthless dream. We Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall cannot enjoy it.
be pleased. Many bave bad to give up their positions on account of poor Suitable for Lodge Business bealth. Naslons can ba drawn inta Decessary wars througb trasty decisions made by Kings, Presi: derts, or Cabinet oficers of AT THEThe best Tonic in the World account of waking up on a certain morning in a mood that takes away the patience they should gave in dealing with matters of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendvital importarce. The meaning of the word ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, health is misunderstood by managemeno Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up great many: the ability to get Reggae MAN oat of bed, go to work, Fat three a run down constitution meals a day, sit and walk around It promotes digestion, improves the appebit does not mean that one is tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system is good bealth; wheno: little interla ze fingers. Stretch for all to catch a possible. Do the same to the print or you re wortb lean as far back as DOSE: One snall Wine glass before each meal or street car or train or clow hing right left and forward. Return times a day.
the ordinary stans puts the to position.
ungs and beart paruly out of for lor period of (6) Stand erect, etc.
time, and wild 40 hands on bips crouch until you in the lower limbs.
are sitting on your heels now Life at its best 18 10: to be weight of your body is resting kick your feet back (now the considered bed ther fore we must at all times to cruch position stand erret.
of roses, on your toes and hands) return. AND CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God but for blot deal. sa gives power to ej rand to e Holiness (e) Stend with legs about two sufier there are a great stretched sideways. Throw the great feet apart with arms out(Continued from page 4)
CALIDONIA DISTRICT maev vexing problems that Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Seventh Day Adventist Church Suoday So clock, Prayer Meetia ent tbemeelves from time left arm back ard at the same Divi Servis Preacht ime which calls for patience time bend forward, until the STREET CALIDONIÁ ROAD Buplied il orwer, taxing to a great right arm extends trought legs (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday Aphrol Splatendent our human endurance. As as far as possible. Return to first 6o. Prerem Summary of Contents: position and writer puta It:the repeat Bablath (Saturday) 45 a. Bab730 pm. Gospel Service, Pracher Experiences like a sailor ment, using the left hand.
His ory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years bath Seopl: 11 16. Geners! Worship Supplied He aboard ship are bard but (d) Sitting on the floor, legs Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, 30 pm. Spanish Class; Tuesday 7:30 pm. Granel Service they are god for men Soule. apart, fingers interlaced bebind 30 M. Society, meeting Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Elder ODLE Without khout struggle of some sort the neck, bend forward and touch 30 Junior and Senie Standard Pateor in ebarge eaple bevitably deteriorate, the left knee with rigbt elbow, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, of striptent Cus Vespere.
There is a moral and obyala then couch right koue with lett Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Bunday evetlog 730 Prescbin struggle. The men who elbow.
The gineral publie Services of the Bethlehem ever has to buck anything burd(e) Stand erect, etc. With Players gordially invited to turn out in large Church of God Holiness is. pited. There are other hands on hips take a long step to numbers.
Váluable, lastructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and storms besides the storms at sea right at the same time twisting be in a man own soul. the body to right and bending Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO RUBEN e nasless bis an steering a til your chest touches your SAN MIGUEL heel for a time. And he must leg. Return to first position and bahis own Captain and his own repeat to the left.
Price 50cts.
Ord STREET BROADWAY, COLON Bunday 30. Mornig rervice crew when it comes to cleaning dubbath (Haturday) 46 a. on Sabbath 10 am. Children eervice up the mess and getting set on (0) Lying on floor face dowoSchnol; 11. 15 a. General Worship Il sm. Divine Service Preache, his course again, bard: Ward place palms of bands side Br Catherwood.
of chest from this position push 30 9, Young plople meeting Secure yours now there will be a great rush it out, it will 18. 30 pm Vespero deat Sunday School, Superinten. make better man of him. Dovigorously with hands until elbows are straight.
for them, The followiuk surgestions are.
Bunday evening 30 pm. Preaching 520p. Programme. offered as the only natural All of the above movements Servior. You are pordially invited to Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN 15 Gospel Service, Preacher should dion of putting more life into increasing the number by a day be done 10 times at least, Mtend those worvices and ling your Bro. Phillipe Qumra machine and making Panama friende Note ti er notices for thu wek wil dine say on this earth more until 16 reflectives are reached, be given from the pulpi. pleasa. We ve all got to die Now take the drudge out of The Church of God BEULA1 30 a. Prayer meetingin no reason why w4abould Wax your floot do it this way.
some time or otber and there drurgery, whenever you have to 11 Devine Service PreacherBro, Webley.
not try to live our lives to its Yo need music of some sort it is there Paname, Arosemens Street, Hour 25, 80 t Sund. y Sebul, Superiode fullest. EL GAITERO a gramaphone start it It is Bald that breathing fresh goln it no gramaphone Miguel Sunday at Prayer dent. p. Open air service. Preacher som get Deling aud Gepel warrings al 11 o Bro. J, Webley.
air day and night purities and started on a little popular song, THE ONLY ELABORATED und 30 om: Sunday School at pm.
enriches the blood and also Go down on your knees and in Mnday at 30 pm. Testimony GAMBOA MISSION 30 Child improves the circulation, there rbythm with the music apply the Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People So Service 4, 30. Gospel Sermon tore see that you get enough of polish up one board the entire Spanish Cider with its Wedpceday at 30 Supp d.
pure oxygeu into nel meeting, Thursday at 30 Note Orber Se vioes for the week Length of the floor with the right said that air aod sunshine and 9, en air meeting, Friday at 30 pm will be given from the pulpit.
own Carbonic Acid dsstroys certain germs and helps with the left Polish applied, Prayer Moeing Elder FRANCIS, and Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. Pastor in charge.
always remember to pay your some old rags (cloth) tie a good respecte to Old King 801.
pad or to your feet and dance Red Tsok, Cibal Zo. Bday Behool Dont stinge yourself on water or lde along the floor to music.
a po no Gospel meeting on Thureday right You The Salvation Prmy through the day.
at 30 ought to be able to see your Remember the value of sleep. face on the fl or after this sis. GRAY PANAMA CITY CORPS, Nature sweet restoror. You can sweep the floor to New Providedor. Gospel Meetings at Sunday Jenuary 17th to Saturday foods at one sitting: It is better most anything to music. And Dunt eat large variety of music iron the clothes or do 11. 30 am and 30 Swas School 23 Specint Holiness Meetings all the to eat only two diterent kinds of last but not least, the cultivation URETIC AND REFRESHING p. Wednesday at 30 Gor werk. All are invited to attend.
Trade Mark pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Services are as followefood at one menl as a larger of the cheerful spirit helps Meeting combination may not agree with long way along the road to better VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Bro MoDONALD Early Prayer Meeting. you and will ferment ras in the Health.
Gatua, Caual Zone. Gospel Mosting 10 sm. Children Direotory Meeting stomach. The Chemists tell us For soothing the nerves try S, 11. 30. and 30 pm Sunday od Brigade United Open Air Meeting that they can combine certain VILLAVICIOSA Behool at 3pm. Wedoeedsy 30 pm. ham Paline Meeting to be con loods in retort and await the ying on your back under a tree ducted by Compound Martin, explosion of the combination and gezing up at the moving SPAIN Goepel Meeting, Friday at 30 p. Company meeting and Pro Whenever you happen to be in clouds concentrating the wind doubt with yourselt consult your barutiful.
Brigades Open air.
on God handy work all thiagu Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH p. Junior Open Air.
Drver the occasion arises ESTEBAN DURAN Color and Streete Gopel meria 45 m. deparste Brigade Oper dit It would be a good thing if ingo at 11. 30. and 30 Bunday Meeting, consult your Dentist for it is Parents or Guardians couid enSOLE AGENT Behool at 8pm. Wedne day at 30 7p. zn. Salvation and Farewell Meet known that polson from bad courage the boys and girls to Pa Gospel Meeting Friday at 30 ing of Major Ed. Bux. DC. Several teeth goes back into the blood.
devote a bigher percentage of For the Republic of Panama Prayer Meetio.
dan will be delivered by well that activity is the law of life devolopment of their bodies tbla As you are aware of the fact their spare time to the care and Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON known speskere. cordial invitation is extended to all.
will DOW a few physical would in Monday, Lite Baving Guards ud boyements thats sure pot thea turn take away some of them on spent by TAKE NOTICE Eubeams Paraze at p. o. some more pop vigor við and worthless past times, Bethel Church of God Tuesday, Band of Love Work Claro Vitality into the Body Machine. this little chat. wish to extend along with Now that am at the end of Why pay double price Holiness for interior imported The WORKMAN Newsa Clasp Take a friction bath RIO ABAJO, LAS BABANAS Wednesday, 50 Life Saving Seouto towel or with the palms of your that throughout this Year you dry Beer when you can paper can be had st the folBanday. Prayer Meeti. god Chume parado. Home Longue et hands rubbing the skin from will enjoy Glorlous Health. buy a superior Beer lowing places: Divine Service. Prescher p. on.
Thursday. Holine meeting in the soles of your feet rub hard the crown of your head to the 3p. Sunday School Superintendent such as BALBOA for Lindsay Place, No. 2, 7. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Prochet Hall to be conducted by Commandant until you feel the ekio all aglow.
Rent Receipt Books in Span halt the price Street, San Miguel.
Martin at pm Supplied. a) Stand erect chin chest Ish and English for sale at the Mareb, Barber, 55, CaliBro. WILMOTT, Clark in chargo MARTIN. Commandant. up. Now stretch bands over head Workman Printery dunis Roed.
Tisey may be in: Interesting Te his on But 3 Meeting Meetin: It is pour lungs Cider Champagne arinis on the time at 30 ID with


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