p. 8


PAGE EIGHT TAE WORKAAN. SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 1326, OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Cricket In The West o Priacip Callejo Races! Races!
To The Silver Club School EXCELSIOR THEATRE (Continued from page 1)
Offers the best advanta, e for the fair sizd crowd witorased in. when Mears Challenor and training of Coloured bhildren good racing card at Juan Fracco Triliton, the not out batsmen To night big Attractive Program on the Atlantie end.
Park on Sunday afteroon last. took their stand at the wickete, Eight races were run The score gradually rose to 81 with ONE CONTINUOUS SHOW BEGINNING AT P.
ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC Jolly Fellow won the feature both men batting under great di COURSES event of seven furlongs.
He was fficulty on the sticky wicket which HOOT GIBSON IN ridden by Carrillo. Barlesco was greatly, in favour of the and Risas Loca took second and bowlers, Tarilton was first to break SHOOTING FOR LOVE Some of the leading subjects are: third places. Bolt won the 1 the partnership beiak bowled by Shorthand Typewriting furlong race. Purse 400 with Calthrpe when he had barely great western story with a punch in every scene. You will see your Book keeping Commercial Law Jockes Arangulz un reached the half favorite at his best.
Algebra The tirst and last races paid Geometry After the breaking of the part ALSOChemistry pools of 10. 40 each on 00 tic pership the remainder of the side Physics Music kets for first place, while Ruso fell easy prey to the bowlers and Spanish to the second race paid 11. 10. the entire West Indies team were George, the Mystry Man Social Ethics dismissed Domestic Arts The biggist draw tickets the reasoned for the meagre score of In his great Illusive scenes, appearing and disappearing. The Hat Mystery. The Magnetic Debating and Elecutionary Exercise bowever, was ia the first rane 148 runs with Cha. leoor top score Water. an evening of Oriental entertait ment.
when Fire Fly romped bome be of 63 runs.
Logic and Parliamentary Procedere.
bind the winner, Cholito, and With such a meagre soore in their firat inping, it was decided that TO MORROW NIGHT paid 24 90 for place.
Terms Reasonable The results: Three forlongs. low on with the unfortunate results the West Indies team should fol 8125: Cholito (Moore) Fire that wickets were disposed of The Metro Goldwyn Special ROMOLA CHARLES BURKE Fly (Haughton) Gran Senor by the bowlers for the Featuring Lilian and Dorothy Gish (Schultz. Pool 10. 40 god 40 Mås, DANIEL In their greatest triumph on the stage, you saw them in The Birth Of Nation, Broken en ths winner, 524 90 on the sec ridicul pus score of 21 runs, when, Blossoms, Way Lowa East, Orahaus Of The Storm, and The White Sister. Europe an Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Associate ond horse and 85. 40 on the tbird owing to continuous rain the match had to be abandoued.
greatest Critics admit it the best picture within years.
Seven furlongs 200: Ruso C, TEAM VS BARBADOS The return match of the DON FAIL TO SEE IT SpeciL MUSIC (Huldago. Top Sergeant. Mu Canal Zone Notes nor. D. etador (Casas. Pool team vs Barbados XI started Two Shows 20 and 45. Prices: 15, 20 and 25 cts.
paid 11. 10 and 84 20 on the win. on Thursday last the 14tb inst.
der and 20 on the second la tbis match the Barbados XI (Continued from page 5)
torss comprised Tarilton (Captain)
Coallegor, Hoas, lace, Birkett, NOTE. Voting For Queen The Panama West Indian Carnival us, will trk pla:e at Six and one hall furlongs Browne. Archer, Parris, Griffith social intercourse amng our people, this Theatre Tuesday 19th. 9, 30 in.
to extend to you a warm appreciapurse 400:1 Bolt (Aranguiz, and Pilgrim.
os KUSSENSWisse tion for your invaluable services Cicero (Moncz. Per qu Tae C, selection included (More) Poul paid 90 and 60 Calibrope (Captain) Holmes, which have asporedy been the means of creating a better understanding on the trst borse and on the noad, Watson, Tennyson, of our aims and objects in the second horse Crawley Jameson, Astill, Root, To Morrow Races and purcel. You will appreciate the Six and one halt furlongs and Collins community of which we are part purse 300: Rolando Escobar. The weather was ideal and the fact that while we Jailer (Schuite. Argerio isket pe fect and at 10. 40 a. u.
Long distances and very progressivaness when some progress, the opportunity for (Arangoiz. Pool 90 and 30 aud Tecilio emerged 18 unlimited, they and 40 OR on the first borse from the paviliou amidst thunattractive purses will be directe is the second horse.
derous ovation and took their prominent features of the behoves us as a thinking Five furlongs purse 300: sland at the wicket to negotiate races at Juan Franco Park keep the lights of literature Facbendo (Escobar. Victoria ta a tiek ot Calibrope and tomorrow afternoon. There but sing not only for our own good. Schulz. Pierro. Jimenez. ne tirnt pair of trundlers for the Pool are to be eight races, two for but false for the goud of those who JUAN FRANCO TRACK pai1 2, 80 on the winner, ar: to replace native Seven furlongs parse 8600: two batsmen started horses, and six for civiliz hace umbes peto march of The President imported horses.
15 liy Fellow (Carrillo. Bar their defence very cautiously but The races conclusion called attention to the lesco (Escobar. Rise Locawben be score reached the half TO MORROW for imported horses will fact that the Athenaeum is the (Moore)
include od was 90 on the winner and 50 on Calunrope off Root for 18 runs a five furlong dis ioning in the Canal Zone and with only association of its kind functtance the secood borse Tarilton at this point bad ooly Sunday, January 17th, 1926 for three year olds this knowledge in view it is abss purse 300.
lutely necessary that the members 8x futurys uprse 50 Bolt rust bis credit.
Hoad bere joined Tarilton at The feature evet will (Aranguiz. Olla (Eccbar) be continue to utilize their efforts 50 over Revoltosa (Moore) Pool paid the wicket and together these a distance of nine ns to insure its stability.
81. a 2, 30 on the wianer and 50 bats meu carried the score furlongs for a five hundredon the second borse.
to 169 ruus before Hoad was dollars purse and will incinde beauty oft EMPIRE Five farlungs purse 250: displaced with a Jolly Fellow, Bolt, Řisa Loca Asuli, when be had made 71 Tigre (Escobar. Carcaj do and Burlesco. Muara) (Alianera Bitz) runs Iaco pattuered Tarikoo who 10 40 and 200 the winner and Races For Imported horses There will also be a mile Social Club Formed. 70 and 80 on the second and at this stage had compiled 78 race fur class imported third borses respectively.
and for Native bred Ponies horses, carrying a purse of Tais partiership Jockey Hildako, in the second was very 650.
On the 29tb ulto. most enIjoyable time was race was fined 20 for baving cut productive, as these two bats.
The program is as follows: newly organizad Social Club as spent at the men played all around the across in front of Top Sargeant we WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE ist race: furlongs purse Empire. Ine Club rooms we: a Bildago rode Roso in this race wickets and carried the score to when the umpires and won. Jockey Bace was als) 255 runs 150. Roamer 126, Toto 119. tastefully decorated by a number fited 10 for breaking the tape called time; Tarilton being 118 Barba Roja 113, Cholito 111. Bryao, Clayton and young ladies Including Miases and Ince 37, both not out.
witb Dhola in the seventh race.
Play was resumed yesterday Repulse 105, Gran Senor 101, Jarrett.
and at the time of golng to press Fire Fly 96.
tbe score had reached 401 runs The President of the Club de Second roce furlongs. livered the welcome address CARNIVAL NOTES. for five wickets, Captalo Tariiton Everybody will be there. Don miss it. purse 325; Dad 126, Dhole after which he introduced as top score of 178, when he declared. Continued from page 1)
First Race Starts p. Sharp nos, Rolando 108 Revoltoso deprime aros MakerBot Borgere the 100 dressmaker of the town, Third race: Five furlongs tive manner gave the Introducwho in a pleasant and appreciastreets and the constructica of the allegorical cars were opened and SPARKLETS.
purse 300, Buck Dancer 126, tory remarks.
considered. Of the five submitted Gallineta 115 Super Gloria for the decoration of the streets, ADMISSION: Represented by (Continued from page 1)
young 108, Jailer 106 and Kentucky, ladles, three flags wºre dedicateu preference was given to that of church notices and those of the Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. 198.
Mr. Julio Valdes and Miss Ernes. W, A. Juan Franco after which Old Man Headlay tine, Sucre as offering the best Fourth race: Nine furlongs, was called upon to makean est races, ete; and again have to th3 principal address whicu be very rantees. For the construction of devote some time to the cause purse 500. Jolly Fellow 126, pleasantly did. Miss Raia.
the flouts there was only one labour which is at this time having Bolt 116, Risa Loca 106, Bur contributed two beautiful songs Gidder, Mr. Roberto Lewis, well a great time with capital. Capital lesco 115 to the program and received ths knowo national artist, whose over work has lent beauty to lapour creates and maintains capi. Street Lighting System to be Mrs. King to Sing at Colon labour altuough Fifth race: furlongs well merited plaudite of those past parades. This Dewis present, and the Boy Sputs atst year Mr. tal; it is that brain is is yet challeng purse 150. Rialto 126, Peter contributed mucn to tha success will build four ilonts for the grand jog Wesleyan Church.
winning ing brain and Peter 125, Tuesday afternocn, bas Top of the Inology This is is really not an fanction.
Sergeant 124, Linda 119. Bi: Secretary Kenton bega representi e Infermo, the to the question at sae. The real The Electrical Division of the Wonders of tne Sea, the Rising question is that both have their Panama Canal has started work on Mrs Olga King, solsist of the by Peggy 124, Dictador 122, to inform the public through this Panama Wesleyan Methodist Sur and the peopote. He will helhe place, the man and the woman, improving the lignting system in the Church and one of our leading Fenomeno 120 Ruso 116, Roa medium that the Empire Club is out float en which but now open for social entertaio Queen elect will uske ber trime the woman beginerstone wants whole exception to one is the che quere taking part in a special musical olds) purse 300 Fachendo of the Club extend their heart leading; as soon as Bolboa Quarantine Annex. with copranos, is expected to letve former 109.
ments, and for the success of jar for Sixth race. Three year the opening function the ottloers this. The has, going to be facing Canal the American Legion and the Rotary trouble, because its an impossitility, entire stretch of road Club who have pirnifind their in And she has never been denied her Fort Amador Road. eading from program at the Colon Wesleyan 130, Lucero 120, Carcajada lelt gratitude to the friends who the Bal Church tomorrow afternoon, teotion to parti ips te in the cele de rights in consideration of her pro boa Radio station to the Balboa Mr, H, Tawaon, Organist of 121. Madona u7, Bomba 110, wilkogly contributed to same.
biasions will also place their orders fer relations to inan as the latter Boat House, is without street lights the Colon Wesleyan Church, will Vittoria 100.
with Mr. Lewis. Indications there, progreseca Therefore the innova which renders that section extreme actomapa Live Moreaking necete the Seventh race: furlongs Panama Capital Monthly sofe point. 10 succeserek and tion modern woman is unneces ly dangerous to pedestrians, expo splendid Pipe Organ erected 650. Tribuno 120, Lecture.
enjoyable a ilme as we have had in sary and is a refarding factor in cially at nights. The Silver em that church recently.
Copiapo 127, Bolt 128, Risa che part our civilization.
ployees residing in that section Loca 121, Cicero 118, Pere The Monthly lecture will be de.
But must repeat that we a petitioned the Electrical Divison British Prince, livered by vange ist Louis St.
que 106.
Rent Receipt Books In Span. dearly love the ladies and must for lighte some months ago and the Eighth race: six furlongs ly Society on Sunday the 17th inst, Hill at the Panama Capital Feiendish and English for Sale at The continue to protect and support needed improvement is now being them; their little boller annoys made.
purse 250. Alta Mae Workman Printery, Does Heroic Work in Fire at 132. the subject being The Kingdom sometimes but wefmust encourage Tigre them and that the reason Hong Kong Hotel, 130, Merry Kiss 132, of God. The Lecture will begin intend to cross the Isthmus tried and generally accepted system cable despatch from Hong Capizana 113, Altanera 112. dially invited to hear it. No collee.
La Garzona 93, Meelah 119. at 30 and the public is cort EDON BE tomorrow morning deo volente of home making and their inherent Kong, dated Jan. d states too will be taken.
to hear Mrs. Olga King sin at the qualities to better man in aestbetics, that Prince George did heroic Sunny Girl 105.
If, however, substituting therefor a request on work duriag a fire which brok asked to speak at a woman sufrage whatever they may call it, of howe shortly after the new year bad were disc wered after the entertainment should be maa to evolve a scientific system, or out in the Hong Kong Hotel ralt of guists when the flames and many Have you tried the meeting with can be deel heman ship waich is not likely to work out ladies that tell the dear making and matrimonial relation been ushered in.
escap scintily clad. The fire is The Prince who is on a tour ol of a nown origin, burned for now Boor preachings in all bunk; don like well in the end. Biblical and naval duty in Eastern wars several houre doing extensive the word modern. that to try to scientifie references to men and was among the units lauded tem da nage and the botel P976 Kronen Brau modernize themseleve they are only womea for the purposes of this the battlesbip Hawkins to as it allapa9d at about 2009. N) live succeeding in disorganizing the well argument are omitted, Nuf sed, the fire brigade. The hotel was were lost. EXCITING RACES rona. Day Of Good Racing three has it it all Pan parade on the road in purse Unlucky! coloo Wesley Church.


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