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an Jo German Help to Great Britain THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY was the stood me, with more, Like a true bretonne of the is 19 als.
money he How, and there is me over for him on generally go ten art come much ibe, laws very us two o sentence.
was not test ioner wrong, so kind VOL. 14 No, 24 PANAMA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1926.
Price Cts. Cy. Public Lottery PANAMA WEEPS AT Sacred Concert At WEST INDIAN SENTENCE For Island Of Jamaica Carnival Takes On Keon Contosses Guilt And In Colon Wesleyan Church Interest In Voting. Toars Asks Morey.
Strong Opposition Against Same The Exceloi Theatre were opened Glucose condon Tuesday last, Doors of London, December David Receives Special Attention By West Indian Car kiest tbiei, who for months bas Put Up By Church Periodical. naval Club shortly after the movies, eluded Scotland Yard best Our Colon Contributor curtailing the second show to me and intrigued Eogland by order to facilitate the club. Within his nervy and often am 2408 Gaskin.
The following appears in The two legitimate ways of transferring a few minutes Mr. Garvey Mana ad veatures in crime, to day is a a Presbyterian for January: property or coin from one person ger of the Theatre changed the creatfallen The question of a public lottery to another and these are exchange pacious auditerium of the pl ce dreary prospech convict, facio think that owe an apology to art, except ty war. Being a man for state or municipal purposes, and benevolence. There is neither into a como lious dance hall like a my friend Mr. Yours is one of the worst convinced me by word ard deed that he would have flouted the Lea hardy annual, perists in an exchangə nor benevolence when whilst Mr. Garfield Murray Or making its appearance the crime has over the selezione Church, records of and hat yesterday Concert at the Ruskin theory.
It had been frequently is another by the lottery. Everyone latest Dance Hits of Broadway been recent years, and has been the who takes part in it hopes to win wiss Iris George (The Nelly Indo sald the best thing that the Atlantic side by his text, and proved level by he has no right to, as he be imprisonment Bey for three years tledged la Candidate of the contato press, It baserung Rev. justice. is much gives nothing in exchange for it to attend. told should add, that he thinks religion and against, on the subject. We and it is not made over to wanan Yes Sir eight years of preventiva a to him Nos and exitos that his Baby tion as babitual criminal too the Charleston splendid. programmes are could or ought notice that the tone of those who of love or, willingly. The winner he the ring hit y 01 series of theft charges ad invited lawyer when Mr. Lawson right. To do the Jang and, as a or ought to supply the nece ssary inspiration. think that the now advocate it, is more moderate eoriches himself on Though a prince of crooks such do not visit any church that cannot Rev. gentleman is right.
than it used to be and that the. even if he is a sport families in the city, who it and as Phillips Opp anheim Love Your Little Bethels do not appealt from the heart, and religion is boast of the Arostolic Succession All the best works of present discussion has more touch loser, frels, even if kam thoor present were some of the hill. abused expression that desc with reality than Tormerly. Our money has been taken from his leajoyed the dancing of the younger ordine clerk of 35. He began Artists already, and don care to The cathedrals of the Middle Ages folks with keen interest, Atili po Santino uel to me. have heard all of the purely a question of the heart.
lite was only abuel to very properly condemn gam for which he has got nothing in Dentist Ford declaired the poll argument is that the law should be themselves anyhow mea take their of the Committee who is this criminal career in 1916 Inbear them again, they bave given have set a standard in art that has and make it illegal. The return. In the baste to enrich closed and Mr asked o for come court to day the sort rotd and son countered with, dowa in my qoul had a genuine us their best work already. But neve been surpassed. Deep al ered so as to admit a public chances and the law of human unintereste! parties polisbed Jottery as a means of relieving the brotherhood is violated.
un the stage biste pobres ence based on the you ever heard Mrs. Olga King: pity for Lawson. How he had to to supervise the counting. At the bando golcalark and the repu. Do you know Mis Thelms Arch ro from piano to police nickaame of citizens of Kingston of the heavy NOT NECESSARY close of the count Ms rates incurred by the repaving of Polis Apart from the strict ethics of and who held 4th place at the cleverestrop belin that had fasse speak on Art, know that you will right, it is his own fault, tation of one of the bald? The Rev. Wade is xoing to to piano. Alchough, in ferme it serves be streets.
the matter we submit that it is not first proting wa in the lead with through scoriand Yark deserted like that, and luok, we are going to right to be able to play bots he had no MATTER OF PRINCIPLE. necessary. We may seem unicharit 486. Vote ei peed. Mir Carga who him, and in seara a conteni a render. Cavalliera Rustica instruments so well. lan goi a public vote povery time it has those who urge it for the sake of the which ind pince Gel 2025 We have opposed the proposal of able if we question the sincerity of head on the first night second with bon, condhin mitigation of Alright, say, give me a tirket, to begin this report all over agaia. en raised, and we shall continue the poor, but we confess to having Mine her hand did not spol. za No. savs Laws ºn, take two. Like Addison Sir Rogers, is urged from the doubts. poor the am certainly comtempti. The follow ought to be a salesman only person that bad point of view of an expediensy o las esperadoread according to their own the boreli miehet ronto withdrand end en de la moda. Judgedoen match betreute in deney, was our view it is a matter of prine ple. ability to bear the burdens of the her candidacy. The dancing terui. then declared he saken their places before came.
of first has cad, he told the. He dying to hear Mrs King. always had no programmeslooked Is it right or is it wrong? That is State. If the poor are being over bated at 12 30 With the acid an evening crimiral Pither from let those who argue so wanted o hear Miss Archibald in daggers at him, and he quickly tempera: public, and the v. Wade could forked out one from his of all such questions ouently on their beball for the well spent. the next count will be ment or coolce, bus through the keep company with Demosthenes breast pocket. Wbat number Even if it could be shown to be a feasible scheme and have every lottery argue as eloquently for a on Monday 25th (Continued on page 8)
chance of being a practical success, re adjustment of their assessment The Orchestra lived up to its oo? demanded somewhat sharpwe would still oppose it, because it for a country in which due considewapast reputation throughout then ly We are not all opportu ration is given to any ples on be SPARKLETS went out of its way to set itself a singing now, go in and take that record that it will hardly ever chair up yonder. He was so nists and there are strong convic half of the poor.
to leave alone excel The In his remarks, that there and tions in many minds in this matter.
But again the lottery is sail to ON THE ATLANTIC RIDE.
reudition of Orpheus wasbi simple incident. had not taken mply then forgave him of the programme Accordirg to the teaching of attending such an outstanding grand.
Scripture and the law of God is be needed for the relief of the rich, this for a It is said that the high iates will disgruntled and irreconcilable affair in the life of his city.
my seat autority for hinder or put a stop to the building cbsuffeur was primarily responsible My weekly piffe is much discus true to its Greek id, Sunday it kent when beard loud, great and proidea, valliera longed cheers. The lady had individual. we of all piere, is far and finished and did not hear her.
we pysseas and ave to administer Partes and sales the intents of the ringe however, it was in time to hear Rev Silver City has several back num ut. think that the record was set reappeared trat, lacreased Wesley Parker of the coloured school in a way above me; let who can, praise We would not be denied the Star to what sense of our ac ountability to God. oto will continue to spend as much as Wade of Panama in the bers of our indispensable weekly Lith the beendering of this item. of Ora Pro dod shone to the tuno Nobis, I do the singer ind: on their pleasures as thay ore doing Coton Wesley pulpit in one of his and a copy of this little journal Mr. Lambert deserved every token on the Atlantic We are moral and rational bringe and that is a mighty sum. big practical sermons, and to view at a was to be found in every hame of appreciation that was tendered say, we moral and non saving could be effected there for distance of a of a few yards one of the visited, while in Colon. There him Mr. Prado artistry on the Her Voice Aug 14 their supe it of and sweet more sanitary and splendid achievements of Mr people are noted to their solidarity Violin is of a of a very high order, and does not possess what may call rational manner, by Pogement more beautiful city and 90 gal pipe organ which now graces the humor is of the first order.
Herbert Jaines, a West Indian. th and good sense. Their sense of if the Pacific side has his equal, an extr ordi aty amount of volume; iota abeyance and will have to show us it was but she scores equally alike in the se subdued minors and the upper thin any part of our money on chance, to be forgotten that a lottery will choir gal ery of that sacred edifice had a close np view of Mr.
We be suid to one penay to the the resources Why the of a comunity Company put Pilgrim Wilkins, the one time Ato Dr Hamleta ehuwed us that his medal that she wears. Let Mrs.
Our stewardship Fether, anbliog mine from which wenten controla train to Colon aina vida y petosten en become one on ribboplicor the shore of Panda have noth Forgotten their King understand that we are proud gold the blink ou man participating in the fine arts, register. She richly deserves the or lottery, which is a be verra the common. of It is neither a mine nor Sundays, is beyond me. train on made reference pleihen whom te cunning. There was the Musical of her. should take great pride in gain by involving some one else in mind It docunot multiply wealth; sucht schedule would bave enabled with material for this column, and Sar, suppose that there is music speaking of Miss Thelma Archbold.
loss. It is a means of obtaining it only manipulates it. It is simp y me to take in at least a part of the it nearing on Tresting on his to get it out Miss Surgeon who recognize this lady talent.
Brother in everything, if we only know how am sure that lam one of the first As also the Red Black Wilkins is probably pleasure at the cost of pain to our a method for transferring money Green Colcn Fr t, Choral oars, and now treate newspaper tor e Mauresque. The Rev Wade siroog well sustained voice, with of somr who and neighbour. That is a violation of from the pockets Yesterday tantalized us with Collerange. Tuy she did remarkably well.
the law of Christ. There are only (Continuad on page 8)
Union Singing Contest over which bubles as do old men young flap poke our and He took his text untold potentiality. It would de my incorrigible friend presided one of the formed, however, was reliablyspers smile at them and let them from Ruskin verily, verily, pity to allow sush native ability. pass, WEST INDIAN CLUB IN LONDON say unto thee, thou canst not brave (Continued on page 8)
standing room at To write under a non de plume church at the time of the concert, and to travel incognito am unts to that Entertains Governor Designate At Dinner.
on ac vuat of circumstances about the same thing, and s0 GOLD AND SILVER, PATRONAL FEAST bovoud her control our prima visited friend Gaskins at his office.
douna uid not sing she classics sue It goes withou: saying that found EMPLOYEES AT ST. PAUL The West India Committee Circular in its issue of 17th December originally decided to sing, but sang bim supplied with good and bad last reports the followingtwo others and was viciferously literature. did not see the bad Mr. ROBERTSON, and was afterwards promoted to ovat ovationed and applauded, with an ones but that understood. And On Lavatory Rights.
Special Services.
Governor Designate of Barbados be Lieutenant Governor of Malta, encore thrown in that the rendi he was living abreast of the times The Feast of the Conversion ot was the guest at dinner of the West He was a man who had not jum. Lions by the Atlantic Orchestra by having the latest copies of the especially Rustica na two two leading local dailies THE PA: Believing that, being Pana St. Paul will be observed with sember 2od, Capt. Hudson his way to this present po ition in Lyall, E, presiding. The the Colonial Service by force of the concert was. complete HERALD. and the Workman, We to Gold Roll privileges Church in the city on Sunday attendance was smaller than anual theriacter, har gratuito pared the singers won those of Colon with discuit la millorbsorbing question Silver Roll. M, Plicet and will. that Panama had but a short time together to even when they are on the night and on Monday morning The service on Sunday night. to Arctic gratifying to have much to. All and and other and be Evensong with sermon weather Letters expressing regret such a man appointed Governor of much Jacobo Plicet, brothers, and solemn procession. The Rav.
at inability to be present in the Barbadosa de Roberson would changed blessingo medioide me to reallow a few drops and part in employees of the Pedro Mi C. Melchor will be was sure that the peace the rend from Sir Gilbert Grindle. And Pacific preacher. All are invited.
siders would hold their dis puted Capt. Knight, and Mr. y.
with Bermuda for the honour of having but should be there to swallow it, gentle reader, but somebody in with Ca don krow how you feel about guel Locks, got into a quarrel American employees clock there will be a Celebration Monday morning at 80 Laurie Pile, legislative body in the Capt, Hudson Lyall, in proposing British Empire, except of the even befew drops of some stimula. Colon brought prominently to my when the former claimed of the Holy Communion when ting beverage with the buys and attention and asked my opinion equal rights to use the the members of the various the toast of the King, referred in the British House of receive special attention of the oa birth coutrol. Its not a popular lavatory provided for Gold parish organizations and all sympathetie terms to the death of The Constitution question probably canise its Queen Alexandra, the time of Charles not ve, Roll employees of the Locks other members will attend.
My contemporaneous collabora fulness in the main has proposing Our Guest, Capt the First time. The island was tor Mr. Gaskiosa may not come been popularized. He suggested scrap ensued in which it is Cyclists For Jamaica.
Lyall Mr. most Hubertson was an Irishman who dian Colonies, and be thought it rights and privileges of bestela dere somethius ought to be done to which he was knocked down are operating in this city and in easterly of the West In back on me on the question of the that we begin to work clandestine alleged that one of the Pana.
on the matter. In my opinion mans ly on Sponsered by Omphroy, drew a razor after committees have been formed and had been educated was. healthiest, and has been but break new College, Dublin. His first public wisest. Its healthiness had been there are many other momentous to a service was in the Gold Coast. proclaimed by Pere Labat, who quesions of equal importance; for intelligent friends toaution by an American. The other Colonce to the end of making where he was employed Coppointed also spoke of its lovely women, and container, hod a hard believleyae about Some good think my te knife and the result was that of cyclists from the Isthmus Roma for sixteen them not anything more to and he (Continued on page 8)
Colonial cretary of Gibraltar, cycle meet to be held in Jamaica can be coaxed to be quict after (Continued on page Continued on pgae 8) sometime in May Dext, grany times, but on the Christian many side no no injury, if what Mrs.
possessins מ10 the sake our will.
reason and hardship be locurred siakin And it seems a a scientific be exercising It is vice dug ia that there wasn the Wesley. were. an The own, the oldest Ourse of Barbidos girls.
its use dated back back to Io and


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