
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 23, 1926, Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS sesso soses TRINIDAD Forensic Amenities: Georgetown Sewerage Function of Pleasure Scheme, and Regret.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
The award of judgement yesterday morning by His Honour Mr. Acting Justica Savary in the case of Saad Nijim and Sebrathie vs. the Commercial Union Insurance Coy, claiming 500 alleged to be due under Policy of Insurance, brought the sitting of the Supreme Court to clos e for the year.
Opportunity was taken for the customary formal exchange of greetings of the season between Bench and Bar:Mr. Child, addressing His Honour, said: This, believe, is the last sitting of the Court before Xnas. have been asked, on behalf of the other members of the Bar, to wish Your Honour a Happy Xmas and a Prosperous New For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Year.
66 Mr. Justice Savary, replying said thank you very much, Mr.
Child, for your kind wishes. can only reciprocate these kind feelings towards the Bar and the members of the Solicitor Profession who, am glad to say, So bave always been ready to give me every assistance in the per formance of my duties. only hope that the year 1926 will be a mere prosperous one than the year 1925 has been.
The Court then rose.
Barristers present were: Mesers Child, Hosein, O, Hanways.
Perez (engaged in the is ue deeded. Sir Alfred Lucie. Smith, C. Hon, O illy, KC. and Mr, M Reilly.
Messrs. o. Bryan, Malcolm Milne, Fitzwilliam, and Pritzka. Solicitors. ATTENTION!
Hopeful orecast for 1926 EXTENSION OF THE SYSTEM Courscay last December 10: At the Commree School on a function mingling pleasure and ADDITIONAL 720. 000 WANTED regret to place the purpse being the presentation by old The following Goverament mo: boys, of Mr. Burton regime; o tio was laid in the Combined silver tray beautifully engraved Court. at a recent meeting:and soitaly inscribed as a token of the affection for one who bad Whereas by Resolution No. moulded lleir lives with coo LV of the 16 December, 1924. cuous succes and was now this Court authorised an amount retiring. Tae in cription on th aucunt not exceeding 852. 000 tray is as follows: Presented 1) be raised on loan under the to Barton povisions of the Public Loan Head Daster er of Combermere Ordinance, 1916, ani any amend School 1337 1925 by the Old Boys ing ordinances for defraying the as a mark of appreciation. The cost of the seweraga, road con gifts to Mrs. and Miss Burton struct oa and water schemes were beautiful silver vases, which are berg under taken by the Mayor and Town Council of Georgetos p; The Barbados Globe understands that a cbild at the And wherear by Resolution No. Alexandra School has been illLVI. of the same date th Court treated by a Mistress there who sanctioned a grant of 516, 303 rubbed its inputh with pepper from innds of the colonytowards and cu sed it other pain and the cost of the sewerage anu suffering. The matter is before and road reconstruction schemes the art and th: cito: G:such grant to be a charge against neral has been eng gad to alan to raised by the colony conduct the prosecusioa. Ta for the purpose; child is the dughter of Mr. Ad whereas the Mayor and Gorg: Gil of Rock Si Pater, Town Cucil have decided to undertak certain sanitary works in houses which are colsini red indispensable but are not inclu Have you tried the d in the original Sewerag new Beer scheme, and which ara estimu ed to cost approximately 6720. 000; Kronen Brau Be it solved. That this Court hereby authorises the amount to be raised on loan for the City Impaouement Schem to be increased by a sum of 720.
INCREASING BORROWING C60, to defray the cost of the proposed additional sanitary arPOWERS rangements in bouses, and sanc To borrowing powers of the tions a contribution fron public colony are at present li nited funds of 20 per cent of antr tinance 20 of 1924 to. a) the cost of replacing dry 15 000 00) and it is nec ssary earin closets in houses by water bit to pwera ba extended by 900 000 order to giva effect to closets; and the recommendata in thore. b) the interest payable on the capital cost of the other motion. cotton to lis Tect way also ludio th: Comadditional works which capitalbined Cout.
cost is to be repaid by the owner of th houses benefited in 20 years without interest: In the estimate for 1926, the in Provided that in each case Atto ney neral of narara cr mºntal 919 y o Dies?
the Town Council pays the bas been pardowa at less than remaining 80 per cent the minimum by his EXPLANATOZY MEMORANDUM, predecessor in offic) Toe elactives in the Legislature have pro.
In order to complete the tested against any raduction in seweraze Echeme for Georgetowa the Attorney Ganeral sala y.
it is necessary that the loan and the Gwrnor has prov d to be raised to cover the cost to put the members views on the of the Georgetown improve subject before the Secretary of schemes should be State.
inereased by meum of approxie be a inately 150, 000 10 provide for the examination of certain sani The British Guiana Lagislature tary works in houses which are has passed a vote of 3, 000 for considered indispensable, but the establish nent of a wbicb were not included in the Bureau. There was a minority Original Sewerage scheme These opposition which suggasted that consist of the repair or replace the work should be done as in ment et defective or unsuitable Tricidad, by the Immig ation water closets, the replacement Department.
by water closets of dry earth closets where there exist, and the provision of stods and bath As indicative of the toll of the water where considered nece drought which is beiog experiBasts.
enced in certain parts of DameThe Town Council bas decided rara, it is stated that a large and Government has agreed with West Coast, Barbice, from wint rumber of cattle are dying on the the approval of the Secretary of of water, and by stickiog to the State and subject to the sanction mud when trying to obtain it.
of the Combined Court (s) that the whole cost of replacing dry earl earth closets in boppes by water a Ata meeting of the Damrara be it WAS Council and Government in pro agreed that arrangements be portions of 80 and 20 per cent, te nade that all newls selected spectiveiy, and (b) that the candidates for capital cost of the other works assistant Government medical appointment mentioned shou:d be borne by officers in the colony shall take the owners of houses benefited. a course of ins ruction at the will be re anired to repay Lndon School of Hygiene and the cost in 20 years; but that the Propical Medic ne. In view of interest on the capital sum th: forgoing the gislatu e also expended in this latter connec approved in principle of the tion should be paid by the clony annual grant of 100 Cowncil and the Government in to the London School of the proportion of 80 per cent. Hygiene and Tropical Medicine respectively.
being increased.
In order to obtain an accurate estimate of the cost of reolacing Questioned by an unofficial dry earth ciusets in bouses it is member of the Damerara Legisnecessary for the resident latare, as to the number of civil engineer to make a survey of the servants expected to retire durwhole city, but this will take sey ing the next two vears, and the eral months. In the meanwhile estimated expenditure to be inin order that there should be no curred thereby in lump sum pay.
in carrying out the works wents and pensions; it has been the Court is asking to approve of officially stated that 32 officers the loan to be raised being in are expected to retire, involving crossed as required and of Gor lump sum payments of 143, 982.
the cost of the internal sanitary of 34. 638. 16.
House Rent Receipt Books drawi aa SPANISH ENGLISH and tenacity of Colony to Lihar Order Books It is pleasing to point to many re assuring signs of a brighter 1926, tbougb unlike eighbouring Islands and othir Colonies outside West Indian waters it cannot be truly said of Trinidad that she has as jet teed sturdily to her feet. This recovery is sull delayed but there is no doubting the ability ube economical and industrial elements of the ackles of Pe this gool. The overcapitalisation, debt and arrears of debt charges are being thrown off slowly whicb would be bastened by better prices for Colony produce ia outside markets.
is by oil, which was romantically The most important indication risen to dominate the produce table of the Colony. In terms of export values, petroleum with its by products is now the leading stapl To exports ned year wbile the in of uil was 113, 000 000 gallons. The output this year promises to lbis ihe production of products also risen. As en. As a remarkabie comparison, in 1914 the value of petroleum eum products from Tripidad represented only 67, 345, which was less than of the total exports. The sugar anne per industry would nave. returned a record crop this year cofettered by tie froRb pper. As it is, a return of 70, 000 Lous is the ghest for many years. The cocoa situation will also be improved considerably by the plan to promote the grading of shipped consignments.
were 1, 367. 000 last retur Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies one producti excel figure and bas also Cent.
CAN BE HAD AT who The Workman ST KITTS.
Fire Tragedy in St. Kitts Stationery Store Sad Fate of Mother of Late Acting Administrator.
delay ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays St. Kitte, Thursday Spencer House. the residence of Mrs.
Wigley, the widow of the late Francis Spencer Wigleys, was completely destroyed by tire yesterday evening. Mrs (Continued on page 7)


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