
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1926 wacan Star of Guiana Lodge THE WORKMAN NOTICE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen op applies WALROND, at the office No. 33 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattos Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
Sis Months 20 sion but as a mark of good faith.
Three e.
We do not undertake to return re030 26 jected corresponence.
THE CHEMICAL HALL Jule Bro Bro C, Agardi Baia.
HAS REMOVED TO The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1926.
No. 31 CALIDONIA On Saturday night the 9th ins)
Bro Irish was installed as 1, of the Star of Guiada Lodge No. 16. in this town for the term er ding Juned from the Star of Guiana performed Ibe Ceremony assisted by Bro. Tyler, from the sur of Guana Bro. Ford from Ionic D. Bro.
Clark from Trlunphant Star Sec. Bro. Grant Triunphant Star G. Treas, Bro. Hutchinson from Looic Deacon Bro.
100 Buteber trow King Solomon Deacon Bro. Domingo from Moroing Star Idoor Bro. Woodman Liudsay from Sojourners Chaplain. The officers for the new Administration as tolises Bro. Irsh, Bro Jul Bra Sec. Bro, Rgs Bro. S: Howard Treas Bro, Blanchard Bro. Bourne Bro. Belgrave G, Bro. Jalies Tyler Bro. C, Surgeon Chaplain, Bro. Ford Host.
Sre and is now replete with a large and varied stock of PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BERITELLELLIER Amid all the grounds existing for satisfaction at the disappearance of old enmities, particularly in connection with the agreements negotiated at Locarno and the consequent decision regarding the evacuation of Cologne by British troops, nothing has caused greater pleasure in Great Britain than the offer from a German source of practical cooperation in the mournful task of salving the lost British submarine the M1. The disappearance of the vessel during peacetime manoeuvres that ought to have been perfectly safe, involving as it did the death of th whole crew of over sixty men, made a deep impression throughout Great Britain, particularly when it was known that the submarine lay at a depth which made it impossible for any British diver to descend to it. The immediate offer, therefore, of a a special German diving apparatus which makes a descent to unusual depths possible wis warmly welcomed throughout British Naval circles, and there was something dramatic in the dash made at top speed by a British destroyer to the German part of Cuxhaven to take on board the apparatus and the men who re to use it. The war left behind bitter memories of submarines and sunk hips and it is a little striking that at a moment when salvage operations are still in progress at different points round the coast of Britain to raise vessels sent to the bottom by torpedoes from German submarines Germiny should now be coming to the rescue to help in salving a British submarine lost seven years after the end of a war hich has deprived Gºrmany of th right to maintain any submarines at all. Stilors arr ntoriously generous in their sympathies, and at naval ports in particular the German offer of help in connection with the lost submarine has had all the effect of a gesture of reconciliation.
What everyone is saying KRONEN BRAU superior to all imported beers Our. numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, when they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca American Epirenpal (Anglican Com munion)
Third Sunday After the Epiphany Holy Communion 30 a.
Matine and addres, 11 a. Mr. Hunter. Churob School p. 30p. Choral Evensong, Confirmy tion and sermon.
The Conversion of St. Paul tb posile will be observed. Monday text the 25th just. At n. there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion, to wbieb all our members are invited. MULCARE, Rector.
To Abolish the Submarine. ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply Contra Crespo St. Barnabas Church, Empire Litany, Holy Communion ard remca One other aspect of the submarine disaster the impe AT10. 45 The Priest in Charge)
tus it has given to the movement for the abolition of subChurch School, and Confirmation clase.
marines altogether has made a deep impression also it is at pm signiticant that that idea should have been first revived not Choral Evrosong addrere The Lay Reader.
by any unpractical idealist bit by the chairman of Lloyds MULCARE Prlore in the greatest insti ution concerned with merchant shipping in the world. It has made inmediate headway in Great Britain, where a desire for the aLolition of the submarine St. Bartholomew s, Church has always been stror. for the natural reason among LAS CASCADAS.
others that a nation dependent on imported food must of Matius and address 11 am.
necessity oppose such a form of warfare as was developed Church School and Corfirmation Close by the submarines of its enemies in the late war. The 30 attempt to Secure the abolition of submarines by Evening Prayer and address p.
SEXOXOS SSSSSSSSSSSSEXSSSSSSSSSS The Lay Reauer international agreement was of course made by Great Britain at the Washington Conference, and it was only the MULCARE, Priest in charco opposition of one particular European Power that made a CHURCH SERVICES continuance of the discussions futile. Now the situation has St Jude Mission, Summit, in some degree changed. very different spirit has been deveFor To morrow Sunday, Jan, 24 Church Sobool pm loped in Europe since 1921 and there is a reasonable Evening Prayer and Addreef 30 pm.
prospect that the submarine question might be approached (The Layreader)
in a new temper to dy. The whole question of disarmament STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH JT MULCARE Pricat in Chango is now in the hands of the League of Nations and there is (Anglo Catholie)
therefore every opportunity for the discussion of the abo.
Third Sunday After the Epiphany St. Simon Mission, Gamboa lition of submárines to be reopened at Geneva if informal St. Paul Church, Panama Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off Matins and addrese 11 am, conversations between the chief Powers concerned show Rev. Nigbengale, Rector)
Church Schcol 30 Lay Reader that public opinion in the different countries is ripe for that a. Holy Communion.
10. 15 m. tins. MULCARE, Pries: in Charge definite action which the Washington Conference refused NON INJURIOUS 10 30 Hely Eucba int sermesto take in 1921. Any discussion on the qu stion would of The Rector.
Wesleyan Methodist Church course involve far more states than took part in the Washing12 Holy Baptiem. BRITISH CONFERENCE)
ton debates.
No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required p. Church School.
Panama 11 am. Mr. A. Harris 30 Cboral Evening, sermon 30 Mr. Theo, Putler.
MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, with procession. Preacher, Canon Colon 11 am. Mr. Harrison; 7, 30 The Battle of the Loaf.
Melcber. Mies Coope of 80 Blo SMOUTH AND SILKY Annoubremente: The service of Even La Boos 11 am. Mr. Walter o ng will be in special obeert: nee of tb 30 Mr Lindo, Patronal Fest val of the parisb.
New Providence 11 a. Mr. Airshi The interest of the whole of Great Britain is being Monday Jan. 25 Feast of the CroPa sis il. Mr. Beid; 30 m.
aroused by the attempt now in progress to regulate the price SOLD EVERYWHERE version of St. Paul. Boly Communion Mr Martin of food without actual legislation. The belief that various at sm.
Empire 11 am. Headley.
dealers in foodstuffs are charging more for their products Experienced Canvassers Investigate Wido eday. od Friday. Hely Comthan there is any warrant for has led to the appointment munion at a Baptist Churches by thy Government of an official Food Council to consider the whole matter, but exercising no rights of coercion or con St. Alban Church, Paraiso (Under the auspices of the Southers trol. In spite of that deprivation the Council has one very LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD Baptist Convention. GANAL ZONE.
serviceable weapon, the value of which has been proved in Colon 11 (Rev. NIGHIENGALE, Paster Boyntop. 15 pm Supplied.
another field, that of publicity. At the present moment it is Priest in Charge Chorri lo. 11 m, Deacon LB, fighting the bakers with that weapon and that weapen alone.
The Food Council method is to investigate the cost of 45. Holy Communion Sermon Reid. 15 Des con Yearwocd.
production and decide what in its view would be a reason tion for this and it is prepared if necessary to issue a Rev. Nightegale.
Calidonia 11em.
Deacon Yearwood. 30 Holy Baption p. Harvest Thanksgiving, Dr.
able price for the loaf. It makes this widely known White list of all bakers willing to sell at the lower figure.
3p. Church Sebool, Austin 15 pm. Pastor Witt.
through the Press and the public therefore naturally buys The effect of that would of course be that the public would 30 Cboral Evensong ter non Red Tapk 11 a. Deacon Crooks. 16 m: Deacon Melotreb.
from bakers who sell at that price and refuses to deal with buy their loaves from bakers on that list and boycott all Preacher, Arehdee con Sykes, New Providence 11 am. Dess)
those who charge more. When a few weeks ago the Food who charged a higher price. It is interesting to recall that Brooms Council insisted that the price of the loaf ought to be re some time ago millers, under pressure from the main body St, Maithlas Mission Empire 11 16 Descon duced the bakers promptly decided to reduce it, though the of the bakers, refused in one part of the country to supply LAS BABANAS Smith secretary of their organization protested that this was simpflour to those bakers who sold the loaf at less than the (Rev, NIGHTENGALE, Gatun 113. sud 15 ly due to a reJuction in the cost of flour and had nothing to general price. The battle of the loaf is not won or lust yet.
Priest in Charge.
Pueblo Nuevo 11 cm. Denon Modo with the Food Council. Now flour is rising again in If the Food Council finally triumphs a very useful method pm. Church hool.
price and the bakers threaten to put up the loaf in conse. of controlling prices without legislation will have proyed its 30 pm. Evensong and address 15 Supplied.
Mr. Richards, Catechist.
quence. The Food Council declares there is no justifica value. Continued on page 7) Intosh.


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