
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres 10th and.
torship wbo was bei King site willing opportunits Mrs.
King the issue, che of Me lived up guite Their rendre halistuja e corps of ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES Successful year for Sisters Work, Colon Wesley Church La Boca Pars.
Concert Success.
The Women Work of the At the La Boca Athenaeum last brat a their first anniversary on Bethlehem Church of God, cele Tuesday tnere were stories, fables To call the concert of Sunday Monday, CECILIA evening the last, the and aacedotes; and as usual the Sunday and AMERICA 17th 11th this members were all treated to some of iost. at the Colon Wesley church (PANAMA)
Success is to put it mildly. But very bumorous and interesting present month, and according to (COLON)
at the same time there is stories. paper dealing with the thin, Keporter of the President, TODAY. Saturday, January 23rd and Do language with which to adequate TODAY. Saturday January 23rd prohibition question, pro and con. Sis, St Him passed quite TO MORROW Sunday, January 24th Much credit waº read by Mr.
successful year.
The Eleanor Board man in express the masterly way in to the President of this Constance Talmadge in was ren THE WIFE OF THE CENTAUR Pelety pro Committee presented a deve program meluding up to the section of continued labors sinong work ardent HER SISTER FROM PARIS dered and the satisfaction with first week in March. The second the women, which has been the which the entire programme was TOMORROW. Sunday January 24th week in February is slated for an means of each one simtng bigber received by the audience. The MONDAY, January 25th Thomas Meighan in address by the Rev, R, E,.
attendanc; also, was unusually Ramon Navarro in OLD HOME WEEK Wade; aod the first week in March The chair was occupied on large. Belore o clock almost THE RED LILY Dight with the poet Tennyson.
every available seat in the Church Sunday afternoon by Bro.
was occupied, while there were MONDAY, January 25th program also contained a Webley, who carried out the mock trial or a debate for still people pouring in.
Wm. Farnum, in TUESDAY Jauuary 26th this programme in a most skillful It would indeed be a quarter. Next Tuesday evening manner. Much gratitude is due Florence Vidor in dificult PERJURY there will be a round table dis to the members of the Prime task to attamt to single out any MARRY ME TUESDAY January 26th cu sion the subject of which will be rose Choral nion choir, for particular itən as deserving of Should Child Labor be furnishing music for the occa special mention, as Medge. Bellamy in each in its WEDNESDAY, January 27th Encouraged.
sion. The choir under the direcway fully met the approval of LOVE AND GLORY ot Mr. Stewart, the audience. Mrs. Olga All Star Cast in presented lasting tribute to of Panama. ON THE THRESHOLD special WEDNESDAY, January 27th At a meeting held at the this department, a tribute, that attraction of the evening fully Constance Talmadge in at Balboa yesterday, the will last in the bearts and minds justitied all that bas been said of THURSDAY January 28th HER SISTER FROM PARIS question of reorganizing the Pacific of the members and friends, as Der and every one is side coloured Girl Reserves was, it long as time sball last.
to behar quite to hear her again whenever the th Thomas Meigban in THURSDAY, January 28th 19 understood, taken up among presente ante itself. OLD HOME WEEK Addresses were delivered by other questions. Mrs. Waller of Ramon Navarro in Speaking of Cristobal is to be in charge of this Messrs Stewart, Philips Colon public feels Ulke the FRIDAY January 29th THE RED LILY section of the work and Advisors Cather wood; Mesdames, Steward queen of Beba wbo said Th, bait bad Wm. Farnum in chosen from the variods sections will Callender, reading by the not been told. Miss Archibola FRIDAY, January 29th PERJURY again condurt locul corps. fuller President and Mrs Anderson, also gave a very good account of Florence Vidor in report of the resuscitation of this with an address, complimenting berselt and bids fair for MARRY ME work will be giv in next week the department, and recognizing the valuable services rendered Successful career in the musical SATURDAY, January 30th and the Primrose choir by the world. Mr Ash. who bas just SUNDAY, January 31st SATURDAY, January 30th Elder.
come upon th: 8C be with his Emil Janninge in All Star Cast in musical daw, an ingenious disIt is being rumored that An elaborate prograwma covery by which the carpenter QUO VADIS ON THE THRESHOLD Bayne of Taboga fame is orgali was rendered on Mouday daw ii bowed liku violin and zing an overland trip to Aguadulce night, with Lidy. Callender made to give a whistling Hound, on the 22nd of next month, presiding as Chairlady This contribute an extra bumbur to programme took the place of a the programma ad was armly party from here will visit the bers, and was truly enjoyed by social evening among the memapplauded. Tas antic fra under theaole direc Leper Colony at. Palo Seco tro those on the inside, as well as rrow a ternoon and render a pro those on the OOP outside of the up to pust glories PAY VISIT TO The Silver Club School gram for the benefit of the inmates. building.
pulation and interpretation of The BRATH LUNCH COUNTER Batson.
Much credit is due to Mies the various ciascal numbers which it coutribued to the eve.
Reld for ber skül displayed in 6016 9th Street and Hudson Lane Offers the best advantage for the this programme, presenting 80 ninga erjuy meat. Tee Colon Wesleyan chuir opened the protraining of Coloured children THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET SATISFACTION La Boer is represented in the many different phases of various on the Atlantic end.
gramm with a chorus Lord Panama West Indian Carnival coaptry lives and tall, assisted ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC activities by Miss Licity Cutzber: Roberts and Mrs. Simpsod. Mis.
by the Mears Webley and God we worship thes, aud clos! Sandwiches of all sorts, Regular meals COURSES land. She is a nominee for queenly presented Was of toe usual honors and is now well up with the small also, who from 10. 30 a. 25 cents high standard, and earned th: leaders in the race. Miss Cumber dramatic number, which was Uastinted applause and praisa ol CHICKEN SOUP FROM P.
Some of the leading subjects are: land is one of our maidens who self composed and played with Shorthand Typewriting was some time ago elected other members of the departmen the audienc, Jus. Hamletu which marre a bright future, it who beside bang popular ORDERS FILLED AND EXECUTED Book keeping Commercial Law queen for the La Boca medico on this eld is well kuow Algebra Geometry the Girl Reserves in the Panama caly they continue.
Prompt Day and Night Service Carnival as musician contributed 80 On both occasions there were Chemistry Physics good gatherings but that of exnolens marchand was well TRIAL WILL CONVINCE applauded.
Music Spanish Monday night excelied, having as The meeting of the Board Social Ethics Domestic Arts Directors of Toe, absence of Me, Thomas the. Panama meid. It is good to mark, that BRATHWAITE, Williams, the Engliso organis Canal West Indin Employees the Debating and Elocutionary Exercises age bas Proprietor.
was scheduled who was to hapa Association which cone when cur rendered two Logic and Parliamentary Procedure. for this evening has been items, was a source of mach re.
women are, somehow, realizing noned for the 30th of this month, mensure; but it is hoped post their value, though in a small gret to every body; after having that given bis word, according toan announcement made with the strenous efforts of this the gentle au Terms Reasonable during the week by Corresponding and other departments organized found it absolutely impossible to CHARLES BURKE leave his work and so could oot be Secretary, Eilie.
Principal for wow, they may seek to preseut.
roach the highest place in life.
Mrs. DANIEL, Mss Grace Surgeon Piano Ma dame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Associate selection was also succ988 and Activities of St. Peter de The your stands open for this. Was well received.
oach week for Readers of this paper Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Church, La Boca. Church, and support of each member of the friends, we are At 45 tbe benediction was WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE looking forward to great and pronounced by the Rev. E.
Annual Meeting.
glorious things for OUR Wade who ably ogupid the chair Grand Garden Party, January 14 21 rather than think over WOMEN. and the for the occasion, and a bappy a matter ngeeral and satisfied audience disperseu, Th. Sign of Capricorn, the and try to reason it out at lengh.
The Annual Meeting of the feeling that they bad got for One of the best careers Goat.
which Prama District, Order of Druids Under the auspices of The Coloured Seminary.
more than their money wrth.
With a keen mind and shrewd you can follow is that of a real F, will be held on Saturday Gir)Friendly and The Girl This effort, it is believed, bas perception you who are born state dealer. In this work you will January 23rd, at the Gabriel Union Guides Societies of St. Peter find an brought to a cose fuil twelve during this time have every chance Grand years of activities in eonnection for succ? 88 and happiness. These talenta vutlet for all your best Lodge H»ll, 6th Street and Hudson Church, La Boca, You will also succeed as St Augustine Seminary, an Colon, Garden Party will be given 10 institution for the education of with the pipe organ fund of the qualities, however, are not natu a dealer in clothing, as a lobbyist the La on the boys for the Among the business for the evencr a Colon. much rally accompanied by perseverance will be presided over thirty die studente credit is due to Mr. Blandel KO and you soinetimes allows measure The stone which is said to bringing will be the Election and Instal evening of February 11th. 1926. priestood onih popeia Catholic wbo 00.
Lawson committee that or influence to turn you good luck when worn by person lation of Officers for the ensuing one of the five young ladies range in classes from first donated the organ, for the way non stone, year, Delegates are requested to be who have been selected to run high to soshomore. The highest course In which they stick to their de Selfishness is th worst charac. Flax and hemlock are the poig a time. Meeting to commence at for the enviable position of Queen class flowers typical class will enter upon their philthe long teristic of termination through of your nature, and should The famous Jobo these persons, whose under weary years of hard work pati be curbed as much as possible for standing of situntions sets then a Panama Canal Business Boca as stirring band, Fathers Orcbestra, 80 Sosopby course nox: fall. The so well known at La Semloary is conduct. by the at last the goal bas now been true happiness. Although you little apart from the of the the average realized, make tblaga bum tbat evening in Divine Word and 10 desire the frirodship of others, you individuos most successful for seem unable to attract and old the the Clubhouse.
now entering upon its sixth year of existence.
interest of those you meet.
For the first fifteen days of The names of the contestants The stern opposition that fought Head of Boys Institute you if entered into with persons January 1926 the Panama Canal are: JUDGMENT is the motto of born the last week in April or collected 053, 151. 89 in tolls.
its existence is now yielding to Miss Hazel Maynard Appeals For Help.
your sign, especially when applied the first week in August.
friendlier sentiment and to.
business Your was paid by 244 ventures Iris Mendez wider operation on all sides. le come Some of the interesting and commercial vessels and five small Boston Pilot.
Commander Watson of the dicenment is so extraordioary, in famous persons of this sign are launches which passed through the Myrtle Campbell Colon Bays League Institution is cases requiring quick decision as to Benjamin Ira Culaton General Canal during that period. This sImost supernatural, Your Robert Lee. Daniel Webster, collection shows a slight increase Keep your eyes on these making special appeal meses columnas to the residents associates would do well to follow Edgar Allen Poe uud the French over the poor similar period to come for more information BILLY SUNDAY HITS of the Capal Zone for financial your advise on questions of great wiiter, Moliero, December 1925, when 140. 291 re the young ladies and the MODERNISM WEST.
of moment. It would be better for you (opyrighted 1925 by Hence 35 was collected. The first fifteen Garden Paaty, and buy yotes and help to carry out his program carry out your first impulse Adams Sindicate)
building a bome for tue boys otto days of January 1924, the second your ticket and get ready to in of Chicago, December 20. Billy the Institute. The Commander Sunday, evangelist, returned tomercial transits and tolls collection is most grateful for past favours day to the city where he was from the residents of al sections had 237 commerciol transits and tolls collection of 097, 960, 42.
Haly Confirmation, of the Zone and hopes that the converted thirty seven years same philantropic miods will ago and delivered three fiery The average amount collected from each of the 244 commercial The Apostolic Attacks on modernists and rum.
Rite of The Science and religion can never about a condition equally again do their sbare indesiraarapsite during the first Kiteen saying Food Of Bande will be be reconciled, he said at Moods ble for both the boys of the In.
days of January 1926 was 4, 316. 12 saministered by them. Ro Ro Charlie. Stacking Moderne po atute and the community in Why throw away your old, but no.
going to general.
at St. Peter Church, Lu Boca, believe shese Modernists who The soliciting of funds for buil doubt interesting, books when you to morrow night after Evensong. Attack old time religion we might ding a new bome for the way.
can have them neatly bound at Why pay double price The general public is cordially just as well tear down our ward boys of Colon and contiguinvited to attend charches. There is only one reous places bas been approved by for inferior imported THE WORKMAN the religion of Christ.
tbe leading business men of Beor when you can Notice to Correspondents.
Rum has been Colon.
knocked out, he said on the buy a superior Beer 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Contributors and correspondente subject of prohibition. He Rent Receipt Books In Span.
such as BALBOA for are asked to send in their contribu. whipped. Prohibition is here to Ish and English for Sale at The Opposite Cecilia Theatre half the price.
tions not later than Thursdays to stay. It is as permanent as the iasure publication. This is impera. forty eight stars and thirteen Workman Printery, tive and must be adhered to. stripes of our flag.
of What Is Your Fortune?
race in.
Lane, e from your this week the nant to the nature 45, mn.
Murray CSS Society of his amount to 14 Olga Scarles Book Binding!
ligion, Demon


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