
British Finance And Commerce.
Dempsey Declares Wills Bout Is Off (BY ROBERT MACKAY. States Officially Failure of the Promoters to meet Payments Causes Cancellation.
HAS NEW PROPOSITION Pain Enemy One thing all smokers like in a cigarette NATU said called that the con for payi payments le contract.
Chesterfield Fitzsimo Echoes of many of those to GARETTES Los Angeles, Cal. Dec. 19:In a signed statement Issued tobeavyweight pugilistic champion announced that his contract with Floyd Fitzsimmons calling for a claimed the world over being Pain greatest enemy.
bout with Harry Wills text September had been abrogated.
Multitudes of people use and recommend it.
Dempsey tiad Rheumatic aches and paine be to instantly obey its command made on Nov. of this year, and and disappear.
when these were not made exten It penetrates right to the sions had been granted to Fi sore spot. No need of rubbing. mmor. On November 27 It does its work thoroughly.
notice was served upon the Give it a trial.
promoter that the contract was One bottle will convince you.
Considered null and void, Demp At all druggists and dealers.
ev declared. mpsey said that he now has a counter proposal from Fitz SLOAN simmons under consideratin. LINIMENT Definite announcement from (PAIN ENEMY)
Jack Dempsey that his proposed fight with Harry Wills has been cancelled came as no surprise WILKINSON yesterday to local boxing fans who from the start bave neve taken seriously, the contract Contractor which was signed last sunne in Niles, Mich. despatch from and Builder the West several weeks revealed Chat all was not well between House No. 20 Prometer Floyd mons 28th NOV, STREET, and the group of sporting men representing a South Bend (Ind. SAN MIGUEL syndicate wto originally bad un Box 411, Panama, R, Sertaken to finauch the cham pionship bout. It was intimated Plans and Specifications Free then we time before official angounce First Ciass Workananship ment would be made calling of the ffgbt.
Guaranteed Paddy Mullins, Will manager said last night be bud heard nothing of the cancellation of the bout and declined to make any comment on the report. Dec. 19. Ted dy Hayes, former trainer for Jack mpsey, who is handling Walker training in the absence of Manager Jack Kearns predicted here today that Demp.
sey will neet Harry Wills next ear, and that Wills will win by a knockout in a brief bout. In every form can be seen Walkerard Hayes arrived bere here at its best See our yesterday from a traloing urip in the Canadian woods Wrist Watches here Wa ker vorked to wondiLion himself for his proposed match with Tommy Milligan, Bracelets English welterweight champion Diamond Rings The pair left for New York this morning.
and a hundred other adornments and you ll recognize owing to short supplies, has had why this is the LEADING JEWELRY HOUSE in town to obtain ber essential raw material for her Lancashire in ask prices and you ll find still dustry by payments in dollars another reasonwhen the price of dollars has of the tive of Now, by a coincidence fortunate 122 Cetnral Ave.
parity for the Bristish cotton trade, tha Phone 629 same year that witnessed the return of the were Halifax, Mickey THE BEER London, cember 1925. The two chiet pillars of be Betish economic fabric are the irou and steel industry and the cotton textile trade. Much has rently been written about the former, and the reconstruction of the great arm ment and engineering cor cera. Vickers Limited has tbrown considerable light on Taste is the test by which post war difficulties with which we invite you to judge Chesterfield by its richness, its This industry has bad to con end.
fragrance, and its satisfying Chief among these difficulties fullness.
may, perbaps, be held to be the advantage foreign competitors have derived from a depreciation CATURAL TOBACCO TASTE. a disof their country currency in re.
lation to the pound sterling.
tinctive quality that sets Chesterfield How may be asked. has the definitely apart.
Great British coton trade been And not one tobacco merely, but several affected by the abnormal conditions of exchange rates, and tobaccos, each finc, cach contributing to other economic factors which the ensemble one its rich aroma, another have arison since the end of the wer?
its mellow fullness, a third its smooth First, it must be noted that sweetness the goodness of each brought Great Britain for a considerablout in fullest measure.
period since the cessation of So for men who want natural tobacco hostilities occupled. so far as ber currency was concerned, a taste at its suave and mellow best, there middle position between the is only one cigarette. and that cigarette An e: ican Dollar and the serious.
ly depreciated currencies of a is Chesterfield Jarge part of Europe. As was to be expected this middle position raised great controversy, and the Dellationist and loflationist par: tles into which itish financial or industrial authorities were divided bela polemic battles.
er councon ters are still to be head, but in the main the question has been CIGARETTES regarded as settled by the return last summer of the cruntry levedeshield the gold standard. In oth words, the pound sterling ana Ucitud Sta es dollar brought to a parits, which, with fluctuations within a narow Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
margin, has since been maintained Next we must remark that unlike the iron and steel indairs, whose raw materials, iron ore and coal, are found to abun. Sex dance in these islands, the cotton trade is entirely dependent for its raw cotton on imports from abroad. The overwhelming proportion of these imports come from the ited States. In the list few years the United States SUPPLIED BY cotton crop has not been above the a crag. owing to pests ard other causes, and something of a shortage of supplies bas kept the price of the raw product high.
At the paesent time, despite all Stots to obtain alterative su, plies from the British Empire and elsewhere. the prosperity o!
Lateashire is dependent on the crop of raw cotton obtained in is brewed from the best the southern states of the This year there bas been a materials obtainable good crop in America and there are ample supplies of cɔtton from there and also from the African It is specially suited for this climate Asiatic plantations. The.
American cror is larger than is superior to all imported beers sold that of last season by two milliou bales and the spot price in the here and it sells to the public at middle of December on the Liverpool Market was 55 pence per lb. for raw cotto (Middl og HALF the price.
American. the lowest for a very long time To return to the question of TRY OUR NEW BEER the exchanges and how they have affected the two chief British Industries. The British iron and steel industry bas felt in succes.
slon the severe Its two chief Conto, o!
com petitors, first, Germany, and now, France; the export trade of both these countries has been SUPERIOR TO ALL stimulated by the depreciation of their currer cies. The British currency situation being, as we S84S Cases 500 SS SS haye inuicated, in position, British iron steel could not bope to compete in qual terms (owing to higher production costs) with its Cortinental competitors, while the United States with its mammoth production and high protective tariff offered small opportunity for British steel exports in that direction, even in the days when sterling was depreciated in terms of the dollar, It is Of every description not unnatural, therefore, to find those who maintained tbat the British Iron and steel export trade was falling between two stools should regard the return to the gold basis of sterling as a further blow to this industry.
Whether in the case of iron and steel, this apslysis and these TA THE forebodings are correct or not, there is little doubt but that the British cotton trade has greatly benefitted by the return of the pound storling to parity In the last few years Great riteid, in addition to having to pay high prices to Opited States producers for raw ettoni Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
been as high as to the pound. Fuller Jewelry Store and llar parity gives the best erop Dentist Howell pound to new year with KRONEN BRAÜ a middle and JOB. PRINTING for some past.
With ample supplies raw HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA materials cheaper prices the British cotton industry faces the CANAL ZONE.
feeling of Office Hours: a. to p. greater confidence than has existed for many month, to p.
le price is expected to fall DAILY a lower level, but if stablized PHONE 1288 BALBOA at about the present level the pro pect of improved trade is assured. Buyers of cotton goods Specializes in all the branches in all all parte cf the world have of Dentistrv.
be a bolding off in the hope of wer prices and there is many Rumour Again Says evi6Odence that all result markets are ill supplied with cotton goods. Uolike the iron Prince of Wales Has and steel industry, there is comparatively little foreign competi: Found a Bride.
tion in the cotton export trade, except in certain minor and coarser lines: Great Britain re direct West India cable descountry for all but the lowest ember 29 states that society the one great exporting patch from London, dated Decis rades. Many difficulties have sreculating as to whetber a pes to te faced, including the sible bride has finally been found ansettlom ent in the East the for the Prince of Wales. The principal buper and particularly speculation follows an announcein China, At home injudicious ment that Princess Astrid, ntece doancing during the post Armis of the King of Sweden, who is tice boom bas caused a certain immensely popular with amount of trouble. But when Palace as soon as the Kinder to be a guest story comes ride.
Court mourning for to be told, the marvel be few failures but the stability of the industry as a whole. We wenty, is one of the prettiest illo endos, Princess Astrid, whu is repeat, that with cheap and She an attractive Lancashire will enter on a 1926 with a feeling of confidence de ropa adity, is a splendid darieer fond unknown for many years past.
of country, life and sports and is well versed in domestic science. Sbe is a danghter of Rent Receipt Books in Span Prince Charles and Princess Inish and English for sale at the ber mother side of the late geboro, being a grand neice on Workman Printery Dowager Queen Alexandra.
malcs the the DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH and Queen, is Jaring the post ware remain be not the Dowager Queen Alexanera emple supplier of raw cotton the Royage shambans of European dollar WORKMAN PRINTERY


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