
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 23, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Interesting West. Men det UTES THE ATTENTION OFCorner 12 Street East Avenue Rotlemen We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may drsire, provided the monthly payments of interest are duly met.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased. Continued from page 2)
Wigley dead body rery much burnt was taken from the burning house. The origin of the tire is supposed to have been an overturned kerosene oil lamp.
The fire brigade assisted by in the town did agniticen Louses from work in eving the the Non Mrs. Wigley was the mother of Mr. Wilfred Murray Wigley, who acted as Administrator of St.
Riit3, and Puisne Judge and Attorney General of the Leeward Islands on various occasions. He was Crown Attorney of St. Kitts Nevis in 1918 He was relieved of the Administration of St. Kitts by Col. St Johnstone.
Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Two Men End Lives After Paris Revels.
Workman Stationery Store agangan ang STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History American Pharmacy.
11 will be Bup, lied ames James?
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, GLOOM OF FALLING FRANC AND managemengenai Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up magagandang FINANCIAL WORRY GIVES WAY a run down constitution TO SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS It promotes digestion, impi ves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Paris, Dec. 25. Two suicides The West India Regithis morning closed Paris ment In Camp.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or somewhat hectic Christmas re4 times a day.
veillon At o ek a texl. driver was The West India Regiment JAVIER MORAN ba led by a reveler in the Place moved down to Montpelier today Pigallc.
to go into camp for military Drive me to the place de Altraining. The troops will be under cat vas on Factors Common, at ma, was his order. Mantpelier, which has been put The young man, whose evening at their disposa! by Mr. AND CHURCH SERVICES linin showed signs of his baving Edwards, proprietor of Shettle Ebenezer Church of God danced vigorously and kally, wood and Montpelier, while the Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Holiness climbed into the cab. When he officers will have the use of the (Continued from page 4)
CALIDONIA DISTRICT reached his destination near the hotel which Mr. Edward bas Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 5, clock, Prayer Meetin river, he steppd cut, paid the lately had painted and done up.
Divine Bervice Preacher. fare a merrily wished the There plenty of. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD driver a Merry Christmas doings in noble St. near Intbanian Park. PANAMA Say School Superintendent. Jodbye, old man. he said, while the troops are at MontSummary of Contents: 6o. Program se as they shook bands: Don pelier. On New Year Day there Fattath (Saturday) 45 a. Babpener.
will be the 30 tn. Gospel Service, Preacher ever worry History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years bath Set ool: 11 150. ners! Worthip supplied Gymkhana 30 pm. Spanish Clses; Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Then be strolled toward tbe Montpelier, and a polo a Tuesday 30 pm. Genel Brvice bridge over the swollen Seine. been arranged between 4:00. M. Society, meeting Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Elder ODLE soldiers and a 831 pm. Junior and Senior Strindard In the lampligbt the taxi driver team of the of atainment CH D Vespers.
Patecriol chetge.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, saw him suddenly leap on the civil team, who will be assisted parapet and dive before he could by Mr. 830 Bu ke. The folks of Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Sandoy ever ing 730 Preschnove to prevent him.
Montego Bay bave also arranged The Ribels! publie ing Servire.
Players It will be a dar or two before of this week and there Sheures of the Brthlm match for Saiurday cord wily inviied to turn out in larg will Church of God Hollness the riy. gives up its dead.
probably be some football played Váluable, Instructive, illstorical, Accurate, Complete and Another, a Russian, chose a too.
Interesting Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. last night of merriment. In the their training, will march down revolver with which to end bis The West India Regiment after SAN MIGUEL Price 50cts.
Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON as be they will turned alter spending the night camp for a night, and murch by Bunday 530 Sabbath (Saturday) 45 at Babbrih Pray or Meeting 10 Divire Service, Bro. to restaurant run by acampar stages to Albany where they will Schn 1; 11. 16 sm. General Worship triot, he shot himself and to the entrain for Kingston. They expect Tehley. 30. Young people meeting tragedy curious Secure yours now there will be a great rush p. Sunday School, Superinten added when an unknown person included in their programme will feature was to be away about a month and 30 Vespers dent 6pm. 31 Goe who had followed for them, bim into the be a polo match at Drax Hall.
Sunday evening 30 m. Preaching pel servier, Bro. Campbell: bottel darted forward at once, Servio.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN You are cordially invit to BEULAHJ 11 Devine Service, sraiched up tha revolver and attend these services and bring your Elder T, Francia; fled. The dead man bad ten DR. HOFFMANN Panama iriende. 80 Punday School, Superinten trance in his pocket.
dent. p. Gorpel service Supplied.
has transferred his clinic to 37 Paris Gay at Christmas, The Church of God GAMBO4 MISION 11 mo, and Central Ave. upper floor of La p. m, Purplied, Paris. Dec. 25. Paris turned Mascota in front of the Alcalde its back on the fallen franc and Entrance between La Mascota.
Elder T, C, PRANCIA, the corn ry fourcial despon. and Preciado Book Store. EL GAITERO Panams, Arosemena Street, Hloure 25, Pastor in harve. dency and celebrated the guyest Migel Sindny at Prayer TELEPHONE 991.
Note. The Sunday Prhooi ofte and most unrestrained Ch istanas THE ONLY ELABORATED moeting and spel wings at 11 and 30 Sunday School at pm. Bethlehem Church wh Bro. Eve the capital bas seen since Moday at 3. p. Timtim. Meeting Phillipe Superinter. dent, ha temp 1914.
In Brite of the glooms Tae day at 15 m. Young People makine rapid striden sinne the opening of Have you tried the Spanish Cider with its Meetin.
Wednesday at 30 pm the year, and in the con empeus of forecasts made by many news snel meeting. Thursday at 30 spinfor, that this towl will some sur papers, even as late as yesterday new Beer o en air meeting. Friday at 30 city asked to be puretual end lj yousness and spirit of Cbrist mount its former pinacle Prents are afternoon, the traditional Gallic own Carbonic Acid Prayer Mee ing Kronen Brau ing their children. both to the mor mas took Paris by storin early in BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. ina and afternoon sohool, and see that the evening, and, aided by the Red Tank, Dal Zoe Sunday School they come.
Bulldness of the wea ber and the D. Gepul meeting on Thursday absence of rain, kept the citizens districts along the Champs at 30 The Salvation Army crowding the streets and the Sis. GRAY cafes until the early morning Elysees around the Opera, but PANAMA CITY CORPO.
prices in the Latin Quartier New Providence. Goepel Meetings URETIC AND REFRESHING 11. 30. ad 30 Suncas Brhool Services are as follows: Long after the rest ef Paris and Montparnasse were more reasonable.
at pm. Wednesday at 30 Gug 58 Early Praver Meeting. tad struggle sleeplly to bed, Trade Mark Midinette filled the Bal Bullier, pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 pm, Prayer 10 sm. Children Directory Mretine independent Montmartre con Meeting a Brigade United Open Air Meeting tinud to celebrate, and the the Bal Tabarin and other great VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Bro McDONALD Wam Holinere Meetino to be con streets around the Place Pigalle dance balls. Workmen kept their Gatin, Canal Zone. Gospel Me tinge due ed by Commandant Martin were still filled with bolsterous own little bals musettes going in At 11 30 a. and 39 pm Sunday Brom. Company meeting and merry makers at o cl ok this full swing.
School at pm. Wedseeday 30 pm. Brigade Open The midnight Mass provided VILLAVICIOSA Goep. Meeting. Fridiy at 30 zn. p. Junior Open Air.
The galety was everywhere the only break in the revelry and SPAIN Pri in 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air in the rich and poor quarter packod Paris most famous Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITA Meeting alike. The crowds made walking churches. This morning the p. Salvation westing in the Hall on ite boulevards almost impos streets were deserted until 11 Colop and Streets. Gospel meelESTEBAN DURAN ings at 11 80s and 30 o. Bunday by Commandant and Mrs. Martin until long after 28 o clock when the Parislana, in cordial invitation is extended to all. everyone seeming surprised at soberer mood, sallied out to SOLE AGENT School at 8pm. Wednesday at 30 Monday, Life Saving Guards and the unexpected success of the attend services.
For the Republic of Panama pm. Gorpel Meeting Friday at 30 Sunbeams Parade at pm.
reveillon but all taking delight in bewspaper to day mn Prayer Meeting.
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Claso it nevertheless.
agreed that this Christmas celeBro. GEO. GRANDERSON at. 30 Montmartre, to which the Amebration was quite as gay as ady Wednesday, p Life Saving Scoutsricans were especially diverted, pre war revelilon on record, alTAKE NOTICE and Chume parade. Home Longue at was crameed to the bursting thougb La Liberate steers at Bethel Church of God p.
point, mang cabarets banging up dollar and pound Christmas Why pay double price Holiness Thursday Holiness meeting in the the sold out sign by o clock, and tbe Communist Humanite for inferior imported The WORKMAN News Hall to be conducted by Commandint the starry sky was the limli waxes indignant over the scanRIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS Martin at pm.
for Turkey and goose suppers, while soldiers are dying to the dalous scenes in Mortma tb Beer when you can paper can be had at the folBanday. m. Prayer Mzetl. MARTIN. Commandant and champagne, commencing at buy a superior Beer lowing places: In Divine Service. Pressber finished at prices which Rids and Syria.
8p. Sunday School; Superintendent Lindsay Place, No. 2, such as BALBOA for looked to most Americans like The average Parisian, however, Rent Receipt Books In Span the tigures of the French debt feels that he has treated himself Street, San Miguel. 30 pm. Gospal Sarvice, Preacher Ish and English for sale at the half the price.
The cost of a supper averaged to the Merriest Christmas be has R, March, Barber, 55, CaliBo. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge Workman Printery 500 francs (about 4) in thosen for a longtime.
donis Roed. Cider Champagne bours morning sible Every


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