p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 23, 1926, OUR SPORTING PAGE puree of Per 5650 way he had of everywhere shere.
was different everywhere Races! Races!
space of phare. Lawa pre KO many concert ATTRACTIVE RACES Sosis B493 To Morrow Races Last Sunday Races West Indian Glub EXCELSIOR THEATRE Nine races make up the Splendid weather prevailed (Continued from page 1)
card for tomorrow afternoon on Sunday afternoon last and lovers of the Sport ot Kirga spent said that the island swarmed with Big Comedy Attraction To Night at Juan Franco Park; three of adeliebtful time at Juan Franen children. He him elf did not know these will be for native hor.
Park witnessing the eight races whether, after the lapse of genera: ses and the others for imporwhich comprisrdthe program. tions, Mr, Robertson would find THE NIGHT CLUB ted horses.
Copiapo, lwith Jockey Escobar the woman in the island still The feature race will carry up, ran away from Cicero, Pere there could be no doubt about the but FEATURING: RAYMOND GRIFFITH a purse of 700. The distanre que and Riss Loca lo the features In the Silk Hat comedy scream of the year. Funnier than FORTY WINK3. swarming children. He assured Mr.
face of one on the isbe a big me Robertson that he would find the will be one mile and the class second to finishtwo One touch of Griffith and the world laughs. Peppier than a Jazz Band. madder horses booked for this than a Hare, The Rules of The Night Club forbid anyone keeping a straight face.
chains, Capinpo picked up 127 people of Barbados very patriotic classic are Copiapo, wirner of Ibs and did the eight furlongs in and its connexion with the Mothe They were Come and get a refreshing Grin Fizz at the Excelsior Theatre To Night. last week feature event, 892 This, lace carried. Country. They would welcome to carrying the same weight.
TO MORROW NIGHT There will also be a fourRoamer in the curtain raiser man who knew his job and was of four tarlongs with Jocks ready to work for the island. Those Broadway Latest and biggest hit furlong event with a purse of Jimenez up, came in abend of his present wouid all wish him every 300 for three year oldsfield and paid 14, 10, the biggest Success, and hoped that, after hear. ing the prises of Barbados that CHICKIE this will be the last item on pool for the day evening, he he would, when he got the card.
Jolly Fellow, ridden by Carri there, be able to say, like the mos llo, won the nine furlong race for green of Sheba, the one half WITH DOROTHY MACKILL AND HEBART BESWORTH Entries and weights are as follows: three year olds. Time 55 5. had not been told him.
In the sixth race of five furMr. Robertson, after exprersing The Story of Chickie will grip all hearts. This little girl who wanted more than First race :4 furlongs, longe Fachends, with Escobar Ibis thanks to Capt. Hudson Lyal she had a romantic Miss who followed where love Chickie brings a new and Purse 125: Repulse 126, up, wrung first place from Vile for what he had said, and the refreshing story of our modern girl. The Year greatest heart play mirroring the Cholito 125, Barba Roja u19, toria and paid 20 on each appreciation of the ticket bought on bim to win.
Star Shell 106, Mentiroso 93.
been received, said that it was true smiles and tears of an adventurous girl. Dont pass up the opportunity of seeing Buck Dancer walked away that he did not jump into his prethis picture, it will learn you a lesson.
Second Race furlongs.
with the tive furlong, beating sent position; he had arrived there, purse 250: Rialte 126, Jailer: the other entries, Gailine pot by merit, but by accident. He SPECIAL MUSIC Candlewood 125, Dictador 124 ta, Kentucky and Super Gloria happened to be in the Gold Const, Ruso 117, Roamer 115.
being scratched, and had, on occasion, acted as Two Shows 20 and 45. Prices: 15, 20 and 25 cts.
Governor and that was bow be Third Race furlongs SACRED CONCERT AT came to be transferred. He had purse 250: Cecilia 128, Altahad sixteen years in the Gold Coast SOC sovs (Continued from page 1)
SIS nera 126, Carcajada 126, and had spent the last ten years in unoultivated. Thea tbere was the the Mediterranean. He was afraid Reina Mora 115, Sunny Girl Choir with the Hallelujah Chorus, that he was going to his new 110.
What an effect this piece had on without any knowledge whatever pot Public Lottery. Fourth race furlongs, me. Many are the years cioce the heard it. the last time heard it, tration purse 300: Araucana 126, the colony possessed was an unsophisticated sanday. People said that a Governor task (Continued from page 1)
Medler 124, Fachendo 124.
vehool younge, or is looking across the was the same but Tigre 118, Gallineta 120, space of time of space, perhaps can ill afford it to the Meelah 120.
what memories? did act theo The problems to be met in pockets of others, who perhaps do of dos would be different from those not need it and will make ouly a Fifth race mile, purse and Buchner, But yester he had to tackle elsewbero. Posei.
bed use of it. In the transfer the 700: Copiapo 126, Frou say, even up to yesternight, Bly Malta was more nearer Barba JUAN FRANCO TRACK State incidentally comes in for a Frou 126, Jolly Fellow 126.
proud and defiant Sixth race. mile, purse struins of And Crowa. Hine Cord bader than any other ccuntry of Lord which he had had experience. He AN ILL ADVISED SCHEME, 375; Rolando 115, Marcela of all. It was. It was a fine day and felt that it was a mistake to go to Our Government would be ex.
stendmy apologies to Mr.
TO MORROW a new post without conceived ceedingly ill advised if it should 12, Jailer 106 Argentino 117.
son for baving made him Revoltosa 100.
to of tixed ideas. He wanted to sabution a public lottery as me 80 long before purchased a with an open mind, trusting to Sunday, January 24th, 1926 argue it should. It not only Seventh race furlongs, ticket. After the common sense to guide him aright.
would offend the consciences of purse 400: Bolt 132, Burlesmanoeuvred outside, and got my! He was sure that he would ineet many of its best citizens, but itCO 132, Suspiro 130. Cicero friend, teacher Parker, to give me with sympathy in the Colooy, as would be betraying a public trust.
an introduction to Mrs. King he had done from thos present If our Government should adopt 116, Altivo 125, Bhole 115, Theo offered my personal congra that night.
such an unsound and immoral Olla 102.
tulations, Who is the ventleman method of fiorncing its undertakings, it would shake or com purse with the black band around his Eighth race five furla igs, His kaowledge of Barbados was stene in its ability and morality: Peter Pan 113, Chiqui 123. 150: Renown arm? That is Mr. Ford, the limit to information gained from 126, British Consul. Well, am sure friends who knew the island, and And if the Government si ould in that he is ple. sed. There is ap from sailors whom he had met Races For Imported horses legalise gambling for the public Caribe 113, Linda 112, Baby preciation written in told letters on Malta Sailor officers and men his face. part of a conversa ion. were, he found, very fond purposes how can it enforce the Peggy 109.
bades, and for Native bred Ponies loud Bar in law against gambling for private Ninth race furfongs, Drath of Graham received by the and personal gain? We have been vious day be who told exceedingly fortunate in baving as purse 300: Fachendo 132, WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE that he was in Barbados in our highest cffc als men of a loty Pichicuma 129, Pierrot 122, type of character. We believe Reina Mora 120, Tacna y The death of C, Graham is 1879, and that he would never that our new Governor and our Arica 117, La Vittoria the island. He announced from Santa Marte forget his visit to 98, arting Governor, who will be Columbia where he resided in bad called on the previous day at of Belle Sauvage 95.
our Colonial Secretary, are men of receo years. Graham was an old the and bad timer and long liver on high integrity, with a dua sense of a meeting of the Medical the civil Isthmus of Papana being at one After hearing Barbados responsibility as rulers of a Christian country. Our NOTICE time President of the described as most healthy, he was in this city and had the distinction unitation of the island should puzzled to understand why the Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
present acting Celonial Secretary is a man of that of that organization First Race Starts p. Sharp such men would To All Whom This May Concern: as Panama delegated Con form a subject for discussion by of raising revenue. It would lead and tbe membersbip in Rederal as a This is to inform the vention in the United States of the Medical Board. He supposed pablle America.
The and occurrence in con that supervision was needed in to the demoralisation of the Gov that the Supreme Grand Temple, no ADMISSION: ernment itself and of the commu Free Accepted Order of Graham left bis home on the that with the exercise of tact and bity too.
Ethiopia and African Rites, Inc.
morning of the 11th January this common eense, and with the assisBREAKING OF Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
which, he was sure would The Mystic Masonic, of New Rochelle, year for a sea bath and after bath MORAL SENSE.
lhe be would ing he was seized with a stroke of be readily given to him, There is nothing that breaks repor regard to the. He under paralysis and lost the use of his bull What there was down the moral sense quicker than gambling and nothin would tenduntosa propaganda against of maliclous and left side.
stood no suffrage in Barbados (A mon He was immediately taken to his We don want it at any price SPARKLETS WEEPS AT. to undermind the babits of industry the above named Order by some home where he lny speechless for Ouce more be tha and conscientious labour which agent in and around the Repub.
sked toam three days until death ensued and their kind reception (Continued from page 1)
alone can increase the wealth of of hun. It a lic of Padawa, and by letters relieved bím. The body was takea was a great comfort to him to (Continued from page 1)
country and add to its health and from suid agent to Costa Rica, over by Colombian Masoses at Influence ola married woman bappiness. The highest ideal for a and Bocas Del Toro.
Santa Marta, tbere being no other know that he could rely on the come out of it. It may be that woch older than blmself.
community, as for an fraternal order at that points sistance and co operaiion in his bave to advance to a higher grade as for an individual, is In the artides of the agent When the Judge spbounced that of human service. The lowest propaganda is that the above of intelligence before we was accordingly interred. Graham new work in Barbados.
Mr. Hansehell proposed able to pay sufficient in the monat. term the prisoner grow hysterl responsibilities and to get rich at society of pract. To all members may be bis intention of inflicting along fipdeasement from legitimate Damed Order is working under a leaves a widow and several sched, and is a whom the sincere condolence of he said, came of a good Barbulostime the fact remains that we are children to mourn their loss, to the coast of The Chairman. who any such thing, but in the meanexl. Oh God don do that! he the expense of others.
and. we to say this community goes out, family, and always took a kern taxing ourselves heavily to keep up British CoLONY. that such statement bas for its (Jamaica and other After all we are a British Colony, foundation no other intention papere interest in the West Indian Colo peace time army far in exces cried. Don give me a long of what we would likely to get at a sentence. can do it. never and we will be true to the spirit of than to bring about please copy)
Capt. Hndeon Lyall, in replv, conference of arms limitation. will do it.
the Mother Country in ber rejec barm, grevious downfall, and He theu collapsed in the arms tion of National Lotterv as a The Chemical Hall. said that he reerett that he had But we may well let the matter as is for a little while; attendante. Wten he had been means of easing to be borne members of the varioue Temples burdens not been able to visit Barbarlos la remain general discontent among the that The attention of the public is tely, but he was doing the next best Alexander Pope says Whatever is, revived the Judge told him that seemed too Councils and Chapters, which bis term would be shortened If They have been and are being borne bav been operating in harmony directed to the new location of thing to it, in sending his son on a he showed a disposition to reform at great sacrifice and the old country in the various Countries in South the Chemical Hall, the popular visit there shortly, drugstore which graced Central Those present includes: Sir Glackstein favonrite pose is coming through magnificiently, and Central America is antrue.
was that of member Avenue for the past many years Robert Rutherford (Chairman of GOLD AND SILVER millionaire Glächstein tamil, the debts of others and retaining for the public safety of the orded Approving our honesty, and and now located at No. 131 Cali the Club. Mr, Algernon Aspinail, donia Road, falls stecked with a C, M, and Mr, Alexandr owning a chain of restaurants and enbancing her reputaton for For we are offering a reward of of (Continued from page 1)
Childs large here like those lo and financial stability all 25. 00 to any or persons and varied assortment of Eider (Hon. Treasurer. Mr. F, A, droga, patent medicines, the. nerica. In. J, Vy of his most.
articles and the requirements of its nung Edghill, Mr. Hanshell, The Panamans were arrested ja relry by representing that ha for a National Lottery. Logood dence that will lead to the arrest rous patrons T, H, Hansbell, 8. Mr, and charged with disorderly was the confidential agent of name is rather to be chosen to Reading, Viceroy of great riches. She would have go The new location is but a short Le Dieu, Mr. W, H, Parratt conduct.
For all particulars distance from Central Avenue, Mr. J, Pearl, Mr. H, Previté Judge Blackburn, in the fashion, he assomed such Natuer will we if our Government should 0 of and Rs, Ine, Always clothed in the highest no great riches but would have sacrificed her good name, And so Address Supreme Headquarters, and the patrons of this popular Mr. Sheldon, Mr PA Balboa Magistrate Court, in tradesmeu presenc) that sanction a public lottery.
establishment will find it a plea Theis, Mr. Tucker Mr. pt walk to visit the proprictors Withstandley, and Mr. Horold found them zuilty and many of them immediately 18New Rochelle, in their new location.
sentenced them Serve sumed all his credentials were Nov. 18th, 1925, The gerial propriotors and thrity days each in the local co. rect and look the attitude o!
not wishing to person of Rent Receipt Books In Spanbe tonnd at the premises, and usual cuurtesies which hereto jail and in addition fined each such high standing by doubtinish and English for sale at the ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO the fore characterized their business. 25.
his cli! m3.
assure all their patrons Workman Printery THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP JAUN FRACNOTO MOROW.
ito praise On bin ia the Colonial Omce, Day Of Good Racing ded the Board Also she of representing bardly believe that type. We can at DOWN tanoe New York, USA. Is receiving report in for twofold willal is right.
of the She alone is is paying her debits, be over thing she ever toilet and other medicine to bolat Baddeley Mariah. Brown, he was also knocked down, Audacious and investora bitarted could have the time producer than dist.


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