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PRICE Cts. Cy.
SOLDIER PANAMA SENTENCED WEST INDIAN Public Lottery Conducted At Jamaica In 1779 Striking Ceremony Marks Turning Over Of Organ shooting with a noon the was well to 2.
bed reading to 009 Charles 16 400 200 100 50 20 1600 600 64 870 d appli for his to Cruz as as he said To Die For Brutally Carnival Continuous to Killing Comrade. Attract Interest.
Interesting Address Delivered By Gleaner martial of Voing for Queen of the Pana Approves Same In The trial by. court Private Ramon Cordero, Porto mi West Indian Carnival ConEditorial Comment.
Rican soldier stationed at Camp tinues to attract and create great Miss Linda Smart.
Gaillard in the Canal Zone, for interest among the supporters of the killing, by a the various contestants. Enter shotgun, of Private Antonio Cruiz tainments in support of the con (By the Secret ty of the Jame. In was a far sorer subject than th on December 26, 1925 ended early didates bave en given during Quite a unique function took pounds? They fail to understand stiute. reconstruction of Kingston Streets this week with a unanimous vote the past week and the manager place at the Wesleyan Church, how an organ could be folded with It may interest you and some of in the twenti th and the period of the general court martial finding ot cach is determined to put his Colon, on Wednesday the 20th inst such compactness. Their astonish your reader to know that a Public coentioned it was intensified by him guilty. On Wednesday after charge over the top.
the occasion being the presentation went increases minately as the of the organ President of the court Lottery in maica would not be fear of invasion.
by Mrs. Doris package is being opened aod their; At the last count of vates Miss Richardson who delivered a very wonderment reaches its culminawithout precedent.
The Island under Martial. Vera Canar still maintained the In various numbers of the Ja Law; regiments of trust slaves, sentenced the convicted man ta veida Cith 10 451 votes medias appropriate address on handing the tion when they find before them, MAICA mercury and KINGSTON and of free nezroes and mulattos pay the extreme penaltv. Private Cumberlando os he wetened with key of the cigan to Rev. a flute!
Wade, Suprºtentindent WEEKLY ADVERTISER for the ver re enrolled for three years or Cordero withstood the sentence 8, 783 and Miss George 4, 150.
The Management Committee is 1779 orcurs the fo lowing advertise during the war. and special rank calmly. The death sentence must, Capt, de Comeau Vice ment, headed by the Royal Arms, was fiven to militia oficers when however, be confirmed by the of Miss Catarsgaved Bapportebe Courel was the Chairman and disappointed and annoyed, and it Spanish Tewn, July 8, 1779.
serving with regular troops Commander of the Panama Canal home of Mr. Cand Mrs. Willam scemed in especially good humour ask a millionaire for anything, Scheme of the Lottery for raising Toe price of bread was regulated Department of the United States son which was kindly placed at for Handel Lawson, the been prominent in the service at the ele worker, steps forward in.
a sum of for the better by the several vestries of the island Army and by the President of the their disposal on Saturday night organ as his good child (he having money Babsistence of His Majesty and the cost and supply of cattle United States last; this function Troope quartered in this island. in the country were under res According opening of the organ. and he was the attended evidence trictions; the convoy of merehant brought out during the trial, Priorgan.
He 5, 000 tickets, at 415 each, glad to be there at what may seem purchasing an otganise Miss Cumberland, candidacy to be the marriace of his gud child, several concerts, 223 750 ships w19 specially regulated vate Cruz was which leave 500 letters of marqne were issued, and condemned soldier when shot by the now is being boosted at LA Baca from nothing to be desired, promotes the which district she hails and it Mrs. Cosins sang beautifully in various driver, and in every way. 2000 Nelson was Governor of Fort former was lying in understood that. uses his 500 Wounded, he got out bon bed and functo 18, social and otherwise choir rendered two pretty anthems. collect a large sum as possible.
750 1500 Later on the following advertise tried to escape by runring down are being plamed in her sup. Mesers. Lawson Fred Samuels and Finally. 600 ment appeared: places ac order with stairs but was followed by bis 88 port.
Dr. Hamlett gave selections on the Mr James, the organ bailder, for. 600 Lottery Office 1779 sailtot and fired after several Miss George is over in the org, drawing out every variety as magnificent an instrument as he An Office for the ensuing lot the stairs and rolled to the bottom uffrage of the Colon electorate times He fell near the foot of Windy City where she seeks the of eifect of which it was capable, is capable of producing. Then let 280 terg is opened, at the losarance but was again shot until life was and has already gained a strong ddress on the organ, which is as and that when the day arrives for Mi Linda Smart delivered an, us again imagine that Mr. James has conceived 960 office in Port Royal Street, Kingvery witty idea, ston, where tickets are bought and extinct.
backing as the Colon boys are follows:sold on Commission.
delivering the organ, he deposita Private Cordero actions grew determined to show the pacific Frizes Shares and Chances of tickets out of an apparent dissatisfaction widers that their are a possible Let us imagine for a few brief in the hands of Mr. Lawson a col1, 900. First drawn. 40 sold, for the convenience of those with the way in which Cruz had quantity when it comes ta moments that this Church was still lection of flutes!
Blanika who would wish to have a number elieved him of a pistol. Hav. ng sb)w down.
without an organ, and that the Management Committee am not advising anyone to 00. st. drawa 7) octance at as small an expence been ordered by a superior officer Unomployment in England. ed to some millionaire who made a incur the anger of a Church Com.
as possible, and, by this means to collect pistol Curdoro refu 23:750 may have seven or eight chances to turn over a Mr. Lawson by hobby of donating organs with the doing any such thing. But the fact for little more to the price of Manchester, Jan.
it was not properly cleaned: Crux thousand unemployed men, many Three moest hehehe present on to the remains that the noble organ which. and, satisfac thereupon tok away the el enthropist had Then imagine that the purchasers, the original andere we over the evolved from the sim.
replied in majestically the tonight Public in. and day of Senter next in the ticket ur of the Fortunate bim elf with a shot gun which be an advertisement for six hardypartment concerned had sent to ple flute, he proluce if required. Cordero half an hour later, armed after walkiuz miles in response to partim continue from day to day until. We were freg senely played with great notify the of arrival Among the flutes finished by orders of the Directors of the ill the month or Branch in ein biet der en tende eedz ne haver os tilted last night. It took the police comprised of the superintendent of time. Evidence of sible, have their proportion pailin trip and retaliated by shooting to when they jobs had cture ease person at the same Lcttery.
this remains FRENCH. specified therein, and if not demanthen subject to such deduction as also a Prito Rican oldier: some time to quell the disturb nce the Circuit, of the Rev. Mr. Sur. among the engravingstof Exypti. com geon, and of the foremost mer RECEIVER GENERAL OFFICE. ded till id by the Receiver Gene effect of pretry ral, Kingston, July 9th, 1779. subject only to a deduction of of this Church, going down to re the double flut excited men to SPARKLETS Notice is hereby given. Tickets insured every day durine prepare all the immuney feverishly construct an instrument which That immediately on the receipt tie Drawings.
fees, or per once. In this new instrument of the above Lottery Tickets, the A SUPERFICIAL RETROSPECT. haps, what is worse, go through the we called flat same will ready to be delivered at Númediciny regular and corrzet this oftice to all persons applying; will be kept, where any were blowo by means of pe ver ending red tape to have these Book Drawing fees exonerated. They use all the and also by Mr Shackleford. at aprIving may be informed o the just an inch of practical experience number. would one must frinkly admit that have metal check. work identification patience they have, to meet the bellows, such notes as being siler. ced by the Public Build ngs in the town fate of their tickets, two hours with the ways of the Engliehman name which the Usaian had written and stern customs clerks; and, the gradual additios of pipes came witness to my exacting officials piece of word over them. With of St Jago de la Vega. after the day drawing is finished while, with the Usan in Panama that was plain John Doe. He these prelimiaarios being over a corresponding increase in the Pay Bills will be received as As Cash for the ickets.
ell pa. ib. volti ce wille barbecue of Indian Negro, leaving a British pleusel as if had saiboite with that the organ is now cleared and the below. These blower in workers a British West nppeared to have been as much Spanisa. fo the purpose smile at lust when told number of men necessary to operate Hinton Eist. Rec General basing and selling tickets, and West Indian island 16 years ago. honey from the The Fortunate Tickets in the shares and chances they by en 25 Since.
possession of it in various ways.
not wantonly isey may take use Lottery will be paid by the Raod in the number for October 30, parent over supply of formalities moved time and again to be on the anxious faces of the honogr. An interesting illust ation of this for a second the pumping win the band and at ceiver poeral, a ne 1st of July tie resul. were given of the when it comes to the beinhake consternation that would appear others by standing on the bellows.
1780, without any eduet oa. is held oy the 25th At the same with the ch, the low 1a ordinary able committee if the package litter metho is preserved on the superfluous, 1a b the versatioa with the Usian he George French lerk of the time appeared a letter stating that higa sisted foto the first series appears not to care for it except turned over to them should me Theodosian Obelisk at ConstanSupreme Curt, Crown Solicitor a variety of errors had taken later, Bure but few inches over a foot ani Clerk of the isseobly. The place.
behind approxi. very particular occasions. Continued on page subsistence of His Majesty 23. 750 was thus raised a not mately 500 laborers al Gorgona, a it woull appear as if he thiuks it is and should weigh only a couple of Troops in the eighteen. century (Continued on page 8) ection near the Canal prism which a word most suited to be used by wat by water. As a belióve is now partly inu dated ml tary personnel.
part of the rou The difference between the Eue Panama West Indian Carnival GOLD EMPLOYEES ITEMS OF INTEREST, ANNUAL MEETINC tine trust obtain my lishman and the Usaian in this VERA pay from the Isthmian Canal om matter is that the sir is often The People Candidate. To Get Increase in Pay.
mission was asked when the deinanded by form Local And Foreign.
of the Panama Canal West procession had ebbed close to a while with the latter it I Cablegraphic advices receiIndian Employees AsWas Acting Governor Burgess of the sociation. John Doe, sir Louiour on should worry. agree with hoth in a dialogue Whats parties would Panama Caual has au horized new ved here during the week quickly replied adoption of the lesser use of the The Board of Directors of the to a Usaian, adding a little pleasant superfluous eir state that the United States Panama Canal West Indian Em smile. But he di In neel ne ther rates for certain Gold employees of the Pavarra Canal whose pay flue.
Senate approved United State ployees Association will meet in burk nor emile, he wanted to know This is Mr. Elias Dubb talking tuate with those of certain Navy entry in the World Court by the La Boca Lodge Hall to night. what was iny name yards in continental United States.
a vote of 76 to 17, fourteen This will be the Annual Meeting of he sns pped at me, John What it, when he is engaged in a telephoire. The employees rates were automavotes more than the necessary nual Report will be presented. As querried, this isn at which Sir conversation and refe ring to him self is the only apparent departur tically increased when the Navy yards rates went up in the United two thirds the States. The new schedule of rates, are Court Resolution as approved entitled to join in any discussion he meant that that was not the aude formality in evil life, Ihre however, are considered tentative, as it must necessarily be approveel by the Senate contains reser that may be bal on this report, lives to combat malaria or black miy, however be just a reverse o place to get qninine or its deriva quently detect with the Usaino. This by Governor Walker who is now in vations reasserting: and the Directorate is hoping soverign rights and declaring right interest by sttending in large Doe said finally way we will show the water fever. What is What is your name? things that do not clearly compre.
the States but expected to returu hetd he bellowed at me. John tiere within a short time.
that The ceremony of Henry you say that.
The conferring of the titles Mr legal connection with the ing the oficers and representatives befo. touch this pen (unt wis reservedly, the Usaian or bis wife League of Nations.
will also take place. The meeting to indicate my approval for him to must be addressed by me, personal and the srile, will be called to order precisely at sign my name on my pay certifi lv ot otherwise, Mr Dubb or Mrs VO FOR VERA: Units of the Fleet, 8, p, cate; he had to time to find out Dubb. but quite the opposite ne The girl that ll keep you merry including fifty warships, 25 whether was a college graduate does not refer to me as Mr. De or all the while.
destroyers, a division of sub for Panama on Monday next. or a patented numskull) That to my wife as Mrs Doe; we are ju VOTE FOR VERA: plain Doe or Doe wife. Bat, wy marines and a squadron of According to tentative plans ordeal fired me with the ambition gentle West Indian reader, you will The girl of the people choice fighting planes, are expected the Fleet will leave Balboa on to tell the fellow at the next wiu no doubt remember that Harvard VOTE FOR VERA: Vote For VERA: to leave San Diego, California Marcb 13 after the maneuvers. dow who, after examining my (Continud on page 8) Tie girl with the looks, the ways And answer the people voice, members ceive the per cent.
the orgin, the were not pulling requirements of they Draw poor dealnie. was, months of reverses whọn behi חר tine whereby the window and it my turo to he e

    Death SentenceEnglandInvasion

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