
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 30, 1926, Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Noooo NOTICE Dr.
we Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD report in JAMAICA TRINIDAD Acting Governor and Trinidad New Colonial Secretary the City Engineers Wilfred Edward Francis JackA: foresbadowed, the son, bas bzen ar pointed Acting Govercor has caused a Colonial Secretary of Trinidad lett to be sent to the Council of Commenting an the appointthe Kingston and St. Andrew ment the Barbados Advocate Corpo ation relative to the find says. Every ings of the Munici al Commis sin us in offering congratulations sion, and the interview which ho to Mr Jackson on his promotior.
had with Select Com nittee of Mr. Jackson who is yet in the early forlies came to Barbados Bis Excellency announces that a 1921. He succeeded a man wh389 will be introduc is the popularity was so wide as it was Legislative Council to remwa the deserved. Mr. Jenkiog had taken Director of Public Wo ks and the the place of an able predecessor from the Corporation in Mr. Fell. Naturally Mr. Jackand appointing them on a hard son measured by high standard.
with three other members of the has not been found wanting Corporation to carry out the Daring his four years tenure of reconstruction work office be bas reformed the Civil Further, that the application Service and raised the standard for the post of City Engineer of remuneration: He has taken an should by dealt with by the active part in placing the PenCrown Agants in Eagland. sions Act an the Statute Book.
Barbadian. will in Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
To An Whom This May Concern: This is to inform the public and the membership in general that the Supreme Grand Temple, Free Ethiopia and African Rites, Ine.
Mystic Masonic, of New Rochelle, New York, is receiving regard to the bo kar!
spreading of malicious and unfounded the above named Order by some propaganda against agent in and around the Repub.
lie of Panama, and by letters from said agent to Costa Rica, and Bocas Del Toro In the articles of the agent HT propaganda is that the above named Order is working under a twofola and is society of pract. To all members and the public, we venture to tbat such statement has for its tone foucdation to other intention th than to bring about willul harm, grevious downfall, and general discontent among the members of the various Teuples Ccuncils and Chapters, which bave been operating in harmony in the various Countries in South and Central America is untrue Approving our hon sty, and for the public safety of the Order we are offering a reward of 25. 00 to any person or persons who will produce sufficient evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the propagan.
For all particulars Address Supreme Headquarters, of and Rs, Inc, New Rochelle, Nov, 18th, 1925, to Bay Inspection Of Ships.
Sad Death For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT at wil side So 3355 osis made Port Onunta ATTENTION!
Have you tried the new Beer Kronen Brau the sion, and so House Rent Receipt Books ainty session in this SPANISH ENGLISH West India Development last hade Nevertheless, Some months ago the Gleaner The following sad account of the published information to the unfortunate end of the Vener able effect that the Goverom nt had Rev Dywnie, Archdeac a of under cons deration a proposal St Vincent, is taken from the to have the inspection of ships in Dem rara Chronicle of recent date: Kingston Harbour instead Port Royal as at present. In the papers, particulary the now learnt that there is every evening journals have given conprobabil ty that this change spice this week eek to the be made. Instead of stopping at the Archbishop of Vincent, the Wil tragic fate which has over taken Port Royal the vessels will steam Venerable Casper Alloyne Dawnie.
up to Kingston anchoring off at a Downie was found dead in specified point to the west of the the Railway Pier where the inspece Epping Forest a few nights azo, tion will bə by thy holding in one handia in one hand a glass bottle Officer who will live in this cits. of pressec acid and in the other a In case of any quaran :i nable distrette. The Coroner found that disease being brought tee due to poison while of unsouod mind. was stated that board ships the vessels will be the ch leacon who wis about 45 sent back to the quarantino years with catne to England last station to land the passengers and be fumigated. If the charg January 7th, and had year, is carried out a will be undergoing treatmeat for neurasapppointed for Port Royal but doubt the poor maa had worked the necessity for a tida Surveyor hard in a hot climate and thought will be done a away with he would be of no use in his profes.
As already stated in took the law in his own hands, Tue tragedy is deepen Legislative Council, ed by the fact that tae Are deacon was engaged to be married His prospective bride was the daughter CLEANER It is a practical cer of a vicar in Devonshire.
that the Legislative Council will assemble for regular for 1928 at The West Indies As adquarters House on Tuesday 19th proximo under the presiWinter Resorts, dency of His Excellency the Acting Governor The Givernment it is said, will not Enquiries which we bave made bringing forward a beavy pro atin offices of the leading shipgamme. The most important ping com anias concerned bave item will be the estimates. It elicited the information that the is probable that the session will bookings to the West Indies are be completed before the arrival neavi ar than they ra at this of the new. Reginald Stubbs, who it is now another very successful tou ist being said, may not reach this season appears to be assured island until sometime in April. The ARCADIAN Opened the ball with a special cruise Earth Covered Men from this country to the Carrin.
bean at Hermitage.
visited Bermuda, Nassau, Jamal ca, Trinidad and Barbadus, and, as we have already showa, she be followed by an unusually TWO ESCAPE, ONE KILLED.
large nu nber of special steamers from New York, which may be Stony Hill, Jan. 15 trag expected to to bring down to the death occurred bere today. Islands a large number of Ameri: While a gang of men were cins in search of recreation and workiog at the Hermitage dom a the refreshment which they are large portion of earth gave way unable to ubta without ditical and covered three mea. Two got ty in their owo ejuntry.
out unhurt but the other died on Passing visitors leave behind the spot.
them money in the islands they visits and carry away with then Tries Occult Means to Re lasting impressions of gain affection of Sweet amenities of climat; and se nery which may bring them back for heart.
longer Waile, bowever, a tourisis are welcome. it is tae It is remarkable what belief or months visitors who spend several weeks some people in Jamaica have in shonld be encouraged. They in the islands who tbe obeabman. Here is a story me fron one of bring new ideas and spend the neighbouring parishes.
which, where money in a way young man seemed to have lost their number is sufficiently larg ibe affection of his sweetheart, canoot fail to prove of benefit to and he wanted to get even with he various communities. This her, He went to an obtahmaa Harrison Line and the French Elders Fylfas, the and consuited bim. The latter for bis wark which apdc Duteb Mail lines are offering special facilities for the yourg man promptly He went back to the obeahman, Line the tors to the Carribbean, and tak and the latter, wanting to get rid og the passenger lists, which of him, told him to steal a cow we are publishing, as criterioa and bring it to bim. The obeah it would seem that each company the man is getting its full qayta of winter would be caught but his expecta: migrants tion was not realz. Two days Jamaica is still the principal later the young man turned up Mecca, owing, no doubt, to the with the cow. The sequel is not act that the hotels are more but it is believed the numerous than in for stealing the cow.
Tel. ads, do not take into Order Books. or forty but will be Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies tion to account the Bahamas, where the tourist business is so well under stood that the local Government is readily co operating with private enterprise in securing an increase in hotel accomodation on a large scale. Jamaica, more.
in advertising and the fruits of over, bas wisely expended money the campaign conducted in country by the West COM sha antes at the instance of Trade Board, reaped to that Island are availSwear are still being many ing themselves of the opportuni ty of reaching it by way of to be hoped that some of may succeed in bringing bome to succeed imas some of them the residents of those islands the immense yalue of a tourist business and also o! inducing then to erect hotels to cater not for thirty or for many many hundreds of visitors, who, wa feel sure, could be icduced to visit those island, if adequate Lccommodation were available.
Wer bley has also proved a powerful factor in to the British West Ladies as calling attentourist resort, and our readers in the West Indies would be surprised knew how many ei quiries from intending visitors Th. West India Comunittee is called upo to answer at upon his time of year. Their works is capable of immense development. All they require is to be furnished with powder and shot in the form of loformation as to facilities for touris s, botels, etc. and the necessary appropriation for ad.
vertising Again the visit of Members of Parliament. z:d by the West India Commit.
organtee and the Empire Parliamen aus tary Association, and and that of the are provicg a great attraction, and all those concerned with other Colonies will be envious when they read of the many notable people, including Lord Peel, Cabinet Minister, Lord Harris, the Duke of Atholi, Buxton, Sir Campbell Stuart and Invernairo, Lord Mr. Pierpont Morgan, to mention a few only, who will be visiting the West Indies this winter.
It is evident that after many years of spade work, the British West Indies at last coming own as a.
if they the in this connection is stay.
CAN BE HAD AT The Workman scar again. Team, charged paid.
Visi Stationery Store ADVERTISE snown, bei dem die rede ho palice other for the British wenglad In The WORKMAN it Pays into the on winter resor


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