
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1926 wwwmassanons CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To morrow Sunday, Jan, 31 NOTICE THE CHEMICAL HALL sermon No. 31 CALIDONIA ROAD GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies (Anglo Catholie)
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY segue, Panama, de of public interest invited St. Paul Church, Panama All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Rev. Nightengale, Rector)
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of a. Holy Communion.
One Year 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica 10. 15 ſhe Litany Six Months 20 10 30 a. Holy Eucba int sermontion but as a mark of good faith.
Three The Rector.
We do not undertake to return re25 Ose HAS REMOVED TO jected corresponence.
12 Holy Baptiem, p. Chureb Srbool. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS 30 Cboral Evensong, Preacher The Bishop SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1926.
Tureday. Feet of the Puriffcation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy BE YOURSELF Commuuion at am. do eday cly Communion at a Children Communion at am We like to pretend. to imitate and to make believe.
and is now replete with a Evensong at 30 We break our necks trying to impress the world with who Friday. Holy Communion at am we are and what we have. Our greatest thrill in life comes large and varied stock of when we think we have the public believing that we are St. Alban Church, Pars iso what we are not, and possess that which we do not have.
If half the time that is spent in trying to fool other people PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. Rev. P. NIGHIENGALE, was devoted to our jobs our progress would be more Priest in Charge.
certain. The effort made to keep up a front has sent PERFUMERY, 11 am. Matine, Litany and addres.
many fools to the poor house and the penitentiary.
Mr. Osborne Catechist.
If you have money you don have to stand on a corner 3p. Church School, with a brass band for the world to find it out. If you have it 30 Evensong and address, people will learn of it without your telling them. And if you The Catechist.
do rave about your immense wealth the chºnces are you have not got any. How foolish some of our millionaires St, Matthias Mission must feel when the time comes for a show down. We have LAB BABANAS Our numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, had notable examples of the real worth of our immensely (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, wealthy men who stood on the house tops and shouted, Priest in Charge.
so that the world might hear, am rich. They dined and when they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore. pm. Church Scbool.
wined their blood sucking friends and kept women in 30 pm Everong and addrese beautiful clothes. They where bursted, absolutely broke sannarnarsonarono Mr. Richards, Catecbiet. pace had been set. Th y had to keep up the bluff. Th y were simply mimicking the idle rich without having 51. Peter by the Sea, La Boca ISSAESNESENSCH the nec ssary funds. They were living a lie. And because American Episcopal (Angliena Coc they refused to be themselves, they have left a long line of munion)
SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY suffering men and women in their wake.
It is about time for us to cut out all of our four flus.
Sung Litv ny, 10, 45 m; Chral celebration of the Holy Euchar hing and get down to business. In certain games it is al ist, with arm, 11. 30 o. m, right to bluff if you have sufficient capital to stand the cost, Chureb School if the bluff is called But in this game of life the stakes are 30 Coral Evensone, sermon.
tóc high, the rules are too rigid and the players too watchful On Monday, February 1st the Feast for us to get away with anything less than the real articles.
of the Purification of the blessed Deception may get us by for a season, but sooner or later Vir io Mary will be duly obeerved At a there will be a celebration of we will be caught and woe unto him who has built his he Holy Communien All our men house on a quick sand of deceit.
oers who can make it convenient to Be yourself. You have your own life to live. The time steud are brily invited to this time used in trying to ape the other fellow takes away from non red Candlemss Day Feast.
your owr life. You can not live the life of somebody else. T. MULCARE, Rector.
You have a certain place to fill, a particular job to do. If you perform vour part well the world will recognize you ATSt. Barnabas Church, Empire without your tooling a tinhorn. The world will honor Matin aod adre. Il am. Lay respect and love you if you are yourself. On the other hand Resdur Mr Skeen the most despised of all men is the fake, the cheat, the Church Scho. and Confirmation elise.
br. ggart at pm Be yourself. PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE.
Coral Frang addrer 71.
The Lay Reader, Mr E Juhoson MULCARE Priest in Ch ge Parliamentary Comedy: St. Bartholomew s, Church LAS CASCADAS.
All London was astonished a few days ago when the CONSOWS SEXOSSASS Sexies SO Matius and address m.
early editions of the evening papers announced every Mr. E, Jobnéon, Layreader.
where on their placards that a secret session of Parliament Church Sebool and Confirmation Clare had been held during the previous night. Secret Sessions SNELHETET Bap:ist Chu ch Activities. NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES 30 are almost unknown in England, the only recent exceptions What everyone is Harvest Thanksgiven services Ev ning Prayer and address p.
being on two occasions during the war when there was will be bld at Pueblo Nueve Thanks to nur energetic InThe Lay Reader, Mr David Skeen some real reason for secrecy. What happened this time saying Church au Sunday after con at spector and other residents, our MULCARE, Priest in cbarco p. when turned out to be in the nature of a comedy. Bill was Austin of the little township, after baving Balboa Heights Baptist Church undergone a bush coturg and discussed at an all night sitting, and the Labour Party was KRONEN BRAU will psy his grst visit to the dis general cleaning, is wearing St Jude Mission, Summit, opposing i: by every means in its power. Whenever there ct and preach the Thank given quite a festive appearance. Li any, Holy Communion and sermon was a chance of demanding a vote on anything they superior to all ser mon if in appreciation of the improved s. The Priest in Charge)
demanded it, for a vote, or division in the House of Com conditions there were quite a Church School 3:30 pm imported beers Advertise in the Workman number of soc al functicus wor venine Prayer and Addrem p.
mon takes ten minutes, and the Labour men were determined to waste time where they could. Finally one of them 1113 DIT IT PAYS.
thy of mention Layreader, Mr. Brathwaite T MULCARF Privat is Cbko thought of an ancient rule of the House whereby if any Oa member rises and announces solemnly that he sees strangers Saturday evening last in the House. in the public gallery or in the Press seats huge concrete buildings, the Palace of Engineering, cost half there was quite an enjoyable eve st. Simon Mission, Gamboa the President (or Speaker) sh all immediately call for a vote a million pounds to construct and is probably the largest of ning spent at the home of and Mr. George Robinson, Render, Mr N MeCerby.
Matins and address 11 w, Tay as to whether the strangers shall be called on to withdraw, its kind in the world. But in common with all the other dancing being the feacure of the About four o clock in the morning a leading Labour member palaces it has been stripped of its exhibits. The wonder occasion.
In addition to tistoe Church Sebcol 30 announced that he observed strangers here followed a ful and intricate machines it housed have all been moved tal decorations there was an im T. MULCARE, Pringt in Cbrie short discussion about the procedure to be observed, but and most of them, no worse for their experiences, are being ple sopply of refreshments, both the Deputy Speaker, who was presiding, had to put the used for the purpose for which they were made. As yet no quid and solid. Altoge her the entire to Baptist Churches question to the House. The Labbur Party of course took it one knowns what is to happen either to the buildings or to thoroughly anjiyed themelves.
for granted that the Conservative majority would oppose the grounds of the Exhibition, but an attempt will be made Among (Under the aupices of the South ro Mrs.
the motion and that the consequent division would waste the to sell them as a whole. Their disposal will be a colossal Among the guests were Mr.
and dock McCarty Baptist Convention. usual ten minutes. The Conservatives, however, with great undertaking and it has been necessary to prepare a bulky and Mrs. George McCarty, Miss Colon 11 a. Supplied: 15 pm.
presence of mind, atter a moment whispered consultation, volume in order to enable purchasers to understand what is Flowers. Mr. Simun McLarRecoleta Gregory Mrs. Garge Gordon, Calidonia 11 a. Deacon Johnron; refrained from saying a word. The motion was therefore put being offerede fera saben Álready requests from information Master Lester Mecomt, de Calipon Supplied.
and carried immediately without any divi ion at all.
from would be all Miss Nellie All Chorri lo. 11. Dercon Se ith; strangers, including the Press, had to withdraw, and the of the world, and several from America. There is Robinson 15 tor Witt, Labour men, who are of course the traditional champions much speculation as to what projects are prompting these Red Tsok 11 a. Deacon Melnt. eb.
of publicity, found themselves responsible for investing enquiries. One suggestion is that whoever buys, the Ex: Sunday th 24 was quite a 715 Dean Crooks New Providence 11 acon with complete secrecy the remainder of a sitting which hibition will use it for some temporary activity in order notable vay to area and Brew!
for that it may be converted in a few years time into another Ladock McCarty, the event being exhibition. But however this may be, the probabilities are the celebration of their firs7. J6 pm. Descop Russell Empire 11 a. Descon Cummings that in the immediate future it will be used for trade pur. the es Is purt of the day was blessed during Garan 11 a. and 15 poses. Several of the buildings could be easily adopted to same time recering the name of at An Empire Exhibition for Sale.
the supplied.
Serve as factories and cinema studios, and the nearness of Judith Mrs. Fiton and Mas Parlane p. Harvest Thuoksgiving, Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Methe site to London is an additional attraction. It is to be ter Robinson being the SpanThe news that the British Empire Exhibition is for sale hopod that one part of the Exhibition, the Stadium, will sors. This function also brought (Continued on page 7)
has come as a mild surprise to many people. Although the remain unchanged. This is London newest and largest tozether a fair şized group, who Exhibition was open only for two summers and those very sportsground, and has accommodation for 100, 000 people, things provided. Musice and the good Notice to Correspondents.
inclement ones. it was rapidly accepted as a kind of national It possibilities have not yet been fully developed but Sings were among the features Contributors and correspondente institution. Indeed the builders appear to have had the some of the events staged in its arena during the Exhibi lof the evening. Noricable among tions not later than Thursdays to are asked to send in their contribu.
same idea ef permanency, for the chief material used was tion the American Rodeo for instance have given some th geets were Mrs. and Mise insure publication. This is impera.
concerete guaranteed to last a thousand years. One of the indication of how the Stadium might be used. Continued on page 5)
tive and must be adhered to.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply Mr. who


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