
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres important and a building.
step Society: experienced Less Boon were express.
sisc the organ The finger operate the separat ly may be nuu ATLANTIC SIDE Light of Colon Lodge zo Striking Ceremony No. 11 St. Vincent Holy (Continued from page 1)
ings of St. Jerome refer to organs Name Society.
INSTALLS OFFICERS, used in the City of Jerusalem, one being at the Temple. However, the SILVER CITY, CANAL ZONE 20th inst, a most enjįyable time On Wednesday evening the orgaa was little used until the 8th CECILIA AMERICA century. Io 757 we read of a portwas spent by the Oficers and able organ sent by Emperar ConThis Society held its first members of the Light of Colon stantine Copronymus to Pepin the (PANAMA. COLON father of Charlemagne.
monthly meeting for this year in Lodge No. 11 BIC of S. and the Parish 11 on Friday night of also visiting members of TODAY. Saturday, January 30th and TODAY. Saturday January 30th What is now known as the the 15th inst our sisters Lodges, at the TO MORROW Sunday, January 31st ON THE THRESHOLD clavier manual or key board of the The meeting was called to Llower of the Isthmus Lodge Emil Janning in With Special Cast organ, was invented at the close of order at p. by the President Hall, the 17th century, at which time the Mr. Quinlan, and the spiritual At 35 Bro. QUO VADIS TOMORROW. Sunday January 31st keys were made so large and stiff Director Father Burns said the Davey took bis chair and and heavy that they could be Rod La Roque in MONDAY, February 1st played by clenched fists. The e ke apointed his Gra:d officers to opening prayers.
Much important business were assist him with the Instalation Ricardo Cortez in NIGHT LIFE IN NEW YORK were also somewhat different in transact d; the most important as follows. IN THE NAME OF LOVE shape to our modern keys, and the being the opening of a Library Bro. II ramen Grand Cend.
MONDAY, February 1st sharp keys were painted white and for the benefit of the Society and of Dodge, Sia Mitchelle Grand Eleanor Boardman in the natural keys black, that is to the TUESDAY February 2nd parish in general. The Cond. of Lodge, Bro. 8. Burke. WINE OF YOUTH. say the contrary of the presset Society is very grateful to Fr Dorothy Mac Kvilin s. from Lodge, sis.
method of colouring.
Burne, through whose effort the Francis GD.
of from KG WHAT SHALL DO The keys for the fert, or pedals, TUESDAY, February 2nd Library has come a reality, he Lodge. Bro. Hudson GR fr. were introduced early in the 15th having donated the first books Earl Roberto Reginal Denoy in Lode, sis. Burrets seotury, and have proved the most WEDNESDAY, February 3rd a fine book shell worthy of GD of R, from of in CALIFORNIA STRAIGHT AHEAD den, Be organ the Francis from KG Charlie Chaplin in Lode)
During the period of its metaA drive was started for a sis. Gamelle of Fine from THE GOLD RUSH WEDNESDAY, February 3rd morphoses to the present day the Sanctuary Lamp for the church KG. Lodge, Brs, Clarke Gw Emil Janning in organ has innumerable The men showed their willing from Earl Roberts Lodge, sis ebanges in shape, size, and general THURSDAY February 4th of getting one at once by Taylor W. of T, from cfC. Lodge. QUO VADIS arrangement. The modern organ Eetting down their names to give Bro. rmi G, fr. Rod La Roque in sometimes bas as many as two. NIGHT LIFE IN NEW YORK THURSDAY, February 4th generous donations. It is hoped of Lodge, 88. Bavary W. of three, and four manuals, and in that a lamp will be purcbased from Eul Roberto Lodge, Pro, Ricardo Cortez in some exceptional cases as many a3 Camybell GIS from RK Lodge IN THE NAME OF LOVE five. which really means five organs The President gava FRIDAY February 5th a se ven Sis Mayesek D of from KG under the control of one player.
minutes talk on the life of St Lodze Bro Robinson GOS from Eleanor Boardman in FRIDAY, February 5th The organs of today are in some Anthony of Padua The porfect of Colon Lodge Sis Taylor D of WINE OF YOUTH Dorothy MacKail in instances of extraordinary size and silence and strict attention of Lodge.
in some cases have two sets of pesbowed that everyone was inter WHAT SHALL DO After the apointments SATURD IY, February 6th and dals. It might be mentioned here ested through Those who were Inthat the size of an SATURDAY, February 6th organ Mr. Thorne will be the speaker stalled to form the new adminis.
SUNDAY, Febrnary 7th ed in the lenght of its longest pipe.
at the February meeting, tration were as follows: Conrad Nagel in Emmet Flynn in The organ as we know it today, The ineetic adj urned, every Bo, Castell) WC, Sis W Ikea CHEAPER TO MARRY. THE LAST TRAIL is the most complicated instrument, member being pleased of an P, D, Bro Murriz WVC and the only resemblance it bears vening well spent.
Clarke D of Bro A Taylor WR to its a acestor the flute is that, Recleste! Sie Rboden D of like the flute, it is a wind is instru.
Bro Phillips P, Sis Miller Dof Donors Congratulated. Bro Munroe ment. Everything being considered Cond Reelect is of all instruments the Sis Grant D of Pro Spenca most difficult to play piano Sis Mowo W of KB o W, Commander Watson of the Simmoude OS Sister Harrie W, requires more dexterity and lon Boys Institute hereby begs of PAY VISIT TO CANAL ZONE NOTES agility; the violin demands keener. 10 congratulate all those who The Honours of the Past Offi BRATH LUNCH COUNTER organ requires large amount have so promptly responded to of the call of the drive for the new Sister Mynott and Hurris cers Dog ree was Confered on La Boca Pars. patience, an unusual faculty of cohome of destitute boys of this 6016 9h Street and Hudson Lane ordination, and thability to do Republic. The Commander says was and Bro Chair Com several things at once. An organist as PC According to late developments often handles several keyboards THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET SATISFACTION total memberhe feels quite sure that if things pbell the All Medalist Elocution Contest sep keeni as they have started sytp of 134 were present, miny or in combinations, will be but a short time are his visiting members of the Sistr addresses were which should have been held on reach three or by the given Sandwiches of all sorts, Regular meals the 20th of next month (February) makes his feet do all kinds of nim.
four staves and desire for the new realised. He states that many Lodges, Responded by our from 10. 30 a. 25 cents postponed to sometimes in ble things, all at the same time.
March as a couple of those who persons are anxious to know the Bro. vey, which brought CHICKEN SOUP FROM P.
are booked to take part are repor And what might be said of the who have donated up to the meeting to its closs, and all ted sick and may not recuperate in tone of the organ? This instrument the present but they will bo in retired to the Banquet Hall and ORDERS FILLED AND EXECUTED time to be able to do their best at breathes a solemn dignity of formed in due time. The mersuch an important occasion. The character; it produces a grand and chants of Colon are leaving no Prompt Day and Night Service Management Committee of the thrilling effect, and a source of store unturned to assist in Panama District, Order Druids, in aking the new home a success. Of Filendly Athenaeum are, however, hoperful bekenony not possessəd by any TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Sociaty.
March, evening with the poet preter it can be made to describe In the hands of a capable interC. BRATHWAITE, The Call For An Agent.
Teonyson being for Proprietor.
the first Tuesday in Marsh when all the movements of nature, ein The annual Meeting of the Pathe noet life and works will be cause us to hear the angry storm Rosidents of Gatun bave sent nama District Order o Druids, dealt with by members selected for moving through space; and to see to Commander Watson asking Took place on Si urday the purpose. debate, which is the wayward. mountain current him to appoint an agent at that January 231d at the abril always a drawing card, is also parauing its rapid course until place to collect donations for the Union Lodge Hal, h Street being planned for the near future, falls in turbulent furore over the new home. Word has also been Hudsan LADA Colon. There was roc ss like the received from Cristobal Drs present Five District of many Officers a and Dick aeking to send watere rushing to the sea.
around twenty seven Delegates repreOwing to the death of a sister Taken in another the President elect of the Woman birror Jake; nie collector en on the coming pay. das sentiog teo Lodges of the Dis.
becerul of the who desire to donate a trict, also a large number of visitthe Institae e in see the coming Bolche Life Problem Club, their miniature of the playful brook; and tell of the mirmar Brothren from Panama City THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER llation of officers which should have the softness of sunbeams. And, in mander at his office and taken place a fortnight ago has the assued that be every dime given The Officers Elected and inpublished against the stalled for the ensuing year are, WITHOUT AN EQUAL been postponed for Thursday last, the moments of the soul commu.
nion with the Creator, the name of the donor unless other Brother Isaish Quarles, Disorgan can be made to utter its sweetest wise requested.
trict Grand Master S A, Robb, Don fail to try it C, Bayne, Vice Chairman off the whisper of God.
voices that may well make us think Agentleman told the Cimman. Deputy District Grand Master, La Boca District of the Panama der bat this is too big aj. fo Thomas Headly. DGM)
Canal West Indian Employee But bright Cecilia raised the him to put over but the Com District Corresponding sece mander told him to wateb him tary Re Elected, James Fred Association, has been appointed by wonder higher the District Chairman as Chairman grow and he will be coa pelled to ericks, District Treasurer, Re No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
When to the crgan vocal breath of a Recruiting Committee, for the change his opinion very soon Elected, JT Prescott, Junior was given; There is nothing like impossibili Past District Grand Master. The includes An angel heard and straight ty in his program It is only a mat and Panama, An Entertainment Installation Ceremony appeared, ter of time, and he is determined formed dy other Chas.
Committee, with Hunter as Mistakiag earth for heaven, to show the public the fruit the Corbin, PD M, assisted by Local N, A, Renders NEW PROVIDENCE while the District appretary It is the organ, therefore, on tree of earnesty can bear. Bros. James TO Stealing, Post Riber, HN Report. Continued from page 4)
Treasurer, C; The Sunflower Lodge Com mitter. desired to give expression to all the Olive Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. charge of a Publicit is place which we must rely when it is are indications el Grand Master. As the pointing to wonderfully complex sentiments Hector Connor, President George Gordon of New Limon constructive work which the Dis the human soul. The of the officers and Brethrer threr of the of Colon triet anticipates for this year.
INSTALLS OFFICERS. retired to the pososesses more fluency and briliano the Banquet Ha and Another event of Note was the and the violia most resembles did vidstice to the good things (not connected with the ike But the provided after A, rendered return of Mr. Amos Gordon and many The half yearly installation of Loyal and patriatic toast was his report for 1925 in which from Jamaica, where they bad Ellis of the Aesociation announced postraying like the Gordon Corresponding Secretary, other musical mediun of Officers of the Su flower Lodge submitted. The singing of the he stated that ten thousand heen for a few weeks. Mr. Gor daring the week that the January 33 o. of 8. and of National Anthen br ught the dollars was collected out of don is one of the longest Banana Annual meeting of the Board various feelings janimate the of mind and the heart, is orchestra trok place at the Efforts Hall function to a close.
which he spent over two Cultivators of this district. Directors of the Associatiɔn which that is, a combination of various on Monday 25th January.
thousand dollars in educatio Among those who called to say should have taken place on Satur part in transporting us through all musical instrumente, each doing its is beautifully The Hall decorated with flowers and Fined For Adultery. nal work, besides, caring for Welcome home in theiress Misa night last has been nos posponed Morales and Lalu for This to buntings and was crowded to its be an the transient, elusive, visionary capacity with interesting meeting. The member, gleams of fearfulness or mystic ticers and mem. On a charge of adultery the Association sick and Sigador ot new Limon.
bers of the Sister Lodges.
Cicilia Kinnimoute, wife of burying their dead. The ship of the Board in composed of loveliness which our imaginanois Walter twenty one and it is understood fancies.
Saturday evening last there that every member will be present the churches by Pope Vilaliannt James Principal Kinnimouth of the Association is located in CoThe organ was introduced iuot District Supreme Deputy in his Cristobal Coloured School, lon and has succeeded in was a meeting of the New.
usual impressive manner, per foruled the Ceremony. assisted and Gerald Wari, were found establishing several schools vidence Welfare Committee feature of the program will be in about the 17 century, and has been by his Staff of Grand Oficers, guilty in for colored children and is noch valuable work was done, stallation of officers of the Associa largely regarded as an instrument Cristobal The thorogh understanding of the Board.
the January June administration District Court on Wednesday bakery.
problems them The anoual report of the service in our days, however, the were as follows: will Brothers Copeland C, obabis Committee ita origin and submitted to 25 oreils poncibe popularity of the organis increasing last and were each fined fifty objects, shall be written by Corresponding and this no Prettie VC. Baxter R dollars and cost, later, Secretary. This report may be found exclusively in churches, bnt Temple WFS. Berry discussed by any financial meraber is often met with in the schoolWhy pay double price Treat, Fox P. G. was then conferred on Bro.
of the Association. All financial room, the library, the museum, the WCn. Hughton WTS, Copeland and Sisters Lorde and for inferior imported British Consulate Notice.
members are invited to this meet moving picture hall, and even in ing.
Walford wos. Širsters Vir White.
Beer when you can very fashionable staros. The everWPD, Holder D, Fnt.
is Members and visitors tben growing number of men and women buy a superior Beer MBI WDR, Tim mons Wretired to the banqueting hall The British Consulate General who are dedicating themselves t)
at Panama would like to know of such as BALBOA for the study of this grand instrument DF, Thomas DT, Boweni where refreshments were served WDLL Wiliams DC, and various songs Rent Receipt Books in Span is a great satisfaction. And, if there and toasts the whereabouts of Arnold St.
half the price.
Alm. DK. Wbile D graced the occasion until the Clair Yearwood, a native of Bar. ish and English for sale at the is truth in the words of Marti bados, Workman Printery (Continued on pgae 8)
Ibe past degree of the order wee bours of the morning, will be ready for Contra Crespo sound of the pe cefarm204, it can be will was perB ing the capable that organ, the for other the Canarie Lone


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