
The goodness of three tobaccos in one cigarette Chesterfield of name.
Girls were also GARETTES bs imates THE BEER cult.
Matrimonial Intentions statue of the Virginwbich bad Be Prepared this woman, who Of Prince of Wales.
until then, was simple concierge, or ball porter, in a for that Pain Bordeaux apartment house, bas DECLARED BY PERSONS CLOSE grown up a formidable religious cult with many wealthy members You can stop exeru TO THE COURT TO CENTRE Mme. Mesmin is now said to ciating pain instantly. ROUND SWEEDISH PRINCESS.
occupy beautiful estate Dua if you will only apply Bordeaux.
SLOAN LINIMENT Loved By Th» Er glish, On the oocasion of his visit, th Abbe at the invitation of boti Sloan Liniment is London. Jan. The MatrimoMme. Mesmin and her friends pain greatest enemy, nial intertions of tbe Prince of performed a ritual castiog ou and is backed by 40 years Wales are declared by persons deyils with which the founder ol of success the world over.
the cult believed she was then It is an invaluable remclose to the court to be centered The rich aroma of Turkish on his cousin, Ibe little known possessed. He later visited her be edy for Swedish Princess Astrid, plece tobacco, the sweetness and sald, and at her earnest sɔliciaRhe Scalia of the King of Sweden sod one of satisfying fullness of North tlon placed Sore Throat Badache cups upon her chest the few daughters of royal blood American tobaccos. all in to cure a severe cold.
this one delightful cigarette Sprains Brise eligible to become the consort of Some months afterward Chest Paine Sur Nede England heir to the throte.
received two letters accusing me The source of this information It penetrates right to of the most terrible things in BY ITSELF, probably no one tobacco would appear to take the di the seat of trouble, visits to connection with wy eco is perfect Mme. Mesmiu, continued the warms and soothes the recent denials that there was a But if to the natural sweetness of VirAbbe.
nerves and tissues, banposible heart attair between the ishing pain.
Prince of Wales and Princ. 88 ginia tobacco you add the mellow body Then followed a series of threa Try it now.
Astrid and that she contemplated of Kentucky Burley (another famous tening letters, culminatiog in an early visit to glad The yesterday attack by members At all druggists and Priocess is already known and North American variety. and then dealers.
of Mme. Mesmin cult, who are loved by the Bri ish reigning season to taste with the rich aroma comlet. ly under her domination.
family, and it is again asserted of Turkish, using each tobacco type in These people charged me with SLOAN that she will pay an official visi exactly the right proportion you will having brought trouble, sickness LINIMENT to London next spring, which CPAIN ENEMY and ill luck upon them by witch arrive as near cigarette perfection as will really allow an oportunity craft, said the Abbe, la Janfor be: kinsfolk to know bei men ever come.
uary last year, for example, better, and may bring an annou You will like these three tobaccos in received a visit fron the et ment to the restive Eglish band of Mmo. Mes mio and WILKINSON people that His Royal Highnes the famous Chesterfield blend better than eyeral of followers.
has at last found the fature any one tobacco smoked straight. He warned me to discontinue Contractor Princess of Wales.
wbat called my witchcraft. He At one time or another all the said the cult bad proof that and Builder Princesses of Europ. the Ger.
had practiced witchcraft and man and Austrian prominently in cast spells from a bird wbieb the days before the war have flottered above the chapel House No. 20 been mentiored as a bride for Mme Mesmin and cried out my 28th NOV, STREET, the Purce. With the democra SAN MIGUEL izing effect of the marriage of the Duke of York and Princess. only replied that their con Box 411, Panama, with Commouers, duct did not reflct credit upon the CIGARETTES Marie Mesmin, who claimed to wes of many daagsters ot thu peérage have been coupled with be a prophet of the Virgin. They Plans and Specifications Free finally warned me to desist, for, First Class Workmanship bis. of North and South if did not, they would retorn marriage prophets, and rumous picked in a year and beat the devil out Guaranteed of me until was half dead.
fired by a nation thankful to its war time Prime Minister, evet Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. This warning they unfortun.
suggested Megan Llɔyd George ately carried out yesterday affair is a The Prince of Wales is now although the whole 31 years old. Not for bundreds of mystery to me. am a simple priest, wbo bas years has an heir to the thron.
reached this age wibut a wife been in this little church for more and it this condition by not WSWSS syssos than twenty years, while Marie bothered him, as as his lo XX. Mesmin, a former concierge, bas declare to be the case, it ha grown rich in a most dangerous worked just the other way with the British people. Mot of the British girls beleved at some time to be on the verge of marIn every form can be seen Health Of Passengers ge with Wales, found mate: SUPPLIED BY here at its best See oui Jeewhere, and this, with the To The collapse of the popular enthuWrist Watches Princesses of Under the Caption Health of Bracelets Italy ad Romania 1o g and Passengers to the West Indies made many people believed the a West Indian Exchange says. Diamond Rings story that the Prince bad declar.
Years ago we urged in these id he would never marry.
columns at a time when emigra and a hundred other adornthat ales several years ago It is authoritatively learned otion to America was at full tidements and you ll recognize that the ships plying between informed the Rosal family that is brewed from the best he West Indies and the United why this is the LEADING be did to marry Ontil he States should be armed with JEWELRY HOUSE in town had completed tours over the materials obtainable proper medical assistacc We hopeh Empire and that be would not bought it pat it ask prices and you ll find still ake a brido unless he loved ber. untly. a utter disregard of the another reason1.
is known that Queen Mary is It is specially suited for this climate value of human life, to convey auxious to see her children bapBundre ds souls across a great pily married, and that it was ber of sea stretch without the desire for this happiness which is superior to all imported beers sold provision of necessary medical 122 Cetnral Ave.
brought Phone 629 royal consent to the attention. Our points might be marriage of Princess Mary and here and it sells to the public at answered to day with the the Duke ot York outside of the argument that emigration to the DR. HOFFMANN nigoing families.
HALF the price. is restricted, and that has transferred his clinic to 37 the danger has been minimised. Central Ave. upper floor of La There is great ground, however, Mascota in front of the Alcalde s, French Abbe Badly TRY OUR NEW BEER for opposing argument even in Eatrance between La Mascota existing circumstances, and Preciado Book Store. Beaten In His Church.
But the point we desire to make to day, seems to involve TELEPHONE 991.
important considerations. We Paris January The aged find that no proper care is taken Abbe Noyers, who yesterday on the American side to ensure Sam! Arriving on the steamer morning in the sacris y of his that passengers sailing for the he was given a berth in a cabin church in the little villagot West Indies are in a state of with someone else. The someone Bombon was beaten into a seme of health as may not subject tte else aware of the illaess of his conecijus cundition by a band of West Indiebeto pabenders te veshare the cabin with its common companion, refused religioui faoaties, was able to tell brilly of bis amazing exie 10 iso 900sicos the West Indies for the United toilet arrangements, and, as tjenee wbich reads like sto y the Midd e Ages.
States, they must travel, lodi the berths were cccupied, sul of viduells, with certificates of tered discomfo tinhas having to The Abbe will be under the bealth, and immigration officials address bimselt to a makeshift care of physicians for some tim re which lasted eight long days.
of that wide awake awake country rethe result of the brutal was no medical opinion to lasbings and cut ings which he examine them on arrival at Am received as be erican porta. Salling from France be sought on board, and the tipisbed the to the United States, man appeared at table celebration of mase.
dlog passengers is subjected to at will, wit was a delicate situation His assailants were members a strict physical examination tion the man being especially charm.
of a Bordeaux religious organiwhich amounts to bumiliation, Ing in manner and no sation founded by a former conNothing of the (sort applies the dared suggest to him to yield on clerge, and koowo as the stber way round. Passengers, any of bis passenger rights!
Of every description Order of Our Lady of Tears.
and American passengers; are We urge that something should The sect is a lay organisation and free to sail to the West Indies be done on the other side to proand has notbicg to do with eswithout satisfying anybody that vide against such a thing. It was fit to travel at all, or fit tablished religious communities, fit tuberculosis, it might baye According to the Abbe story. o mix with other been worse. Intending passenger mingle reveals fantantic passengers. The Voited States is from the to the West not particular to know the health Indies are not required to get a situation, the members of the DESPATCH conditions of the certificate from the doctor, it band, tbrough a letter wbich he wro e several years ago, heard departing. All it is concerned that was done, the eteamship is the passenger arriving.
agent tha: be dispruved of the cult and would have been acquainhare always hala of the case, and some a deep We are in a position to cite a AT THE resenta nt against bim ever ase: Semetime ago, an up for a rangements for the welfare of unate passenger on a ship, from been made.
In general could have Upon the invitation of the United States to the West In small istands like these, prominent woman who paid all Indies was suffering from adwe bave DO proper his expenses of the journey, Ithe sanced tuberculosisi He bought where Abbe consented to visit Mme bia ticket all right, only paying machinery for eliminating danMarie Mesmin, the leader of the bis money, with no questions gers suddenly thrust on us by cult, who in 1907 produced a asked beyond whether he was imported disease. we should be lable to pay income tax to Uncle more careful than we are.
the visits of siis on surrounding minha Belglom, The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Dot wish unwise, and, to Fuller Jewelry Store KRONEN BRAU SUPERIOR TO ALL of cabin There as unJOB. PRINTING layman. but it DONE WITH NEATNESS AND end which passenger ted passengers in since WORKMAN PRINTERY


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