
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926 OU CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To borrow Sunday, Feb. NOTICE THE CHEMICAL HALL AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies (Anglo Catholie)
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY Avenue, Panams de of public interest invited St. Paul Church, Panama PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rev. Nigh bungalo, Restor Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 6a. Haly Commun 10 a. Mains One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 10 30. Holy Eu. bs ist sermon1. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three We do not undertake to return ro12 Holy Baptisa, jected corresponence HAS REMOVED TO Ose pt Caurel Sobool. 30 Choral repong, sermos The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS Week Day Servier doreday Boly Communions SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926.
No. 31. CALIDONIA ROAD 63 kupoong at 30 Friday. Holy Communin at PENSIONS FOR WIDOWS.
St. Alban Church, Paraise and is now replete with a CANAL ZONE.
The beginning of 1926 brings rew hope for one particu(Rov. P. NIGR TENGALE, larly unhappy section of the community in Great Britain.
large and varied stock of Hitherto the fate of a widow left without support after the Priest in Charge desth of her husband has been hard in the extreme, es. 46 Holy Communion 3p. Church Bobool, pecially if she bad small children dependent on her. If her PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, 30 EVEDOng and address, husband were merely ill a small but steady income would Mr. Odborno Catechist.
br. coming in under the State insurance scheme, which Thursday Evensong at 30 o clock.
covers all manual workers. But once his illness ended PERFUMERY, fatally all payments would cease and the widow would be St, Matthias Mission lett to face the world on Such earnings as she could secure LAS BABANAS a hopelessly overcrowded labour market. From January (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, 1926 that is all changed, for when the insured man dies Prieet in Chanso.
now an allowance will still be made both to his widow and p. Church Sabool.
tó his orphaned children. It is not an allowance on which 18 Evensong and address the family can live in luxury, and the Government has been Our numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, Mr. Richards, Catecbist.
ciiticised for not making it higher. That is hardly reasonable, for the new step thus taken will lay a heavy strain on when they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore. St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca the finances of the State at a moment when it is difficult American Episcopal (Anglican Comenough to make revenue balance expenditure without a saranan mulon)
heavy increase in taxation. But at any rate the woman left SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY to support herself and her children will be safe from destiHoly Communion 30.
tution, and if she can earn a little to supplement her State SENSEXCxcesso Matius and address, 11 a. Lay Reader.
allowance she should be free from any serious anxiety.
Church School p. o.
This new measure comes near completing the very compre. 30p. Choral Evensong, cermon.
hensive State insurance scheme which now exists in Great The Rector.
Britain. The whole of the working population of the counJ MULCARE, Rector.
try, including domestic servants, is compulsorily insured under the National Health Insurance Scheme, and thus obSt. Barnabas Church, Empire tains both medical treatment and sickness pay in time of Litopy, Holy Communion, Sermon illness At the age of 70 the old age pension comes 10. 45. The Priest in Charge. payabie and now widows and orphans are protected by the Holy Confirmation at pun, scheme just described. To make the scheme really comCandidates of St. Bartholomew plete provision for old age pensions at an earlier date than Church, La Cascadan, will be presented with three of St. Barnabas. To all our 70 is necessary, and thit will no doubt come when the members and friende in the Empire Lap national finances permit.
Cascadas Distriot vary cordial iovitation in extended, MULCARE Priest in Currg The 48 Hour Week.
St. Bartholomew s, Church LAS CABOADAS.
Important nogotiations at present going forward beMorning Prayer and address 11 an.
tween masters animen in the British engineering industry Lay Reader.
on the one hand and the minister of Labour on the other MULCARE, Priest in chance throw an instructive light on the necessity of uniform international action in regard to labɔur conditions, partic.
St Jude Mission, Summit.
ularly in the matter of hours of work. The engineering Church Sebool 3: pm iddustry in Great Britains is not at present in a very pros: Evening Prayer and Addram 30 perous condition as the result in part of the competition of Layreader, various countries on the continent of Europe where much Sooxccx56. SOKO JT MULCARF Priest in Charge longer hours are worked than is the case in Britain. This kind of competition was foreseen when the Treaty of St. Simon Mission, Gambor Versailles was being drafted and provision was made for you must first give them something to support.
NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Matice and addrem 11 am. Las the conclusion of international agreements which should fxi We have been talking about our failures. Now that Reader, uniform labour standards in different countries. In pursu, we have a successful beginning would it not seem just and Church Schcol 30 am Rlad to see that ance of that aim an Hours Convention was, as is well proper that we do a little shouting about that. Do not mis: ot mine was good enough friend MULCARE, Priest in Charge knuwn, concluded at the Washington Labour Conference understand what we are saying. THE TRIBUNE believes that send notes from Now Providence in 1920, but unfortunately the Convention has so far been any Negro or group of Negroes who rob colored people do lag my absence as published Baptist Churches ratified by none of the principal industrial countries. Now, should be punished with all the vigor and harshness possi to your last issue. trust that cor tio ue to as a result, of the representations made by the engineering ble. On the other hand, we believe that those who prove the individas! will (Under the auspices of the Southera industry the minister of Labour in Great Britain both they are worthy should be given unstintei support. The assist along those lines, Baptist Convention. Germany and Belgium have expressed their readiness to ultimate triumph of the Citizens Southern Bank and Trust Colon 11 Lader Geo. Bowman confer on a joint and simultaneous adoption of the Washing Company rests in the hands of two hundred thousand. Markbam was absent from 15 Rev Guewes.
colony for 11 ton Convention or some modification of it. Replies are colored people who live in Philadelphia.
days from Nou Providenor 11 am. Diacon still being awaited from France and Italy, but there is at Why car. colored people in Panama get together and per 15th, and during that period Brootno.
be was patient at the Santo last real reason to hope that a substantial step forward will foster similar schemes for their economic benefit. The Tomas Hospital, he wcderwent Gatun 11. Leader Reid 15 shortly be taken towards the development of joint labour time just now is ripe for action along this line. Ed. minor Operation for a went Deacon Robie.
action in a number of different countries. At any rate it has below his right ear. He says 15 Bargeant Priokley.
Red Task 11 an. Denoon Crooke; that too mucb praise cannot be been abundantly proved that no single country can raise its Empire 11 um Deacon Brown; labour standards unless other countries are willing to raise given to the Government of this 15 Desconi Cuamingo Worthy Compaign. Republic for the construction and equip nen of the hospital. 15 m. Deseos Rumen Calidonia 11 them too.
Pastor Witt; As Charitable Lostliation, be Chorrillo 11. Deroon Yearwood The National Equal Rights League, an organization beleives that it is second to no 71. p. Pastor Witt.
kiod. Trust Company working for the equality of the American Negro, as Ameri of the doctors, and nurses, and 15 Mr. Minto Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Lewis can citizens, has started a campaign to put the Negro other attendants is excelleat. Continued on page 7)
question squarely before this Nation during this year. It is The subjoined excerps taken from the PHILADELPHIA very fiting for colored citizens to press their equitable claim To Mr. David Johnson, the toTRIBUNE is so very striking and lines up so pointedly with for full recognition during this year as it is the One spector, much credit is due to Dentist Howell the local conditions affecting our colored people, we publish Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of American Inths sanitary condition village, but the roadsite along them with the hope that they may create thoughts for the dependent. consideration of thinking West Indians here: With slogans and appropriate propaganda the league the telephone line is very much. HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA of Philadelphia has its first Trust Company owned and colored Americans by the Constitution shall be given: until proposes to agitate this country until every right guaranteed CANAL ZONE.
controlled by Negroes. It begins with a strong foundation. they be secure in their rights to vote, work and live as men rublle meeting here on Friday Rev. H. Thorbourne held a Office Hours: a. to 1p. It is headed by men who have character and ability. The among men. to p.
night last, the 29th ultimo, the herculean task was performed almost single handed by DAILY It is a worthy program. It will arouse America to the writer of these not was unable Major Wright, the grand old man from Georgia.
realization of her duty. Beneficial results are bound to come to attend but it is learnt that PHONE 1941 BALBOA The TRIBUNE is proud of this achievement. It helps to from such an agitation. But much of the power will be lost some otticals and others from Panama are expected discredit the propaganda about Philadelphia colored unless a united race gets bebind it and makes the protest the 22nd Inst, This Specializes in all the branches citizens being unable to accomplish anything in the business loud, long and continuous. Get behind the movement. He may be a grand opportunity for of Dentistry, world. Incidentally this is the first Negro Trust Company who would be free must strike the first blow To submit the colonists to bring vividly with the power to ensure titles to real estate in America. in silence makes cowards out of men. As our fore fathers to the visitors, the very urgent commercial road from Colin to It proves that the only reason for our not accomplishing battled for freedom from British tyranny in 1776 let us to eat distance) to this well Street building wilra so greatly De cessity of a water service (from New Providecer, and Limor.
more, is, because, we have not had the proper kind of lea agitate for an equal chance to enjoy the full protection of inbabited rettlement: and the improve the cor ditions of the dership. Negroes will support colored institutions. But this great government in 1926.
more important construction of dlage.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY 60 Only First Class Ones Need Apply an abscess A colony on


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