
Attractions at the Theatres After including some passed away are preparing to move on to Major she car DON SON OF ZORRO. הסלי Am an employer of Dame the La Boca Wesleva. Church, on Contra Crespo bis wife went brouzh the ATLANTIC SIDE tbickest of the Pur jab rebellion, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth In fact, the Major was ip Awrit Dorsett sar station at the very moment Farewell To Major And the Europos were being mo dered.
reaching his own PASSES TO GREAT BEYOND.
Mrs. Edward Bax.
isolated bome they were cut off entirely for three days, with about ten (Cuibuted)
LEAVES TO TAKE UP bend for other white persone, some of the American CECILIA The Wesleyan Methodist Corn AMERICA NEW APPOINTMENT Missionaries. They were pr.
murity of a Boca and Posius treloj by small party of about (PANAM)
cities, were put to mourn the AT BUENOS AYRES. 50 British troops who were able (COLON)
of a Good sister, 00 Wednesd y TODAY. Saturday, Feb: uary 6th and to be pushed down fron res!
TODAY. Saturd y February 6th January 201h, al 10:10 o clock a. in MATINEE Emmet Flynn in when Mrs. MARY ELIZABET During the past lew weeks comp. turally they bd some Conrad Nagel in DORSETT wife of Mr. ALATE.
bere bas been great stir io tbe very exciting times. THE LAST TRAIL CHEAPER TO MARRY DORSETT. hetter known Salyalton Army Headquarters Later on came well earned her close friends as CLAIRIN. at Cristobal, Canal Zone, for tu lough to England, which wa EVENING Major and Mes. Edward Bat followed by their being appointed Douglas Fairbanks in TOMORROW Sunday February 7th head of the Army work on the to take charge of what is knowa Esther Ralston in The decrased was an active Isthmus bave struck camp and the Trinidad Division DON SON OF ZORRO. BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK member in British West Indie Trinidad Tobago Society on the Pacific siie of it TO MORROW Sunday, February 7th Tolent and Grenada, the St.
and greater fields of labour in Douglas Fairbanks in Isthmus. She was Miss Mary Eli service of thele Master. Thelt they had a very bappy stay there MONDAY, February 8th zabeth Dowe, in the prime of Tew destination will be Buenos Tbe Army bas also very big They were really sorry to leave. DON SON OF ZORRO All Star Cast ia yonth when she arrived on of Ayres, sobey have been Isthmus from the Island busy packing and farewelling Darink Downlok 180 setmen.
MONDAY, February 8th TAE KILLER Home at Trinidad, capable of da, in the month of Jan.
Barbara La Mar in ibeir stay here for the past four uary 1923, and immediately she, Sears Major and Mrs.
Bax bave established her residence, in!
Jo addition to this, the THE WHITE MONKEY TUESDAY, February 9th endeared the mselves to the wat Boca, Canal Zone, and identified the Police Probationer TUESDAY February 9th Mary Philbio in berself with the La Boes Wesleyan entire Isthmian Community and Officer for the whole island of FIFTH AVENUE MODELS Bert Lytell in Church. Her quiet and affable especially to West Indiano who Trinidad, and Tobago. However have e mposed the manners as well as ber unreserved greater part ibo breakdown came at Panama. MESSAGE FROM MARS if not the entire, personnel of the WEDNESDAY, February 10th courtesies to all those with whom He cannot speak too bigbly of Salvation Army on the Isthous: the WEDNESDAY, February 10th kiadness be has mit the great came in contact, won for ber, Douglas Fairbooks in though a stranger, a splendid circle Major Bax bas bad: wide and with from the Americans here.
All Star Cast in of friends, among whora are Mr.
varied experience in Salvation both official sed otherwise. THUNDERCLAP and Mrs Benson Mr and Mrs.
Army work as the following while he also thoroughly enjoy THURSDAY, February 11th CR Moulton and hrlot reauté of his career will the THURSDAY February 11th becondence of bio owo people, Barbara La Mer in and WA and are mostly West Indians. Father Ralston in Mrs. Simm, family of La Boca. and Mr Major Bax first came in contact The Army work bere is in an BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK THE WHITE MONKEY Mrs. w Boyke and family, of with the army at the age of 13 excaptionally fine condition. Panama City, from whom the and has remained in it ever since present, the Major Parish FRIDAY February 12th covering period of a quarter of Including the Zon, Panama, and FRIDAY, February 12h great resper has brought about All Star Cast in century and seeing service in Costa Rica.
Bert Lytell in separation.
British India, Gibraltar, Triple Major Bax has now bad un THE KILLER MESSAGE FROM MARS In loving memory of her life dad, Malta and a host of other broken service as an officer for here, her friends Inok back at when, places as well as at the big army just on 30 years and hopes to SATURDAY, February 13th and she was joined in Holy Wedlock to SATURDAY, February 13th camp at Alderebɔt, Egland. do another 20.
SUNDAY, Febrnary 14 Mr. AL RED DORSEIT, of Conrad Nagel in All Star Cast in the Island of Grenada, B, DURING BOER WR Dorina sho stay here of Major THUNDERCLAP and CHEAPER TO MARRY of the CARL At 18 he entered the training and Mrs Bax much improvement STROM Restaurant of the Pacollege in London to become 18 bave been made to Army pro Caual, by the Rev.
of6cer and then was sent to perty. The large Cristobal Ball KISSOCK BRAHAM, B, ia York sbtre where he sa service now the best and mom accomo in a number of plicar dating of the Division. The Paraiso Hall while the British Empire was renovated; tn Boca bas September 20th, 1921. She then been thoroughly immediately moved to Panams partly rewithher husband and transferred fighting for governm nt by the buitend entirely renovated consent of the governed in South while other balls have cation of the children is readily her membership to the Wesleyana baea approved by one and all.
Africa Captain Bax was station greatly fun proved taking into Church of the City.
ed at the naval rt of Poris. nouit consideration the far diriant ones.
Net many months after marriage, with the army and navy, Mr. Earnest Bocas do! Toro.
Гото Rubertson, one Mrs. DORSETT health seemed Aldersbot followed and here But while bile there has be na time Acting Clubhouse Secretary to have become impaired. Howe he saw thousands Rooft that great deal accomplished material nere, bas been elected President of ver, her husband availeil himself of the land of the Boere and they sho spiritual side of the work THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER newly organized Tennis Associa: lav ty possible effort to restore Transvaal might be brought has not been neglected as the rion, and red Clunes, President of same by the La Boca Tennis Club, Vice they under the benefit of the British following figures will show that the attention of the leading playsi by consulting and procuring WITHOUT AN EQUAL President Secretary A Neels cians of Pana mı City and the Ca.
flag and as many return weary th work of Major and Mrs. Bax of the Cl. bhouse. Treasurer of nal Zone even worn and wounder unto the last among West Ladiaas here buo Don fail to try it the Association Next he was in Ireland and from been a real live one: and Spalding, moment. And it can truly be said, thers as a Lieutenant be sw for. During the past four years 746 Secretary. The Association is work. Mrs. DORSETT bore her iline. eign service and wis sent to the converts made public appeaiing out tentative plans with a view with great fortitude and to use her send island of Malta where the army ance in se rices, while 384 be.
repre entatives osions It is well with has a splendid home.
cam. Belvationists. 67, 500 Jamaica to tak part in tennis my have born my croes matches over there If these plans with a smile. PAUL BHIPWRECK No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Crys were diep sed of in mature the representatives will Accounpanied by a large numbe: This is the spot of St. Paul Division 8, 191 Indoor servies travel with a contingent of eyelists of inorners, the cortege left the informed 479, 611 sud 870 Open Air Sur beld with an attendance of bipwreck, he which is to leave Panama City in DORSE s Home, No. 112 Ca.
May to take part in eyele ineets inledonia Road, at 4:30 ON lces were held; 106 682 children Kingstou and thereabouts It wa) naturally full of loSchool on after attended Sunday ngaton Thursday, January 21st, for thu 300 terest to me. be added have poons. Tots does not include Wesleyan Methodet been out in a small buat to the she many other services The general monthly meeting of Church in the absent of place where two seas met. very wiek for o idon. During Madame Roneo will Intərprat zatiacal Signs the La Boca Panama District of the the District Minister, the Rev.
ine: tioned to the Bible, at the their stay several oplondtd bodle Panama Canal West Indian Em: By Messrs Walters Wade, the body was churchel very spot where the sake of Salvation Army Scouts, Guard. each wook for Readers of this paper Asso iation is fixed for Thursday of by and fastened on the band of St. Paul Choms and Sunbeams have been. Reid. The latter, in closing, and one ran rigt through my WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE startet in the Division.
expected that there will be great tribute e allary feet, large turn out of members. An life which the deeensal very appreciable Innovacion manches was then a captain and was in late days has been the trans January 29 February friends and businesassociates, aggressi ve campaign for members lived among her people, not only soon traostarred to the exhis for min of the Day Schools The Sign of Aquarius, the Found in reserving or her You 19. 09tion of a Recruiting Committee, School Trucher and Vice President Your happiness will be be been started with fortress of Gibraltar, where avain Silver City free the army bas a large bome for Schools to all children who attend Watarm an. uodertake a career which will This Committee Is chuirmaved by of the Christian Endeavor Society soldiers and sailors.
the Army Sunday Sobool, This Are you naturally of an ambi directly benefit mankind aad C, Bayne and will report its but also as a great example to be We did some business in step is proving very popular and tijas turn of mini? Then be careful should avoid one, the results of prodress at least at each month followed by all of ou generation. The fuper proceded Gibral ar. was nothing to try much appreciated.
in directing it. You must decide on which are remote and affect only ly meeting of the District. 000 eggs and bacon to the Old English Cometaly for the Major and Mrs Bax xpect to oue course of action and cling to o it yourself.
Tom 138 of an evening apart where the last bu. ial rites were for only by serious You are never de nonstrative but cor, cluded. Socioty.
from other things. b cime Il via Balboa, Peru, Calla, a sall on the 0:0ya on Babrunalo to an undertaking can your love will be true and strong quite an experts this and e ula Oreiland to Buenos Aytes, success be a The Pall bearers were; Mesara 198ured. Among those Marriol to one who is boru un der bave from 30 to 50 eggs in the where the Major is appui ated to born under this siga who the sign of Aries, that is during the Wrn. Creed, Buwono Thos.
pao at ones without breaking labe Headquarters atall. Tals ia have achieve su McKinley, Gou. April, you will Mo The Christian Endeavor Society Donald, H. Suw. re Thom us latter part of March or the first of in connection with the local branch Boyko, Hycorary Puli beurers: one. Wbile at Paine, undoubtedly of the Welesyan Spain and Cibralia: sawit selt is promotion, The abnonce of Majir and Mrs. veneur Norris and Borace Graejoy, experience great dom stic happiness out a splendid program on Tues Simmonn. Doris Evans, Eunica Church carried Misses Leon Moulton, Louise Nx the captain greatly felt all or Was tran Bux will be Basis del Toro and and their wirk more or less. Your soul color is a deep, tes. day oight last The main subject of Simmons, taken themselves sferred back England in the lotham whore they taste bilire and your lucky stone the the evening was with the poets. Pauline Boyk. Principal Mour: Boyke, of Lima bave seriously.
phire. su fower is the enow. which was well appreciated by an ners: Mt. Alfred Dorsett iro.
ments to the county of Kn, mede hoste of Erlend.
calie the Garden of England regret unusually large attendance The and Mrs T. Simmoss, Mr.
thelr departare. Tals oature and can understand the You are a goɔ judge of human drop.
end re he met bls wife, Mrs. jurnal extends to the gallan hones and fears, aspirations and (Copyrighted 1923 by Hense. ho contributed in this connectinn program was interspersed with numbers. Among those (Continued on page 8)
Bax home being in the Cathe Arany Officer and Mrs. x a discouragements of both your dumns Syndicate. dral city of Onterbury, hearty farewell and wlab them were: Miss Daisy White very Botb soon left for India. cutin red health in thsie promising Master Edmund so satisfactorily at the famosa WORK IN INDIA dald of labor.
Hall on Saturday evening last in Squires contributed a well received Clubh u. will brewis an For the first two years they Four of the Report of the Association covering Ron was heard in sone and Misses were in charge of the Army Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Training College la Labore, PuoLa Boca Pars.
its activities for 1925 was submit u. Simmons and Squiree gave ladies are engaged in a voting ted by the Secretary and approved, selections on the orgen, contest for the position of jib, and for the other elgbt The Girl Rosarve will bold queen of the Garden Party, and at 15 The report will be printed and years, the staff captain, as be their regular inonthly Conter clock that night the successful had distributed free to members in by this time become, bad time to good standing in the Associati a prepared for consecration meeting which she will sway her ceptre Through insufficient Another good program is being contestant will be crowned, after charge of one of the big ence on saturday February 6th.
at o clock in the Criptobil BirDistricts in the Punjab.
Clubhouse. All girls and friends carry through their plans for the The report will furnish most in which will take place on Tuesday over the buge crowd till midnight offteresting They na bado very nice style are u vel to be present a good proposed All Medalist Elocution reading for the vening text, Besides danclog, there there, and got to love the people program will be rendered, Miss on the 20th of this month, the La members, especially those who for will be other diversions That Colossal Garden The John Smart will be pres at and deliver Boca Athenaeum at its last Tues soine resson or other either do not Mu ray live wire o chestra will During the Beat war the an address to the Gris day meeting decided on a post visit the meetings and those who Party.
go over the top in Dew numbers Major was one of the first to are tardy in paying their annual Contes The just from head quarters.
join up to one of the many fine new date fixed is March 13, 1926. valuation which the Association contribution. part from higher volunteer Corps that ata there, The contestants seem to be What everyone is The Girl Guide and the Girls doing each other till the night In addition to the elucutionary and for about three years, was items which will, of course, be of is trying to effect for the Silver Friendly of La Boca once ore when the final count will saying in the Punjab Lgbt Horse, one high order, corning from all meda: men of the Cana) and Railroad a beg to remind the general public be This will take place next of the crack cavalry regiments of lists, the program will be inter practical program of general edu of the colossal Garden Party Tuesday night at 30 o clock India.
at KRONEN BRAU spersed with appropriate musical cation is economics and thrift and they intend gaving at the La the La Boca Clubhouse, and is During all this time he carried numbers.
other matters of vital importance Boca Clubhouse on the evening destined to be a very amusing the Salvation to the progress of West Indians is of Thursday, the 11th inst: Pre aftalr, Come and back yonk did not Army as usual, and it superior to all soffer in any way. He also did The Board of Directors of the being carried on; and at the same paration for the Parti is rolne favorite. and help bekwipon strong. and it is expected that crown, and be on the move to imported beers a lot of recruiting work in bePanama Caual West Indian Em. time the lofty policy of the Associa the girls who have time and getting ready for the Colossal tween umes. The Major and ploj ees Association met at Grovestion in giving attention to the edu again entertained their patrons Garden Party!
What Is Your Fortune?
where, week, perro.
the exer is present sucoes Grmaine who Dew violinist cbarmio, youn very much au of the on bis work in


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