
British Finance And Commerce.
Neon Sma UK Pain Enemy STEADILY climbing in favor close of ot 1925. last was unemployment. The moremo bas been slow, but the fact remains that whereas ibere were 149, 600 anemployed er gineering workers in July, 1923, the figure bad fallen to 87. 800 last October a decline of bout 62, 000.
In the textile industries the declive in unemployment babeen more marked. The cotton trade bas bad its ups and dowos, but two months ago tbe. unem ployed in this industry numbered only 40, 000, as compared with 122, 800 in July, 1928. The woollen and worsted icdustry has been subject to Allucl uations in the same period, but latterly SLOAN Liniment to prothere bas beec scme Improre claimed the world over ment in employment. In the fivel being Pain greatest enemy.
staple trades (iron and steel, Multitudes of people use and engineering, shipbuilding, cottot recommend it.
and wool) employing Rheumatic aches and palne instantly obey ita command two million persons, the per and disappear centage of unemployment at tle It penetrates right to the end of October last 14. a sore spot. No need of rubbing, figure wbich may be be contrasted It does its work thoroughly.
with the 19. per cent of unem Give it a trial.
ployment in coa)mining on th One bottle will convince you.
same date, and the 111 per cent for all in ured industries.
At all druggiets and dealers. feature of these statistics wbich 18 somewhat disquieting SLOAN the increase in employment in LINIMENT the dis butire traces, and those CPAIN ENEMY engage in catering for the en tertalo and ministering to the more kleured sections 190. 000 WILKINSON the commun ty more employees in the distri. butire trades and 53, 000 more in Contractor the ertertainment, sport, botel, laundry, etc industries. Many of and Builder these persons have no doubt come into these occupations from trom the productiv, trades, As House No. 20 the Britisb are primarily a mal. 28th NOV. STREET, ufacturing nation, these fogores.
though of increased employment, Box 411, Panama, SAN MIGUEL are not wholely sasisfactory.
TRAVELLERS TO First Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free BRITISH FAIR Guaranteed are must be Chesterfield PEARETTES WII Get Passports Vised Free, Government Has Sent Invita tion to Over 50, 000 Impor tant Flrms of the World.
THE BEER nued his industry, 112 (BY ROBERT VACKAY. The late Loid Salisbo Prime KA Miniskr of the Voiled Kingdom, once gave ue. ke advice tbt people abould study big maps similar wood advire might te tendered that economie statistics sbould be studied over a period of years. Thus Ouls can economic cigarette that facts be seen in their true pero pective. No doubt witb this In North America, the home. knows no frontiers laudible end in view, the British land of tobacon, Chesterfield is outstripping all other igMinistry of Labour have just arettes in its rate of growth sve apalysis of the ude ployment figures in this country in Latin America as well as covering a period of two years and four months (July, 1923 to October, North America, in Europe as well It is little unfortunate that the publication of as in the Far East as man after these important and insignificant man recognizes its tobacco qualfigures should have occorred on the eve of the Christmas holidays ity and tastes its smooth fullness for in this way they may not receive the attention deserve. They throw light on and satisfying aroma.
they the position of British trade and An unusual cigarette, combinthe general conclusion from their ing without a hint of harshness or caretul study cannot bat serve tu contirm the opinion of those over richness the choicest tobacwho prognisticate an increasing: cos of Turkey and North America.
ly rapid improvement in that position. At the same time it is Well worth a trial by any man well to bear in mind wayne that the who knows and loves good togauging of country trade by unemployment figures can only bacco.
bave a little application. In other words, such an estimation e checked by many other factors. It is only necessary to point out that the adoption o!
new processes of manufacture may lo volve considerable displacement of labour, while at tbe same time the fun proyed and cheapened product may be creatCIGARETTES sog a greater demand. Still the od (and, interentially. of employment)
have their uses, and this special analysis we are about to consider is of peculiar value in bringing to the fore certain ressuring Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
1acts that bave been obscured by the total figures, which are publisbed fion week to week.
The first and most sigoificant of tbese facts is that despite all appearance to the contrary, an appearance seemingly suppo tyd by the oss tigures. tho general improvement in employment experienod in 1924 was contilast yeat. But for the difficulties of one SUPPLIED BY great and important though it be, the coat Industry, there under reviow the comparativey would bave been in the perlod mam plovnent of 55. 178. 11 the create the figures for unemployment of 38.
coal. ciniog industry be excluded arom these statistics, we find ibat for the period mentioned shere was an actual decline ol 61, 700 in the number of unem.
ployed in all the otber Insured is brewed from the best trades taken together. The acate in the coal export materials obtainable trade, terrible fact as it is from the point of view of the country and those who have adventured their capital or labour therein, It is specially suited for this climate has on tols showing no reflection in industry nerally.
is superior to all imported beers sold Unemployment, from whatever here and it sells to the public at cause it may spring and to wbatever Industry it may be rife, is, of course. social and HALF the price.
individual calamity. Neverthless, a certain satisfaction is peruissable by this TRY OUR NEW BEER gelation that apart from the coal trade there bas been do general fallure of British industries to hold their rein in tbe marketsof the world.
Another fact that h38 been bidden by the aggregate figures is that there has been a tendnecy SUPERIOR TO ALL to a decrease in unemployment in several of the staple industries.
Coal mining, it is true, sbewed and increase of unemployment assistissSEXX between October, 1924, and Ostober, 1926. of 116, 872 persons, alarming as these are (and rightly the subject of enquiry by the Coal Commission sitting. it must be borne lo mind that whereas Great Britain share of the world exrort coal trade befere the war (1913) was slightly under fifty per cent of the wbole, tbat Durcentage in 1924 had increased Of every description slightly over fifty per dustries namely, the Iron and cent. Other of the heavy Insteel, the sbip repairing industries, have Shipbuilding and bad a bigb figure of unemplos ment during the same DESPATCH Piiod and a considerable number of persons have apparently permaDently left these industries for AT THE The same pther occupatios remark applies to the engineerwhere the matter is aggravated by the fact that of the unemployed of this industry large proportion of men are known to have left their country a well. Nevertheless of the e coat remain there bas been less The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
to adversity been to Baglande Fuller Jewelry Store KRONEN BRAÜ BIG INDUSTRIAL EVENT, Up to date Jewelry FAIR TAKES PLACE AT LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM FROM VEB lo every form can be seen RUARY 15 TO FEBRUARY 26.
here at its best See our New York, Jany. 12 (Journal Wrist Watches, of Commerce) contradiction to the depressing reports re Bracelets garding the state of Brhish industry which bave been car. Diamond Rings rent recently 18 supplied by the British Industries Fair to which and a hundred other adornthe Britieb Government has just ments and you ll recognize sent out official invitations over fifty thousand of the most why this is the LEADING Important firms of the world. JEWELRY HOUSE in town Much interest bes been ask prices and you ll find still Aroused by the recent decision of the British Government to issue another reason. gratis visas to all bona fide fair. Requests for invitations are being received in 122 Cetnral Ave.
Phone 629 large numbers at the various British Consulates which are authorized to issue official invita DR. HOFFMANN tion cardo carrying with them has transferred his clinic to 37 the right to receive British pass Central Ave. upper floor of La port visas free of charge, Mascota in front of the Alcalde The fair takes place ala ulta. Entrance between La Mascota neously in London and Birming and Preciado Book Store. ham from Bebruary 15 to Febru.
TELEPHONE 991, ary 26, 1926. This year its sixth anniversary will be celebrated by a State banquet for representative exhibitors and buyers Negro Expert Demonstrator, which the Prince of Wales will officially attend.
Washington, Cortex Since its inauguration the Peters, graduate of the business Fair has been growing rapidly department of Dunbar Righ in importance from year to year, School, and champion amateur until to day it has become unl typist of the world. was presetversally recognized as the great ted Christmas check for one est annual Industrial fair in the buod red dollars by the Under world. The importance attached wood Typewriter Company in to it by British manufactures is appreciation of bis typing epiclearly show wo by the great de ciency, and has accepted an offer mand which has been made for as expert demönstra:er of the space. More than double the Underwood typewriter at the number of firms have applied for initial salary of 32, 100 year space this year than in 1924.
and all expenses.
From the buyers point of view the fair la considered the most interesting development in Brit the public at certain hours The ish industry whleb has occurred needs of buyers and of the genesince the Armistice. see ral pablic are being carefully displayed side by side the pro studied.
Both the London section ducts of all the most important at the White City and the manufacturers of the particular Birmingham section are easily lines in which he is interested accessible. club has been esand can make his choice of the tablished for the convenience of goods most soited to his require buyers where they can make apments from the actual makers at pointments to meet people, obtain the lowest possible price. Fur refreshments and attend to their ther, can do in one day what correspondence.
de in normal circumstances take two or three weeks. novel feature of the forthcom Rent Receipt Books In Span ing Fair is that for the first time ish and English for sale at tho in its bistory it will be open to Workman Printery but figures JOB. PRINTING La figure DONE WITH NEATNESS AND He can ing industry WORKMAN PRINTERY would


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