
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Agreement Not To Sello Negroes Held No Good Coor THE ATTENTION OFFriendly Societies and Secret Orders ther MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS VIGOR TONIC Workman Stationery Store many WAS STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History purchasold the lot sind Wyman JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
ol in both that the prend report Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 spreading of to brink Michigan Supreme Court Holds that Restrictions Based on JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Color are Invalid Corner 12 Street. East Avenue The Michigan Supreme Cour: We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also bas banded down an important and far reaching opinion that will watches. Our prices are the lowest and our be viewed with interest by Workmanship is guaranteed.
Negroes throughout the untry.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF it belog to tbe effect Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you restrictions made against the may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may sale of property to Negroes on account of color were invalid.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of This decision is particularly interest are duly met.
important in view of tbe wides.
WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED pread activities on the part of whites to exclude Negroes from JEWELS AC VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
so called white residential districts rich Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall by Insertiog clauses to eontracts forbidding the sale o!
be pleased.
the property to anyone not of Suitable for Lodge Business the Caucasian race. By this decree on the part of the Supreme Court, all such contracts are void in the State of Michigan.
While this opinion is favorable. AT THEThe best Tonic in the World to the colored citizens of Michigan and the country it is pointed out that tbs decision does not touch upon the occupancy of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendpremises on which restrictions bave been placed, which has been ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, the bone of contention in the appena gogo go go go go go go go go gero gogogogo Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Cases throughout the nga bagong gore country a run down constitntion The suit in question It promotes digestion, impi uves the appe brought by Porier sod Wyman, NOTICE tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Muskegon real estate dealers, against Wilbratt and Auxille DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Barrett, white, and Wilson To All Whom This May Concern: times a day.
Robinson, a Negro who sed the property involved Porter This is to inform the public and the membersblp in general Louis Parent, white, who in turn that the Supreme Grand Temple, it to tbe Free and Accepted Order of Barretts. The con: Ehiopia and African Rites, Inc.
tracts in cases specified Mystic Masonic, of New Rochelle, property not not be New York, USA, Rold to Negroes upon penalty of AND is receiving to the the CHURCH SERVICES the lots and all improvements to Ebenezer Church of God And Holiness fererling to the real estate palicious No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Upon the sale of the unfounded against (Continued from page 4) Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages to Robinson, Porter and the above named der by some Property Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday So clock, Prayer Meetiaz (STREET CALIDONI ROAD Divine Bervice Preacher. snit la tbo Circuit Court and lic of Panama, and by letters Wycan immediately brought agent in and around the Repub.
Bupplied verdict was given in favor of the from suid agent to Costa Rica. near Lothmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday School Superintendent. defendants. This decision was acd Bocas Del Toro.
Summary of Contents: Babbath (Saturday) 945 Bab p. Programme afirmed by thy State Supreme In the articles of the agen! History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years betb Sabool; 11. 18. General Worship 30 o. Gospel Service, Preacher Court on the appeal of the propaganda is that the above Supplied. 80 m. Spanish Clase; Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, named Order is working under a plainults.
Tuesday 7:30 pm. Grepel Service twofola is a scheme, and Justice Fellows, in welling bis society of graft. To all members 30 M. Society, meeting Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, 30 Junior and Senior Standard Note. Other Se vices for the week opinion, says. We most bear ip and the public, we tentare to say Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, of tainment Class p. Vespero will be given from the pulpit. mind liat we are not dealing that such statement has for it Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Sunday evening 30 PreachElder ODLE witb restraint on the use of foundation no other intentivo be Pateor in charge.
The general public in tog Service premises Buch restraints, unless thandation Dos Players cordially invited to turn out in large Valuable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and numbers.
Solomon Intoxicating liquore was members are the various temples Dreasonable, have gaite unl barm, grevious do and formely been upbeld. Before discontent Interesting Services of the Bethlehem Seventh Day Adventist Church prohibited this court and Councils and Chapters, which Church of God Holiness practically every court of last bave been operating in harmony Price 50cts.
Ord STREET BROADWAY, COLON straints Sabbath (Saturday) 45. Sabbath No, MARIANO AROBEM ENA for its manufacture of the use of premisee and Caatral nerica is untrus or SAN MIGUEL our. Bobool; 11. 15 General Worship perpublic safety of the Order Bucb restraint. upon the USE for the 30 Young people meeting Secure yours now there will be great rush uniformly upheld: but we are offering reward of Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting was 30 in Veepers 10 Divino Service, Brocling would restraint on SALE of 25. 00 to any person or persoas for them, Phillipe premises to one who was who will produce sufficient eviBunday evening 30 Preaching p. Sunday Sehool, Superinten engaged in the sale of intoxica; Idence that will lead to the arrest Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Bervior.
attend those service and bring your pel Service, Elder Parkenron.
You are cordially invited to dent. pm. 35 Gooting liquors elsewhere to valid? and conviction of the propaganI think not.
Panama dist.
friendo, BEULAH 11 a. Divine Service For all particulars Bro. Bmall, Address Supreme Headquarters, The Church of fod 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten Thousands of Tourists of and Rs, Inc, dent. p. Goepel rervice. Bro. Small GAMBOA MISSION 11 m, and New Rocb. lle, Y: Panama, Arosemena Street, House 25, p. c, supplied.
Expected in Cuba. Nov. 18th, 1924. EL GAITERO Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Elder T, FRANCIS, meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a.
Havada, Jan. 15. El Sol of Passenger Movement of PaTHE ONLY ELABORATED Pastor in charge.
ond 30 Sunday School at p. co.
Marianao writes Ocder the Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 m. Young People caption Tourist Travel Propa nama Canal During 1925.
ganda, as follows: Wednceday at 730 The Salvation Army Spanish Cider with its nel mogling. Thursday at 30 During the calecdar year 1925 PANAMA CITY CORP.
According to the figures of the the number of passengers Open air meeting, Friday at 30 pm.
Services are follows local agencies of steamers sailing own Carbonic Acid Prayer Mooring between Cuba and the United disembarking at Canal Zone ports a. Early Prayer Meeting.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. States, over 65, 000 tourists will was 34 056 and the Dunbar of 10 nm, Children Directory Meetine visit Cuba during tbe wembarkations during the sime Red Tank, Cibal Zoue Sunday School and Brigade United Open Air Meeting year attı acted by the beauty of period was 31, 875 p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm.
ulted by Holinese Meeting to be con the country, our wonderful tely 57 percent of the arrivals Commandant climate and other advantages tores were carried as first class 58 Sis. GRAY p. Y, Company meeting and including the programme of fare Now Providenon. Gospel Meetings Brigader Open air.
festivities in honour of the and the remainder either as p. Junior Open Air.
11. 30 am and 80 Bunday School tourists being drawn up by or steerage.
As URETIC AND REFRESHING pm. Separate Brigade Open air representative elements of the calendar year 1925 shows ared with 1924 the at p. Wednesday at 30 o. GorTrade Mark pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 Prayer Mooting, island.
Meuting, p. Salvation meeting in the Hall par cent increase in the total Bro. McDONALD by Commandant and Mrs. Martin.
The fact that 65, 000 travellers nomber of arriv. l, and an in VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ are going to arrive to our shores crease of 81 percent in the total Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mosting cordial invitation is extended to all. In quest of amusement and dis number of departures.
at 11. 80 a. and 30 m; Nunday Monday, Life Saving Guards and traction and S, Sunbeams Parade at p.
In addition, there were 159, 913 to enjoy our Bobool at pm. Wednesday 30 VILLAVICIOSA attractions is of material and passengers brought to the Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Tuesday, Band of Love Work Close moral benefit to Cuba. The great Isthmus by vessels calling at SPAIN Pra Mias.
at 30 o.
advantage Cuba will derive from Canal Zone ports during 1925.
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Wednesday, p Life Saving Scouts tourist travel will soon become Calon and Streeta. Gospel meet and Chume parade. Home League at noticeable.
To ls for Jan. 1926. ESTEBAN DURAN Ings at 11. 30 cm and 30 Bunday p Thursday Holiness meeting in the That is why we consider the SOLE AGENT Bohool at Pobo Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Half to be conducted by Commandant Association of Havana and the vessels transited the Panama Canal steps taken by the Merchant Four hundred and seventy nine Martin at pm.
For the Republic of Panama Prayer Meeting.
Cuban authorities to attract during January 1926 and paid 2, MARTIN. Commandant tourista lo large numbers to our 103, 368, 29 in tolls. 219 of these Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON shores of great convenience for commercial transits were northand most plausible. The measo. bonod and 290 southbound.
TAKE NOTICE Bethel Church of God Salvation Army Hall.
res being taken by the Public Works Department of construcThe WORKMAN NewsHoliness British Consulate Notice, ting and repairing roads and RIO ABAJO, LAS HABANAS LA BOCA CORPS beautifying Havans also deserve paper can be had at the folunstinted applause and praise.
Have you tried the The British Consulate General lowing places: 30 Knee Drill.
Banday. am, Prayer Maeti.
11 a. Holiness Meeting.
113. Divine Service. Proaaber Because those 65, 000 tourists now Boer at Panama will be glad to learn of Lindsay Place, No. 2, 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent p. Sunday School.
he whereabouts of Mrs. Rosabe Street, San Miguel.
who are coming to visit us this 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher 80p. Open Air.
year will return again to our Kronen Brau Sampson uée Drummonds, of Ja 30 Salvation meeting.
shores, brioging with them March, Barber, 55, Calimaica.
We extend a cordial ir vitaton to all thousands of more tourists, Bro. WILMOTT, Click in charge dunia Rord.
Among sale: Meeting present ApproximaCider Champagne second, third or 45


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