p. 8


landa 100 Zipl Zape Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Triple Function among LEGAL NOTICE MRS. MARY ELIZABETH.
To Morrow Races News Items Last Sunday Races (Continued from page 1)
General John Pershing There will be nine races at arrived at Balboa on WedIf prognostications were upset Mre. Benson, Mr. and Mrs Chas, Juan Franco Park tomorrow nesday evening last on the in alleight races as in the first, Moulton. Mrs. Federingham, af ernoon, the few faus more than the nine who Mr. Nelson, Mr. G, Springer feature of Battleship Benver from invested on Wormwood 10 win in Mrs. Alice Wilson, and Mrs, which will be a seven fur Arica, Chile, enroute to the the five furlong jump for class Boyke, long race between Copiapo, United States. He was met dative borses would have Among the many who attended Bolt, Manua and Jolly Fellow by Acting Governor Burgess Telt Juan Franco Park on Sunday were: Misses Ramona Simmons, JUAN FRANCO TRACK There will also be a four fur of the Panama Canal and last all bathed in smiler; as the Panchita Dedier, hel Moulton, little native pony romped home Ursalia Boyke, Dapbine Boyke, long race for two year olds heads of the Army and Navy ahead of his file and paid bis Estelle de Cotteau, Jane Sem TO MORROW carrying a purse of one stationed on the Isthmus. He backers 35, 40 on each ticket. mitz, Miss Atherls, Ivy Barba Roja, be favorite in the Vidlet Gal, thousand dollars.
Lowe, sajled again on Thursday Elaine Eastmar, The program: Sunday, February 7th, 1926 was scratched Madames Simons. Rhoda Four furlongs purse 150.
The race on wich the Iggest Evans, Elizi Celes in, Roamer 132, Barba Roja 26, won by Bl; this was to The American Navy statioEthelise Metchulle, Mabel fitth Zipi Zape 118, Wormwood 99 Gran Senor 90.
Fvent of six furlor ga ned on the Canal Zone will Atherly, Mrs. and Miss for class imported horses. Bolt eine Sealey, Alma Eus man, Bostly in two lengths ahead of Frou esrle, Anda Six furlongs. purse 200. be much in evidence during Döruthy Busca, Ficu tbe second burse. Conos, Ružins Moulton, Renown 126, Chiqui 113, the Carnival as Admiral RoBaby Peggy 102, Top Ser: binson has promised six hun.
Martin, Agnes Clarke, Forestina few di ciplinary measures Shaw, Mary Hoyte, St, Hill, Races For Imported horses dred men and three bands for gean 90, Dictador 90.
were handed out to both ckey.
John Gwendoline and owners; for instance, to: Wallace Six furlongs 350, Towel the big parade on Tuesday not riding Rialto to his best Mssrs Jimmy James, and for Native bred Ponies lo 128, Pierrot 128, Tacna y the 16th.
Jockey Aranda, was set down for Ballen, Charlas, Charles Arica 122, Meddler 113, Belle week off the track; and for Andrew. Pereiral Link, et ad Sauvage 90.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE five furlong race for two changing Gallineta jockey Elward Williams, Cyril Four furlongs purse 300. year olds, carrying a purse the sixth race and at ibe Dast Chas. Moulton, Barthol Jailer 126, Tigre 112, Spear of 1000 will, in addition to minute, this horse was not per mew. n. Falkner. Chas mitted to run in the race and bari Moulton, Green, Henry HN, Blade 115, Oriental 111, No the feature race carrying a six ANOTHER BIG CARD owner fined 425, for noti vicia 109, Burla 108 Jingoe 92 hundred dollar purse, be run fying the Club otticiis accordi W. Brown, Smal. Cras, Jube Four furlongs. purse 1000 at Juan Franco Park tomor0 to the Jockey Club. Regulations Dodson, Gute slikes.
Colonel Arango 119, Lucero row afternoon.
he penalties werer inflicted on Stewart, ch, Jack nan, Ben bob hos aud jkey which Everybody will be there. Don miss it. 119, Capoul 119, Madoná 114.
wiltul Burcard, Budd, Me indicate a start to end Seven furlongs purse 600. The La Boca Athenaeum minator of the rules of the Walls, Poilips, First Race Starts p. Sharp Copiapo 132, Bolt 90. Manua has extended the date of Club and to better protect the Itill, Jules, and many others 90, Jolly Fellow 90.
Interest of race fans.
application for entry in the al. o a group of members from The day results were as Ldge of Panama City and LA une o Seven furlong. purse 400 All Medalist Elocution Con0. Free Gardners ADMISSION: Conde Danilo 132, Cicero 130 test to the last of the present llows: iB sca Sard Oran 132, Sister Cecilia 129. month. The date of the contFirst race: distance furlonge At the close of the last rites, Mr.
Field Stand 50c.
Grand Stand Risa Loca 121, Olla 105, Ro est has been postponed to. or native horsus) purse 125.
Walters stated he could not permit Wormwood wou and Cholito came the opportunity to pass by with March 1926.
In se sond with balta Jength be out xpressiog his warmest symp.
Six and one. half furlongs hind the winner; v. pe filthy to Mr. Dərcett, and at he Shed third. The winner was the saine time to commend him for the purse 325, Mi Pollera Dad den by Haughton wh le Colchi manner in which he nobly stood 120, Funchal 116, Marcela Moore rode Cnolitn; Aranda rode the tes of his trials, exhorting him 100, Argentino 116, Ponchol Have you tried the to look to the Lord for strength Roto 95 distance for and comfort in the time ot his Second race: now Boor fonga (for class native bor hereavement.
Seven furlongs purse 3501 ses. purge 150. Bildego rode Capitan 132, Fachendo 114 Kronen Brau Ruso from behind to win by a Fairplay 111, Meelah 102, Regular Assortment of narrow margin Rialto who with ANNUAL MEETING OF.
Sunny Girl 90 Caribe had set the pace from the rise of the barrier. Candlewood ran hird. The pool paid 20 (Continued from page 1)
and 50 on the winner and recomending the establishment of on Rialto Dime Banks by the Association. SUCH AS Elks Of The World, Third race: distance furlongs and the appointing of district (for class imported borses) commitees to lecture on Thrift, Notice of Pendancy of Suit. purse 250. Chicht Moore rode and another from the Gamboa Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Friday night 15 ult. was UNITED STATES DISTRICT Sunny girl and won in this race; District of particular interest to th: scene of Iriple funcion Alde beira. na plece ariely. Poor and what there would Altanera Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine ran second that section, but the nature of among colored Elks of the Worla! COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE 4, 90 «nd on the second horse disclose at the present time. Seera.
not be politie to Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, of Mt. Oir pus Lodge No 539 wben Exalted Ruler El Worrell Fourth race: distance furlongtary Davis letter advised of the Balboa Division securely tethered five strag. fer class imported borses. step the Association mieht tak etc. etc. etc.
glers in the Mystic Prairies of CIVIL No: 748 purse 350. Funchal with Escoto carry the matter further.
Elkdon, installed officers, with IR ST, WEIS Plaintiff bar up won; Buck Dancer second The ineeting was pleasant and the Daughters of Eareks Temple und Maac id thi Pcol pala interesting throughout, and regret tolloring suit for the ensuing CYRIL WEIR Delendant. 50 and 90 on the winner was expressed that there were not term and 10 on Buck Dancer. many members present to see and terim, Divorce th race: distance furlongs hear for themselves how much ing oficers were elected to guide To Creil Weir: You are hereby notified that on (for class imported horses was being done by the Association 93 CENTRAL AVENUE the destines of the There was, however, considerable Order: January 29 1923 Iris purse 600. Bolt. ridden by bene wa Ex. It Riler Et Worrell. re aled in the above entitled court Arangu z, was the winner: Til optimizn as to the progress of the buno second; Frou Frou third movement during the current year; Panama City.
tected. than Whit. Esteeme petitio wherein she prays for ad Pool paid 90 and on the this optimisn being most marked ading Knight; helred Danie 250 to divorce from you on the winner and 40 on the second in the contigent from the Cristobal Exeemed Loral Kizht; Gal statutory rounds of Dessertion, Lisbley, d you are further hereby notified Colon District. May these high Este and Locu in that you are required to enter your borse.
Sixth race: distance furlongs hopes be realized, Financil appearance in writing in the office of Knigh. Liced. the Clerk of said eart at Ancoa.
ELKS WILL GIVE 14, 000 Banana Shipments. for class Imported horses. orex well. Recording Sec earn or before March 11. 1928.
Canal Zone, and mak) ausver thereto, purse 275, Capitan won, with Ebenezer Church. YEAR FOR EDUCATION za Fitz Herbert, Treasurer, Jock If you fail to do so within the time Aranda up Jbnson, storesaid the said petition will be taken Carajada Eight ships took to the United ridden by Schut and Araucana States during the month of Jan. ren Ebenezer Church of God Holi MEMBERS olando Gibbs, Inner as coatos se. and a petitioner will ONLY TAXED by Moore, ran almost a deinde nes, Calidonia, will hold special cents per annum in order bananas ir le port of Cristobal Buchner dos copain in your called upplied tor in the fruition 1925 187, 113 bunches of Guard;Pailio Gaorge, Tiler. sake judgement avaiast you by default heat behind the winner the Araucana a nose heb nd. Pool Entertainment in behalf of DESERVING on the of the wood, TrusteesN.
Church on Wednesday night the THAT Ell cock, 83. 20 and 30 on paid HL ald PEOPLE MAY GET RIGHT Start Panama Caual. The principal port Chaplain; Jos Spancier, Mistir 2, 80 and 90 of. cn the winner present month, at Clerk.
which to which the fruit was taken the of Social Sessions; IN LIFE.
there will be a second and third of borse, things including numerous dia: a variety New York, Los Angeles, Pe. 8, 13 a6 20 mobile. Lewis, WE Race, respectively, Recitations, action songs, logues, New Orleans and California. The 16 1; Commit e; of Francis JS, Seventh race: distance fur: along with solos, Duets and other Gary, Ind. Jan. By bananas were handled as follows: Ways and PROFESSIONAL AND. Moans.
longs (for imported three year instr In pursuance of a step United Fruit Toe instrumental pieces, at which we are Company was respon (Continued from page 1)
eas 1yron Belle Soovage schede expecting to have some of the most like the the last convention of sible for the exportation of 74, 953 blv performed by Gʻana siate olds) purse 800Fachendo talented Elks when a bill was passed steme; the San Blas Developing oganizar Carl Eliott, assiated by Similar functions were held at the Picbebetong the fourth Autor bride Colon beton in the lodge and appointing Barama Company. 18 395 and leadly, and, PER Savage evening, and at the Girls Normal rest 2, 40 30 on the winner, 60 on th: actually the happenings of the precity as commissioner, a letter bad the lack of rain January is consiTh9, brethren then retired 3chool of Arts and Crafts to Schools on Thursday. that of the 2nd horse, sent day, the doors will be open at 30 prompany. been recently addressed to the dered a per month for bauadas. whilst Pant Daughter Rul follow. this evening Gertrude Furde splendidly mani Exhth race: distance 64 fur will be sold at twenty five cents u. six hundred branch lodges acpulated the longs (toa class Imported C, for Adults and children thing them with the progress Advertise in the Workman Tais eaded, Balls and Daughters derful improvements and rapid officers The foregoing shows the won.
horses) purse stro CiceroU Those of work 80 are by the commisioner.
IT PAYS grac the festive board which trides being made aloog educatio.
was heavily ladun with the deal nall acquainted various lines in this republic which (Schultz) and Olla (Jimenez) se tainments which the members of lodge member is year of its exiscond and stird, respectively. The Ebenezer Church have had twenty cente a year for the neber qualification. The department cious viinds tbat hel» to gladden cely in the 23rd.
den tence as aa. independent governman, Pool paid 20 and 60 on ci from time to time will know abso. work to be paid quarterly and of educational will select from after which, the parting Oament and hospeaks a bright future cero and 20 on Rolando for intely that this one will be come and getaddresu serande fe repartemente persone condicate aia. Toid brought holes sont to close not the who are ambitious enough to tako worth while se. It is those receive This come and enjoy yourselves, ed that, due to the good work of will be done each year.
very wee bours of waking moro.
well performed duiv, with the forted thra The President of the advantage of the opportunities af.
SPARKLETS the grand exalted ruler and the other grand officials, the first an annual educational week to be for the big st and grandest of Another plao is to in ugurate Bills of Mt. smpus preparing (Continued from page 1)
collection was made without a single protest. The amount to Rin Ayril 12 of this year. Dariog ii. tious. ia the coming month. harlie is to be congratulated for placed on his cabinet with have also studied philosophy and the portfolio of Secretary of Publie evolution and paychology some Why pay double price garnered in the year should this week, each Ell lodge and Instruction so able and powerful time in your life. That some of for Interior imported temple is expected to arrange. account to practically 14. 000.
program for both the lodge and Notice to Correspondents.
an educator as Dr. Mindex the doings of an absent minded Beor when you can Professort Then thought of entiru It is proposed to use this money temple, and to invite the Pareira.
st referring him to our indispensable buy a superior Beer to see that deserving boys and community to join in and ass weekly which also recorded, one girls et into schools and there thorn. rec immendation is made Contributors and correspondente such as BALBOA for week late, news of the cut over fore. scholarship will be given by the commissioner ibat the pre asked to send in their contribut ALL ROADS WILL LEAD 10 from manual to automatic of Canal half the price.
throughout the country. ch Elks set to several broadcasting tions not later than Thursdays to Zone telephones.
lodge is to have the privilege of stations for the disse nination of insure publication. This is inpera. TRE POPULAR BIPODROME OF naming a candidate, with his orracial propogacda.
tive and must be adhered to. JAUN FRANCO TO MOROW.
The Workman Printery Weie Aloi za 20 the 10th.
Sarly installation audio modern Robe. Meddier har blogues and relations will is


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