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PRICE Cts. Cy.
500 West Indians Reported Killed in Cuba Kinley Enquiry to Pass Upon Illegal Conviction lated cebu bogations guilty of well be Thie here and purpose the evidence up a given 2:5 is now judicial that Garvey that wa WAO he ho his that it Am out of of enli Cuban Sugar Plantation Scene of POUND TIMELY Bloody Massacre When Troops STERLING WARNING Stopped Pitched Battle Risen to Highest Point To West Indians Taking Sinoo War.
Part in the Carnival.
Great Britain Domands that Cuba Protect Lito and Rights of Hor Colonial SubjoctaDireet West India cable To The EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Of Marcus Garvey May Result Martial Law Declared in Hostile District.
despateb from London Sir: In the editorial column of a Pebruary 1st state that the pound rerent issue of La Estrella de Pet in His Early Liberation.
sterling rose in the foreign The Jamaica HERALD of the 6th inst, says: exchange to dollars 861 and Herald) there appeared 20 Washington, Jan. 20 It will bring the matter to show have been massacred in Cuba! This was the news which The upward movement is usual at article in which the writer a person definitely the opinion on down, by calling on the Presidente reached the ears of a representative of the HERALD a couple present one is considered in marketion of his countrymen to the im. Dation that Marcus Garvey, Pro under the caption: The Problem Five hundred West, Indian labourers, mostly Jamaicans. Iest point touched since the high. nams ispunish section of the Star time of the year, but the the native, of cour:e e lled the atten persons in the official life of the to follow the result of its fødingo liberate Garvey.
portance and of days ago. The information was contained in a letter which tied to have been bedredon by the strictest decorum and decency nowa sem vingedefine per consentence of Marcus Garvey hehe New YORK ving Vicional Pr sideat of Africa, who is of.
States ble took place at a sugar plantation called Las Rios in the purchases and is looked upon us in all theie actions during the jointlanto Federal Prison was bol Naws publishes the following?
States using of coming, carnival were widely condemned at somewhat significant in view of som Oriente Province, a few days ago.
mails to defraud.
the time of the conviction of Car.
the gold position and iner asing bint which think This opinton is said to be basadvey for seeking to properly so It is said that for some time past the Cuban labourers competition on the part of foreign taken by others domicild have been jealous of the West Indian labourers particular loans The sterling rate essed a especially by the West lodian upon records of the new famous praise his service to the. element taking part in the festivi erial bit orbich Garvey noted we said that wrong or right her ly those from Jamaica. Trouble have been threatened for faction during th afternoon.
ties Perinit me, therefore, to rise up own attorney. ersons holding high bd made more of the misses of some time and it culminated in an open riot in which the West Indians were brutally massacred.
office in of declare hat according to the cal predecessors. By his convieIn the pitched battle which took place it is asserted FIRE DESTROYS that These festivale, says 10 just beeation, he has focused in that the Cubans used their machettes freely and blood TITANC writer. portray the minds of the bevorder cover ment could not wider circle, the minds of the black flowed like water.
peuple, and inasmuch as the Pana. out acted as his own stop my foond Garvey guilty bud he willions throughout the world, not ma the past few Finding thut the riot was gaining proportions and the in.
only. but These but upon Pure of unknow origin almost years has been galning increased the door official Musante erant while propagunda. The story on cloned for terests of the estate seriously threatened, the management completely destroyed the three coutinental fame, it was absolutely reversal oi credence the court convictio: the 19 wrongfully it no way is now clear for spread atid not pees his own hwyer that to convicted quell tbe disturbance; and when the battle was quelled 500 rately one hundred apartments, decent and dignified develop alleged errors which appear on the English Government not been pardon for Garvey buse upon the wall have been treed, that had West ludians mustly Jamaicans were slain. Martial Law beart of the resi lential section of ment of its people. There is today the face of the trial records.
know as the Titanic in the keeping with the cultural had to be decları On receipt of the above information, the HERALD re the blase starting shortly after one on the port of a good many of big now existing amung high olie Atbuta. Be that as Chorrillo on Sunday afternoon last, wo great a tendency he continued, The general and uniform opinion woult never bave been sentenced to behind his prosecution that he it presentative called at the Colonial Secretary Office and jo clock. Thə building is owned by countrymen to set aside the old seems to be that the ends of may in the enquired of the Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary if he had higied and ide varice is estimated ability hereditury to the there is no reason for Garvey us to again suy that the white world Dr. Pedro Ubarrio, Pagama principles of self ree peet, gallaotrytice have been served, and inst do jus recurrence of of the problem what to received any information of the disturbance. The reply 25, 000, 00. The building was race and to adopt methods and further detention in prison. They must reckon with his radian!
do with Garvey from or Garvey dem was in the negative. Of course, it is unlikely that the local coupied mostly by Panamads and to be practiced among would not have bren indieted, had to authorities would receive any report unless they specially West Indians.
Jonger make a request Any official report would be made by the The fire was put under control certain foreign governments, fearful people of the wuld. Garvey believe. naraess and expicit the black British Minister to the Foreign Office in London.
after two hours of berculean offorts In this luss connection. of the fores and justice of his pro that the Caucasian world is not We give the story as it has reached us; but just as we of the efficient Panema firemen, with the writer ard feel that he has paganda not male representations only indately were going to press we received some confirmation of the asb. sted by membe. of the police reasonable grouods for the state througt channels which he the worly inwately byprocritical, bus eternally hostile We believe that horrible Siaughter which is said to have taken place in the (Continued op page 8)
power to bring ab wt the iudizt. there is an ultimate sense of je (Continued on page 8)
ment. Officials here, who are in tics and fair pl Deighburing republic, Iterested in the case let it be known the white ply which will be FURTHER DETAILS SPARKLETS hey The New York News cf the 23rd ult. published the hael upon the grant deia ocracy and errors found in the trial the black wond. We believe that equality to follo ing despatch from its correspondent:oureelves through recorde.
leges the coloured people o the world it Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 20. International relations Pleasant Recollection are able to see the glass which the other fellows They say that the purpose of the between Cuba and Great Britain have become exceedingly use to see us; hence, regardless of McKinley senatorial inquiry will they were al te free must atrike the like all other people of all strained within the past week, because of the death of near Doubtless it was a genuine mo how boaroe our leaders preach serve to force the bands of the other times, do not believe by tive hundred labourers from the British West Indies.
state department, which is that there is su irresponsibla sad tive was prompted me to Jocide themselves; how much pailosopby.
for whats Saturday a conflict, which had been smouldering to obligate mysele to grint ou logic and commonsene olje Work to engoredomieniowcer vinced pelaat eternul conflict between the two for the past six months broke out between natives and a wavely couple reproduced in the have not self respect we will con el pelo evidenced by the conduct to ever live apart behind armed and may io its editorials, if we the case was. which mikes for Las WORKMAN, the io that of the twenty or more fronts in Rios. in the Province of Orientes. So territic was the weekly wbicb is real by morelo no value to us as mit 1ial for upon ich Garvey was dicted, dina perputul truce. We practices and his ed to, which at once despatched five regiments of crack paper in Central Amer ca. This is for a progressive march, but will on one count.
purposes. We do agree that he cou Carabinerus to the plantation.
as it should be. Altnough.
my ever continue to depend on lack or It is by pro aud They arrived in time to stop what threatened to be a list attempt way the estate department res America and that he has rendered brothers the Garvey a lasting service to many wholesale massacre of all foreign labourers.
in arms some from the old ach other fellows so we may walk fuses to is sad take possessiou But purdon after the clos: of the submerged meses of bis race by Great Britain has despatched throe ships of the Western folk as ree istence whicu Hourished castles in the air will not help us present senatorial investigation, awakening them from their lethar.
twu aptediluvnn era; Atlantic Squadron to Havana; and has in the meantime for like myell, with a touch of the and even if the actical things; the soa. e Judiciary Committee gy and th ir inferiority comples.
ollers, in these daya of warded a strong note of pratosi to the Cuban Government, like the large onderdele vedere aur way and we innerit, when the WEST tide should flow it is reported. Acting Minister of the Interior, De Gacand, mens of humanity best suited then se ves upon the ladies as fair has assured the central government at Havana that Governas fair few survivors shall have pulte) WEST INDIAN STUDENTS AT McCILL to ether we will be or Victor De Paces has the situation entirely under his to keep the world steady by not drivea buck Out efforts mastue UNIVERSITY.
command, living too far from the bome; and of the sam, order as theirs rel His Britannic Majesty government has instructed the others, also like myself, or the 20th hard work, mental and manual Says Time Opportune For Establishment of Consul General at Havana to make a full and exhaustive re. already read of a Ventury fire braud specie. bau Primary Secondary Errorts.
University in West Indies.
of a prosperous nens: Toere are organizations and lines port ei the matter.
paper man who, after 25 years iu of thought which in well be couActing Minister De Gacano, in conjunction with Dr. the fight, declared that he was sidere as of prim ury and secondary The Jamaica GLEANER bas, plane.
Victor De Paces, Governor of Orientes, have begun an, in racy of his memory when go ways and means to proper p, ogross. MoDonald, cretary of the civilizatioo have such an institureluctant is believing in the accu inportance when considering the receivel correspondence from Nir. That all peopley claimiae aby vestigation to determine the detinite extent and immediate over his 25 year old manuscrips. If we say that those which teach Gamma league of Montreal. ee Lon.
cause of the confuct Arinud Carabineros are patrolling the they were oy the most elementary as how to achieve the where withal nada enclosing copy of a memo area of the disturbanee. That the intellectual, social. for our with regard to the estab moral and economie conditions in pleasaat mujol coatid to and clothing, shelter, necessary lisbmat of university in the the West Indies are far in advanos George Challenor Cricket Career. himself: huis is a mus, pieds. 0t pleasu es us something to lay British West Indies. The langue of tho e which ex sted in the reculiection.
aside or in ves so as form the feeling confident that it will be countries at the time of the estab foundation which we are so anx ous agreed that the institution would lishment of their first iversities Vader the caption of The Sport in way Jamaici seads a team SELF RESPECT.
Searchlight, tue Daily Mial of a south. Challeno: was only seveu The primary aim of my weekly to build bui apparently know not do a great deal to further the That the population of the resent date publishes the follow wen wien he first played for Bar coatribution is to belp my tellow now are the primary factors in our progress of the West Todies.
West Indies is large enough to bados and he mide 53 against St West Indians focus their thoughts progress Ve mareh, you may THB MEMORANDUM.
those that take accommoditte at lezet one such CBALLENOR OF BARBADOS, Luena and St. Vinceat combineu in on thetaselves. This must not by guess some of tas second match. 1fou invio e any means be taken as a selfish act, secuudary place. For instance, the as thysell durior the man cannot be made is way, is of the opinion that the time whithin them After very protracted and careful institution.
It George Challenor bad ved in In in the tournament of the sme sea it is an organization of West Indian tries bear a a definite relaticeship. to a country where more first class sou 1905 le totalled 94 Hothy de Solitely possible to love ignorant and irresponsible church investigation the Gamma League, That the development of coun students attending McGill Univer the development of the nniversities made one of the biggest names in diss team in 1936, and in all cannot respect others or dem and dependent on hi cricket is played he might have was in England with the West Iu present order of thinga; ile one that his spiritual life is present the history of the game. Only two matches topped the thousand, and the respect of other it in the first that the life be is living comes bror of a university in the British West contribute her quota to civilization is opportune for the establi:hment That the West Indies connet or three first cla 188 mitches are averaged 20 with a highest of 108 As Se on funds we recommence to line of fogies like himself into the ladies piace, he fails to respect himself and so he continues to convince a with out those opportunities whieb played in the West Indres each se. against Notts.
800, bowever, except whead genuinely respect ourselves our grossest ignorance. The Lodge man Among the reasons advanced are are best offered by a university, AT HOME Eaglisia team je there, Barbados, That, located as such a univer respect for others and theirs for us will also explain that his Lodge the following: Blilish Guis a, und Trinidad meet Challegor scored 75 and 37 in will follow as the nigul the day. dues come before those of That education in the West sity would be between Canada, the in the sunual turnament, and once (Continued on page 7) Our self respect will start when we (Contioued on page 8) Iodies should be lifted to a higher (Continued on pgae 8)
for Barvey it of of the y 0000 to easily neighbor 23 bis la


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