
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1926, Interesting News From The West Indian Islands SONO Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD case. The vince ducing slaughter.
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ing and enriching the BLOOD. 17 murder.
For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT does seem to Coo sos0320400 tbe que. did ATTENTION!
and JAMAICA management appointed last week at a special meeting to carry out the works of improvement, hence they have not yet New Chief Justice In started to function and the work Full Robes Takes stand still.
still remains practically at That the street reconstruction Oaths Of Office, is going to exceed the estimated cost from present indication, there seems to room for doubt. The Gleaner of the 3rd inst. That the high level intercepting say. sewer golog to cost much more The ceremony of swearing in ban was bargained for, seems to our Mr. A, H, Barrett Len tually be faced with a burden sbort, the taxpayer will even.
nard, was performed yesterdad much heavier than was ever estiHis Honour wbo was fully robed even imagined was met at the Chief Justice mated for.
room by the Hon. Doorly (acting Colonial Secretary and Mr, Noel Smith (Private Secre BRITISH GUIANA tary to the Governor. and conducted to the Privy Council was met by His Excellency the Acting Gover Judge And Jury In Denor. There were also present His Honor Mr. Justice merara.
De Freitas. Senior Pulsne Judge, Mr. Radcliffe, (acting Attorney General. Mr. de LATTER REFUSE TO ACMontagnac (scting Begistrar of CEPT JUDGES OPINION.
the Supreme Court. Hon. William Morrison, Hor, Archibald Mooro.
Hon. E Wiggan, Hon. Reduce Murder Charge To Man.
Roxburgh, and Mr. Hali slaughter (Secretary to the Privy Council. The new Chief Justice took the caths of office and allegiance JUDGE EXPRESSES DISAGREEand was then introduced to those MENT.
present by the Acting Governor He was was afterwards conducted to case tried by at the recent the Supreme Court Chala later Criminal Sessions in Demerara, went to the Chief Justice room. involved the interesting point as There will be a sitting of the to whether a jury is bound to Supreme Court to day at 10. 30 accept the opinion of Judge, a. wben the Letters of Patent when two prisoners. Roopchand will be read acd the new Chiet and Budwba were charged with Justice will be introduced to the murder of a woman named menbers of the Bar.
Sir Charles Major, Kt. Chiet His nour Mr. St. John Justice presided. Me. De Yates, who has been acting as Freitas, C: prosecuted on be Puisne Judge, resumed bis half of the Crown, while Messrs duties as Acting Judge of the Kingston Court yesterday, while Marshall and Lee, reMr. Law returns as Resi spectively, represented the two dent Magistrate for St. Mary, accused.
As already THE SUMMING UP will act again as a Paisne Judge His Honour summing up the towards the end of the present evidence to the Jury, polnted out month when Mr. Justice that Roopchand was supposed to De Freitas gous on leave. have dealt the blow which resulted in the in the woman while Boodhoo was supposed to Parochial Boards to Dis bave aided and abetted him in Cuss Alastrim with Acting the commission of GOVERNOR exposition of the law bearing on the offence.
His Honour dealt micutely with There is a growing concern in the facts of the case which, be the island with regard to the said were largely circumstantial spread of alastrim and many o and the criticisms suggestions have been made in beheedvidence given for the de to order that steps should be taken if the to find a means for it place from their minds the profenee was sufácient either to dis. becoming more serious.
TO was a motion which stood in found impression first gained by name of Couneillor Harrison on the statement of the witnesses agenda of the Kingston and for non for the Crown or to leave them St. Andrew Corporation Council in a state of doubt which would calling for action to be occur to men like them with ex.
taken by the Government. This perience of the world, the priis not the only local authority soners were entitled to an ac.
that has been concerned with the quital. Os the other hand, if danger to the population of the they were satisfied and it was a matter entirely for them tha: The matter bas now been taken of fact that there was from some a step further and a joint deputa tion from the Parochial Boards source or other sufficient to en of the island is to meet His Ex able one to cellency the Acting Governor on returning a verdict in favour of then they would be justitied in Monday next to discuss the matter: the Crown. They would see that much depended upon the identity of the accused.
The jury retired to consider payers Will Have To their verdict and after about 20 they Face.
returned into Court when the foreman asked Hig Honour whether they were permitted to The Gleaner understands that retaro a verdict of manslaughter up to the end of December the in the circumstances of the case.
Kingaton and St, Andrew Cor. His Honour: Manslaughter is poration has spent about 130, 000 person without premeon the work of reconstructing the ditation. In order to reduce the streets of Kingston, and so far crime of murder to that of manthe wark has not gone ball way. claughter you must bi satisfied The streets and lanes below that there was no premeditatio, East Queen Street as far as Fleet either in fact or in Street on the law, and East, excepting must draw your attention on the those over which the tramway question of premeditation or lines past, have been reconstruc. intent to the fact that the law The question of the obligation intent when he uses an presumes a person to have of the Jama ca Pablic Service ment InstruCompany to reconstruct with the either the effect of which is same materials the sections of trom every point in the case to directly or indirectly roadway between their rails and cause death He may not he a foot over is as yet undecided, excused from the greater crime and to those streets where the by the fact that he says: tram lines run in the area finish never meant to kill only meant ed have not been touched.
From what can be gathered, arises where there is fight, the Government have not yet quarrel, provocation and so on appointment of the commitee of state that it is incapably of death House Rent Receipt Books forming a felonious intent and wtere the person strikes a blow at the u omeut. Manslaugh ter is a crime comuted in the case of attempt at self defence but in circumstances in wbich the law does not allow the plea of self defence, to prevail. There are come of these circumstances present in this attitude of learned caudselta beball of prisoners throughout the Case has been: You must on the ove band And my clients guilty of the greater crime, or you acquit think.
them altogether.
however, it is within my proto say that do not for myselt see any room fer rethe crime to manMe Marshall: On that point would like to make it clear.
though did not resort to it that it is certainly within the power of the jury to say: We believe that the prisoner or did something, but that it is man.
It slaughter and Lot murde will will certalely be within their paovince to do so if they wisbed.
His Honour: It is in their province to do so. but it is in my province to point out to you (the jars) that in considering all the evidence, the attitude of the prisoners through counsel moutbs throughout the trial, tha. and it is an opinion which am entitled to express, whether you regard it or not there to be no room in this case to reduce the crime to marslaughter because the facts do not disclose any of those circum stances which the law enables you you to consider when consider ing the matter. do not think it necessary to refer tion of ecocerted parties but draw your attention to the fact that the prisoners were sald to have been seer, in the afterIn the noon, in the passing at the time after the time of the inedent, together.
The jury consulted among themselres and without retiring returned a verdict of guilty ot manslaughter against Roopchand and one of not guilty in favour of Buod hoo who was discharged.
His Honour (o the jury. Gentlemen of the jury! Your verdict 13 within your province, It has and Roopchand will be be punished accordingly but may say with all deference that it is not usual for when informed by judge that there is no room for a certain erdiet to returo it; because cever says that unless the evidence in the case affords an opportunity of saying so, lu other words this verdiet, however in favour of life and therefore commendable is arrived out regard for that which you are bound to to regard the evi.
dence in this case. I make these remarks because think am justified in doing 80. Your verdiet is recorded and effect will be given to it in accordance with the law. You are now discharged from the indictment and for the term. thank you for the consideration of the case.
Mr. Marshall sald he had a few remarks to address to His which he would do frankly though not without mixed feelings. He had listened carefully to His nour dicta which they had returned. It was jury and the verdict not within his challenge the provlace dicta of His to the jury. It 11 wag properly within His Honour province alone. The Courts arter all only reflected as nearly as they could what took place in the Courts at Westminster, the Old Bailey, etc and in asking His Honour tor celemency for bis client he did pot propose to shrink from his duty or from his respsonsibility. The members of the Bar, as His Honour ktew, bad the most profound respect for His Court and he asked him wben passing sentence on the prisoner not to let the mental process which caused those dicta to be uttered to the jury, to influence him any way.
The prisoner was a man humble in Hopearence to and be asked His let bad passed through his mind influence him in any way.
prisoner given their verdict in The accordance with their ciences, and whatever judicial cone perturbation might have occurred in His Honour subjective mind as a result of the verdict, he asked him not in any way to (Continued on page 7)
After giving an able to crime.
do jury might SPANISH ENGLISH at with the ma Order Books island.
identifs Roopchand, Honour do Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies to Honour CAN BE HAD AT The Workman ted.
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