
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926 Yound CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To. morrow, Sunday Feb. 14th NOTICE THE CHEMICAL HALL AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasementos applier (Anglo Catholie)
VALROND, st the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited QUINGUAGESIMA SUNDAY PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be St. Paul Church, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Rev. P. Night agale, Rector!
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of a. me Holy Communia me Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica 10:15 a. Maine Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
10 30 D Hly Eucha ist rm Three Ce.
We do not undertake to return re12 Holy Baptiem, HAS REMOVED TO дао 23 jected correspon ence. pm Church bool. 30 Choral Evensong, sermor The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS Ash Wedaraday 6sm Hol Com munica; Il am. Matiasan Latany: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926.
No. 31 CALIDONIA ROAD 7:30 PD Penitential Off ce and Litany.
and is now replete with a CANAL ZONE. Rev. P. NIGA PENGALE, large and varied stock of We take a longe pause before we present the question Priest in Charge of birth control to our readers as, in the main, it is analogous 45 a. Holy Communion to that of the control of sex relations which, up to recent 458. Holy Bap ism years was understood to be one almost generally reserved PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, p. Church School, 30 Evensong and sermoa.
to be taught in the secrecy of the home or behind closed Pres ber, Canga Meleber.
doors. But things and human beings have changed tempora PERFUMERY, Asb Wedoesday. 30 Penimutantur, et nos mutamur in illis; and it is nonsense for tehtialial Office and Litany a people to hold themselves down to a condition which is diametrically opposed to the dictates of proper progress, St, Matthias Mission LAS BABANAS Birth control, it would appear, is on identical lines with the control of sexual relations they go hand in hand. If (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, the latter is effectively carried out, the necessity for teachPriest in Charge pm. Oburch School.
ing the former will be practically nil. But the question, as Our numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, 15 pm. Everong end address it is likely to appear to the undeveloped in intellect, is Mr. Ricardo, Catechist.
apparently a dangerous one, as it is likely to produce a rewhen they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore.
flection from this group in the same manner as does coSt. Peter by the Sea, La Boca education from its enemies. While on the other hand there are hundreds of mothers and fathers who would neither Americas Episcopal (Angliosa Comcare to li ten nor take kindly to any suggestion for the BURIOD)
QUINGUAGESIMA SUNDAY limitation of their offspring. To them it is, God give them Holy Communion 6, 30 a.
to us, and He will take care of them మయCHES Holy Baptism 30 a.
It is a fact that birth control is proper, and should not Litany, Holy Communion, Sermon only be confined to the limiting of babies after marriage 10. 45 m: We fined that, as in the control of sexual intercourse, it Church School p. 30 Choral Evensong, normon.
should be a subject for young men and maidens. It is Wednesday next is Asb Wednesday apparent that among the intelligent rich it is known even There will be a celebrsion of the Holy it by a diferent name.
Communion at 78. At 7:30 co.
With respect to West Indiins in Panami and the work there will be Evening Frayor. Тbe ing and living conditions which surround them, the MalPenetential Office will be ured at this ervie. Au aderese on the meaning of thusian theory of th: pressure of Dip Hition on subsistence Leot will be delivered by the is very nuch in evdience. It will be recollected that Mal.
Wid Rector.
you accept an invitation to unito thus held that there is the tendency for population to inwith us in these opening services of crease much faster than the means of subsistence will allow acoth solemn Lentern Se son? During and hence the lower classes must necessarily suffer more the reason there will be servfers on or less from lack of fooi, unl:the increase of population Mor days, doesdays and Fridays at m. and all who can shouid attead, be checked by prudential restraint or otherwise. T. MULCARE, Rector, Some may argue that man multiply according to God plan but, it may be presumed that the Divine plan did not St. Barnabas Church, Enipire include one room apartments in tenement buildings to house Matins and addres, 11. Lay man nor the social ills which leat up to more babies than Reader.
can be cared for This responsibility of over crowding Church School pm.
must not all be placed at the doors of the poor; neither Evensope end address p.
assisting to relieve the poor of he strain of life must be On Wednesday evening at there, left entirely to birth control leagues: capitalists and others will be evening Prayer and address: It is responsrole for the proper distribution of the necessities of Asb Wednerday, and all our members are expected to attedd this service life are also to be ld accountable; they furnish the cinty MULCARE Friest in Cbrigo means of livelihood in exching for hest and conscietious labour. When a in exch ing :3 his services and gets in exchange only enough to allow himself. wife and a con wse SOSSESSE 550 St. Bartholomew s, Church ple of children one small room in which, after a bai for two LAS CASCADAS.
is arranged, there is but enough room left for tw) chairs, Matius and address 11 u.
and barely enough money to purchase two or three scanty Spanish in England.
NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Church School 30 meals a day, there is created a situation which makes it Evening Prayer and address p. m, There was a slight change of There will be Evening Prayer almost impossible to teach anything but birth control as the weather bere on the 7th inst. Wednesday Dext (Ash Wednutday) the only remedy to offset overcrowding, and reduce the London Corrospor. dent writing under the above cap from bef: re day break light 7pm.
state of poverty.
tion says. It is a matter for regret that most Englishmensbowers of rain tell intermittent T. MULCARE, Priest in cbanen!
For example working man has five children and do not appreciate the importance of the spanish language. ventil 11 am ard even the lift happens to be looking for work, he is urged to accept a pəsi. They are apt to forget that it is the official language of a heaven and op die bereid onto di fost Jude Missior, Summit, hech tion although it may be less than the other fellow was getting great part of the Ametican continent and the mother tongue God for there has ber no rain Under the circumstances the blam should not be attached of over eighty million people. The Spanish Ambassador to here since 7th last; water Evening Prayer and Addres: 3:30 ch to him seven mouths to be fed, clothes, shel er and other England, the Merquis Merry del Val, recently performed a receptacles are again hall filled, JT MULCARE Priest in Char, means of maintenance must b: provided for seven In the useful service when he reminded a conference of educa. this is a blessing in the month of position which he accepts at a reducti on he is ten to one tionalists of these facts. So far, there seems to have beer. February converted into a slave, for, in nine cases out of every ten, no attempt to persuade Eng ishmen of the advantages of a p et who sang in the olden St. Simon Mission, Gamboa time his employer being aware of his economic condition is in a knowledge of the language. It is not taught to any extent in Matine and address 11 am.
And lived in a classle quarter; Church School 30 position to exact from him the peculiar obligations our schools and colleges. No doubt, many men, especially clared in his beau itul flow connected therewith; while at the same time, the man those whose business brings them into contact with Spanish ing rhyme, MULCARE, Priest in Charge who was displaced might have been promoted or the speakings countries, regret that they cannot speak the That the best of liquids is conditions under which he worked improved. Here is language; but few have either the time or inclination once Water.
Baptist Churches where the Malthusian theory comes prominently to the fore. they have completed their studies, to master a foreign keeps it cool. It is good for both It keeps the lead clear, and it (Under the auspices of the Southern Baptist Convention. or two children, and he may be able to educate one of the ably on our commercial and other relations with countries strength tis tne golden rule, That American Evangelist, zas Res poor man may be able to conveniently provide for one tongue. The neg ect of Spanish is bound to react unfavour un and daughter to be at lanta Swarta two, or both: but when the number jumps to between where it is spöken. This was brought home to many En the best of liguids is water.
RR, Gregory three and eight the whole family is liable to suffer and die glishmen during the recent visit of the Prince of Wales to Now Providence 11 Dacon from malnutrition, South America, and has led to a proposal to endow a de consignment of second. Broome.
materials bas Red Tank. 11 a. Pastor Witt; 16 Hence, birth control, it may be urged, is in harmony partment for the study of Spanish at the Prince old Uni band building with proper progress. An under nourished, scantily clad versity of Oxford. This is not an entirely new development. arived here for the erection of a Descon Crosko government. and 11 and semi ignorant people cannot make good fighting for Oxford already has a Professor of Spanish, but the pre: Mr. Jobc son, the lospector. Boy Scout program 15 Pastor material, and the twentieth century demand fighters who sent scheme provides th. the basis of this teaching should is busy in connection there with, Wive.
are mentally and physically fit.
be widened so as to include the study not only of the it is ex, ected that the building Calidonia 11 am. Descon Lewis for occupatio 35 m. Deacon Smith We are not advocating a resort to indiscretion within language, but also of the literature, laws, and financial and will le ready tbe school be the ranks of the masses, but the common expression of the social conditions of Spanish speaking countries generally, reopened the cost week in Maya po Program 71. Chorrilo a. Descon Crool. poor man and his wife who are overburdened with a large it has the full support of the Prince, who has stated that next this will be an improve? Rov. Moc Rico it to be an urgentſ went to the colony.
number of children whom they are unable to properly care from his own experience he knows Pueblo Nuevo 11. Deacon Ma It toob 15 Mr. Peterkiu.
for that the Lord will provide for them, ought not to necessity. considerable sum of money is required to be left unchallenged as that is clearly out of tune with the endow the new department, but judging from the interest The Housebold of Fith Union Male donds 11. Deca progressive march. We also admit that the conditions that has been aroused it is likely that the appeal for funds held its bir annual election of off. Stewart 3e18 Thursday (Continued on page 7)
leading up to the proper understanding of the real meaning which has just been issued will meet with a ready response. 4th inste, and the following perof birth control can only be assimilated by the intelligent man and woman; hence, the need, to better educate our. Everyone will wish it success, for there could be no more ons were elected to serve the Rent Receipt Boks in Span Mr. Peart, President; Miss Ish and English for sale at the selves and be in a position to better control births, and appropriate or useful way of commemorating the Prince ensuing term, viz. Continued on pgae 5)
make the road along our mirch of progress less hazardous. visit to the three Republics of South America.
Workman Printery GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply


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