
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres Tom side ful and true to. else.
with lo Denniston ble because of in the Suoday De papers.
bad of Parklets address be serious almost lita of Sr. Sam u the to throwest What Is Your Fortune?
of the many doing any of all such a have no our whole soul ford gate at can ATLANTIC SIDE of the Picture? Is it the feet Welcome Meeting.
that the writer saw the posting thereof? Is it the question, 10 Vadis? May be it is that hun West Indian Journal, dreds of West Indians see it For Mr. O, Denniston at Chorriilo Baptist Church.
ism On The Isthmus. Without making a personal applie Roing to Emmaus does not illustrate anything, Tbe occasion of Mr, Dennisten And am sure that it was not return from Jamaica was used by (By GISKN) the first time that Jesus went CECILIA AMERICA the Baptist Church at Chorrils Not since the days of Etc there; seelog that the distanca to present to him a resolution of Waldron bas the Allintie side was only as far as from Colon to (PANAMA. COLON)
symphatby in the great bere bad any one of ability on the tha: His work was finished; He Gatup. It bottilustrate TODAY. Saturday, February 13th and TODAY. Saturd. y. February 13th y vement he bas susisided in the ataff of the STAR HERALD It told TO MORROW Sunday, February 14th Is my opinion that Wald on was His dying bresh on Calvary.
13ss of his mother and also to us so three days before with All Star Cast in Conrad Nagel in express to hin the deep feeling the best coloured was this paper But THUNDERCLAP of what is still worse, you appreciation the Church has CHEAPER TO MARRY ever had, the Pacific toward him for the many years withstanding. not in the mare Jesus to follow bis ressorTOMORROW. Sunday February 14th lo cuatioual faithful efficient babit of throwing boquets, nei rection.
MONDAY, February 15th Perey Marmont in nservice which he has given and ther am going to boost Eric, Now, Sid, this is very unkind Lois Wilson in THE STREET OF FORGOTTON MEN continues to give to the Church because he he was wy friend, Iaith of you, Son of God, it you like RUGGED WATERS Addreses were given by repro.
to me. Butt hat boy Bat following His, or anybody sentatives of the different MONDAY, February 15th bad real ability. As writer, bis elas ressurection Inoks litla departments of the Church style was clear and crisp, he was impossible to me. Following TUESDAY February 16th Virginia Valli in Deacon Lewis spoke for tho a very good thinker, and above not buypy expression. You Eleanor Boardman in THE LADY WHO LIED Cburch and lodicatad that Mr.
all, he had imagioation.
To tbose seem to have the whole of this PROUD FLESH Denniston was an ideal Church tendency to write Like se men no journey is related only in the days there was not this great thing twisted. You are acting TUESDAY, February 16th member. Mits Louise Lewis ceptes a lawyer. This Enmaus ne like here must be imitation to third. Synoptics, and the writer WEDNESDAY, February 17th Pauline Fredericks in state as the open at workers that in ber experience art and letters: am quite aware SMOULDERING FIRES Jacqueline Logan in Mr. Denpiston she bad of that. But for God sake whoever, he was particularly always found him a Christian imitate the best. I1 West In states that Clops and his en THE HOUSE OF YOUTH WEDNESDAY, February 17th kentleman. Mr.
dis diand want to copy appthing panion were going to Ennaus, Conrad Nagel in superitendent of the useb.
from the Jaka Bian flare. let it and Jeeus Himself drow pear THURSDAY February 18th CHEAPER TO MARRY be bis boldness, and not his style, and went with them. If there school, whered It is this lesving alone essentials was any meeting at all, Jesus did Perey Marmont in School which he said was all the THE STREET OF FORGOTTON MEN THURSDAY, February 18th and following a shadow wbich is it. Why cant you allow Jesus the more acceptable the cause of a kind of ma king privilege, of meeting His own Lois Wilson in quiet ansotantetious manner in time amongst us. We bave no disciples? Yet, for the life of FRIDAY February 19th RUGGED WATERS which it was given. Miss domioant note in any of the Daily cannot see wht right Clepas.
Gallimore, Superintendent of Virginia Valli in more any other disciple for the FRIDAY, February 19 the Junior P, beld of The WORKMAN AS a weekly matter, in golog to THE LADY WHO LIED to Einmaus Eleanor Boar man in tba great help Mr. Danniston olgan, gives us Eitorials of a commanded by Christ to, tarry when they all were particularly PROUD FLESH had been to ber in the work of the very high merit. You may disSATURDAY, February 20th and Bar Pot the praise while Me.
SUNDAY, Febrnary 21st agree with every line, but you in Jerusalem, or according she SATURDAY, February 13th are not treat them lightly, ľne another version, to meet Hiu in the Denniston bad done most Bessie Love in The Galilee. But what beats 39 is, Sp Jacqueline Logania are improvi work. The Pastor gave the fins. THE LOST WORLD THE HOUSE OF YOUTH in of wh ch be spoke by week take pause to advise where, Oh where, did the why get. had this gentleman Mr. Dendi ton splendid work to written infernal.
e too to bflippant. Now and then there are lo stes. This Is Sigebent of Me amoag tbe Boy Scouts and his Vadis Surely from influecce over the some 10e articles in this war: Young intellect. To interpolate the Church and community. Mr.
Whyte of ca always such referred to to the fact that man writes and the such words loto the coof Mr. Denniston ability and the ard to overbuard its already chara gerly would be when they arrived about half and welcomed lady member agtur facile, cery questionable authenticity dozen in number the scene was of the se zd upon by any at times wicked pep.
But the Christ and His disciples scola changed, organizitioas Battle bas to be fought and woc written in Gek, a Dure brew the Syrie Chaldaic. The God is also Is are for everything was namanitarian work in the city of normal; there were neither church Panama but that from choice by professional journalists. The STAR HERALD Madame Ronee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs men, money, candidates, supporters Danniston had given his time word wll pass the scrutiny of is our most Bibics! critics, but litin, yon ptwerful organ.
to But take up bave no idea how much in wl nor disputants to be seen each week for Readers of this paper where. The pacifier, one lotely novement and especially to the Boy Scout that paper and have a look at the be spilt over page designated, West Indian be a discovery man who called for the police, was the different activities among WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE And News, and you will maglue that Mr. Young. He has orrel witb!
yet left to report to them bis heroic the young emanating from the act. All well that ends well.
soul is wrapped up in just started, February 11 dealer in antiques or writer.
Chorrillo Bap ist Church. kdge or in church. Of course and bas made a very good im The program was interspersed know that every st ction of the pression on bis readers. Ansell The Sign of Aquarius, The Among those børn buring this Secretary Neely has pro sith sereral musical and other week are Thomas Edison, Charles aommunity bas to be served and Sparklets should raise th Waterman.
standard of Dickens, Charles Lomb, General cured a new pisto for the clubil tems. Mises Boland and But there is too coloured journalism much noise instrum antal Obe on the Isthmus.
honge. It is not known whareally Your sense of humor will oft90 Sherman and Jams Otis, lection Miss Boland and Chair. Even the Church is not about Bro So aod So being in the Sasbould be spoken sensitive and visionary, from teel from marriage with one boru one which has see why we Greatest content will result disposition will be made of the olar, S, Robicson kave a violin o save you, who are inclined to be given more than jemixerons blago logo Trieste New Then, why not Aneric in, ing to deeply she eruel realities of under the same sign. You will be furnished music for no doubt blessing.
extraordinary service and has lust. Mrs. Meyers sang an appropriate solo and Miss. in their way, but dovthing can dent world. Your fond of children but care should be more colored people than any other give a five recitation, Deacon knad that British West dreams may be shattered but you taken that you do not become too be overdone Yearwood was chairman for the should be satis tied with wll gathered the pieces toge interested in their mental advance piano ou tbe Isthmus.
Lately we bave been having the aveping and a geod lower standard of jurnalism her and make the most of them. ment to the exclusion of spiritual number turned out to jolo in the Cricket News through the kit dtban More of the. nericao, or if you wish to avoid disappoint and material development.
ness of the STAR HERALD. But There were not many members Welcome to Mr, Denniston.
Eogl shman.
If the Panama ments you must stea Jfastly cling bere again, we are bound nerican Workman The Wednesday Amethyst is the can to the practualities.
stone whose at the Clubhouse on ad unit that the details were bor have readable Elltorials from purport is adopted to this siga. evening to answer to the e ll for a Fashionable Wedding ribl. All vinda ot neologisns the pen of coloured Im igination and memory are The color of your soul is a deep meeting of the La Boca Tennis were thrown in only to fill a gap. cannot writers In New York City.
Club and so the those born yellow signifying warmth and meting was post wby mere rom glven us Herald sbould not do the Same during the first of Febusry You br. lliance, The Blackeyed Susan poned for this evening at rix o clock.
This game and the words connec: Gatil tn ay make a change on the efort and can turn then into new is the flower of this week.
abwhen the Management pretty weding took place on all ted therewith. When these words West Indian, page, am to open and surprising forms. You will find Copyrighted 1925 by Hense time. This season tennis tourna si Phillips members be present, and on the night of the 24th of DC 1925 Church, New are needed. the task will not be revolt. The period will be known happiness and perhaps notable Adams Syndicate)
ment is scheduled to start on the York City, when Miss Constancia prancing neophyte on Hobbistory asbe, Recalssance of success as an it. vestor, astrologer, 22nd of tbis month and the firs Carter was united in holy wedlook the West Indian section Portache The Star Herald.
series of gamas are to be played on to Mr. Harold Chambers.
ETAR HERALD to supply then.
the lawns of the Red Tank Club. Miss Eulalis Prince the bride Yet our case is pot Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
house on that day.
cousen acted as chief br de maid There has appeared in our dst Mr. John Haraban was best mau like a bolt from the vaulted blue, and Miss Rachel Hinds the flower The regular monthly conferThis boy At the last count of votes at the girl. After the ceremony in the one Sidney Young Clubhouse on Tuesday evening churcb the seems to bave some ability. He ence of the Girl Roserves was He held in ttie Hall of the Cristobal style is very much Miss Olga Serge was elected qu en none of tidal party left for th. the bride like onto Silver Cluhhouse. Among the Bric lo fact, the hand iterestlog itens rendered was an Mr.
of the Garden Party held at the and Mrs. Carter, at 226 West band of Waldron, but Clubhouse on Thursday night 134 Street, New York city.
THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER address delivered by Miss Smart, is the voice of Young. want under the auspices of ihe Girl Friendly Sreiety of the st: Peter Many presents and good wishes WITHOUT AN EQUAL were received by the newly weds.
Lo congratulate the PANAMN ares. of being. Modesty and Wa wish all the Girls a AMERICAN for discovering a man friands could have been present Misses Smith, Williams, with surne promise e guests pre ent were: the hare great hopes of Mr Young to buve beard it.
Don fail to try it Gir Friendly Successful Soden, Herbert, Rose Cham article, Quo Vadis Miss Davis, the adviser of the Garden Party.
bers, and Harrison; Mesdames was well cbosea and to a certain Red Tank triangl, was also pra Waite, Williams, Williams, extent well written. Ang roce meaning of the Girl Reserve sent and gave a talk, giving the Smith, Smith, Stocks, er who can strike such a cord must Code, The Garden Party given under Stewart, Wilson, White, be able to play the tone. It is No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
A, Fisher.
the auspices of the Girls Friend On the 22nd, of this month Gibbs pot in a spirit of levity, or in any there will bia Picn e held at the ly and Girls Guid Socletles of Hinds Mordeca, Carter, way trying to belittle Mr. Yang Beach and all Girl serve are La Boca was not a failure, A Namar; and Dessen that select a passage from the invited.
Miss Olga under discussiou and successtul contestant of the Vot Dubarry, Dyer, Wilson, subject it to a critical analysis.
test com on the ing Contest, was duly crowned W, Brooks, Hayes, It is rather in the hope of NEW PROVIDENCE. CANAL ZONE NOTES the thirteenth of next month will queen and presented the scentre Chambers, White, Fraser.
spiring bim to give us his best.
be put on male from today. It will by Mr. Hunter, who, im Ornsten, Rainford WitAccording to Dr. Joboson will Queen be remembe ved that the Contest mediately after furnish the argument, ki is for (Continued from page 4)
La Boca Pars.
bim to supply the brain sense formerly arranged for the pre address. delivered the liners, D, Williams Waíte.
D, Rassell. Secretary; Mrs. sent month, but was later post oration, for which he was highly Baptist Church Activities proceed: After a few pre Markham, Treasurer: Mr.
It was also thought by the applauded. Then began the thun Miss Cieily Cumberland held a that there may be other ders from the guns of the John The Chorrillo U. will Young. The particular incideot Peart, Trustees. All the ber parents, and Mrs Isac Cumberlando following His ressurection was Irving Mrs. Peart, to line, and so the final date of rocal and the firing with very short bold their Anniversary service Jamaica Prado, Wednesday met on the road to Emmaus by re elected in their respectiv leveniog last The function was a Advanced to the last of this month, Runners: Was p up till General gram at pm. Delegates are 10 of His disciples. They failed of dicers.
The Athenaeum will not hold Neeley orderea a coessation expected from all the w recognize the solitary figure pleasant one as many of the and irguiringls asked, young lady supporters in her face mnou naeeting on Tuesday next, as of hostilities which took place at Societies including Colon who Vadisi Quo The Household of Faith Union for queen of the whither goest thju?
Panama West most of the merobers are likely to 1140. and the la ge victort. will take part in the program.
ous army, maniltstly satisfied, The Empire Boys Scout corp c. etc. take exception to the will hold a tha ksgiving service Indian Carnival were present. Miss attend the Carnival in Panama.
will hold its Anniversary on Sun.
whole of this passage wlich ends on Sunday th 29. inst. at Cambotland was third in the race, day wten a special program will with the word, reward. sub. 0, w, tha Rar. Surgeon it is understood, will take part as be rendered at pm. Mr. C, there is no will conduct the ſervice, and one of the maids to Quren Iris On Tuesday evening last the Barris of the Panama Wesley Oburch will preside and give en Incident that illustrates any members of other societies, and during the four daye of merriment climax of the voting for qu en of the Garden Party held at the Club iblog in this art cle or la the lire all friends and well wishers are commencing today.
Have you tried the addres3. Pastor Witt will preach house on Tbarsday was ag open of Corist. It only illustrates cordially lovited to attend. The at tbe night service.
combat between ring Unlon is doing very good work ibat the.
e supporters new Boer from a mental complex. And among. it members, and it It was announced at the meeting of of candidates. What apped the ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO the reader perpl xugly ask, membarablp is opened to mem the La Brea Athenaeum on Tues climax was the information that Kronen Brau tickets for the Balboa Police were notified, THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP Want incident the writeris bers of any branch of the Chris day evening last that the big All Medalist Elocution cou. They were really notified; but JAUN FRANCO TO MOROW.
talelog about? Is it the posling, tian Church.
West an Isabel hostile that of and See The Star happily combined in The Eaglisbman has desires that ft to a bopeless Contra Crespo parents Voice Among the White. 15.
article in dence most mi. ibat particular


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