
bole That rounded out flavor no one tobacco can give a the posiperiod, the Onibe the other (PAIN ENEMY)
these belte Chesterfield be ol ol Seem curr other CARETTES in 1925 ihan FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1526.
British Finance And more than in 1998. The deeree Be Preparea to the Commerce.
embargo on foreign loans, menLioned abeve, DOW happily for that Pain removed. British industry correspo dingly benefitted and issues on its behall substantially YOU can stop excru. ROBERT MACKAY)
increased from 89 millions to ciating pain instantly The attempt to compress with 182 millions if you will only apply in the compass of a short article The figures for the overseas SLOAN LINIMENT a survey of British finance and tride of Great Britain for the commerce in 1925 must of neces of 1925 are not yet Sloan Liniment is sity result in something statistiavailable, but those for the firstt pain greatest enemy, cal in watter and staccato in eleven months show that there and is backed by 40 years sisle. Yet the attempt must be bas been small change from those of success the world over.
ade, for never bas it been more for a similar period is 1924.
It is an invaluable remnecessary that the sallent les North American tobacces, Total imports show an it crease ody for ures of Britain trade position and added to them, the deof 31 per cent and exports a be widely understood. The po lightful spice of choice Rheumatism Sciatica de creas of per cent, Turkish, in a blend which sition of industry and finance in Sore Throat The revealed adverse trade Backache cannot be copied Great Britain at the end of the balance of 3411 millions in this Sprains Bruises, etc year affords no grounds for com Chest Pains period may be compared with Stif Neck placent optimsm, nor should we one tobacco by itself no 294 millions in 1924 and 177 It penetrates right to aftord ourselves the luxury of matter how good. could millions in 1928. li must be borne the seat of trouble, djection, Rather is it a case for mild, bowever, that prices.
warms and soothes the produce that satisfying Chestera sober taking stock of the Pallen in the same nerves and tissues, bantion and a rescive to accentuate field taste.
Tims index Lumber ol ishing pain.
during the coming year the prowh. lesale prices showing Try it now.
Rrets of certain upward tendenFor Chesterfield is a unique decline from 219 in cember.
cies revealed by that survey.
At all druggists and mixture of distinctive tobacco 1924, to 156. 10 December, 1925.
But let the reader judge for himaCual exports in 1925 were only self types Virginia for sweetness, LWCs ibeir vclume in Gencrally speaking, it may be Turkish for rich aroma, Ken1924 and inly one bali of their SLOAN said that while the financial tucky Burley for mellow body.
volume is 1923.
LINIMENT position has been consideratly band certai, trades have greitly a Lelieraleo, industry, as a whole And once a smoker tastes the improve tacir position in 1925, las done lit le more tt an mark prowinent famous Chesterfield blend, it au ong time. That annot be regarded the industries essatisfactòry, for in tbe long un the position would appear that no other cigmotor manufacturing Industry. WILKINSON of finance is arette can ever satisfy.
In the latter industry exports more influenced by industry bave risen from millions iban the later by the forn. er.
the whole of 1924 to millions Contractor Nevertheless a sound financial for the tirst eluvec mouibs only position is a good basis on which of 1925.
and Builder to build industrial expansion, and Macbiners, electrical goods, 1925 vitns ed great strides in old waliotber calgories House No. 20 ancial rehabilitation Great Britain. The outstanding Wanuf. cture good: bavILproved their position and these th NOV, STREET, event of the year was the con in April last of the gold resto galos must be set agait ft decline.
SAN MIGUEL rat in itunard stel. The shipping e Box 411, Panama, RP.
Atandard. Aia corollary to this CIGARETTES depression Woult to have The British ntons and cer. touched butun. and there, tain countries put their Vlad bave teen tewee urade lailures plans and Specifications Free currencies on a na gold basis. Taken in as a wbole, the tinancial progress 1925 than in the previous First Class Workmansh)
uwelie months.
made in Europe generally and We repeat our summary.
Guaranteed esrecially in Great Britain last Finance bas improved last year: year cannot but have a beneficial Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
commerce bas malted timo; but effect on Britaiu exvot trade in me sounder financial pop. tion of 1926 1925 in Great Britain and EuroOne of the results of the return pe ltal to trade expansion in to the gold standard was that 1926.
the average level of the Bank rate was about one half of one par cent higher in during the previo year, e.
about per cent as against the NOTICE four per cent for the whole of 1924. Despite this higher ice jor accommodation To All Whim This May Concrk: during the year a further exThis is to inform the pansion in the volume of bank public advances. These reached in June and the memlersbip in general In every form can be seen that the Supreme and Temple, here at its best See our a record point since the end of ths war ol 52. per cent in the Free ard Accepted Order of proportion of advances to deEthiopia and African Rites, Inc. Wrist Watches, posits. Deposits declined Mystic Masonic, of New Rochelle, the year by 1s ork, regard pounds Bracelets million during receiving to In the main the greater volume the malicious ard spreading of mali of advanced may be attributed to AL Diamond Rings active domestic trade, increas unfounded propaganda against ing stability abroad (the embargo the above named Order by sume and a hundred other adorna on British loans to foreiga coun agent in and around the Repub: ments and you ll recognize this was removed during the lic of Panama, aid by letters year) and increased activity or from said agent to Costa Rica, why this is the LEADING and Eccas Del Toro.
The Stock Exchange. Before JEWELRY HOUSE in town leaving the subject of banking In the articles of the agen ask prices and you ll find still we must badly record expan.
propaganda is that the above sion in the turnoyer of named Order is working under a another reason. bills, (again a record. of scheme is over 40, 437, 000 000, an increase society of grait. To all members Fuller Jewelry Store of 901. 255, 000, or per cent. we venture to say over the titil for 1924.
that such statement has for its 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 Mentiun bus teen made of the foundation no other intention Exchange this is a rethan to bring wout wilful the upward movebarm, grevious ment in the value of crtain general discontent among the DR. HOFFMANN representative securities (365 in TRY OUR members of the various Ten ples NEW BEER umber) recorded has transferred bis clinic to 37 Councils and in the past Chapters, which Central Ave. upper floor of La two or bave been operating in harmony Mascota in front of the Alcalde three years has come to a hals. According to the Bankers in the various Countries in South Magazine. which compiles these and Central America is ultrue Eatrance between La Mascota and Preciado Book Store. useful statistics, there was a Approving our honesty, and for the public safety of the Order TELEPHONE 991.
declive during 1925 of 453 925, 000, or per cent in th: 00 19 we are oferit a reward of gate lae of the above securitis. 25. 00 to any person or persons which ware valued at 6, 464, 532 SUPERIOR TO ALL who will produce sufficient evi000 on th 17th of December last.
dence that will lead to the arrest LEGAL NOTICE This decine is chiefly in the list!
and conyiction of the propagan: 87 tixed interest stocks (minus Disco Sox SXSXSBC 26 0800 os dist.
36 per sent. due mainly to the For all particulars Notice of Pendency of Suit higher rate of money values above. It is enccnragAddress Supreme Headquarters of and Rs, Inc, UNITED STATES DISTRICT lok, however, to fiod that variable dividend securities appre New Rochelle, COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE during the year by per Nov, 18th, 1925 cent tbe list of 278 selected Balboa Division secarities The rubber market has been naturally the one to CIVIL No: 745 show the most marked ris. this IRIS WER Plaintiff group showing a rise durlog the Dentist Howell year of 79. per cent. Counmer.
CYRIL WEIR Defendant.
cial and industrial shares show Of every description Divorce an improvement of 20. per cen, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA To CYRIL WEIR: which is good omen for trade (so You are hereby notified that on far as it goes. but the CANAL ZONE.
depression in the beavy indusDONE January 28th, 1926 Iris Weir WITH NEATNESS AND filed in the above entitled court a Office Hours: a. to p. mpetition wherein she prays for an tries is reflected by a fall of 20, per cent in the value 14 represen2 to p.
absolute divorce from you on the DESPATCH iative coal, on and steel share, statutory grounds of Desertion, DAILY And you are further hereby notified and of 172 per cent in shipping that you are required to enter your shares The state of affairs PHONE 1941 BALBOA appearance in writing in the office of reveal. by these figures is the Clerk of said court at Aneon.
AT THE Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, vividly illustrated by the recent on or before March 11, 1926.
reconstruction of a great firm Specializes in all the branches like Messrs Vickers, with its If you fail to do so within the timo of Dentistry.
aforesaid the said petition will be taken deflation of two thirds of its as confessed, and the petitioner will orainary share capital.
take judgement against you by default and demand from said court the New capital issues during 1925 Rent Receipt Books In Span relief applied for in the petition.
amounted to 219, 896 630 which ish and English for sale at the SHEIBLEY is somewhat loss than the 223, Workman Printery Clerk.
515 93? for the previous year, Feb, 6, 13 and 20 there was Up to date Jewelry. eleveom report THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
cheques, Stock Linder and downfall, and that KRONEN BRAÜ 1b. aggrealiuded תו JOB. PRINTING Vs.


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