
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. Bone bite no one remembered El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History really orience.
then that means think gather VIGOR TONIC are same as large case look Cider Champagne secret The seeing him after Master launch went aboard. It (Continued from page 2)
is believed that be sliped awas during ibe hustle and negotiated visit it ou the prisoner.
the distance to shore an excer THE SENTENCE.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP else swim of thrae miles. This is His Honour. in passing sent not uolikely having regard to the ence on the prisoner said: reputation of Barbados Corner 12 Street East Avenue Prisoner at the Bar, you have and the farther fact that nobo iy been convicted by the jury of has been found to the waters of. AND We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also taking life in circumstances the Harbour since the arival of the which reduced it from the crime bost. To the consternation of the Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 watches. Our prices are the lowest and our of murder to that of man Captalo and officers be was no Workmanship is guaranteed.
slaughter. The remarks address, where to be found on bɔard when Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you ed te me by your learned counsel the Harbour Police were sum.
to this that shall moped to take him lato castody, may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may not allow my own expression of and it is tmoured that a famous drsire, provided the monthly payments of diragreement with the jury but strauded Barbados swimmer Summary of Contents: to with or in who wagered interest are duly met.
any wav colour the punishment. the play in Trinidad, is History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years will award you for the lesser missing from his accustomed Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED He has characterised baunts: JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, the remarks have made to the.
innings sai dicta means as Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall 18. the MEETING HALL COL Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased.
are not in the proper use of that right term to express, but they Players term, dicta at all. LAPSES.
was giving no decisions; was giving no Váluable, fastructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and doctrins. was merely expres, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE Interesting sing an opinion. i am The best Tonic in the World entitled to TFALL THROUCH FLOOR.
from learned counsel remarks Price 50cts.
not think for a moment that he bould take looo Pinned Amid Broken Glass of con siderations of what might be the Refresh nent Tables.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend verdict to interfere with what is Secure yours now there will be a great rush the verdict: The degree of LODGE OF SORROWS for them, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, punishment inflicted in the crime Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up of manslaugbter is goverened by ENDS IN DISASTER.
facts of the case. There Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN a run down constitution various degrees of punishment Panama Many Seriously Injured.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe precisely there are tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system various degrees of ment for a of man. Mao An accident which miraculher DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or may be punished by ousig was not attended with times a day, day, six any loss of life, but caused onths. coment for life. In this number of pers008 occurred at years, and so on, up up serious jojuries to a EL GAITERO JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Princes Towa cn on Sunday after which should make the for circule 20 THE ONLY ELABORATED porn when the upper floor of the look the Gardeners Flow as with intent stringent and less can see none valn for this and similar circum. precipitating to Spanish Cider with its)
stances, CHURCH SERVICES consequently cannot Ebenezer Church of God bundreds of men, women and deal with the Holiness сазе exactly as cbil iren wbo had packed themsel own Carbonic Acid stould 1! their bad ben no veslo ves into the building to the No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD (Continued from page 4)
question of want of evidence or under floor sone twenty feat Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 51 clock, Prayer Meetia of abundance of evidence. The below.
There had been sentence of the Court is that you large. STREET CALIDONI ROAD 11 am Divite Bervice Preacbet be imprisoned and kept to penal Rathering of members of tbis Supulied (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday School Superintendent. servitude for ten years.
Society and others of klodred Societies and Lodges from many Babbath (Saturday) 945 a. Sab6 Programme districts to celebrate wbat is bath Sobool; 11. 15. General Worship 30 Gospel Service, Preacher koown emong tbese TRINIDAD URETIC AND REFRESHING 30 pm. Spanieh Close; Supplied societies at a Lydg of Sorrow Trade Mark 30 M. Society, meeting Tuesday 30 pm. Grepel Service as it turned out in fact to ba, on 30 Junior and Seni Standard Note Olber Se vices for the week this occasion; in memory of the of stainment Clous D. Vespere, Parliamentary late will be given from the pulpit.
Ricuard Carty.
wbo VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Bunday ever ing 30 PreachElder ODLE for many years was The gineral public in tog Service Pataor in charge Delegation. of the Lodge and after S, cardially invited to turn out in large Chairman or Wortby Master.
VILLAVICIOSA numbers. late issue of the WEEKLY to begin when there was a loud The ceremɔby was jist about SPAIN Services of the Bethlehem GUARDIAN Says:Seventh Day Adventist Church crash and the whole me ting fell Church of God Holiness The Parliamentary Delegation ESTEBAN have been DURAN of and ard STREET BROADWAY, COLON insight parcticable into impor was immediatel. cers. The air reat by the Sabbath (Saturday) 45 Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st. cries o SOLE AGENT sof School; 11. 15 a. General Worship SAN MIGUEL history progress, conditions of those pluued below the reckage For the Republic of Panama her Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting. Interesting facts and when they those above pressed the ruins 30 p, Young people meeting the 30 Veepers 10 am. Divine Service, Bro. Gleave are sebeduled up them. In a Phillips leave here they Ito da few minutes Sunday evening 30 Preaching to do so today they will p. Sunday School, Superinten away useful knowledge of the crowd of excited spectators to brought large Servier.
You are cordially invited to deat pm. 30 Gue Cclony that should serve them in attend those service and bring your pel Service, Elder Parkenron.
in the spot friende, BEULAN 11. Divion Service good stead when discussions turn RESCUE WORK, matters affecting those for Bro Small distant, loyal outposts of Empire.
The Police received the report The Church of God 30 pm. Sunday School, Superinten. The distioguished visitors found at 40 and Sergeant Blackdent. p. Gospel service. Bro. Small. the Colony rich with absorbing men and a number of his men GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and material Regular Assortment of for study and every were quickly on the scene and Proams, Arosemeda Street, House 25, p. m, Bupplied.
where they travelled they were began removing the injured from Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Elder T, C, PRANCIS, struck with promise of its the mass of ruins of Al jor, partimeeting and Goepel meetings at 11 am.
Pastor in charge.
sssets and opportunities offered tions, tables, benches, chair, etc, sod 30 Sunday School at p.
for further exploitation of its at the same time maintaining Minday at 30 Testimony Meeting many resources. An idea of the order where wild rushes were Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People SUCH AS great work ahead of the Imperial made by parties to get to their Meetin. Wednesday at 30 to.
The Salvation Army College of Tropical Agriculture relatives in the building increaChanel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm PANAMA CITY CORPS. in the Colony was grasped by ing the danger to those who could Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Open air meeting, Friday at 30 pm not belo themselves.
Services are followthrough fertile agri Prayer Meeting cultural areas in the South Dr. Frank Mahubir, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Early Prayer Meeting, BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. cane, 10 Directory Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday School and Brigade Vaited Open Air Meeting wees. coandere on every hand. rushed down to cocoa, coffee, who from bis residence heard the cultivation crash wben the floor caved in the Hospital Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, P. Göspel meeting on Thursday 11 am Holiness Meetine to be con Ioformation was also gained of with the Stat preparaat 30 pm ducted by Commandant Martin, Bis, GRAY etc. etc. etc.
the facilites this Imperiel Untutions were quickly made, so that 30 Company meeting and versity offers the Empire, by a they were able to deal with the New Providence. Goopel Meeting at Brigadeo Open air.
11. 30. Apd 30 Sunday Sabool p. Junior Open Air.
visit to the institution and the injured one who began pourlog Delegates should be in a lo from cars, cabs and buses, m. Separate Brigade Open Air on their retura a position, at pm. Wednesday at 30 Gyrhome, to throw too, the Police had to pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting, their influence and weight o maintain order while wounds Meuting. p. Salvation meeting in the Hall personal knowledge in favour of were d, dressed aod Bro. McDONALD by Commandant and Mrs. Martin. the appeal now before the Britiat de to be merge 93 CENTRAL AVENUE cordial invitation is extended to all. public for a 100, 000 endowment Gatun, Canal Zone. Goupel Meetings the at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Sunday Monday, Life Saving Guards and fund.
sons the Hospital was divided inSchool at pm. Wednesday 30 Suabeams Parade at p.
to diferent sections, Dr. Mababir Panama City.
Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 m, Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase attending in the Male Ward, Mr.
Pra Meeting at 30 Stowaway Myste in the Sargery Nurse Connelly Taylor. Steward, Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH Wednesday, 5p. co. Life Saving Scouts Colon and Streeto. Gospel moot and Chums parade. Home Longue at rious Disappearance. The real Itended in the gallery. se bus which in the Female ward arrived after the were not sufficient supporting Inge at 11. 80 ad 30 Sunday p.
posts lo the lower ball which at 3p.
Thursday Holiness meeting in the In the town Mr. Piper wreck.
The Lodge is a two storied were dispensed with to allow Beliool Gompel options. diperday at 7:30 Hall to be conducted by Commandant ADVENTUREROES BARBADOS browned pest bild parumore and building the upper Azor of which more room for dances etc. It is Martin p. Prayer Meeting, rendered first to of MARTIN. Commandant those who received minor injuries in used by the Society orthold: stated that the work of erecting Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON to fees tendered. and initiations. deceased ember, boxe TAKE NOTICE When the Bel 29 which list of the persons attended while the lower one is used for the building was carried out by conveyed the o. Com o the Hosplualber Biven below tanio aprend sur fer serving re mournin; bie widow Mira Carly at to dances and banq nets and was ac death the lodge was the time Salvation Army Hall, this morethan but tual The WORKMAN News miles out to sea, Aqtowaway was to their homes suffering from freshments after the caremony also received minor tajuries and is suffering from severe pains, LA BOCA (02P3 paper can be had at the fol Although be was not confined, helist might have been greater but Rlasses on th: tables on this floor 30 u. Knee Drill.
lowing places: was carefully watched with a for the fact that the oficers ot contributed good deal to the 11 am Holiness Meeting.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, Police authorities on bis arrival mission as otly standing room view to being handed ever to the the Lodge stopped farther ad woands received. p. Sunday School, The wrecked floor appears to Street, San Miguel. 30 Open Air.
Rent Receipt Books in Span here, was available apart from seats have invited acadent as the ruins Ish and English for sale at the 30 Salvation meeting. Mareh, Barber, 55, CaliWe extend cordial ir vitaton to all. dunia Rred.
The stowaway was last seem reserved for a large party com show that the runners ware when the ship was entering the ing ia from Couva and district by spliced in the centre while there Workman Printery afforded the fullest through the floor amid Cloud take the uproar on Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products trips where extensive Coconut there 45 Here, in The Workman Printery stitch: a.
other tend In order tu at bumbar of per: taken


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