p. 8


Friendly Societies and Secret Orders tom clated.
such MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS season, and direction, hence hence, saranara Workman Stationery Store owns Weekly Der Baby in the side Races! Races!
of the me eets with streets progressive reverses JUAN FRANCO TRACK Kill coat of mod eventsmen Indians of woman Whither and Cracker jack Races. (Continued from page 1)
The race card presented by The Jockey Club card of nine bour unioa; he also is off the track.
the Panama Jockey Club to be races at Juan Franco Park on Mast we not learn to see things in run off at the Joan Franco race Sunday afternoon last was all their right places, if we want to track tomorrow is another puzzle that could be expected. good progress? Demolish the electric OFfor race fans to o spot the winnere. 29 crowd was present, fiocled generating plant at Gatun and it In the recent past there has been ing as a large number of will not only result in darkness some difficult pickings and the gentler sex over the entire Canal Zone during Gites were hard tit, but tomornight but all of its hundreds of The g race was won by Copiarow programh as em all dead po who, for the past three mets, dependents will be automatically beat when it comes to guessing have been just playing with put on the blink. including thousands of families left breadless.
the winners in the eight events the best in class imported IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF horses, On Sunday he gave no Support Our LEADING MEN AND The feature race is a six and a irss than 42 pounds to each of the hoir ORGANIZATIONS, ball furlong sprint for class cthers in a furlongs distance horses and will bring out and beat Bolt bis best challenger The fundamental plan by which Rocd ones as Bolshevik, Margot by three lengths in the fast time races and peoples progress is the Bolt, Jolly Fellow and Rolande 25 5.
undying support they give to their This is er aldered one of the respective leading men and organibest events gou ap since the Lucero won the five forlongs zations. Many more than those race for twc years olds; a purse who are leading believe that they beginting of the new racing seaso should be pregnant worth one thousday dollars was tco can lead. This is a misconcep.
attached to the race.
tion of with excitement the whole fabric of organi Another event that chould few juicy pools also turned 2ation and leadersbin.
few Suitable for Lodge Business prove very interesting is a ona tp. In the first race the heavily have the qualifications to lead io mile in which Frou Frou if we journey in played Zupi Zape came in last, the right Conde Dacilo, Risa Loca, Pereand Wormwood torne the trick want progress we must face this que, Dhole and Clia will be paying 3970 on each ticket fact: and it is of the most vital im brought together and as the to win: while in the second race portonee that we. AT THEhandicapping in this race is con and of als farlongs Baby Pegay won fullest extent our leadingt men athe sidered to bring these berses on and 87. 20. Dad also won in organizations. exelnde the irraequal terms it will take some. 1 furlong distance and re tional leaders or those who would turned 22. 60 for each placed im at the stars and forget they guessing to pick the wlorer. third event that should be are standing on the earth. There on him to win.
full of exatement is a mile as West Indians fore, suppose as which such will know flyers as race in How they ran: we say: Let reformn the status of the Mi Pollera. Argentina, Fachendo Tour furlongs purse 150. WORKMAN og meg magawanganggo kang magandang gabonarogramma maandamano and Marcela will meet In this Wormwood (Haughton) Ro the indispen Printery which newspaevent every horse is een (Hildago) Barba Raja per, tha WORKMAN, and make it considered a winner from past performance. Munrz. Time, 55 Pool maid into an establishment second to so fans please take note.
589 70 and Republic and 82 90 on the second and third convert The Chemical Hall In the native division there is Timely Warning into horses, respectively.
one of a one mile event which will provo the best Pharmacies in the the mettle of Ronown Peter Pan, Republic; tell a dozen of our barfurlangs purse 200 bers and Six tailors Ruso. Top Sergeans (Contiaued from page 1)
side streets Baby Peggy (Mun 2) Cbiqui bers Card rege and Dictador. This (Aranda) Renown (Casas. time that we are e going ment as know too well to. what race promises to be one of the to 55 5. Pool paid 30 and with our trade and if they don excesses some of our West Indian attractions locate themselves the front meet wing to 3, 80 on the winner and 20 on along people can go and really do go, great interest a anifested in the the the second horse.
when it comes to participating in native races which generalis pay panese et al we will the carnival. The disgusting sight fans Six furlongs purse 83 50. decision and ask the Government of a half naked man the bighest dividends.
a heavy In all there are eight even Tacnay Arica (Arangu z) and for their immediate deportation as Pierrot (Aranda. thay ran being a a public charge; then with france from imported horses and covering his whole Five for dend heat. Time 55 5. Poel the same spirit promote the new the crown of his head three for native bred ponies and to the soles of his feet, the indette entries in TO MORROW paid 40 and 60 on Tacna U. A grocery shop over in these should fur cent appearance of who nish all the Arica and 10 and 40 on Grachapali into one that West excitement and delight in wearing on the outside amusement that turfites and Piereot may be well proud of in Sunday, February 14th, 1926 woman undermost piece of lovers or the game generally can Four furbinga pursa 300. this the crossroads of the New garment, the World! Could we demoralising and expect Buila (Moore) 0 iental (Aran.
succeed in this disgraceful personification zuiz) Novicia (Codel. Time, program of reformation? If you in the pains of child bith, the 49 5: Pool paid 850 ard 50 answer in the negative will ask.
sham use GEORGE CHALLENOR conveyance gorst on the winner 90 on the second thou?
of bedroom If it vessels, the dirty old horse and 20 on the third.
then in the affirmative LET DO IT If we are to resgarments which, judging from their coxious smell seem to have been Fivefurlongs nurse 000 (Continued from page 1) Lucero (Arangu 2) C. Arp pect ourselves and demand the 20.(Casas) Capoul (Aranda) build up ourselves we muet suppulled from the garbage heap and 1910 11 for the West Indies against respect of others we must first which Races For Imported horses Time 1, 02 Pool paid 70 and Bht in rubbing against cleanly bowlers as Smith, yours 10 on the winner and so on port our leading men and organi and for Native bred Ponies persons, all these and other Jack Hearne, and Sailor Young zations.
opprotibus practices the second horse.
certainly of Essex at Bilgetown. In ola 1912 13 heten up 118 and Seven forlongs purse 600. WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE days, and am pleasure of amusement to decent w, Somerset second team, which they Copiapo (Gonzalez) Bolt (Moore)
no played FLOWERS by Joily Fellov (Smith. Time 25 and well thinging people still in included Smith, Razor against 3 Pool paid 250 and 10 on regret to state, they are indulged in Smith and Albert Rell. He made the winner and 10 on the Abogado. Attorney at Law for ANOTHER BIG CARD the most West part by Indians Smith and second hofse: who should know better and who 104 against Trinidad at Bridgetown Seven furlongs ourse 40. OFFICE: No. 44 sr.
fuppetrecere vou this fact that we were on the flater, ararikosen who seven Cicero (Manoz) Olla (Moore) P. BOX 36 PANAMA CITY such practices would never be in the islands from which up 180. for the first wicket. In he sending Risa. Loca (O Brien. Time 27 permitted in TELEPHONE No. 1377 Everybody will be there. Don miss it. they bailed. Therefore think the 1922 23 he scored 96 ugainst Trini 35. Pool paid 10 and on The winder and each o. the Practicing before all the courts of time has First Race Starts p. Sharp be put to such indeceney and the (100) had a first wicket partnership come when a stop should dad at Bourda, and with Tarilton second and third horses.
th Republic since April 1914 delinquents either chased off the of 174, Six and one half furlongs streets or dragged before the courts nurse 325. Did (Munoz) and there handed severe punishIN ENGLAND AND SINCE.
Funchal (Escobar) Argentino ADMISSION: ment.
Eight centuries came from his Brien. Time 22. Pool paid LEGAL NOTICE Thanking you for space, bat during the West Indies English 22. 60 and 90 on th winner Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
and 60 and 100 each on the tour in 1923, when he totalled over Yours for clean and intelligent 900 in all matches, and averageil second and third borses.
Notice of Pendency of Suit amusement, 50. few months later he played Seyen furlongs. purse 350. WELLESLEY C, DEDIER possibly the best innings of his (Escobar) Capitan UNITED STATES DISTRICT career 114 on a difficult pitch (Arandaj Meelah (Munoz. Pocl COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE To Deport Garvey Pretty, Wedaing FIRE DISTROYS. Trividad at Bridgetown.
His side total was only 200 and 500. 250 the win.
Tarilton 25 was the next highest ner and 83 10 on the second Balboa Division torse.
When, Term Ends. Continued from page 1) score, In 1924 25 he made his pretty little. wedding took force who maintained order, as well highest score 237 CIVIL No: 748 not ont place at La Boca on Thursday asresidents who worked to keep the Jamaica, at Bridgetown. Here he JOHN ALEXANDER WOOD Wasltington despatch under evening beint the contractins games from spreading to other up 185 before a wieket fell.
and bis old comrade, Tari ton, sent Pink Bud Lodge To Be Plantiff, parties being Mr. Ellis, buildings. Fortnnately, no deaths 124 the other day is his fifteenth date Jangary 26, says: His Marcus Garvey, Negro Presia popular shorthand and tyne writ resulted from the Inaugurated. RHAEL FRANCIS WOOD Defendant. dent of the African Republic, willing teacher and Miss Emelda Unauthentie reports from near century in big cricket in the course be deported back to the West In Nelson, both of La Boca. The by residents say that the fire started of under 120 innings.
Divorce The Officers and Members of the To RHAEL FRANCIS Wood: dies, the Department of Labour ceremony chlook Borshe jie het in one hit the rooms opend the third WEST INDIAN STUDENTS Bloom Lodge, No has an order for his deportation Church by Rer. floor was by some ista Independent Order of Good Februaare shortes Sohnea Alexander en believed to be in February he Immediately after the cere reports has yet been received as to United States of America and EaYou are hereby notified that on and when his term expires. which, Father MeDonald, fraternal organizations. No definite (Continued from page 1)
Samaritans and Daughters of Wood filed in the above entitled court a many, the party; left the church its exact origin and the Police are rope, it would form an ideal centre Samaria, of this city have recently petition wherein he prays for na will be sent away.
and motored to received from the Supreme Coun absoluto divoree from you on the Husband Assistant Secer a bride parents whores recer: Due to the fact that many fami and other sciences pec:aliar to tro the home of the investigating.
for the study of Tropical Medicina cil of the Order in statutory grounds of Desertion, Jamaica, the Charter granting that you are required to enter your Kingston, a you are further hereby notified tion tary of Labour and former Immigration Commissioner, said that was teld; among those lies were away from their apart. pical conditions, authority to establish here a juve appearance of in the concert Garay under onder med Church, who acted as beides mousehold contine their endise That small as the land one, and makeovet som er meer insured under that setinn ofalos maid, Mos e Holder. Marie and householdhibelongings were des Lional institutions at present exista Pink Bud Juvenile Lodge. No. 12, Canal Zone and make answer thereto, immigration law makes! Jeanette Edoxle, Maud Blanchard and arrangements are now on foot te you found to do so within the time de pointi on volvide teatral dute bude and Meners T, Williams and to be that and the che respecting couple ale mabodied this before March 20, 1926.
deportation mandatory in case managed to save but few thingsnore advatageously in unveiling of and the installation of the first set as confessed, and the petitiohert will committed within five years of the The couple is residing tem estreme test as the flames quickly University.
of officers, which function it is take judgement against you by default arrival of the immigrant, look expected will come off in their ende demand from said court the It was less than five years from porarily at No. 996, Barbados briskly fanned by ao go welcome Christian Endeavour Meeting pas:ession of the upper floor relief applied the petition Street, La Boca.
lodge room, 21st, Street, Ceatral Garvey arrival in this country SHEIBLEY afternoon Postponed Avenue, on Sunday The list of victims contains near.
that he was convicted of using the February 2stb. The social was David LEON mails to defraud and was seat to ly fifty families, and includes che organised in February of last year the Federal prison at Atlanta.
hundred children, to whom the Have you tried the and already forty juvaniles bave Feb 13, 20 and 27 Due to Carnival festivities in the Attorney Local branch of the American City tomorrow, the Panama Weanew Beer National Red Cross is rendering leyan Methodist Christian Endesdate of November 14, 1925 Repre help while other assistance is being your celebration of the 45th anniALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Rent Receipt Books In Span sentatives from other juvenile Kronen Brau given by voluntay contribution versary of the International Society lodges working in this city bave THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP ish and English for sale at the which will be turned over to the of Christian Endeavour is postbeen invited to attend.
Workman Printery Red Cross.
poned to Sunday February 28th.
verr. com not known here in the good old 109 in the two matches Barbed no are out for the King Clerk.
been en 66


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