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Price Cts. Cy.
GARVEY APPLICATION FOR PARDON COLONIAL THE 1926 Meld Premature By PRODUCE CARNIVAL Virgin Islanders Make President of United States On Tour Says West Huge Success, ProcesAnother Attempt For Liberty India Committee Cir sion Claim to be the oular)
Larges, Seen Hore Attorney General Recommended It is satisfactory to learn that in The Panama Carnival of 1926 Claim island Under American spite of initial difficulties the which began on the 13th Favorable Consideration and British Waet Indies and Brit ended on the 16th his pessd into Flag Years And No Cltizenash Guiana are represented in history se ne of the best ever.
90 Days Stay to Adjust Affairs the Exhibition which is being taken seen in the Republic. It records one ship Granted. the country under the aus of the the biguest, if not the biggest Millions of hearts in the United Staves and abro are pices of the Self Supporting Em processions, which took place on Another step in the efforts ing mide to obtain a per. Marcus pire League. It is unfortunate that the fourth day Queen Garvey, President General of the Universal Negro Im beschibutions of hiave decide dineren met twee over termike manent civil government for the vigin Islands and to provement Association, will be forced to stay a little longer dopi tre designation of British and the participacidit of the Army Naval Administration there, will bà taken on January Fest, with marked dignity secure redress for grievances suffered under the present in Atlanta Penitentiary. This is a result of the ruling of the Empire Exhibition on let color to Washignton authorities on the application for a pordon the enter pr se, since it was feit tie grand procession of the last when the Senate Com nittee on Insular Affairs of richi bound to lead Senaror willis is chairman, will give a hearing to an unoffifited by him shortly after Christmas. President Coolidge a misunderstanding. To few days ago returned the pardon papers to the Depart. cumstatice and to this cir. West Jadians took more or lessciol delegittion Sf legislators from the Virgin islands.
many of the active part in this city, while in be of New York, chairwent of Just ce with th: pronouncement Premature Wenutukoy kapresentatives having Colorare con la travers le Dance man of the Virgin Islands Congressi al Counciş Jean marked on them.
authority to on fresh West Indian Carnival Committee pomituine after the close of the So much conjecture and misstatement have charac. British Empire Exhibition aus was given a prouideat place in the Hestress of th: Colonial Council of St Thomas: Halvord Le parade Berg of St. Croix Council: Hamilton Jackson of the St.
terized the news in the press during the last two weeks attributed the fact that few Domen Croix Council, an1 Bale Jr, of New York wito re Negro World feels compelled, much as it prefers silence, torp to lenu lat the Extibition in relative to the release of the Hon Marcus Garvey that the hos ad Colice are eitheisly regro Sailor Boys Visiting City cently argued the a mell of Virgin Islands free press se. ted Nevertheless, satisfacApproximately thousand case, before the Circui: Cu at Phil delabia.
since it is an inter sted party, to recite the facts being well patrouted. It has a sailors from the United States The delegation will present a blef settieg forth the Mr. Garvey, through his counsel, George Gordon Battle ready visitel Bournemouth, and it Pices which is holding watouwers situation in which the island inhabitants find themselves, of New York, tiled his second application for a pardon oming van insuviedol monde 20 meters are hosting and urging favorable action on the bill providing fursa Exeter.
here since Wedne day. They are. shortly after Christmas. This was a climax to conferences between the Marcus Garvey Committee on Justice and Mr. Sir. Danel Morris, who was premik tie much of their shor leave permaneót civil government, which his bien vainly expectTour to five hours pnch afternoon, ed from Congress since the island; were acquired from Den. George Gordon Battle with officials of the Department of nudny. And maintaining perfect order.
mark lu 1917 Justice early in December. It was during this, time that the It is contended that though the Island have been case first came to the personal attention of the Hon. John under the American flag for nearly years, cit zenzhip has Sargent, Attorney General of the United States, who took it not been granted to the mwitints either in the islands. under advisement.
THE STORM or in the United States ani that the Danish colonial aws It may be stated here that Mr. Battle had previously been in force since 1863 are no longer suited to present needs.
informed that if Mr. Garvey wer: willing to leaye. the counOther grievances are: By Beegee in the Philudelphia Tribune try, a second application for parden (the first having been Thit the appropriations griard by Congress are made several months before. would receit consideration stoo lat my window one, summer inorn expended at th: governor discretion and that no accountWatching mad storm clou le roll at the hands of the authorities.
ing is made to the local legislature And marking the course of the lightning scorn Mr. Garvey second application for a pardon was accor. heaven dark visaged scroll Thit the executiva, brinch of the islands govern.
dirgly forwarded to Washignton, requesting that he Le The hooder crashed its nuisesome peal, or being under th: control of val officers the people The sombre hue increased magranted ninety days to adjust the affairs of the corporations are unable to secure redress of grievances through local The wind de branches dance and reel of which he is the head.
changels, Like drunkards at a feast.
that there his bel ex cutive interferênce with He made special mention of business with the Shipping Board, with whom is still lodged 25. 000 belonging to the On tieru the dark uncharted space local legislative bodies: Black Star Line, Inc.
The storm shrieked cut ils rage Tnat judg are appointed by the Naval GovernThe Attorney General recommended to the President Making a blot on liva veu fuiffce, ment without th: consent of th: pe ple.
Nor pausiog to assure the granting of a pardon with the understanding that during Thit the governor his power to dissolve legislative The storin torn earth in throbbing ipin, bodies at his dis retion.
the ninety days Mr. Garvey would be in the custody of his si ponsert, bestrewet, alaroid dismayid, attorney Mr. George Gordon Battle. 16 Yet water with a cooling rain That the benefits of appropriations for education Two weeks later the President gave his Tulling as Which wiod and cloud and air conveyed.
have not been congensurate with expenditures and that school children, especially girls, have not been properly mentioned above.
Then thru the cbaoe stole a gleam protected. PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE. Of summer sunshine, radiant light, Descending like a heavenly beain To guide the traveller their the fight.
Death of a Prominent Panama Minister to It spread a brightened as it came The GROCERY!
Until the earth was over rin and morers a lid down for the Panamanian With s unconquerable ilim; Colombia The neersity for sacrifice if we really not an tiät vertence or my u e of the King English In its fullness shone the sun.
na ve secess in contemplation; our fielt of compelitiva; the survi part. It was, however, u inteuAnd as watered this marvelous change We regret to announce the death Panama new Minister Pleni val of the fitteet; important hints Fional, co. iter, ther fore, specie Erom darkness to the light of day of Mr. Prospero Piuel, prominent potentiary and EnvoyExtraordiis clined to be more appro to strecess. In next week issue My thoughts took or a wider range busine man and politician of Pan: nary to the Republic of Columbia, shall give scme obarrvations uuder priately used when referring to And fancy rioted in play who died on hit the the above mentioned sub heads metals and the like, as having been ondered if the storm and son List after a sort illness. nit, Pelased from bler Guillermo Andreve deleted and species substituted the under the above caption.
breathed his last in the Panana Fruit Company liner Carrillo for Were heavenly symbols of my race: therelur If af er livery, we begon Hospital wns re he recenuly subjec. Puerto BOOKER WASHINGTON, And to an operation.
To find at last our rightful place.
had not long returned THE AFRICAN CARNIVAL Besides being General Managor from France where he served as After relating to him of the loss of the National Bank of tne Panama Minister. He now gors of my treasured copy of The life It did not eurprise me by to wondered if the storm of hate kind Works of Booker Wasking secing And brutal usage would pass by, Rep ıblic of Panama Mr. Pinel to the seat of the Government of my incorrigible frieod too, the Editor of the WORKMAN mame on the list of those who paid If prejudice with men create wis President of the Nation Colombia, Bogota, to take up hi ngi ee ilat was fully justified in homage to and served under Would like the thunder shriek and di Directorate of the Literal Party new duties.
asking any one who happeng to Queen May of the Afrier If fire and rope nud mob and gun and held other publi. offie s, and fiod in his o her possession a copy Carnival was alwars of the Like lightning flash be li kly spent, was once a, deputy to the National Cambridge Local, of the abovestyled volume, which opinion that that boy was best If our life blood would cuase to run on Assembly Like rain from heaven fair bo oin re. it had in some way or other strayed suited as a word worker with Our sleep eympathy goes ou to Mr. Narciss Pinel, son of th Cambridge. Local Examination moeting in connection with into bis or her safe keeping, to music to occuny hie wondered if the sun of hope kindly take, rend, ship or mail Her Royal Highness selection Would ever in its fullness side dece use and the other men ders of will bv held at St. Paul school it, with the sender addre is to carried with it her kood the family judge its fullest scope li justice in Room this afternoon. Teachers and Printery. The ment. Brothers ado and Hutch Would ever come to me and mine.
others who may binterested WORKMAN guarantees that will inson, for instance, could not have. wondered if this land of gold are invited to attend and get sil not adopt, in this euse, a volume been more appropriately positioned Would ever recognize its shame, Clarke Heads the information nealed which belongeth not to me, Her Royal Highnec, no not oop, Make penance for its crime untold, The meeting will com nence at felt cowl Corporation Aud seek forgiveness in God santne.
1, 45 pm SPecies. NOT SPECIE. ber selection of friend Moulton See is And as thought, it seemed to me few of my friends almost tlfrew Secretary of Agriculture. It That someone spoke aloud and sail President Hector Corner of the Unique Entertainment at invectives at me for including them questionable whether that bny This storm and darkness had to be Universal Negro Improvement As Geddes Hall, sociation of Colon, has appointed SPECIE. They admit that their and on the other hand the otice is Before the light of day is shed, hides may be to some extent very no sfrecure. Be that as it may, Look yonder now toward this light Clifford Clarke, second Vice PresiThe members of the Isthmi Sid stil tha: the crowd used dent of the Asercition to minage God host are huryying to your enre, tough but are not comparable to metal, etc. which is considered good ind cment in the carrying Against that band no man can fightthe affairs of its Corp via inn The League of British West ladi: BARD out of their carnival program The storm has passed the dawa is here.
selection has been approved by the will give a unique entertaimeosat neral membership on the first of Geddes Hall tonight. There will The violation of the precepts (Continued on page 8)
this month. Continued on page 87 1 SPARKLETSO was which as none is in the 11


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