
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRIARY 20, 1926, Interesting News from The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD Meeting in Woodtord Square.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD at West Indian La boulevator to the to Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
large future policy They because, For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT ere: movement the civil ATTENTION!
From The Port of Spain Gazell: The Rt. Hon. Frederick Owen Roberts, the Labcur and Trades Conference beheld in Georgetown, Deme.
in Woodford Square immediately addressed a publle meeting after landing. An address of welcome from the cltizens of Por of Spain was read to bim by the Hop. Capt. Cipriani.
After explainlog the pbysical disadventage under which be would be speaking that morning owing the to bis ill health, Mr.
hotel e assembly it was not for him at that moment to make any expression of doonite ante view with regard to certain points raised as as to Thes were questions which, necessarily, he would have to Investigate, coming from so far away to Trinidad, as much as he had tried to make himself acquainted with the conditionsof life under which the people here lived, it was impossible for bim to become acquainted with all these during the details, such as be boped to the next few days. The words be would leave with the people Loyalty, then the in Trinidad or in any other outpost of the British Empire would be so spread as to bring about a complete understanding bet workers of the rest of Iz world until they bad banded themselyes into such a bond of common fraternity would allow them to again unite bere. That was tha message be would leave with them in in Triotdad. He and they were of the.
true Labour Party which bad just completed one century of Trades Union activitv. and they were still until the workers were supreme and held and controlled the British He believed he day was coming when would again be theirs in success tbe United Kingdom, and when that day dawned believed it was going to be once more, be reflected in its resultant good beneficial effect la places like the West Indies. All they would be a burning said and done that morning would withia bis heart, which would never be effaced, They were all different in colour, but when they were met they had the same aspirations with the same leeling kindling, thogab ocean space divided them they in commont la the great faith which uaited them. He wisbed them joy in the great task which they had undertaken and all the Buccess that they themselves would desire, In conclusion he again thanked them from the boottom of his heart for all that had been said and done that morning on behalf of the British Labour Party and the cialist movement.
would continue na capitalism and BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA Launching of Nominated Members of Labour Conference. Legislature Will Remain the Same.
Visiting Delegates. Welcomod In British Gulana From enquiries made at Enthusiastic Reception. the Government office, the GLEANER learned that at the forth coming session of the INSPIRING ADDRESS Legislative Council, the Nomipated Members will be the same Georgetown. British Guiana, as the last sitting of the Council, Jan. 12. The seating accommonamely, the Hon. Davis, che Hon.
datin of the Town Hall was Morrison, the Hon taxed to its utmost yesterday Vickers, the Hon.
Wen afternoon when the British gan, the Hon. Isaacs, the Guiana Labour Union in com. the worating its seventh anniversary Reed, the Hon.
made history for itself and the Fraser (acting Island Treasurer)
Salone bo iritating a West in ind tbe Hon. Dr. Williams bour Conference to take take hese members are nominated cind them place during the present week for the life of the Council or today. At 2:30 o during the pleasure of the clock. members of the local Governor, Ucion who turned up in Enquiries were also made with numbers and wore the strikingly regard to the finances and the red uniform of that organization avenue and expenditure but it tugether with the delegates from was stated that the estimates several local Frieodly and Burial bad not yet been completed and ceties who also wore the dis therefore no figures were avail.
tinguisting, badges of their able at the present time.
respective Iustitutions, assem Certain Bills bave been drafted bled at the Labour Union Hall, and circulated to the members of kegent Street, and marched in In the Council. The most imporprccession with banners and ant at the moment is that enheaded by a band of music to the titled Bill governing the sale of City Hall, where they were met Drugs and Poisons. There is by the Overseas delegates and another to amend the Elemen.
othere. An iary Education Law of 1914 and An anniversary servic was conducted by the Rev. a tb ri to amend the Attorney Perry (Pastor of Providence Ad is zion Law.
Congregational Church) followed by an enthusiastic welcome meet ing to the delegates present, Wesleyan Synod Is Firmly esided over by the Hon.
Browne, Against Municipal Among those present in th: Lottery.
pla forn, were: th Hon. Roberts P, a former The GLEANER of the 3rd inst Minister of Pensions. del gate states that the Wesleyan Metho of the British Labour rty of dist Conrch at the Synod session England and the International just concluded passed the fol.
Trade Union Congress. Honlowing resolution against the Cipt. Cipriari and Mr. adoption and sanction by the Is Howard Bishop (delegates of the land goveroment of any state or Trinidad Working Men Assoc: Municipal Lottery :ation. Messrs.
WH Bistick and Lespran (d. legates of 3snud of the Weslevao MethoResolved. Tant this Ange al the Surinam Labour Union. dist Church in Jamaica respect Crane LL. and Phil fully expresses to the Island lids (Towa Councillors. EF Fredericks LL, esident Government its and decided ction on social, economic Amid LL. del gro Congress Conven 12. moral and religious grounds and Rate of the G Est lodian Ship to the adoptiva or sanction in the real intarests of citizenA sociation. Seoram, and ofany legalised forn of gambling The following officials of the in the community as a State or Libour Urlon (Messrs An Municipal Lottery.
drews (President) Critchlow and Ceres. Secretary and Secretary respective1. Prescott Carter, Elliot and C. What everyone is Archer (Members of tne Commi.
ttee. saying After the singing of a few hymns and a prayer and short KRONEN BRAU address by Rav. Perry istroducing the Chairman, Hon. Browne, the letter superior to all welcomed the delegates pointing imported beers out that it was a great move forward for the Usion to be able to hold such a Conference aad to have not only delegites from and.
the neighbour as clone, of after the delegates had Trinidad and Surinam, but also replied, the meeting terminat with the rendering of the Nationthe Rt. Hon. Roberts, P. Cheers had been given for the the purson o Anthem after three rousing from the British Labu Overseas delegates.
Party. He wisbed their delibera tions every success.
Hon. Capt. Cipriani was British Guiana Immigrathe next Speaker, and conveyed tion.
to the Union the greetings of the Trinidad Workingmen Associa tion, of which he was Prosident (From the West Indian Commi.
and assured them that his insti ttes, Circular. During 1924, tution would give every su oport 04? Evet Indians arrived in o the movement on foo: he British Gulana in formation of Wes! Iadi. passenger ships and 1, 012 left Federation of Labour according to the recently puboh Mr. Bishop. the other lished Raport of Mr. Stedelegate from Trinidad, was the wart Acting Immigration Agent. after wh Roberts, 157 West Icdians (includ.
in in a forceiul and inspiring ing 80 persons from speech returned thanks for the and 46 from from St. Lucia. arrived most cordial welcome wbich had at their ow) expense and been aceorded him, and paid a found work on sugar estates.
ttribute to the leaders of of the of these immigrants had movement to the also exhorted all the members He ove try te latds but were driven to seek to increase away from bome by the be number and uaite low prices obtaining for coca.
and give their leaders al Reports on their enduot and support. He specially emphasis: work were favourable, particued the necessity for the education larly as regards the 81. Lucians, of the masses, poloting out that Grenadians and Dominicaps.
it was the only means of their The Eist Indian population in reaping the full reward of their the Colony at the end of the year labour was 124, 967, a slight increase Mr. Amin moved a vote of ov the figures for 1923. O! the thanks to the delegates which above total 56, 616 were was seconded by Mr. R, Price, estafes.
fgbt Empire that the House Rent Receipt Books زان اه birin then and Assistant SPANISH ENGLISH had so much Order Books representative in Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies The Trade Agreement.
ordinary CAN BE HAD AT by the Hon.
more, Barbados The Workman At a meeting of the Enamber of Commerce considersble discussions was provoked on the question of the apparente desire of of adian public whose opinion is adverse to ratification by Canadian Gorernment of the Canada West Indies Reciprocity tlon Agreement; also on the ques of grading which should be taken ty of Trinidad estates Cocoa lir Eaglish and American markets.
The following resolution was adopted to be cabled to the West Ind an League in Montreal, Trinidad Chamber of Commere: unanimously endorses expression of Macaulay as to the necessity of acceptance of the Agreement is entirely by nada.
Cocoa preference being of vital importance (Continued on page 7)
were Brest Colony.


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