
PAGE YOUR THE WORKMAN, TURDAY, FEI FUARY 20, 1926 Konown novads CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To. morrow, Sunday Feb. 21st NOTICE THE CHEMICAL HALL CALIDONIA ROAD delegate albe sietop communicate service AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies (Anglican Coutounion)
WALMOND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes venue, Pantas, de of public interest invited.
First Sunuy in Lent PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be St. Paul Church, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Rev. Nightengsle, Rootor)
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of a. Holy Cummynion One Year 40 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publica10. 15 a. The Litasy Bix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
10. 30 a. Holy Euchs ist Three Be.
We do not undertake to return re3 Church bool, Оe 25 jected correspondence.
HAS REMOVED TO 30 Cboral Brancong, sermos The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS St. Alban Church, Paraiso SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1926.
No. 31 CANAL ZONE. Rev. NIGHIENGALE, Priest la Charge DO YOUR BEST AS MEN BEFORE 11 Matine, Litany and addres.
YOU HAVE DONE: and now replete with a Mr. Osborne stechis, 3p. Churoh Behool, 30 o.
Eventong and addres, large and varied stock of The Caleabiet The greatest despondency that can be experienced by any one, whether it be in his social, political or commercial life St, Matthias Mission is non appreciation of efforts put forward in the interest of PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, LAS BABANAS others, Public favours, of whatever kind, have been very (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, often repaid with the worse ingratitude and sometimes PERFUMERY, Priest in Charge abuse is imaginable. 30 Holy Communion In giving public service the man who starts out to be a p. Church Babool.
benefactor or philanthropist, expecting recognition from 15 pm Evensong and addres.
the people who he has in mind to be benefitted, is making Mr. Richards, Catechia a sad mistake, and will probably never live to see his highest ambition satisfied The world has been very hard to its St. Poter by the Sea, La Boca good men. In some instance not even proper. recognition have come to them tor self sacrificing service given to the Our numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, American Episcopal (Angliesa Com munion)
community for which they worked Most of our distinwhen they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore.
Pirst Sunday in Lent guished men of letters died in want and utter desperation Matin Litany and adire 11 to without any one to save them from the miseries which sur(Lay Reader rounded their lives at the last moment when friendship was Church School p. 30 pm. Choral Evensong, sermon.
of the highest importance. Columbus who gave the new The Rector.
world to Spain, died a poor beggar, with his only child in want of bread. Bolivar Wolfe, the liberator of these Monday, the 22nd int. the Sixth countries Aboud Convention of th: Mie Hooary died from the inconstancy of those for whom SOXODXS3 District of the Panarus Canal de he was using his best intellect to make men enjy will be held in St. Peter Episcopal the freedom and sweetness of liberty. Shakespear it is Chuteb, La Bocs, commencing at 30 said, died in an English garret with others trying to rob o clock with a celebration of of the Holy from him even the distinguished pleasure of being the Communion. Oo y the e ergy and willem At this writer of the mot scientific dramas ever, penned by a will deliver his annual human bard. We could continue to enumerate those who address, which should be listened to by have suffered the world ingratitude more or less, but all e in cerned. At the ele of the.
space and time do not permit. To those, who to day are the Convocation will enter upon is deing what others have done before them there is but one seesiunal daties, and all whicro to d)
so may attend the two session, on ibo consolation; we are in a world to make ourselves useful, Bishop e rdial invitation. and whatever may be done for the benefit of the masses, At 30 there wil Cbural let us e udeavour to leave behind us some indication of pro.
Frens og with two or mtro ad ir 180: gress for others to follow. Immediate reward is a remote by much of the clergy as tave ban told pleasure to deserving workers. Therefore let the task of off by the Bishop. Eve ybody is beartily service before self continue ungrudgingly, unselfishly vited to atteod. siberal ffering is and with all good intentions, according to the best dictates exp eted, which will be app ied on this expenses, of the Convocation, of our own constience. MULCARE, Rector, St. Barnabas Church, En la Steel Houses or Nore?
Morning Prayer Litany and 11 Lay Rader.
Church School pm.
Evensong and ad trese p.
It is curious what excitement is being worked up in certain quarters in Great Britain Layreader, over the question of MOLCARE Priset in Curige whether people who have no houses to live in should have steel houses built for them or go without any houses at allwhich means that they would have to go on living in one or SSKOLAS St. Bartholomew s, Church two rooms in someone else house. As things are the conLAS CASCADAS.
troversy over the steel houses continues. The whole posiLitasy, Holy Communion, Soroa 10. 16. tion is interesting. Great Britain has never recovered from Berlin Reds Shout Church Srbəol 30 the housing famine created during the years of war, when Evening Prayer and address p. m, practically no building at all took place. Ever since then Death to Ex. The Lay Reader will Officiate)
government after government has been trying to get enough MULCARE, Priest in charen houses built for the needs of the population, and though Kaiser, progress has been made success is still very far from being achieved. As a partial solution new types of houses have Why throw away your old, but no St Jude Mission, Summit, been invented, which could be turned out in parts in large WITH HIS LIFE SIZE EFdoubt interesting, books when you Cbu ch Echool pm.
quantities and put together mainly by unskilled labour.
FIGY HANGING FROM Evening Prayer and Address 30 That produced immediate trouble with the trade unions in can have them neatly bound at Lay Reader GREAT GALLOW OPJT MULCARH Priest in Cargo the building trade, for they complained of the unfair com THE WORKMAN POSITE FORMER RESIpetition created by the unskilled and lower paid labourers DENCE, St. Simon Mission, Gamboa employed to crect the steel houses instead of the ski led 93 CENTRAL AVENUE men whuse life work it was to construct houses out of Morning Prayer, Litany and address BIRTHDAY CELEBRATJON. 11 a. Lay Roader.
bricks and mortar. The answer to that is that there is so Opposite Cecilia Theatre Church Sobcol 30 great a shortage of houses that there will for years to come be work for everyone, skilled and unskilled alike. In spite of MONARCHISTIC AND MILITARY MULOARE, Priest in Charro that there have been serious disputes over the labour SOCIETIES STAY INDOORS AND Continued on page 7)
question. The Government announcement that two GLORIFY WAR LORD.
thousand steel bouses are to be erected at once in Scotland, generation nothing like the place it did in the days of this lican regimes, crimson taga no matter what the attitude of the building trade unions generation fathers and grandfathers, and the old tradition Be lin, January 27. With the were waved on high, underfed may be, has been strongly supported by some of the most which laid it down that every really notable speech in ex Kaiser hanging in life ze working tir faipted by prominent Labour members of Parliamen: for that region, Parliament should be rounded off with a well chosen effigy, from a great gallows oppo the dozen, and pleasant tima site site of was by all.
who contend that the vital thing is for people to get houses quotation from Vergil or Cicero or Horace has long since perial residence, 60. 000 Commu of some sort, and that if steel houses can be given them disappeared. Yet now we find our business Prime Minister Dists, a considerable proportion and military societies, which baa Meanwhile, the monarchistle sooner than any others, steel houses they must have. The speaking to professors almost as a professor, and certainly lot wbom wore the military proclaimed their intention of result would be a large increase in a type of house hitherto speaking to lovers of Greek and Latin literature as one of uniform aud marched in battalion giving battle to the Reds, kept entirely new to this country.
the most devoted lovers of that literature himself. Nothing formation, celebrated lhelm. Indoors, toasting and other wise more impressed the readers of the Premier speech than cam expropriation evening by glorifylog their supreme war för death as well as lord inside scores of beer ball: his mention of the fact that early in his early political the to throughout the city Prime Minister as Scholar career after a hard day electioneering activity be would Germany of tho depused ruler Occasional small contingent every night before he went to sleep lift his mind to other property.
of Ladendortt henchmen parait planes by spending half an hour over the works of one or dieciples of Lunio ed abroad, but the police pasily Great Britain has just made the discovery that its other of the Latin poets. It is fair to add that among Mr. warmed to the square outside of kept them away from their hand to a Prime Minister, all unknown to it, is a classical scholar, Mr. Baldwin recent predecessors, as Prime Minister there have the palace from sil sections of Antagonists, and up Stanley Baldwin, before he entered active politics, was one been several who could lay claim to equal or greater cordons and the well disciplined ported anywbore in Berlin, the city, but strong police hour tonight, no clash was of the greatest business men of the country and no one scholarship. Notable among them are Lord Balfour and order maintained by their own CELEBRATIONS AT DOORN thought of him as anything but a business man. Now he Lord Oxford, better known by his original name of Mr. red distorbasurds prevented any Doorn, Holland, Januaty 17. has been elected President of the Classical Association of Asquith. But in these cases there was late disclosure of Great Britain, and in that capacity has just delivered an scholarship. Everyone knew what manner of man Mr.
The former German Emperor, Bands plased revolationary address which reveals an entirely new side of his person Balfour (as he then was) and Mr. Asquith were. With Mr. delivered evenomed speeches day celebrated his sixty seventh Communists Deputies now Wilhem Hohensollerd, to ality. The study of Greek and Latin holus in the present Baldwin the discovery is only just being made. against both roylalist and repub (Continued on pgae 8)
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